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Maybe there is a part of the bigger picture I'm not seeing but I don't understand how IE support for things that all most other browsers support is just so terrible
Hey guys! I have a question regarding promises and the use of .reduce() to run promises from an array sequentially.
1 message moved to Trash can
@MagnusBurton Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
@MagnusBurton Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
r.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
    return prev.then(curr);
}, Promise.resolve(1)).then(() => {});
What about it?
finally hehe. anyways somewhere in there i'd like to execute a function and send a message to the user with the data the promise returned
is that the value of curr?
Curr would be each value of your r array.
@FlorianMargaine Although they'd generally want to strangle themselves.
@MagnusBurton in the then?
alright so before returning i'd execute my stuff with cuff and then return?
It's their pointy haired bosses that you want to aim for.
@MadaraUchiha were you satisfied by my answer?
Yes, I'm looking into it.
@FlorianMargaine i have an array and every key in that array is an individual message i'd like to send in order to the user
I'm thinking of using CL as a model layer for some different app
@Alesana The main problem with IE is its versioning. Chrome and Firefox will update themselves but IE has never been "evergreen" untill Edge(?). If you're on IE9 you will stay on IE9 and the OS won't even allow you to upgrade to a never version.
And use a more familiar interface for the actual routing/web API
See how that goes
@MagnusBurton note that that array (r) should be an array of functions that return promises
and not an array of promises
@Mosho ohhh that's tricky for me
@Mosho Yep except they could be synchronous functions that return normal values.
currently it's similar to this
var r = [
    '1st msg',
    '2nd msg',
@MadaraUchiha let me know
@MagnusBurton And what are you expecting it to do?
@John send the first message and in the sendMessage function's then send the second and so forth
so send the messages immediately but in order basically
@MagnusBurton What does send message look like?
Or how does it work?
@John it's a promise that resolves when the request is finished
modules.sendMessage = function (user, data) {
	return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
		// Send data
:36072840 try this. If you send r into it it will send back a new array that can be used by your reduce. The new array will be an array of functions that return your send message.

function formatMessages (messages) {
  return messages.map(function (message) {
    return function () {
      return sendMessage(message)
@John Perfect, will try it out. many thanks!
No problem let me know whether it works or not.
@John Works perfectly, thank you so much!
No problem. :)
const formatMessages = (messages) =>
    messages.map(message => sendMessage(message)
Haha yeah I wasn't sure whether he was using es6. :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum github.com/tc39/test262/issues/899 in case you can think of something
@John regardless of es6 I've never seen returning functions from the .map callback, is that a thing?
I don't see why not your just mapping it to functions instead of values.
@ivarni Forgot to mention you in last comment
Right.. I should look at the context of stuff and not just the code
@ivarni const formatMessages = m => m.map(sendMessage)
That's it. Time for bed :)
@ivarni Yeah he needed functions because it needed to be executed later. sendMessage was also a promise.
@ivarni Hehe :)
We're expecting 10 inches of snow on monday night
So is my girlfriend
Oh snow
Okay gotcha
You bought her a hooker?
No, there are three of us
cough ratios cough
Everybody is freaking out an im over here like I have AWD and a full tank of gas and somebody always delivers
10 inches is a lot of snow
I would freak out
Florida would die
Yeah she's freaking out too
Oh wait we're still talking about the snow
@ndugger Our roofs would collapse
it's now snowing until you measure it in feet
So it doesn't snow in canada?
I'm not in canada
But they don't measure in feet
wtf do they use, hockey pucks?
Canada does use a combination of metric and imperial... makes no sense
"Did it snow, eh?", "Yarp, but not more than a moose knuckle. School is open."
^ that's the same as the U.S. though...
i only know metric because drugs
@twiz that's not true at all; scientists and methemeticians might use metric, but the official system taught in school is still imperial
so a combination...? haha
drugs and rockets
although, yes, they should probably just stop teaching that
Canada's official taught system is metric, but they still use imperial conversationally
It's not the same
just stop teaching all together
first of all its the marxist system not the metric system
knowledge is for schmucks
and we shouldnt teach marxism in school
ha name calling coming into it...
a fierce internet battle was fought that day...
why shouldn't we teach marxism?
Because it's for communists
teach !== encourage
hail satan
you learn about nazis
But the thing is
The more you know about marxism, the better it sounds
So ergo you're encouraging it
They don't teach about marxism in schools?
In chemistry class they do
in chemistry roasted gummy bears over the bunsen burners
^ uhh I want to take that chem class
Or should I say
communism class
i wouldnt
they tasted like chemicals
see... they should have taught me this in school
burnt sugar
at least they werent sugar free gummy bears
isn't burnt sugar basically caramel?
depends on how you pronounce it
I'm starting to get the feeling I came here just to say stupid things.
that's why im here
Me too
For example
Lyme disease is real
dry land is a myth
Are we saying Lyme disease isn't real?
No, don't fall for it.
I've been bit by ticks a few times, so I hope not.
@ndugger It is not real
Umm, there's a wikipedia article on it, so you're obviously wrong
There's a wikipedia article on unicorns
oh.... is this conversation serious....
It is serious, sadly. chat.stackoverflow.com/…
can you not
yeah, don't troll, @Luggage
that's warning #1
dont link to viruses
mods remove this post
oh. Yea... I would completely believe that doctors would lie about lyme disease actually.
Do you know how they treat it?
They give you like 10 different antibiotics
Hmm I wonder why
because you're sick
to make you autistic obviously
autism is a cure for life
Mercury makes you autistic
It's treated by 6 easy monthly payments.
Because its something that requires antibiotics, but they have no idea which ones?
No mercury in an antibiotic
I'll take 3 autisms, please
@twiz Because they don't know what bacteria is causing the infection
sorry we only have polio
no deal, howie
fun fact
babies really like honey
Honey isn't real
Honey causes autism
Yeah don't say that this chat is really into beekeeping
You risk angering the wrong crowd
Bee stings cause autism
Autism causes bee stings
It's a viscous cycle
that may actually be true...
There was the whole "cats cause schizophrenia" thing a while back
well it may increase the likelihood. I could see that being a thing.
too far?
Like that is so far from the edge
the cropping gave me cancer my bad
s/cancer/lyme disease/
laughing my autism off
I'm pretty sure I haven't answered/asked a question on SO in like half a year, but I'm still consistently in the top 15% because I posted several stupid things like 3 years ago...

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