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I got a fixed div at z-index: 2, which contains a long table, when i scroll the main page(behind) will scroll but not the table. Any ideas?
const arr = [{a:1, b:2}, {a:1,b:2}];
const hashedArr = arr.map(JSON.stringify.bind(JSON));
const hashedSet = new Set(hashedArr);

const isUnique = hashedArr.length === hashedSet.size;
@BenFortune I think so, there was something published a few weeks ago, all I can remember is that .esm will be the extension for ES modules in the future
it's raining and there is an access fitting in my office. sounds like a waterfall
if I didn't have headphones I'd have to pee all day long
so, I'd like to write a parser for stuff like this: "((a|b)&c)|(d|e)", which would recognize abcde from a certain set. I'm actually somewhat stuck on how an elegant way to do it would be
chrome is fooling around with me.. I always use "Disable cache" in chrome's dev tools, but it still loads stuff (like jpegs) from "application cache". At least it displays that
in this case, it would evaluate to a 0,1 thing, but I'd later love to add all of the operations, plus custom functions like floor(a)
it sounds like there would be a shitton of good articles about this, but none that I could find
looks like recursive descent parser is what I'm looking for
almost tempted to regex it out
@towc Looks basically the same as any old mathematical expression parser
aye, do you have anything useful on it?
I used the shunting-yard algorithm for that once
oh heh that's nice
I think if you lex it with regex, the shunting yard can turn it into either an AST or RPN from which you can easily parse an AST
thanks :)
@jAndy can you pass flags on startup?
chromium --disk-cache-dir=/dev/null works fine for me
why does it says
"total": eventsResult ? eventsResult[0].count:0,
cannot read property of count undefined
morning everyone. Anyone know how to install a private git package with yarn? I've tried yarn add git+git@<my-repo>.git, but it always gives me permission denied. I can clone it, though, and the SSH key is definitely working
@corvid That doesn't look right
Remove the git+
@corvid try git+ssh://git@host/repo.git
Shouldn't need that either
I want to add text to the content attribute of a <p> with jQuery
I know I shouldn't.
$(document).ready(function() {
I dont see a problem with this code^. Should I use window.onload?
@KendallFrey lexy talk
I see a problem...
the code is not formatted!
Too much $. We don't do finance stuff here
@FilipDupanović didn't work :\
which version are you on? they seem to have fixed this only recently
the 3.7.x
but nvm
@OliverSalzburg even if $ is used as shorthand for document.querySelectorAll? :O
I used .append() and alot moar jQuery
@corvid Did you try removing the git+?
@BenFortune Yep, that didn't work either
What's the exact error you're getting?
@BenFortune you sure? not even npm works without specifying the protocol
@FilipDupanović Yep, just tried it
huh, weird, wonder what I'm trying
@BenFortune ssh: Could not resolve hostname github.com:<MY_GITHUB_ORG>: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
a question for regex guru's
@Luggage jsfiddle.net/rlemon/Ly2ht9of/1 wrote a little language picker thingy... if you could be so kind to check it out. 😉 RFC
let's say that you have a word "wordX". Now that gives me 100+ results. Now i want to add another regex where exact word "inSentence" is not present.
aww, no react dev tools on jsfiddle..
Examples: 1) zlaz,elme wordX zelazeazle => true
fuck parsing
2) ezeae z inSentence ezae wordX blaa => false
3) blakbabv wordX ezae inSentence leae => false
it's for intellij search function ... >_>
str.indexOf(word1) === -1 && str.indexOf(word2) === -1
nvm.. that last line
@Luggage sorry. I can put it into a project on github if you'd prefer.
it's just so small I thought jsfiddle would suffice
This is fine.
@Luggage am I correct to think that <T can be stateless? I'm just looking at this now.. and if I didn't use a state on <T I could do without the componentWillReceiveProps
I think..
So far.. a high level component to provide the messages on the context.. That's also what I woud have done
It's stateless because it only read props, not this.state
(or other instance members besides pure functions)
well yea, right now I read this.state, but I'm pretty sure I can get away without reading that.
webpack is a bitch
But, it's not a function, so it might not be considered stateless by react
but that's fine.
if I change formatString to use this.props I don't need to update the state when the parent re-renders.
answered my own question 😃 yay
Ohh, I see. Yes. you don't need to use this.state
In fact, you shouldn't unless you want to have a componentWillReceiveProps
Just read from this.props only.
keh, intellij's search is just limited ... // fires up shell
ohh, i just read what you wronte. yes. exactly.
@Luggage that's what I was doing. setting the state in the constructor and updating it in componentWillReceiveProps
good morning
Right. Pointless here. I avoid it most of the time.
any way to contact somebody over github?
yup. lesson learned :)
@jAndy make an issue on one of their projects?
I actually just want to tell some of the webpack guys they should change their documentation
that's what issues are for
it seemed a little too trivial for me to create an issue if its not even directly concerning code.. but, I don't see any other way
@rlemon This looks good. If you had some re-usable code to stick objects on the context (like mobx-react's <Provider />) Then you could just use that to provide a simpler L18n object that's not a react component.
class L18n {
    changeLocale() {}
    messages = []
let l18n = new L18n();
<Provider messages={l18n.messages} foo{bar}>
    <App />
Like a 'store' that all the kids are raving about.
!!afk meeting
@Luggage interesting..
Just a thought. What you are doing is all following react idioms.
Sweet. That's what I was hoping for
I still kinda like the idea of a single context object, maybe called l18n, but whataver. messages is such a generic name to be sticking on react's equivalent of global.
getChildContext() {
    return {
        l18n: this
@Luggage yea that makes sense.
I'll probably change that. thanks.
instead of you parsing a string with "." in it to get a message how about:
<T message={m => m.common.hello} values={{name:'Donald'}} />
Or is the id a l18n thing? I don't know.
It's just an easy/descriptive way to understand what strings are where.
Doesn't need to be a string. Just thought that looked nice
I have a web application I am asked to performance bench mark... what should I do ?
@Luggage thank you for your help yesterday. I'm going to work some over on this project oudreams.com/memory.html , will you be available here if I have more questions?
I'll be around, on and off.
I see you are still calling .hide() on a string.
Uncaught TypeError: theGame.pickedCards[0].hide is not a function
Yes, I will be working on fixing that
theGame.pickedCards[0].hide did not work
how dare you...
because theGame.pickedCards is an array of strings, from what I can tell.
I lost the game.
How dare you, sir.
Jeez jAndy, that joke's getting old. Give it up. :)
hahahahaaaaaaaa.... the problem with that "joke" is, it can't die.
@jAndy The Game
You're the one that can't drop it. :)
Caprica has her share
@Luggage I am not going to lie
maybe I could use something like that
@randseed1724 I can't even tell that that does.
What is it trying to hide in plain english? The first element clicked?
it looks horrible
what about now ? (e.target).is($(this).find('img:last'));
I can't figure out why my library constantly returns undefined when I use it within my application... would this be the right output?
I want to find the last current target
output: {
  path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
  filename: 'bundle.js',
  library: 'totem-ui',
  libraryTarget: 'commonjs',
Just store that on the previous click. You are storing the image name in the pickedCards list, but maybe storing the element itself is also useful
sounds like a good idea
@corvid i assume you are exporting from your entry point?
@Luggage yes, my entry point is a lot of export { default as Button } from 'src/Button';, for example
well, you can always open up the bundle and asse the code it's using.
Also, try commonjs2 and umd "libraryTarget"s
what do you mean by assess the code it's using?
I don't what what I meant to type there. I meant, just look at the bundle to see how it's exporting.
Hey guys i have 2 querystring from 2 different select (date & office ) how can i combine those 2 value
but i'd try commonjs2
@Mralwayswrong What do you want to do in the case of a collision?
reqeust.querystring("date)" and request.querystring("office")
ie, ?name=corvid vs ?name=Mr%20Always
the data in the select comes from database
the date is int and office 2
its connected to a another tabel id
so thats no problem
This story makes no sense, sorry.
yeah I have no clue what you're asking... you have two querystrings, with two different values (office in one and date in another), and you want to...?
example date 01-04-2017 is in my database 2 if i select 2 it will automaticly select the row where the date is 01-04-2017
i have 2 select if i do onchange it will only take 1 valaue
i need to take bothe
@Luggage ~ says every js dev in the first few months
You are all over the place. We can't tell if you are asking about database querying, parsing query strings, getting multiple values from a select in html..
You need to narrow your question, please
does typeof not work with arrays?
@jake No.
It does.
Use Array.isArray()
ohh, right.. it doesn't return a useful value, though.
How to paginate through a json file?
I have two different select box where I get a selectbox onchange date = 4 and other office = 3 I need them in 1 instead of 2
@Luggage It returns 'object' which is technically correct, the best kind of correct.
in wordpress
@FahadUddin What does that even mean? JSON is a string, how do you paginate a string?
I interpreted "not work" as "you can't use it, invalid"
not "unhelpful"
@MadaraUchiha There is lots of data in JSON. I want to load 10 items at a time
Your server need to do that part. It need to read in the file and plusk 10 items from it.
@FahadUddin Your server will need to accept a page number and return the corresponding part
I don't even know if wordpress is a server or client software..
Instead of changing border how can I change trigger click event on divs with class "col"
Instead of triggering click event how can I change there class to "exp"

@Luggage It's a CMS, so both.
I've only been taught to hate.
$("a[href='#id=4'").parentsUntil($("#list > ul")).css("border", "3px solid green");
Here is the link:
@Luggage by who ?
The JS community
@Luggage this confession should be enough to change yourself
please guide me
WordPress isn't that bad, actually vOv
@FahadUddin It's a server-side issue, and with WordPress no less.
We can't help you here in the JS room
anybody know of a place to get a free full character set UPC-A barcode font?
the ones I've found are all missing characters
Most people dealing with WordPress are actually afraid of touching and changing
WordPress is fairly straightforward to use and develop themes for.
yea, yea.
You know we hate productive tools, here.
gotta get out your slide rule or it's bullshit
@Luggage wordpress productive ?
wordpress is impressively easy to abuse and hard to break
But don't try to run heathcare.gov with it. That didn't work out.
haha, is that what they ran it on?
first round?
No. Joking.
Well.. maybe. But I made it up.
I mean, If you don't credit wordpress for being good at what it does, you're really not being honest
oh ok
was gonna say, but you have to know it's limits, and there are plenty
@Luggage I did what you said, I stored the last click in a variable and it works fine
WP is less good at being a blog and more at being a random website
don't put apps on there unless you embed them for instance
I dunno, I run several wordpress sites and they are great for other people writing the content
help.wheniwork.com/article-categories/getting-started is WP and uses almost none of the blog bits
they pretty much run to the top for SEO, can handle the traffic, does well on mobile... good editing workflows
but I'm not gonna stick a react application on there
now I need a timer, but following its syntax I don't know how to fill function part if I'm on a function
> can handle the traffic
oh sure it can if you do it right
you have to profile your theme / plugins
it can handle a couple million users at once
are you sure about your last sentence ?
I know a guy in Kosavo running a site that gets 1.5 million users between 12:00 and 15:00
well, he's doing it, so I assume so
a 3h span is different that "at once"
well... it's pretty close
he probably introduced a distributed context with load balancers and ect (redis?)
sounds like he's figured out how to scale is my point
no idea honestly, friend of a friend
~150 requests per second
probably more than that
talking uniques here
That's just one request per person, so an extreme low.
I'm sure they aren't just hitting one page
hundreds, then.
@Shane that's definitely not true
maybe thousands
what's not?
and hopefully mostly cached.
WP can handle a fair amount of traffic, nothing embarassing
but 1.5m users, lol
onChange="window.location='home.aspx?Date='+ + 'office='+ this.value "

at date i have to get the value of select with the name lastDate
office is working
that's the site
With a full site cache in front of it, sure.
most likely heavily cached
apparently it's the "huffington post" of the region
look, my real point here is that wordpress isn't just a toy for losers
ah, pictures of dogs who helped sway the election?
probably, wasn't really interested in the content, just thought the scale was interesting seeing as it was wordpress
I didn't think wp could handle that volume
WP at scale isn't WP, though, it's a pile of caches and CDNs
Which is fine.. everything is a pile of caches and CDNs at scale.
which WP can be configured to accomodate
is again, my point
^ what luggage said
everything static anyway, but yeah even still probably just a really complicated cache
We're all agreeing here about wordpress being fine and all. Just a little disagreement on giving wordpress credit for handling more traffic when it's not really.
ah sure
I have a CSS question
A problem actually

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