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I have a question about cookies if anyone knows. Say I have something like
uauth=true; acct=t=3203-t32t329k2f-wfkope; prov=fkop320r3-f-fwe-f3=f03232r23r
I mean, I love to reduce. Becuase I love reduce, best function ever
Is this one cookie?
Or is it multiple
It's only one?
Arrow fix your indentation
@TristanWiley Open your devtools, Application, Cookies on the left
ok i will did not know it was bad
Okay, and each cookie had different names and values?
Or am I looking at separate cookies?
@Arrow best function λ function
fixed indentation,
@towc best function are lambda functions?
!!giphy computer says yes
well, it says yes
sure if I were using Haskel
I actually kind of don't like using lambdas in haskell :/
controversially enough
@FlorianMargaine Clairvoyance?
clairvoyance is something women have
it's like a chemical right
the supposed faculty of perceiving things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.
a.k.a. bullshit
I'm not sure I get the joke.
@towc lambdas as in the letters?
Ali G also interviewed trump for the ice cream glove
nice i got 10 views on my code review question right here, codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/169354/… sweet!
so from my understanding some things that might be true for Big O would not be the case for little O
what's little o?
little O has strict upper bounds while Big O does not from my understanding
so for example to nested loops, if one of the nested inner loops has a strict upper bound
it might not increase it's time complexity
@Luggage If Big O is "less than or equal to" then little o is "strictly less than"
I don't see the point in the distinction, but I'll read about it later. Almost time to go drink.
A: Difference between Big-O and Little-O Notation

Tyler McHenryf ∈ O(g) says, essentially For at least one choice of a constant k > 0, you can find a constant a such that the inequality 0 <= f(x) <= k g(x) holds for all x > a. Note that O(g) is the set of all functions for which this condition holds. f ∈ o(g) says, essentially For every choice of...

Well I am just trying to confirm a hunch, I'm not certain
Luggage you see anything else that I should fix other than spacing?
maybe bad variable nameing
@FlorianMargaine do you need help documenting it?
I'd love to use this, but I have no idea how to :D
@Shrek I need something that works first :)
right now it returns bar as the response to all proxified requests.
Oh lol, didn't see the code yet.
QQ why do you use GitLab?
I don't?
I defaulted to hub intead of Lab
because I'd rather support the gitlab company over the github company.
I am curious, why? [I also use gitlab for most of my personal stuff]
for the SJW stuff
didn't know that
besides, gitlab CI is absolutely awesome.
^ That I totally agree
successful atttachment
oh, nvm
was gonna say i shoulda emptied that part to my ssto, but, i have no engineer to do it
it's holding 550 oxidizer/liquid fuel
guess we're gonna see how deep the ocean is right ehre
maybe get a new depth record
not quite 1km
Do you guys know any deals like the $1 annual recurring dollar deal for .xyz domains
Ello humans - I'm new to this CSS 3.0 Animations. I'm trying to get "slides" to fade in and out and loop but it seems very difficult. Can I have CSS trigger another timeline at the end of one, or should I just script these animations

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