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!!afk heading in
guys. Hashes should be used on production, right? And ideally, webpack should output all files such as index.html?
i mean, if it's appropriate in that situation sure.
hashes in the filename?
I put the hash on all assets except index.html.
That way, they can all cache until the index.html points to a new bundle.
This is browser, not electron, right?
someone is telling me that you should not ever use webpack to output any HTML or use hashes, because it's "too complicated" :\ I would think that using webpack-html-plugin makes it much easier to manage resources with hashes in the names
It does.
It's just automatic and makes hashes much easier to deal with. That's one of the many reasons I use webpack-html-plugin.
a hash in the name is a reliable way to bust through a cache on updates, while still having the caching aggressive
Can you tell me RQ what you would think of my production config? I think it's pretty straight forward and super standard
Can you tell me the IRQ of my sound card?
umm, 3
Basically this is it, I think it's nothing that special or different than most people's
(it's [email protected] though)
screw_ie8: true :)
yea, looks pretty straightforward. That's not too far from mine.
is there trouble? besides someone's comments about being complicated?
the discussion is that it doesn't make sense to take an index file into the pipeline and output it... he says that it's too "magic"
PErsonally, I don't use ExtractText and just import my stylesheets.. but.. I don't see that as a problem.
Ohh, I disagree. The html is part of the output.
The only "magic" is that is knows the bundle names and includes them, with the hash. And that's not magic at all.
Without it, you need to get a JSON output and read bundle names. A pain.
Or drop hashes, which limits your caching options.
Tell them that they are wrong and you know what you are doing.
your resolve.modules seems dedundant
yeah I agree with importing styles
extract text has some weird areas where it will double your style rules sometimes as well
and whatever fallbackLoader: 'style-loader', does..
Icing on the cake: my entire team is WFH today I just found out
I really don't know how to say it without coming off like a stubborn or mean person though
Well, what is the motivation to change? Is there a problem? Is the person saying it involved in the front end?
I understand the "too magic" argument, a little.
But.. this is normal. Everyone* uses webpack-html-plugin
Unless this person is your boss (and maybe even if they are), They need a better reason to change something that is a defacto standard and works well.
"I have better things to do that dumb down my build process to something you can grasp."
@SterlingArcher is it a cup cake?
He has some ideaological thing where "the index.html should always be there, doesn't that make more sense?", sometimes it's hard to argue against the ideological approach because they think it must be right be default
@SterlingArcher she is in a different profession, they just don't understand
I work from home everyday and my productivity is higher than in office
By that logic, you should not use webpack. The point is that it manages the references between those assets.
by far.
Also.. your index.html is nothing more than a boilerplate to kick off your code. It makes sense that it is generated with the proper links.
I mean shit is a drone pilot lazier than an f22 pilot because he can have a cup of coffee and a donut while hitting targets?
no, just smart!
I just went to chat with her and show her my fidget cube and she just kinda looked at me.. it was weird
The cup holders were a $2 million dollar option on F22s. No wonder they didn't get that package.
when did you get that?
I never saw that kickstarter :(
It came on friday lol
and now I see people everywhere randomly getting them
I backed it like 5 months ago
damn, I want one man
They're awesome. Instead of getting stressed and ruining my fingernails now I can just cube
idk man I just read up as much as I saw you type, I would say in the end it's their problem not yours.
sucks when it's fam though
@Loktar punctuation is crucial
@Loktar i know man. Anybody else I would have flipped shit
literally anybody
developers typically follow different rules than other people at a company. It's not entirely fair, but it's pretty normal.
@SterlingArcher You should try actually cubing, as in Rubik's
People don't understand developers aren't judged by what they wear or where they work
They are judged by understanding the shit out of things people ask of them.
they are judged by their nerdy punchable faces.
also that.
/me jokes
I've even told people multiple times if I got in trouble for wearing jeans to work on a tuesday, it's not a company I want to work at
but yea the factory mentality is a hard thing to break
> I sat in a chair for 8 hours I worked!
not really..
not as hard as the factorio mentality
> Why aren't you in your chair for 8 hours?!
The best jobs are those that, when you sit in a chair with your eyes closed, no one can be sure if you are working or not.
Shit, if I lost my job today I could literally get an interview tomorrow
@Loktar sitting is the biggest killer in America today
I'm that good at my job.
Modesty aside...
@KendallFrey yeah I know :/
@SterlingArcher I'm 95% on your side, but the "I can work anywhere, so I can wear what I want" makes you sound like a bit of a self-entitled jerk. I said "sounds like" I don't think of you that way.
it will change one day, this is just our golden era
deal with it. (I mean people who aren't in the industry or don't understand)
@Luggage that's ok, it's very self entitled me to think like that
But I work too damn hard not to feel that way lol
@Loktar because I have a stand... fuck it.. nvm
haha I need to get one
every night I've been gaming standing up actually
7 mins ago, by Loktar
damn, I want one man
one of everything, I guess
I have a squatting desk.
@Loktar either adjustable desk, or perm standing + drafting chair for when you are just tired / lazy
(my recommendation)
I <3 it.
my standing gaming desk :p
She chatted with me and offered me a rice crispy peace offering.
My cabinet brings all the kids to the yard
I think she feels bad she said it to me, which is huge for her
@KendallFrey my kids barely even use it
I;m like lets play the arcade!
> nah I want to play my computer
@SterlingArcher she must want something.
j/k :)
pedophilia ain't what it used to be
but...but it has snes/nes/gameboy/genesis/gamegear... steam.. all the things!
> Yeah I want to play roblox/overwarch/gta5
Overwarch - New England vs
@corvid you have any trouble upgrading to webpack 2?
@Loktar Don't remind me of last night
@Luggage Some -- I think I got it in about a day, which means you should have a very easy time with it
Their migration guide is very handy and actually includes all of the "gotchas" right there
I migrated a boiler-plate project without issue, but expect something to go wrong when I do my real project.
so.. was hoping you had some annecdote of something that broke
sometimes, external libraries use something like { test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel' } which will break
:anxiety rises:
gotta change it to 'babel-loader' or use a resolveLoader
Yum candy spaghetti!
lol that's nutty @rlemon
ohh, yea.. i already know that part.
yours still uses the legacy syntax, btw, not the new "use:"
Yay my tax return comes in 2 days!
That was super fast
I owe again
@SterlingArcher twss
I still need to get mine done
I should get some back this year woot
@rlemon that's not a pic you took is it?
I took out of my savings to get a new car. added income untaxed
@Luggage nahh, imgur
@rlemon ?
Your savings comes from money that was already taxed
that doesn't make sense
I have tax free savings
That's some weird Canadian shit eh?
Tax free savings? Crazy
USA doesn't have anything similar to RSPs?
I don't think we have any general tax free savings
they are used for things like Health Savings Plan, or retirement
Rotating Space P***s's? No.
RSP is retirement
That's what the R stands for
ah so you can draw against it whenever but get penalized?
We have stuff like that, but it's not supposed to be used as a general savings account
that's why I was confused
there is one exception (which i used) is you can take a 'self loan' untaxed for $25k for buying a house
one time
you get 11 years to pay it back
crazy, that's pretty cool though
so yea, I took from it to buy the new car. had money for repairs etc. but decided the car is a wasted effort. time to get a new one (which I hadn't put savings aside for)
not ideal, and fucks me on taxes.
but hey, shit happens.
yeah, bonus you have a car
mine hasn't died yet, but won't pass an emissions test or safety which is coming up soon (and has trouble starting in the mornings now 😬 )
I've narrowed my new car choices down. just need to pull the trigger
Some NSA guy perks up
@Loktar nice dude!
Hella deductions?
We don't have a retirement account you can withdraw from without penalty, but if you have a lump sum, you can get a "mutual fund" savings account which is invested, but you can withdraw/deposit like a normal savings account
that looks like a car from an 80s movie depicting the future
I'm saving for one
@SterlingArcher A roth IRA you can withdrawal your contributions without penalty, but it's post-tax.
we have tax free savings account (which I also have) which doesn't tax income made by the investments, no penalties on withdrawals
That's not a bad idea
I just don't have much in it
So do we. IRA's, 401ks, etc.
I have a 403b and a 401k but no IRA
I'm currently trying to roll my 403b into an IRA but my old company keeps fucking up and wont sign the papers
It's really starting to piss me off
Oh snap, and I get my security deposit back soon
@Luggage, here's my full boilerplate, it's pretty easy to upgrade. Nice having the devServer built in
That's money I completely forgot about
security deposit on what?
My old rental with my brother and his wife
took that long?
When I moved out, I agreed to wait for them to buy a house so the deposit thing doesn't get complicated
I wasn't strapped for cash and I knew I'd forget (I did forget lol) so I thought it would be good money to save half and blow the rest at the casinos lol
Plus it helped make their lives easier. They bought their house and are moving out this week, it's pretty exciting. They got a huge crib
@KarelG Sure, use whichever parts you want for whatever
@Luggage you like gambling?
Not really..
Oh : ( I was gonna say we should hit the MGM or Charlestown sometime and play some blackjack with cigars
something something blackjack and hookers - Bender
Ohh, I thought this was going to be about the stock market.
Casinos are the only place I'll smoke cigarettes just because.. well it's almost mandatory lol
you going out thursday?
I can't make it to DC on a worknight unfortunately
ah, ok.
@Abhishrek where are you staying?
@copy unicorn-engine.org/BHUSA2015-unicorn.pdf was interesting, I still don't quite understand
I gotta either get a hotel room or not get drunk..
I have added a double scroll bar to the top of a jQuery datatable..the bottom scroll bar scrolls fine to the extreme right if the table..
But the top scrollbar cuts off the last column in the table. I've tried increasing the size of the top scrollbar but still the last column gets cut off..Is there anything I should look at in CSS to resolve this?
*increasing the width
@SterlingArcher sort of
I itemize
this year I didn't make much neither did Cat since she was only in NE half the year
so my deductions will be greater than what I made on my side stuff
probably the last year I claim a bunch of stuff though until I start making decent money on the side again
@BadgerCat, @SomeGuy, @Shmiddty Did you ever get my postcard?
@Zirak I haven't got it yet :(
Do you claim your vidya games?
@Zirak ouch fam :(
haha nah
I wish I could
@BadgerCat That's weird...a couple of people over here got them about a week and a half ago.
But it usually takes very long for Mexico
@SterlingArcher I asked who wanted one, you didn't say
Like... 3 months
I wasn't here fam :(
But I'm going again at the end of the month to Val Thorens, so if anyone wants a postcard, mail me your address: [email protected]
@BadgerCat ...ouch
I'll send you another one
@rlemon That's me
@Zirak emailed <3
wait, @ mail .com or gmail?
ok, good. just making sure it wasn't typod lol
i have to find a good one for you now <3
Need those prices!
> The AMD Ryzen R7 lineup would feature the fastest “X” variant in the lineup. This processor would be known as the AMD R7 1800X processor and would feature 8 cores and 16 threads. This model is expected to operate at base clocks of 3.6 GHz and boost clocks of 4.0 GHz. The performance of this processor should be on par with Intel’s Core i7-6900K.
Damn, if it can beat the pricing too it's a steal
that's what I'm hoping for
I mean I won't be building a new PC in like 2 years, but I want to see AMD back on the map
Though the 6900k is $1000 lol
woo, finally ditched my jquery-based date-time picker
next, to get rid of "select2". Another jquery-based tool that I hate (not just because it's jquery, but valid reasons, too)
Anybody good with S3 bucket policies?
I have s3://* allow all, yet one of my directory gives me ListObjects access denied, but my other directory is all good
How is that possible with a universal policy?
@MadaraUchiha chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/17?m=35504158#35504158 potential JS thorn that might need watching
Adding hubspot integration is literally 400kb :| for a single form
@SterlingArcher Aye, I've suspended for a month (after repeated offenses in the past) and made it clear to him that opening more accounts would be a waste of his time only.
If you do spot them, do tell.
Thank you bby <3
Much appreciated
Also, screw you and your fidget cube.
Although, I will admit that it makes sense that it arrives at the US before it arrives at Israel
When did you back it?
@MadaraUchiha with that said, if I wake up to his spammy/annoying pings from over night are retro-active kicks kosher?
I bet he's gonna say yes
not that this was the case today or anything. Just for future reference :D
ok i swear to god if I find out who keeps taking my trash can
get one of those key finder thingys and stick it to the bottom
put a piece of tape on it with your name written on it
walks around looking at trash cans

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