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2:00 PM
Duck that
ducking rekt
I've been getting localized ad results
I much MUCH prefer target ads to completely random bullshit
You know when you go to Google Maps and it shows you some locations for orientation?
You ever notice that all of those are places you've been to?
Google Maps did ask me to review a place..
2:01 PM
true that. I prefer targeted ads too
I get frequently multimedia based ads. I like it
and google is pretty good with your ad settings if you tell it a certain ad is irrelevant to you
and you can also go into your account ad settings to set prefered topics and topics you wanna block ads from
true that. They have your data anyways. So I let them use it, but in controlled way.
I'm just happy my ads are tools and software related, and not mobile games and new car related
I always get that ad of Wix with Rhett and Link while watching Youtube.. I need to block that..
I actually click on ads occasionally because the product is something I'd use
2:03 PM
Like I've watched the 5 seconds of it. 500 times :|
that ad reminds me to watch GMM
so I don't mind it that much
@rlemon jesus christ
@SterlingArcher pls make it your Tinder profile pic
> You have negative 481 matches
That's what will happen
you're doing it wrong
!!giphy challenge accepted
WTF rightgif
there's 10000 gifs of him saying it, and you take a tie adjustment
Some guy just randomly commented on all my commits in an open source project :|
omg @SterlingArcher reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery great subreddit
@cswl what is the name?
2:07 PM
@rlemon been subbed for months there
i.redd.it/o4tw1fvl9kl01.gif this is messing with my brain
you just need to close the door with a less force to avoid that
@rlemon fuck
did you have seen that girl whose hair was whirlspinning due of heavy wind ?
2:10 PM
it is one of the gifs there
And now he forked my repo.. what does he want :|
cc @KendallFrey
How can I wait for the result of the trylogin function in this promise: gist.github.com/anonymous/5384d0e59585c231dca8440f297cecea
2:15 PM
Patiently or impatiently
@riki Your function returns a number, not a promise.
See the guide linked by @BenFortune
why is flow so slow
I'd say use async await.. but you need to understand promises before that.. so :|
I'm a beginner with javascript, how do I wait for the termination of the function?
@corvid because my slow flow's remarkable, peace to Matteo. now we smoke weed like Tony Montana sniff the yayo
2:18 PM
Inferring and checking types is slow when you consider dynamicism of the ECMAScript language..
@corvid Why are you using flow?
@rlemon I just learned of a feature in newer marlin firmwares (like the one I use) that I want to try. LIN_ADVANCE. It replaces retraction, coasting and wipe with the printer managing hotend pressure.
@Luggage having retraction problems?
@MadaraUchiha Company thinks TypeScript is too difficult :|
@corvid Eh?
2:21 PM
companies shouldnt think
All of TypeScript's features are optional
don't flow-shame, it's a natural bodily process
Not problems, but small imperfections, like extra plastic at the end of lines and I can't turn up retraction any more
@MadaraUchiha So I'm already using it with all options disabled?
@MadaraUchiha I told them yeah. I also think their types are just better. I use a lot of react-virtualized and it's typescript typings make the whole thing 100x easier
2:22 PM
What's an "intersectional feminist"?
@corvid TypeScript has a much richer typesystem
@Luggage hrm, I need to spend some time this weekend I think and tune my printer again
last few prints have been pretty bad
@MadaraUchiha what
the fang shit the bed completely (reprint)
2:22 PM
I can't turn up coast, or short lines won't extrude anythign at all, so I just deal with it
but LIN_ADVANCE does all that for you. you turn your retraction, cost, etc all to 0 and let the printer do it
or so the legend goes
@SterlingArcher you know those guys who wash your window in the intersection? well intersectional feminists stand on the same corner and yell at you.
since I just reinstalled inwdows I had to get all my arduino and other junk installed last night or I would have tried it already
@KendallFrey so it's the idea that two or more types of oppression can exist on a woman due to added racism?
@Luggage lemmy know how it goes.
@rlemon lol
2:24 PM
@KendallFrey 🤦
ohh, I will.
@rlemon just like the black jews!
clam down JDoe
We had 1 black guy in my hebrew school class growing up
He had an afro
Quite the unicorn
2:25 PM
they come out downtown every summer in their priest vests and stand on the street
learn SJW so you can fight them properly :)
The victimization is overflowing
it's some particular sect of nutters who claim to be a lost tribe or something
> attempts to identify how interlocking systems of power impact those who are most marginalized in society.
aaaannnnddddd swipe left
Some people seriously overthink this whole "be nice to everyone" thing
@SterlingArcher see, that first sentence is like wtf, followed by what I would consider an obvious fact
> the various aspects of humanity, such as class, race, sexual orientation, disability and gender, do not exist separately from each other but are complexly interwoven.
@KendallFrey I'm not nice to anybody
how do you take that and turn it into a power pyramid scheme?
@KendallFrey fuck that, I'll be nice to people who I like, I'll be indifferent to people I don't know, and I'll be a bastard to people who I dislike.
2:27 PM
@ssube so I'm marginalized because I'm a jewish-hispanic, technically?
no you're marginalized because you don't fit in the page, lose some weight
@SterlingArcher I'm not even marginalized. People don't care about the natives because they all think we're dead.
@ssube shut your whore mouth
@SterlingArcher that's intersectionality. you add your jewish oppression points to your hispanic oppression points and see how much you get to scream at white males.
2:28 PM
@KendallFrey I bet the result is "Nobody cares, you have too much free time on your hand if you can check all these boxes"
no, it's buzzfeed, they care about everything
except reporting
How the hell is "have you ever been raped?" a privilege
@SterlingArcher wat wat waaat
It's not a privilege to not be raped it's pretty fucking common
for you
2:30 PM
Don't get me wrong it's terrible but jesus
@SterlingArcher For you maybe
it could be more common
Maybe they mean CoD rape
You know what's terrible? Attaching any value to "How Privileged Are You?" checklists.
@SterlingArcher i think you're readin it backwards lol
2:30 PM
buzzfeed doesn't even make me angry. just sad.
it's hard to get angry at them, they try so hard to do something
I mean, people getting angry at it drives traffic. So, is what they do scummy? Sure. But it seems to be keeping the doors open.
> we hired better journalists so now we're real news.
> Privilege Test!
yeah, luckily that only works for a while
all tabloids get sued out of business eventually
> You live with 63 out of 100 points of privilege.
2:32 PM
I'm "quite privileged"
ok nice
@KendallFrey i have to check too many boxes ... still halfway
> you live with
@SterlingArcher haha i beat you
buzzfeed is judging you bro
@KendallFrey what are you, a cop?
2:33 PM
Yeah but that's only because I didn't have cable and I've done drugs
i didn't have cable either
you beat me last time we did a privilege test
Hey there
@UmutGür Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I like how one of them was "I have never been called a 'fag'" like my brother never called me that every day of my life
Or you know, anybody in high school anywhere
that doesn't count
2:34 PM
I want to upload an audio record to FireBase in Ionic with angular 4
How can do that?
hey they didn't stipulate it had to pertain to being gay
it's a privilege test, it was implied
they certainly didn't mean harley riders
There should be a box for being called fag ironically
that should be an extra point
irony is for hipsters and they're the most privileged (and most complainy about it)
2:35 PM
!!nudge 420 be aware
I worked retail. I've been called fag unironically.
@SterlingArcher Every time I get called a fag it's because I'm a bundle of sticks
@SterlingArcher Nudge #2 registered.
thank you dear
be woke
2:36 PM
I've called a fag a multiple amount of times on 4ch :B
"I have never been the only person of my race in a room." <- no-one can check that one
Everyone has been alone some time.
I don't think being alone counts
Why not?
because of the point you just made
2:37 PM
otherwise you could sit by yourself, call yourself a fag, and ruin the whole metric
Open to interpretation
any interpretation that places EVERYONE in the category is useless
self-inflicted doesn't count
uhm, self-inflicted pain is a result of my internal struggle, please don't be a bigot and discredit me
take your privilege somewhere else
take your angst somewhere else
2:38 PM
@Cerbrus interpretation is a privilege.
Your score just went up
and your swoopy hair
@Luggage Or put more simply: connotation is inversely proportional to denotation
@rlemon well that compensated for me not checking that thing
> more simply
2:39 PM
@KendallFrey 10/10
I think we should all agree that BuzzFeed is dumb
I think we do
who is buzzfeez
We had a pretty spicy debate before about the veracity of BuzzFeed
sounds like a clickbait youtuber
2:40 PM
Ima make a spinoff based on s/z/t/g
I 95% agree. They actually do some reporting, but their business model of click bait instead of having an old dying paper to live off of destroys their credibility
@Neoares You have no idea how close to the truth you are.
> click bate
this is a potential product
lol, fixed
lures clicks from klicks around?
2:41 PM
@hilli_micha really? :o
@ssube no you're thinking bait
guys, an easy way to find my raspberry inner IP address?
scan for it?
or use the DNS name
nice, how
2:43 PM
it's raspi.your.domain, iirc?
'inner' IP?
nmap will see it, if you don't have dns
inner address
what's the correct technical name
as far as the pi is concerned, that is it's ONLY IP address
2:44 PM
@Neoares local ip
@Neoares local
yeah but not the public one
you could call it a private address
@OliverSalzburg thanks
@ssube k
2:44 PM
I don't think there's a formal name
how do pi's add themselves as a name? bonjour?
local and private both describe how the address can be hit
@Luggage yes
what is bonjour? some proprietary local dns proxy that adds local names to the lookup?
@Luggage Apple DNS BS
2:45 PM
Which word describes.. both "in" and "out" :/
In computer networking, the multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) resolves host names to IP addresses within small networks that do not include a local name server. It is a zero-configuration service, using essentially the same programming interfaces, packet formats and operating semantics as the unicast Domain Name System (DNS). Although Stuart Cheshire designed mDNS to be stand-alone capable, it can work in concert with unicast DNS servers. The mDNS protocol is published as RFC 6762, uses IP multicast User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets, and is implemented by the Apple Bonjour and open source...
it's just multicast
ahh, cool.
suddenly I like bonjour knowing it's an implementation of a standard and not some special apple service
2:47 PM
@Vap0r They always had PoE support
With a hat, nothing has changed
> Power-over-Ethernet support (with separate PoE HAT)
Just marketing bullshit
not needing a hat is nice
1. use a hat for something else, 2. nothing more to buy
It still needs a hat
nevermind. I misread.
I do need a hat
@Luggage How would you know, baldo? :P
2:48 PM
> We will shortly launch a PoE HAT which can generate the 5V necessary to power the Raspberry Pi from the 48V PoE supply.
@BenFortune oh true. Well the marketing bullshit worked
I don't get why they even mentioned it lol, unless they're going to make an official one
@KendallFrey that's tje thing. I DO need a hat and don't like hats
it's not even coming out with the new board
PoE is the one thing I would upgrade for
2:49 PM
if it had PoE right in the pi (like I originally thought) that would be nice.
@ssube great, so I can power a pi. but not any paraphernalia
I have so much bullshit trying to get my pis powered when I have a bunch of crap connected to them
and 48V PoE is plenty
They haven't done much tbh, Wireless AC, 200mhz bump and a bit of extra cooling
PoE w/ network boot is perfect
PoE bed heater
2:50 PM
ethernet still runs off USB so it probably won't even reach full speed
@Luggage i was reading that "bonjour" as a hi, like a frenchie would say when he enters the room
@ssube at how many amps?
@BenFortune they mention that speed tripled for that port
new gbit + usb controller
@rlemon 250-500mA, iirc
Hmm, not bad
> With PoE+ (802.3at), the maximum output power jumps to 25.5 Watts (48 Volts DC at 0.52 Amps) sustained power and 30 Watts (48Volts DC at 0.63 Amps) peak power.
@ssube great, so you can't really run much.
2:51 PM
I like the usb booting without the shitty hack you have to do
the bare board.
25-30 watts is decent
!!> 5 * 2.5 /* normal pi power supply wattage */
@Luggage 12.5
@SterlingArcher cough Stephen cough Hawking cough
2:54 PM
@Vap0r I was on mobile, I know that :P
nice save.
let steven alone
The average IQ of the planet just went down slightly
While the average athletic ability went up
2:55 PM
but there's also a lot of dumb people dying everyday
@Luggage sadly, that's not how IQ works - the average is 100, by definition
the average iq of the planet goes down every day shorty after 4pm
it's not about how IQ works
it's about doing a simple average
@KendallFrey oh my god
The average pinned right before the event. like how we talk about money in 'today's dollar's
You all know what I mean :)
2:56 PM
@KendallFrey Fact: The average person has less than two arms on average.
@MadaraUchiha and only one testicle.
They also have one testicle and one ovary
being an average person would be nightmarish
@rlemon I'm going to go with less than one
@KendallFrey ehhhh I don't think the testicle and ovary thing is true
2:57 PM
There are males who were neutered or have other physiological problems
And what about 5 testicled people?
@MadaraUchiha I'm not. there are more men than women
Yeah I think the average is just over a testicle
@rlemon yes but quite a few of those men may have no testicles
@rlemon that's backwards, it's like 49.5 to 50.5
2:58 PM
@Vap0r over 66 million of them?
that's a hard sell.
So Hitler was surprisingly average, lol
@ssube google says (in 2015) 66 million more men
> Due to higher female fetal mortality, the sex ratio at birth worldwide is commonly thought to be 107 boys to 100 girls, although this value is subject to debate in the scientific community. The sex ratio for the entire world population is 101 males to 100 females.
oh interesting
the women last longer though
it varies over your lifetime, essentially
woman have an early and late advantage

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