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@DavidKamer "for nothing can seem foul to those that win" Henry IV, Pt. 1 Act 5 Sc.1
@Rick except for losing lol
6 hours later…
were we all just lurking in here waiting for someone else to speak?
Missing ears.
@nyconing It's just an MVP
most valuable p....
@nyconing Minimal Viable Product
It's a term sales teams love to use
I detest that term
Everyone detest that term.
not true. Those people responsible for sales aren't
> It is world coffee-day today. You receive a roll of Mentos chocolate and caramel for each order you do today.
sometimes such marketing mails amuse me.
do I... go to a coffee store and demand my mentos?
and film it too
Well Imma try today.
"I want my mentos!" "Uh, sir, technically this is a supermarket.."
that mail is from a webshop that sells coffee only. Some of the products are exclusive coffees like Blue Mountain Jamaican (160 EUR per kg)
hi good mornign
anyone use angular?
that's crazy.. 160 euroes
@Doflamingo19 I've seen you ask that for the past few days now
Just ask your question, and if anyone knows and/or interested they'll answer.
@Doflamingo19 I do if you have any question you can ask.
@Neil damn, that's almost as much I paid for my keycaps, and coffee won't even last that long!
ok guys
I need to formatting a number with must have double precision.
the number can be
all number with two decimal places
why would you do that?
in input form I need, after that I load the nnumber for db, formatting the number so I do this
[ngModel]="price |  number : '1.2-2' "
But it doesn't work becase for the number 1,876.98 it give me that
The specified value "1,876.98" is not a valid number.
@Neoares monetary unit ?
but I don't know resolve it
what is the input type ?
seems a behavior of type=number
just strip the string of commas and parse it normally
yep type number
add step="0.01" attribute and ensure that there is no , at thousands ( like 1,000)
if you want to accept that comma (,), you have to change the type to text and handle it differently
this is my html code
<input type="number" [ngModel]="price |  number : '1.2-2' " class="form-control" (ngModelChange)="price=$event"
          name="price" required min=0 step="0.01">
@Doflamingo19 you are doing it right. You just need to remove "," from 1,876.98 because its's considered as string.
even if you enforce the pattern clientside, don't assume it will arrive that way to the server
ok but I think it is a problem about the country
serverside, you should still strip it of commas and try to parse
@KarelG he didn't say it was for display purposes
Yep I need display the number
Hello guys,
Need your advice regarding this question:
Q: Node.js and Raspberry Pi - Webserver with WebSocket result always multiple

HiDayurie DaveI'm using this WebSocket So I have WS.js script below: var http = require('http').createServer(handler); //require http server, and create server with function handler() var fs = require('fs'); //require filesystem module var io = require('socket.io')(http) //require socket.io module and pass t...

I get to see my condominium for the first time today
It's bought, but it has been in construction for the past 9 months or so
It's still not done, but they're at the point where we can finally see it
> condominium
that reminds me of Tropico 😛
That's the term technically speaking :P
An apartment implies it is rented I think
> An apartment (American English), flat (British English) or unit (Australian English) is a self-contained housing unit (a type of residential real estate) that occupies only part of a building, generally on a single storey.
does not tell about the state of being in rental of ownership
@Neil I think you could see it before
@BartekBanachewicz from the outside, s ure
@KarelG I think it's about the fact that there's more of those around in some sort of community?
> condominium
a building or complex of buildings containing a number of individually owned apartments or houses.
oh, so it's like a container for apartments
then no, I'm buying an apartment, not a condominium
it is possible to own a condo 😀
sure, and then you rent the apartments to everyone living in it
there is a billionaire in India that has a huge condo for himself and his family
> condo
you mean his own tower :P
I like that more than owning a reallly large plot and building just a villa on it
> Latex condo: Boy, I'd like to live in one of those!
> Ambani, his wife and three children
he has more space requirements than java 10
sure. even a car park for 160 cars
"for visitors"
In case he's having a house party or, you know, a wedding
you can have a 600M house in India
but it's still gonna be in India
where should he build his tower then?
there are barely regulations in India.
just build whatever you want if you have enough money and nice gifts
I think my number 1 place to live right now would be the Netherlands
interesting. You will become my neighbor then
hey guys!
random question: has anyone ever seen npm as a dependency in package.json, or know why an application would want to do that?
I suppose it depends on how much money you have
If you have more money than you know what to deal with, you could just park a mansion anywhere you want
Otherwise, it might be best to pick a spot where you can maximize the size of your mansion construction but it is still a great place to be and not in the middle of some forest or something
@bream good morning
aye, it's barely morning over here
5 am :)
@Neil dunno, I wouldn't need 5000 square meters
@bream Then good night? ;)
or 37000 like the india guy
What are ya doing up so early?
it will most definitely be good night soon enough
@bream well. it is a chat "etiquette". IF you come into the chat, it is "morning". When you leave, it is "night"
went down a long rabbit hole trying to debug a node app and got carried away
@BartekBanachewicz True, but if you pour all your money into some cozy apartment with a great view in new york, maybe you'll always wonder if you maybe couldn't have picked a slightly larger spot somewhere else, no?
not really, no
at least my earliest meeting today/tomorrow is at 1pm
I mean I would prefer a house to an apartment I think
well possibly a loft
@bream That's happened to me before
@Neil and yourself? at this hour? O:)
Not specifically node, but yeah
There's a nice palace not far away from me someone has bought and restored
@KarelG that's fair enough I suppose
that would definitely be more classy than that freaking tower
"I just want to check this thing and then I'll quit for the night.." *looks at watch.. 2am* shit!
that is me
when I am focused on something, I loose track of the time
hahaha, absolutely
I even had to setup alarms at my work laptop and phone to ensure that I would not work too much.
It's weird how that works.. like activating a space-time hole or something where time moves forwards 3 times as fast
honestly true
I thought 2am was a couple of minutes ago
hah, maybe it was ;)
oooof, i'm calling it a night
looking at this is not going to make it any better at this point
as etiquette, "good night" all :)
@BartekBanachewicz not every one in India have tower like ambani
some are poor like me : (
@JunedLanja I am positive that ambani is the only one having a tower like ambani
@BartekBanachewicz Ya thats true
@JunedLanja well, there are positive sides, if you start working remotely, you can live a very comfortable life given how small living costs are there
@bream \o good morning :)
Yea but I have no Idea how to get work remotly
You take the information super-highway..
Actually I have applied for many remote jobs on stack overflow but never got a interview. Most people dont trust indians/pakistanis
dont know why
Despite being talented
@JunedLanja maybe you're actually bad
being talented has nothing to do with how good you are in the end
You cant decide that without interviewing a candidate
@JunedLanja you can decide that you might not want to interview a candidate
getting the interview is a part of being good at remote work
Well I dont find any valid reason to not get an interview
I have good technical skills && communication skills
apparently not good enough to get an interview vOv
my point is, being a remote employee, and especially remote freelancer, you're on your own
and the competition is fierce
Q: Nuxt-i18n: how to load messages asynchronously?

Billal BegueradjI am building a multilingual Nuxt web app. Using this example from the official documentation (Codepen link), I no longer want to use local JSON files for my translations to work as defined in the code below: messages: { 'en': require('~/locales/en.json'), # I want to get this asynchronou...

C developers have an interesting sense of humor
@ShrekOverflow are you sure? Compared to the Cpp, they are less positive.
@KarelG This is from GNU readline
people who insist on writing in C instead of C subset of C++ are very low on my ranking of reasonable people
Those people still think libraries are "bloat"
@KarelG I thought they were more positive.. by one anyway ;)
@BartekBanachewicz I helped someone debug academic code which was written in c with /* <type> */ all over the place, the code was so mad.
@BartekBanachewicz ☹
we should call this behaviour out and call them by what they are
but but ... I used C for in my micro(controllers) or rpi's
unreasonable, prejudiced dinosaurs
and some software
@KarelG I use C++ on ATTiny
I use templates on ATTiny
No real reason why you'd have to write in C unless you had to
C++ isn't much slower
I use (parts of) C++ standard library on ATTiny
now go google how much RAM it has
I rather have to see you write a legacy application for computers in C than C++
> write a legacy application
@Neil The only people who force C over C++ are the kind of people who'll to this day vouch for Java being more performant than JavaScript.
yes all C code is legacy
even if it's still hot
If i were to teach, I'd let students write assignments that have to do with process control in Python or JS over even C++. The point is to learn process management not make students quit CS.
My brother just started his uni and ofc first language is C
Better than Java :P
@BartekBanachewicz why?!
yeah, they're doing a great job if they want to make people to quit
@Neil why are you asking me
That's a horrible first language!
it's incidentally also a horrible second, third and fourth language
that too
@BartekBanachewicz wow we are all in agreement
everyone hates C, except the .... in the C room
and maybe they hate it too o_O
taking freaking pride in writing unmaitainable code and calling their manual memory management with gotos "elegant"
Linus likes it :P
@Neil no, they actually believe it's good
but it's more like faith-belief; no rational arguments can breach the aura
How high do PIds go?
I am at 79k
4 bytes then?
but you'll hit ulimit first
I have never seen OSX suffer like it's suffering atm
i think i should reboot
and no i am not making a forkbomb
something is not right
@BartekBanachewicz +1
I am sorry to disappoint you but I do not have problems with C
you can write C applications without goto o.o
@ShrekOverflow just fyi fork bombs don't work on Macs
@JBis What exactly do you mean?
Are Macs not turing complete?
@JBis pretty sure when you code one they do.
:(){ :|: & };:
That will work on linux but not on macs
@JBis Newsflash: There's more than one fork bomb in the world
int main(){
    while(1) {
Not sure, but that should work no?
MacOS caps processises
I'll run that now one sec
I'm getting error anyway
So they do work, and then exhaust all resources and get killed
Q: Fork bomb on a Mac?

ernes7aI just learned about a fork bomb, an interesting type of a denial of service attack. Wikipedia (and a few other places) suggest using :(){ :|:& };: on UNIX machines to fork the process an infine number of times. However, it doesn't seem to work on Mac OS X Lion (I remember reading that the most p...

A: Fork bomb on a Mac?

KarlsonThere are many safeguards that can be put in place to prevent the fork bomb from working. The simplest is: ulimit -u 1024 limiting the number of user processes to 1024. As far as going around the system safeguards there are certainly ways you can find of doing that but I don't think that an...

That answer is applied by default (or something similar)
That doesn't make the fork bomb not work
It just makes the limiting resource a process instead of memory or similar
well the point of a fork bomb is usually to max out resources making the computer extremely slow or crash altogether. Since macOS caps this automatically its resources will be capped. While it might slow down the computer it wont be anything near what it would do on a linux machine.
It wont crash
I would expect any sane Operating System to do that
add ulimit 1024
Many linux distros dont
because you are running them wrong
Its just not enabled by default. Linux distros obviously can be protected but they are not by default and most people don't know/care to enable it.
I'm making a game API where I have a map object (2d array) and a Tile class. I need a range function that returns tiles a certain distance of a tile. Should the function be a method of Tile class or a method of map?
> I'm making a game API
run, you fools!
@Charly be flexible: distance(tile1, tile2)
@Charly what is "tiles a certain distance of a tile"?
It's an offset style hexagonal map, range(1) would return a tile's 6 immediate neighbors
I have the code for the function, it's just I'm wondering about the design choices...
@Charly what's "immediate neighbours"? A collection of "Tile"?
it would be logical if you use that in Map because it has access to all tiles. Right?
But it's javascript so tiles have access to all other tiles too
Ok thanks
they shouldn't
I'm doing something horribly wrong then, brb fixing
and even if there's a parent reference, you shouldn't traverse that for this reason
in general bidirectional OO references should always give you a pause
@KarelG sure, how do you handle resource freeing in a function then?
@KarelG with multiple return/break points
I avoid that :)
then you're compromising the code design
I know that it is kinda common in high level language but I do not do it in C
because in a lot of cases multiple exit point yield the cleanest imperative code
that ... depends
obviously, that's why I said "in a lot of cases"
I mean it's not like C is an expressive language even with goto
taking it away just makes things worse
I concede
The c program worked
oh look
its a citrus!
that's Mr. Citrus to you
So sour!
sure, everyone hates me until they get scurvy, then all of a sudden I'm the coolest fruit at the party.
I skin lemons, dip in sugar and eat like apples.
slice, place in hot water with honey
hot lemon is a nice relaxing drink
uh, I wanna eat something, no ideas tho
do I get a burger?
cranberry + peanut butter
I had 5 slices of bread with only one slice of salami and cheese as lunch.
2 slices bread (w 1 slice of salami) + 2 slices bread (w 1 slice of cheese) + 1 (nothing)
great :D (/sarcasm)
it's only 8:45 am here
I can understand if it was good bread
so I've had a sip of coffee and a bagel BELT
I usually eat quarter of a loaf while driving bread home
depends on the bread, really.
sliced sammy bread is sometimes okay plain
a good baguette I can just rip up and eat
I purchase a fresh baked loaf of bread from a local warm bakeshop each 2 days
I've started to bake my own
bread is easy, but good bread took a few tries
needed the right flour and yeast for starters
gotcha leave that to experts after some failed tries
nahh, we've got it down now
just hate how long it takes
this is my breaddo
can only do it on weekends, unless I wanna be baking bread at 10pm
from their webpage
is yummy
I am more for rectangle shaped ones.
we make a lot of baguette
with a nice egg wash finish
rectangle bread is usually high oat or that kind of bread
I sometimes purchase "lumberjack" bread
looks like it would make a mean dagwood
sorta a baguette, smaller but with more divers grain and thicker
I know it's off topic but does anyone here know how to setup voip system? i already watched videos in youtubes and read articles. I wanted to create my own voip.
read this: https://cypressnorth.com/technology/setting-up-a-small-office-or-home-office-voip-system-with-asterisk-pbx-part-2/

watched this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x3Ie6VZ_sg&t=2702s
What is the right way to store large amount of sensitive data ?
-Issued Claims
-LocalStorage (Encrypted)
anything else ?
LocalStorage is not for sensitive data. Never.
even if encrypted ?
you use javascript to work with it. Everyone can read the js code, so they see how it is encrypted
https cookies
what is "large amount" though?
if you need to hold a lot data, use a db ...
some data related to access rights & permissions
it already comes from DB
but i want to reduce the calls
do you... not auth every request?
that requires auth*
I mean the logical flow for me is to hit the endpoint to get some data -> pass auth -> get data
how are you gonna reduce the requests here?
it is a complicated staff :(
you need to check each request anyways... What you can do is to have a small cache to have a quick response. That cna be stored at the server itself
all the client really needs is a https cookie with some kinda auth token
rest (especially if sensitive) should come from the server upon authentication
this eliminates A LOT of risks
mail them a USB with the data, best performance.
i am using identity server
there is something called Claim
Issued Claims
but it can't hold large amount of data
it has a limited storage
@rlemon did you know that in 1700s they had to almost always edit the request timeout to a really high value because it took so long to get the requests through mail?
@KamilSolecki what-if.xkcd.com/31
mail > internet 😉
@rlemon Tried doing a preferment yet?
80% hydration + french kneading + preferment = my award winning bread.
nope, but if you send me a recipe I will
Do you have a scale?
I'll send you the recipe when I get home.
you ever watch alex the french guy?
great channel
I haven't. I'm really only interested in artisan by-the-book type French cooking.
Looks like he has some of those videos though.
I swing to two extremes with cooking, either I eat only out of packages, or I make like a ridiculously complicated meal.
yea, afaik he is classically trained. but just likes to have fun
but a lot of his stuff is learning proper ways too
like his cheese adventures
@rlemon that is common for very big data. They are even sending around telescope images from ground stations via disks
Hey I missed @Loktar's birthday, happy birthday Loktar!
Hope you have an awesome and productive year and keep doing cool things!

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