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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

KevinB can I get to the DRF from the Lost river entrance at Degassi base 3?
When submitting form data over XHR, is it considered a better practice wrapping the form elements inside a div or a form tag? Asking because if the JS breaks, the form element would submit data over GET, making the password easier to leak.
On the other hand, using form seems more semantically correct...
Then make the form POST instead
You are doing your XHR in the submit event?
@Zirak, sorry forgot to mention that the argument here is that "it is considered safer" not to use form because you have to specify POST otherwise GET is used, which is a risk in case the developer forgets it.
If you aren't using the form to submit in the traditional manner, you don't "need" <form> at all.
Best part of this NYT article on online bots is the snippets of “sample code” they use to illustrate the different types. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/27/technology/100000005704904.app.html
It may or may not help with screen readers and accessibility. No idea about that.
@Luggage there are benefits to using a form
yea, there are.
also, using <form> is 'safe'. just make sure it doesn't submit in your code.
the first one that comes to mind is submit on enter
and set it to POST if it makes you feel better, like Zirak said
but there are several
no argument
@Luggage but this is the internet
your mom
how dare you
The reason I am asking is because of an argument that says "privacy and security is priority #1". Based on that one should never use the form tag (use div instead) because of the following risks (copypasting here):

- If they don't specify a method, the default is GET.
- If they don't specify an action, the default is the current page.
- If they fail to bind an event to the form's submit event.
- If the event they bind throws an exception prior to e.preventDefault().
- If another script binds to the level 0 or level 1 event handler of the form's submit implicitly removing the authentication
@rlemon I have another idea for the theme
Not sure what people think, but this seems like a far fetched argument
Some arguments I don't even see how they relate, lol
when : is pressed, enter a mode where you select which message to reply directly to
like @ with user names
@Chris The last two are a non-issue since you're screwed anyway if 3rd party code executes, no matter how you send your data
The rest are weird
yeah, shit happens, but if it's a form it's a form, you also don't have to have a submit input so the form won't ever really submit on its own
Unless you wrap it in a noscript or something of the sorts
all lost river entrances go to the same lost river
it's a huge zone
i found it. but forgot to bring a tablet :(
I wasn't even going here at first, just the degassi base
i used up all 3 of the free ones at caches above ground
went out and found them
i have some and plenty of cubes (plenty of cubes with me) but didn't think to make/bring any
is there a way to tell youtube to load the video quality by DPI ?
Basically I want it to play the video at the quality which is native or closest to the size I am watching the video at
also :-( I got tinnitus
@ShrekOverflow Auto
@KendallFrey doesn't seem to work
damn it
It's set at Auto but regardlessly loads the video at 1440P
Even if I am watching the video at a 1080 P monitor in a tiny frame
@Mosho what are you trying to do/say?
you'll see
I am too curious
Is this considered "destructuring" or does it have a different name?
`var a = 1;`
`var b = 2;`
`var obj = { a, b };`
`obj; // { a: 1, b: 2 }`
that's just an object literal
I cannot figure out code markdown in chat...
im talking about line 3
like is is not destructuring. it's a shorthand for an object literal
@KevinB hello
got it, just shorthand. thanks!
equivalent to line 4. destructuring happens on the left side of the '='
can anyone try this
@Luggage right. that's why wasn't sure. thanks for the distinction
your indentation is fucked
It's bad and you should feel bad.
32 mins ago, by Mosho
@Luggage but this is the internet
1. go to textarea
2. type ':'
3. type up a few times
4. press tab
@Mosho pretty cool
don't think i'd use it, but it works
why wouldn't you use it
i don't use reply very often
@KevinB why not
mostly to avoid pinging people
@KevinB that's a shame
            url: '',
            data: {

            success: function(){
              console.log("It worked!");
            error: function(){
              console.log("It didnt work error!");


@Hooga Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Im doing this on django and the button just does nothing, I have added the id to the button, and it doesnt tell me success or error. Why is this?
means the event isn't bound to the element
It's like the button isnt connected to anyhting
it probably doesn't exist when the code runs
I know but I dont see any errors but button looks like <button id="postdata">POST</button>
jquery doesnt throw an error when an element doesn't exist
IN the <script>
I had text/javascript
I removed it and now it says $ is not defined
sounds like jquery isn't included
to state the obivous
Sorry new to this
I thought they were the same thing
Don’t use jquery
I have to use jquery
Jquery is notorious for confusing new devs and perpetuating bad practices
Says who?
I just ned it to make some ajax request thats all :)
@Mosho cool idea
100% agree on jquery being useless, but to test your problem, see if $("#postdata") is even returning the button you expect. try it on the console
If jQuery is not loaded $ will use document.querySelector in Chrome on Console.
jQuery won't bother telling you that it didn't find* any elements to stick that click event onto
jQuery was done when JS was unbearable, and DOM was frustrating and IE Was the dominant browser. Both have since matured up and IE is history.
I didn't even have jQuery installed
That's probably why :/
> Tinnitus is annoying
I am new to this should I stick to jQuery or not?
Not. Look at ndugger's link.
Ok I'll use that
Oh wow
This is just pure java that he uses to make Ajax request?
I just woke up from a nap
fetch is apart of the standard api, yes
No need to pull in jquery
You MAY been to pull in a library to make it work on older browers, but that's a temporary issue.
Hopefully i don't have an issue doing this with Django
jQuery is like herpes. It doesn't go away.
That shouldn't be an issue
@Zirak I really wanna see SoOn vs Saebyeolbe, when's that battle schedule for OWL? (Hopefully I haven't missed it)
django has nothing to do with jquery
I am aware
or javascript
or browsers
or computers
ok last one is a lie
it's metaphorically true
It has more to do with snakes and it'll bite you like one with you wondering if it was poisonous or not.
There’s been far too many python devs wiggling around in here overvthe past couple of months
@ShrekOverflow that's a little grim
K, made it more PG 13.
Hey man
We're all alike in someway
We just be together no matter python nor JavaScript
@MadaraUchiha It was just last night
Can haz link?
oh, last night featured both, but not against each other. I think that was some time ago
Valiants vs Excelsior
search for that on twitch or youtube
twitch.tv/overwatchleague is the twitch feed, Valiants vs Mayhem right now
@Zirak Yup, watching it now. No idea how SoOn's and Tviq's backs aren't hurting from all the carrying.
@ShrekOverflow well can i respond to myslf? Wow! It even pings me!
Overwatch is one of few competitive games that just did not pull me in
I have yet to try it out
can my GTX 1080ti run Overwatch at high setting on 1080p? I mean its 1080 so it should be fine, but I am worried about the ti part!
@ndugger LMAO
@ShrekOverflow I can play games in 4k on my 1080... you should be fine
@ShrekOverflow lul
I know, I was kidding.
You’re bad at being funny
Like towc
It actually manages Witcher /w hair works @150 fps
I am an ogre, expressions to human do not translate
Which surprised me
I wanna get married
like, very soon
the girl in the woods got married at 17, the way she told it made me so happy
what the fuck
was she also maybe pregnant
she doesn't have kids
nor I think was ever pregnant
I was about to marry someone at a very young age, multiple times and the mistakes I have done through that phase will haunt me for life. Do not recommend.
the mistakes being that you didn't marry?
No, the mistakes in process of marrying / dating.
I'd like to not marry until like 28-32
so what don't you recommend?
It depends on person to person, on top of that people change. Don't just marry because someone told you they are happy because they married early.
@MadaraUchiha They both got insane teams to boot
@towc I wonder does your family know about your current location or status?
they know I live in the hackerspace in bratislava
In related news, archive managers need a "extract and ensure directory" option
sounds cool if you don't know what a hackerspace is
or what bratislava is
If the directory contains a root folder, extract that. If it doesn't, create a folder and extract into it
@Mosho or who the slovak girl is
"if the directory contains a root folder"?
@KamilSolecki everyone knows who the slovak girl is though
at least everyone here
@FlorianMargaine A single item that's a folder
I don't get it, sorry
@towc do they know about the slovak injection vector?
That's the contents of the archive, compare to
@ShrekOverflow is that a new drug involving maths and slovaks?
@Mosho actually it doesn't sound cool until you know about it
@towc No, your agenda to bang the slovak
and well, cool maybe isn't the right word, but I'm not looking for cool
I'm looking for fulfillment and community and a place to belong in
@ShrekOverflow you think this is about sex?
No I was making a joke there
but basically do they know about the girl?
I mean, evolutionally, I guess it is about sex
but that's so not how I feel about it
@ShrekOverflow they know she exists and that I like her
@ShrekOverflow don't be ridiculous, he's a 17 year old boy
why would he think about sex
@Mosho You are a doge with glasses, why would you know about 17 year old human boys?
I've humped a few
sometimes I visit r/javascript, but then I stop
@Mosho You have humped a few 17 old guys?
old city hall in columbus ohio
an imperial cathedral
design question, as always.
I'm using ORM (Sequelize)
now, where would it be nicer to run IF NOT EXISTS CREATE for tables
on db load
of course that i need this on db load
cause elsewhere it will just cause dead LOC
hoo boy
is that competitive ricing?
nice evo bro
@hilli_micha IMSA
(actually looks like an Audi, but the headlights initally said to me 'evo"
It's an Audi
I think so
@hilli_micha headlights don't talk and parentheses don't close themselves. Who do you think you are?)
now i'm gonna go visit the last few wrecks above ground, then build a cyclops, upgrade it up, and get down into the lost river
@KevinB cool
EPA halts its plan to stop environmental protection for a part of Alaska, which could save a salmon fishery and threaten a proposed gold mine http://cnn.it/2GqyAOo
that headline's so twisted 0.o
where can you fit a cyclops into lost river?
blood kelp, or the trench
> A stops B which stops C, which could save an animal we love (killer of) and threaten a possible thing that we mostly hate
never tried the one near 500m degassi
I guess I'm not CNN's target viewer
the headline is bait
the trench? the one with blood kelp near the sparse reef?
directly below the wreck is one entrance, and there's another that i haven't found
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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