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Is there a room to discuss career questions and stuff?
this one :P
You can try this one
ok so I've been reading extensively now
This is something that I'd trust @Zirak to solve in a glimpse
he knows the wole ECMA by heart :P
Apparently, if you put the function inside (), it is evaluated
The return value is passed to toString()
Of course, that explains even less and confuses even more
@OliverSalzburg wait I'm starting to actually read this exactly (I think)
@KamilSolecki: FYI, it works on Chrome just fine.
Passing it explicitly to console.log changes the behavior
I dunno. Maybe runkit is just fucked
(function foo(){}).toString(); // doesnt work

function boo(){};
boo.toString(); // works
same in node
both approaches work for me in node :/
Works for me in Node as well
whats an easy way to make a scrollbar transparent?
CSS probably
I didn't specify
Which runs node
wait no
just browser what am I talking about
what's your favorite method of notifying yourself from a web server? Email? SMS? A loud noise that you hear from your house?
trigger an explosion nearby?
oh man, that'd be lovely
@towc Ravens
ah, clever
the real trick is getting them not to shit on your car
@towc Email
hello Guys
Joking aside, e-mail
though maybe sms would work better personally
if it's to me, sms, otherwise e-mail
@KamilSolecki Eh?
What do you mean "doesn't work"?
SMS is so unreliable, that is nothing you want to build anything relevant on
I've never had problems with sms
Email is robust af and yet flexible in regards to routing/filtering. Use email
@Neil That's great. I've had hundreds of problems with SMS. Now who's right? :P
I have a table contain about 400,000 records , what is the best way to display it on table using AngularJS

I used dirPagination.Js like
dir-paginate="item in items | itemsPerPage: 10 | orderby : x : reverse"

it tooks too long time when sorting

how can i improve the performance
I had a boss that complained that one of the e-mails that he sent a customer wasn't received. He got beet red when he found out that e-mails aren't not a guaranteed mode of transportation of information
@OliverSalzburg Well clearly me.
@Neil I get similar reactions when I tell people that the same goes for SMS
ideally actually I'd get a messenger notification
Let's agree on dozens of problems with SMS on average.
And they always tell me "Well, I have never not gotten an SMS!"
so it doesn't clog up my emails, nor does it cost money
I like both the Telegram API and the Slack webhook API, haven't tried Messenger yet.
We provide our SMS functionality on top of 3 different providers which all have a horrible track record of losing messages and then not responding to service requests within 48h
And these are the ones we've vetted
But given how most people have Facebook, a message on Messenger could be nice
sounds like a good reason to switch to e-mail then
And people from this room even use some of them and have "never had any problems" with them
@OliverSalzburg o/ that's me
SMS is horrible. Email is sexy
Especially HTML email
you'll always get that one guy who uses an e-mail client that doesn't support html e-mails and complains about all the "gibberish"
Q: Overriding Function Type prototypes

Kamil SoleckiI have come across an interesting behavior when playing around and trying to override Function prototype. Let's assume we have overriden toString() like this: const funcToString = Function.prototype.toString; Function.prototype.toString = function() { console.log("lol"); return funcTo...

If it's just a notification, I don't bother with html
I posted a question @OliverSalzburg @AbhishekJain
@Neil The secret is not giving a fuck about those.
oh madara is here maybe you know
Oh? The client uses the equivalent of IE5.5? Shame.
@Neil We call these people customers
@MadaraUchiha if you could take a look
I have a table contain about 400,000 records , what is the best way to display it on table using AngularJS

I used dirPagination.Js like
dir-paginate="item in items | itemsPerPage: 10 | orderby : x : reverse"

it tooks too long time when sorting

how can i improve the performance
@KamilSolecki I have a feeling hoisting screws you over
@MadaraUchiha I'm thinking that actually, if someone wanted to reach me for an emergency, for free, they'd have no way to do it
closest would be calling me/sms
@Bassem Process the data server-side or segment it in your controller
@KamilSolecki this is window for the first one when you try to call both
but even then, I tend to ignore them
If you remove either one, they both work.\
and my phone acts weird
brb, grabbing coffee
i need an example , can you give me a link to see
i can't find suitable solution
thtis is also interesting:
@MadaraUchiha almost. It may print, but still throws a TypeError
!!> (function a(){}) === a
@towc "ReferenceError: a is not defined"
@KamilSolecki I think that until the current expression/statement is finished, the function doesn't get turned into a proper object
hence it doesn't follow the right prototype chain
@KamilSolecki No it doesn't.
it does for me :O
oh wait wut
!!> const funcToString = Function.prototype.toString; Function.prototype.toString = function() { console.log("lol"); return funcToString.call(this); } (function foo(){}).toString();
@MadaraUchiha TypeError: cyclic object value
@MadaraUchiha "TypeError: Function.prototype.toString called on incompatible object" Logged: "lol"
how did I not know about this before:
@KamilSolecki: is there a way to get notified whenever there is any activity on that SO question?
!!> const a = function b(){}; console.log(b); // b is not defined
@towc "ReferenceError: b is not defined"
@AbhishekJain star it
I thought it would be
What Im gonna do is go get a coffee, take my phone and run through some reading
How do you reset the Node REPL?
@OliverSalzburg exit and come back
So you don't get "already defined"
@towc Aws :(
I usually wrap my statements in { statement } so let/const don't get in the way
and if I want to check something else, I press up to go back there and change stuff
I believe this is an issue specific to REPL to REPL-like environments
another dirty trick is to just not use let/const
> const a = function a(){};
> const b = (function b(){});
> function a(){}
> (function b(){})
[Function: b]
might actually be interesting to have a this.resetScope() that just resets the current scope
if in a class, it will call the constructor again
if in a function, it will only remember the parameters
would actually need some rewriting and might slow js down considerably
but at least for repls/consoles :P
If you wrap (function foo(){}).toString(); in another function, it works
Function.prototype.toString.call(function foo(){}); works
Probably related to hoisting
Strict mode doesn't affect it
Quite the conundrum.
!!> const funcToString = Function.prototype.toString; Function.prototype.toString = function() { console.log("lol"); return funcToString.call(this); }; function exec(){ (function foo(){}).toString(); }; exec()
@OliverSalzburg "SyntaxError: unexpected token: keyword 'function'"
@KamilSolecki I bet you'd be able to make some decent rep gainst by posting this as a question, then posting to Reddit
@OliverSalzburg "undefined" Logged: "lol"
@OliverSalzburg Becuase this will be exec
But I don't know why.
I'm waiting for the answer on @KamilSolecki's question :P
And I demand a cut off the rep
Same behavior with objects instead of functions.
this becomes window
I wonder how hard I can make postgres croak, on a default installation with ~800m rows
Function.prototype.toString = function() { console.log("lol", funcToString(this)); return funcToString.call(this); }

TypeError: Function.prototype.toString requires that 'this' be a Function
So I just went with this and thought, okay, let's try typeof this instead then
Gives me function
@OliverSalzburg this becomes window for me.
Yeah, same here
But when I wrap the .toString() invokation in another function, this is that function as you said
So I thought, let's call funcToString.call(this)
@MadaraUchiha just to make sure, in your browser there was no type errors?
@KamilSolecki There are
I just added a log for this.
@MadaraUchiha also good idea lets get reddit on this :P
When called outside of a function, this becomes window, inside of a function, it's correct.
Calling console.log((function foo(){}).toString()) also works for me
But if you let the REPL log it, it fails
Does it become clearer if you use () => {} as a subject instead?
@KamilSolecki Works in REPL for me.
When you add window.x = 5 above both the calls, it works.
Thanks, I'll update the question
Seems very buggy behavior to me.
This really acts weird as hell.
I'm feeling like eating lunch, and it's 10:37am
and sleeping
but I'm also very into this project
and I want to go out in the snow, for a hike, with a dog
Take some drugs and play video games instead
sounds good
Invest in Bitcoin
Dunno if you looked at the comments in the question, but this does not follow the override and prints the function as if it was a normal f.tostring :
console.log((function foo(){}).toString())
did they just send a tesla to the space?
@Neoares Yes. The space
Wtf why didn't you watch the stream
Because it's good for the environment to put cars into orbit duh
@KamilSolecki because it's 4 fucking hours long?
@Neoares the "official" (wikipedia) top speed for the roadster is now 11km/s
@Neoares The launch is ~10 minutes
As one would expect from a launch
I don't want to see the launch
I want to know why the fuck xD
well, launch is good also
damnit, they changed it back
@Neoares marketing
people are talking about it now
that makes sense
you're part of the problem
@Neoares Well you can't, because you're poor and they don't make enough
I bet when the payload comes back, elon will jump out of the spacesuit and say "heya"
I can
I have billions and billions
or it's actually a paralyzed old person in there, who paid millions for the experience
knowing that they might die
love the "DON'T PANIC" text in the display
@Neoares Then you should marry it
Keep calm and carry on
and stop marrying things
@OliverSalzburg Jokes on you, you can take Monitor for your 3rd name during confirmation in here
I'm not a thing
const {promisify} = require('util');
const {readdir, readFile} = require('fs');

const [readdirAsync, readFileAsync] = [promisify(readdir), promisify(readFile)];
Is there a cleaner way to do this?
Using bluebird and .promisifyAll
[readdir, readFile].map(promisify)?
in docker, if I map a directory using the -v parameter, lets say -v /etc/nginx/ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl and the dontainer's ssl folder doesn't exist, will it be created?
I have this other laptop I took out because this one is being slow. The battery used to work fine, but it's been collecting dust for months, and now the battery looks dead. If I plug the charger in, it boots and works well. One of the issues it had was that the wifi was hardblocked until you unplugged and replugged the charger. But if I unplug the charger, the laptop now runs out of power faster than I can put the charger back in. What do?
@towc Throw it in the trash
I bet if I install ubuntu on it instead of debian, it will work out of the box
but urgh
@towc just install arch on it
You want to put the laptop in the trash, not the trash in the laptop
@Neoares iirc, yes
(I am (learning (scheme)))
@RaisingAgent did you mean (learning (I am) (scheme))?
@FlorianMargaine (((More (like) '() (thi '()(s))))
'() is really just nil
I have no idea :)
Just find the bracketeering funny
yesterday, by Florian Margaine
user image
ye, saw that :D
@MadaraUchiha @OliverSalzburg we got our answer :P
@KamilSolecki Please link again
wow, the landing of both falcon first stages is the definition of spacenerd-porn
@RaisingAgent Why are you speaking like Yoda?
Q: Overriding Function Type prototypes

Kamil SoleckiI have come across an interesting behavior when playing around and trying to override Function prototype. Let's assume we have overriden toString() like this: const funcToString = Function.prototype.toString; Function.prototype.toString = function() { console.log("lol"); return funcTo...

See bois that's why you need a linter
I only have one set up for TS though.
@FlorianMargaine stop repeating
you repeat more than garlic
@OliverSalzburg at least now I'll have a good source to link to everybody that claims you don't need semicolons :P
@KamilSolecki Hah! Yes
@Neil I think I know what you mean but I will come back in 5 lessons and actually know why this is funny xD
And then laugh accordingly^
yup, ubuntu wifi works out of the box
and battery is charging ok? I didn't know OSs had a say in how power is directed to the battery
@towc They have a say in reading the current level and fucking that up
it is normal than when I shell into a docker container I don't see the colors of folders etc?
I specified the output of echo $SHELL in my local machine
which is /bin/bash
@OliverSalzburg well, when unplugging the laptop would just turn off immediately. I'm not sure the OS said "oh hey, I detect no power, let's try to turn off safely"
and by shut off I mean I heard a click and everything turned black
@towc I know
I know many different ways in which a computing device can misbehave in reaction to faulty battery readings
We have invested considerably into this subject while researching hardware for our digital signage devices
We had devices shut off completely while they were on AC power. Which started the whole investigation
uhm interesting
@KamilSolecki so anticlimactic.
Ya'll need ESLint.
@RaisingAgent (I don't know the language myself)
I think the meaning you gathered from that was the right one :P
I get the brackets thing, makes sense
@MadaraUchiha all the lint I need is you
I have a problem you might be able to help with. Current laptop (not the one that shuts off. This one is a dell vostro) is plugged in, but battery level won't go up, and charging lights are off. Sometimes the charging lights go back on and battery level does go up. I don't know what triggers it
change battery
this started yesterday, after I rebooted my laptop. It used to have different problems
@Neoares the laptop (and battery) is like 4 months old
then RMA it
@MadaraUchiha I have TS-lint though!
@towc return it
@towc Return to manufacturer
I tried to open the case a few times, but might be worth trying
right now I really hate working with any other laptop that I have. I'll need to ask for a replacement
@towc if you mess inside of it, then you may not be able to RMA it
I'll send them an email
@Neoares hence me saying it
hence, hence
isn't that how french ppl laugh?
@towc We've been through these scenarios ourselves as well. You can reset battery behavior by running a full recharge cycle
Sometimes the battery will think it's charged when it is not, or the other way around
@OliverSalzburg well, I can't get it to recharge
how did you do it?
Discharge then recharge
But the thing could just as well be broken
@MadaraUchiha Yeah I was really hoping I discovered some kind of insane behavior. But I guess not today, I'll have to dig more!
@KamilSolecki They paying you to find bugs in ecmascript?
@Neil in respect points
@KamilSolecki We work for glory :)
@ssube TIL qemu's QMP, it's quite awesome.
wow, I normally truly welcome all answers. But just now a question I had was answered in the worst way possible: stackoverflow.com/questions/48651724/… - My mvce "I use native queries, but I wish to make it db language agnostic". The answerer: "you can try (native) query" - And the recommend syntax for an older version that is no longer present in the version I use (I explicitly declared version)
Woah, a user with 1 rep posting a shitty answer
That's gotta be a first
@paul23 findOne, sort
find . -type f -exec cat {} + | tr ":" "," | mongoimport --type csv --host localhost --db main --collection emails --fields "email" --numInsertionWorkers 16
Surely there must be an easier way to do this
which shell?
not sure what your folder looks like, but cat * is probably enough for the first part, no?
It also breaks on unquoted rows which is annoying
@FlorianMargaine Just a folder of .txts
then yeah, cat *.txt
That works better haha
if you want to handle quotes, you just need to get a real csv parser, i.e. not bash.
@FlorianMargaine That's different from find -type f though
@OliverSalzburg hence my question.
Off topic, but do you really want to talk all technical stuff all day along?
I mean, doesn't -type f make sure it's a file and *.txt doesn't care?
@OliverSalzburg it's also recursive.
Jeeze, even worse! :D
dwm is amazing
@FlorianMargaine Know of any quick command line ones?
@BenFortune I don't
I could just pipe through to it instead of tr
@Plain_Dude_Sleeping_Alone we mostly talk crap in here though
Just wait few more hours
@BenFortune Use Node
Node is slow for io
Looking for a rust/c parser
@Daemonk At a few million entries sorting kind of becomes expensive, while getting the max is just linear scaling with entry count.
why sudo ufw allow 443 doesn't open 443 port
... I just realized @Neoares only has 1 "n"
when I do netstat -ntlp it doesn't appear
@Cerbrus you're not the only one
@BenFortune | python -c 'import csv; f = open('/dev/stdin', 'rb'); g = open('/dev/stdout', 'wb'); for line in f: fields = line.split(":"); writer = csv.writer(g); ... ok, I give up trying to write this without newlines
do you need to execute some command after opening a port?
like, "save" or something
@Neoares The first command allows the connection in the firewall
The second command lists listening ports
That is not the same thing
@OliverSalzburg really? xP
I just want to add 443 to my docker container
but I guess I need to open it first in my local machine
before adding -p 443:443 in the docker run command
@OliverSalzburg ^ they're not the same?? xD
oh wait, open == listen
and allow == something_different
cat * | csvfilter -d ":" | mongoimport ...
Eh, good enough
the port was open, when the app started listening on the port 443 it appeared on the list
@MadaraUchiha someone is on downvote-spree stackoverflow.com/questions/48663018/…

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