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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@Zirak Big game is coming up
cc @SaitamaSama
oh lucky that I read this chat before I actually went ahead and updated XD
npm that is
@paul23 You should have read more. It's fine.
I love generics :DDD
@KendallFrey Got my daily quota of bashing and ranting already halfway
The inset of the left block appears to be purplish-red whereas that of the right one appears to be orange, though they are the same color.
what if I told you that the outer parts are actually the same color too?
Looking for feedback on a small web app
Any feedback would help... thanks
it is sleeping time
dont wake everyone
Fock you wake up me
I.. I... it wasn't me
^^^ Neat optical trick. When you close one eye they are the same color in the center
I've watched this GIF at least 100 times now, cry-laughing the entire time. https://t.co/Hih7VJe28T
1 hour later…
Hey room is there an advice on how to write a good public api for a library?
just depends on the complexity of the project
1 hour later…
@MadaraUchiha couldn't make it in time, but made it in time for the dallas match
they made some dope last minute push in the 4th match
@William the live tile notifications will update without the apps open
@HatterisMad but are they all dismissed when you open the application or as you read each individual message?
iphone = each individual message
android = baam all dismissed(except samsung in a handful of applications)
definitely individual
if i want to get rid of the notification that my mother text messaged me, i have to go and open her text specifically before i can get rid of that pesky notification
I freaking hate android. I'm going to buy a windows phone just to see what would have been. I like that interface.
I prefer the iPhone/Windows Phone way
ironic, i got my iphone yesterday
se, 6, 7, 8 or X
just for the headphone jake I reccon?
didn't even notice it had one
just got it because it was the closest size to my windows phone
windows phone RIP
android FTW
@SaitamaSama android notification system sucks
not to mention many other things
@William probably... I never had any difficulties with my light-medium usage
@SaitamaSama exactly. Google designed it for grandma and 5 year olds
I get 20 emails a day and gmail gives me this stupid notification system
I am running oreo hoping they fixed it nope....
huh? Gmail's / Inbox's notifications are pretty neat tho
@SaitamaSama I either have a setting screwed up on mine or it really is terrible. I am running Oreo on my Nexus
if you get let say 2 emails and open the gmail app it clears all notifications for the application. Like wtf why?
android is great for a "free" OS but fur something I am paying for it is terrible
because it probably assumes that if you've opened the app, you've implied that you are done with the notification action?
@SaitamaSama for both emails. That doesn't make any sense....
either way the notification dots are != to the iPhone number icons
notification dots imo, is just a sugar topping to make oreo marketable
Alcohol and salami sAndwiches
but other than these notification things, the android eco-system is pretty healthy, and is pretty secure imo
@SaitamaSama 1) there is no way to scroll to the top of a long page(tap the title bar on an iPhone) 2) every new version of Android seems to break old apps not joking(I have hired developers and experienced this) 3) the web browsers suck more then they used to
other than (1), the other two seem to be justifiable
yeah the other is just my pet peeve I guess
introduces newer cleaner api => removes old, and so far as I've experienced the api revisions look a lot cleaner every version iteration
and as for the third point........ chrome / firefox focus? they seem to do the job just fine
if you're into some lightweight browsers play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mark.via.gp&hl=en is pretty good
@hilli_micha checkmate.
they freeze like crazy on my device. Everytime I type more then a sentence or 2 the text just freezes and freezes in the browser. I should make a video sometime. I don't want to switch my browser just to make it faster.
@HatterisMad you may not want to hear this but I wouldn't update the device to the latest version of iOS. I update 2 sometimes 3 years then stop updating because it slows to much with the latest features. What did you do with your windows phones?
microsoft would update them for me without asking
@HatterisMad yeah but it wouldn't get slower if windows did it(except with the W10 fiasco which they apologized for).
my friend swears it auto updated his but I'm not to sure
seems like my upload speed is like 1 byte / sec. y u do dis ISP ;-;
@SaitamaSama that is a mobile site I mean a deskotp one
also you have like 15 tabs open not 3 like me
but hey I have a nexus I figured it would work well but it doesn't
I've heard the pixel lineup is pretty nice, the Pixel 2 XL does have quite the specs
Hi everyone, I am using nodejs htts and fs modules. I am trying to fetch some json data from some website and simly adding that data in a file. but idk what occured, so many NUL chracters are being added at some oint due to which if I try to read this file, any of those NUL character tells my reader that it is the end of file. Can anyone tell me what can be the issue. I can share the code if needed.
And sorry my keyboards javascrit omitted letter key is not working
help me on this..
how to use "eventTarget" option in above sketch.js calling function
anybody is there??
guys, any idea when does nodejs fs WriteStream.write function adds NUL characters in file, these characters can only be seen in editors like notepad++. Let me show you the screenshot
Oh damn, Ive slept for 16 hours
This week?
@KamilSolecki the worst thing about that is when you'd go to bed at night, no matter what you try it's pretty hard to go to sleep again :P
Damn, this was a rough week though
But I feel so rested
2 hours later…
@OliverSalzburg I see you hiding!
Good morning =)
What's up brother?
Not much, just finished struggling with an auth bug
was the bug very big, otherwise for an human to struggle with a small bug is a queer thing
Facebook Auth?
Lol saitama
@imFSN no, just digest
Is there an app to chat here?
chat supports mobile
but there is no direct app you can download
also weekends only get busy when US/Canada wakes up
Yeah I know. I'm using Chrome on my mobile
Do you have skills in node?
I do a lot of stuff in Node, yeah
watcha need?
(I might answer in ~40 minutes though since im during a game)
I spent ~5 minutes for that skyrim skill tree meme generator (node - 100) couldn't find any. i am disappoint
write one!
btw, you up for some overwatch tonight? @KamilSolecki
@KamilSolecki Wat?
@KamilSolecki have you ever use sails js?
@SaitamaSama yes!
@imFSN nope
I use express
!!afk pool table baby
I don't understand how they came up with that name. The table is much too shallow for a proper bathing and it has holes in it
@KamilSolecki no problem. Sails js in on top of express, BTW you should use sails, I want add a value to a an array but I'm having problems. How can I send you a screenshot?
put your code in here
!!are you alive
cap still dead
rip in cappucino
@imFSN If you're having trouble adding an element to an array, then I disagree with your recommendation ;D
also yeah why should I use sails
isnt sails like almost dead
(I never used it, but heard its no good)
I prefer sales
Any Anet A2 upgrades I've missed?
Hey anyone knows -with classical promises- how one can "chain" promises and append to that? - Something like:
return ThisIsAPromise.then(function(res) {
  //but return should actually be a promise of itself, just with some extra "code" appended on the positive case.
} )
return doSomething().then(extraCode)?
promises = []
for (const data of array) {

function complexPromise(data) {
  return simplePromiseGenerator(data).then(function(res) {

function simplePromiseGenerator(data) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    setTimeout(resolve, data.time, data.args);
Would work?
well, does it?
if you want results from Promise.all, the callback with the log should be .then(function (v) { console.log(v); return v; })
well, that and call resolve with a value
I keep forgetting there is a thing called jsfiddle XD
its literally the most elegant virus code
I wonder how that bug was not ever noticed by a test.
@ssube help me out bro
please don't ping random people
if you have a question, post it and someone might answer
lol you forgot me, too bad :P
any idea when does nodejs fs WriteStream.write function adds NUL characters in file, these characters can only be seen in editors like notepad++. Let me show you the screenshot
@RahulJain It sounds to me like v8 handles strings as null terminated characters, and just allocates a large enough array to create the string.
From C: char myString[8] = "hello"; Give an array with: [104 ('h'), 101 ('e'), 108 ('l'), 108 ('l'), 111 ('o'), 0, 0, 0, 0]
@paul23 I am running this script which adds one line in this file every minute. It basically fetches json data from a site and simply writes in this file using writestream.write(). I am running this script for past 4-5 days but got so many NULs in just one line yet. What I remember is, after writing this line, power cut happened and computer turned off all of a sudden, if that can tell some reason?
Just exporting that array to a file would let notepad++ (and others) show "nuls".
This might be the case here, though to know for certain you'd have to ask someone who has better knowledge of v8's workings.
well yeah, it also sounds logical to me that it must have dumped the full buffer in the file, so all those empty blocks in buffer are NULs
In case of powercut everything can happen. Might just be an actual corrupt file (file size on ntfs partition doesn't correspond to actual file content or something), and notepad++ just trying to fil in the blanks.
@OliverSalzburg why?
hmm.. Atom is showing just spaces, thats why I tried to open notepad++ and saw this
Trying to reproduce the issue with force powercut :P maybe this is because the writestream didn;t close and all this unpredictable happened
@paul23 But when I put my laptop to sleep without stopping script, nothing happens
@RahulJain powercut != putting laptop to sleep. By a long shot. Your OS is doing all kind of things to neatly close down everything each time you put it to sleep.
@imFSN so, if you still have the problem, gimme some codes and I can try to help
what is the difference between fetch(url) and await fetch(url)?
The latter makes use of async / await, so you can await till the promise gets resolved, instead of using a callback
@KamilSolecki on my way
im using sails js, so this is the controller @KamilSolecki
		vote_up: function(req,res,next)
			Comment.findOne(req.param('id'), function foundComment(err, comment)
				if (err){return next(err);}
				new_vote = comment.vote_up;
				user_voted = comment.users_vote_up;
				user_id_voted = req.session.User.id;
					if (err){return next(err);}
@paul23 I tried powercut again, but got no NUL again. Oops! I just wanna make share that powercut was the only reason for that
@imFSN whats the problem
@KamilSolecki this is the error, let met show you...
@KamilSolecki im getting this error on console Cannot read property 'push' of undefined
user_voted.push({user_id_voted}); here?
@KamilSolecki what do you mean here?
the error
does it apply to that line
i dont know, im trying to figure it out
user_voted.push({user_id_voted}); Cannot read property 'push' of undefined
it says that
then yes it does apply to that line
well user_voted is undefined for some reason
and since I don't know sails.js OR your code, you will have to find out by yourself why.
can you help me out with the error?
> well user_voted is undefined for some reason
thats what the error means
what happens if c is textnode el.append(c.cloneNode(true));
does cloneNode(true) supports textnodes??
ok, but the push function is the correct sintax to add the value right? @KamilSolecki
yes, it is.
let me do a console log user_voted
this would be the correct syntax
why curlies?
guys does any one have idea of my problem?
le met check that
How do you solve this in your apps?

a drop down on the page, where the user can choose between 300 options (also multiple selection possible)

do you save only an id of the selected items? and when the user choose more than 50%, do you save only those who he didn't select (to save space??)

or just save it ..
@KamilSolecki i did that because is an array, but i think i need to change it
@Suisse not sure about performance, but the latter choice makes the most sense...
okay, I'm sorta stuck on a general concept here right now
because technically checking if he has selected > 50% is going to add a tiny bit of overhead to the proceeding instructions
I got a list, or array, of certain values. I want to filter a different list, based on these values
for example, I want to take the values of list A, and perform a modulo operation on each value of list B, with all the values of list A
how would I do this without having to write ugly for loops?
i change the code, now it looks like this @KamilSolecki
if (err){return next(err);}
new_vote = comment.vote_up;
user_id_voted = req.session.User.id;
@GNi33 array.filter()?
still getting this error, users_vote_up is not defined
@KamilSolecki sure, I already do this. but what do I pass to filter?
i console users_vote_up and it grab the user id
try to debug your application, and check what values each variable contain on each line @imFSN
i could pass it a function and just loop over the values of list A and return true whenever my operation succeeds, but that doesn't seem to be very nice
on the other hand....
@SaitamaSama the problem is in the push line
because it says its not defined, but im getting the user id in user_id_voted = req.session.User.id;
@KendallFrey what do you think is the lowest cyclomatic complexity for an algo to fill as many predetermined arbitrary 3d shapes into a space of a box of predetermined size?
intuitively, I can't get anything below O(n²)
uuuh you mean shape packing?
thats an insanely complicated problem
@towc Where n is what?
I just realis that if I have an rng on my server, each time I request a new random number from a front end I should not do this using the verb GET instead I use POST?
@KendallFrey number of shapes
ok, problem is kinda bonkers
eh, what I did now seems semi fine. at least no for loops
I have some boxes of some sizes, and objects of some shapes
Since requesting the random number isn't always the same and it changes the internal state of the server.
In that case I'd be very impressed if you had a O(n^2) algorithm
@imFSN yeah, so try to set some break points before those lines, and track the variables, the dev tools of your browser provides a debugger out of the box ;)
I want to use the least amount of boxes, and know how to pack the objects neatly inside of them
@paul23 That's an implementation detail, since it could just use environmental noise. Also, this shouldn't change the state for any other interaction with the server, so I'd say GET is fine.
@towc oh, the bin packing problem
@KendallFrey Well actually it being "pseudo random" is a feature (I need to be able to recreate the same set at a different time).
In that case, in a REST context, I'd think of a PRNG as a resource
You'd use POST to create a new seeded PRNG, and GET to access it
damn, I think I missed the best part of a hockey game
up by 3 and the announcers talking about cleaning blood off a jersey
@SaitamaSama done, the problem is the .push method, i dont know why it is not defined, any idea ?
@imFSN check the value you're trying to push to
@KendallFrey i have the value insider a var, if i console it i see it
What's the value?
@imFSN I told you 5 times already
your object is undefined
so push is not defined
you cannot do undefined.push
this is my object user_has_voted_up = comment.user_has_voted_up; @KamilSolecki @KendallFrey
and this is my value user_id = req.session.User.id; @KamilSolecki @KendallFrey
I know I saw the code
and I told you what the error means
If you're not going to answer my question I'm not going to bother anymore.
@KendallFrey the value is an id
I will ask last time - did you even log the array to see its undefined
or not
because my bet is on the former
@KamilSolecki mine is on the latter :P
You should not attempt complicated things like full on servers if you fail to understand the simplest of errors
Mine is on 'yes'
@KendallFrey yeah thats what i meant :P
i don't care, your bet has been made
lmao yes
i told you guys, the push is undefined, i ask why, thats is @KendallFrey @KamilSolecki
Im calling quits
!!afk I tried
thanks for the help...
We tried.
I think you're making fun because a simple question
im sorry to bother you
no. We are pissed because:
1. You didnt even bother to google the error.
2. You dont listen to us
3. You are attempting a server without knowing how to even debug
You simply dont want our help
of course i want the help, thats why i ask you, i did the research and i solve the problem too
@KendallFrey see im now physically angry I need some ksp
Oh crap I forgot I borked my ksp
time to fix
anyway, thanks again for the time
dont kill anyone in the street....
Unless they need to be killed
@SaitamaSama ping me whenever you wanna do some overwatch
will do, might take a couple of hours tho (2 or 2 and a half)
no probs
@KamilSolecki I need to play with you guys sometime
you have overwatch?
or pubg?
haven't played ow for a few months though
do you have time today?
I'm on pubg almost every night though
I'm going for an eye test in about 20 minutes, If you're free tonight we can play a few
we are going to play PUBG with hilli this weekend probably
@KamilSolecki Yeah I was about to mention, I should have some time tomorrow to drop on some PUBG
Either that or Overwatch
Take 'yer pick
Mercy main, hoorah
I can do any
Genji / Hanzo main :B
inb4 weeaboo
I've been pretty heavy on Solider since I started.
Im still learning OW (lvl 10) but Im already liking Reaper
~lvl 300 on console, but still 62 on PC :P
Think I'm only 50 something but I'm not too bad
I'm 17 but I play like -15
im jk, I'd like to think I'm not absolute garbage
Okay eye test, ttyl
@MadaraUchiha wanna join us tonight!?
I keep hitting my head on low spots on the ceiling in this house. I almost just knocked myself out.
I get pissed off whenever I stretch with my arms above my head and accidentally throw my hands into a ceiling fan thats on. I get mad and tempted to tear the fan out of the ceiling
you should better get a big room. who has such a small room that ceiling fan comes in hand jus by stretching the arms up :P
Maybe you're just a midget
haha. well! get a big room is all I can still say
~3m is a pretty standard room height
Right, which is ~9feet, and as someone who is taller than 6feet, and fans are usually a few inches lower than the ceiling, that's a totally doable thing, to hit your hands on the fan.
but not ideal. my room is little more than 4m in height. quite big tho
Not everyone can inherit daddy's money
fuckkk! sorry if you got my statement in that way
I just meant it's bad that US people are so tall but standard room height is still ~3m in cities.
Yes. People in the U.S. are unreasonably tall due to the chemtrails and the fluoride in our water.
lmao my team was so bad that I had 5 gold medals
wtf lol
One time in particular, I was on a team with a super squeaky voiced 12 year old and I immediately went like "Let me ask dude, when people get on this game, do you think your voice is something they really wanna hear?"
Anyway, match was near its end, I was playing Solider and I noticed that i had 20+ elims but I was silver. So I asked "Who the fuck is gold?" and it was the 12 year old playing fucking Zenyatta.
I told the kid I was impressed and that I apologized for being a dick and I learned a lesson that day, that I suck at telling interesting stories.
20 kills on zeynatta is something
It was closer to 30, once the game was finished the kid's numbers were intense.
@KamilSolecki nah, not really
zen is an off healer, he can finish off 200 hp heroes with 3 or 4 shots with a discord orb on them
All I know is that sir squeaksalot was better than me
and his orbs do not have any damage fall off as well
@hilli_micha I was once matched up with a squeaky guy as well... and he was throwing the match so hard in comp
he was apparently playing on his brother's account
I use a voice changer to make me sound like a squeeker
I think this is impossible but is there somethign like "auto-object-construction"? - I often have structures in my code like:
const a = "hello";
const b = "world";
const c = 100;
return {a: a, b: b, c: c}
Would it be possible to reduce that to something like return {a, b, c}
@ndugger Sure, a "voice changer" right
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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