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can anyone point out a few major things that don't make intuitive sense in C, ruby and python?
for JS it may be truth tables, for example
well yea it does
that entire album is gold
@towc what truth tables?
@SterlingArcher you need to hop on youtube or google music and just listen to their discography
I'm exploring their older stuff
listening to VIM again
@towc nothing in C makes any intuitive sense
@littlepootis something that C developers also are sometimes confused by
but is still quite well known
@towc why they're writing C
pointers to pointers to pointers?
@littlepootis that's actually a good one, thanks
the lack of strings
c pls
void doStuff( int *********parameter ){ ... }
ntbs is enough
No, I mean, pointers to pointers to pointers.
!!urban ntbs
@towc [ntb](http://ntb.urbanup.com/1040814) Internet Shortform:

Not Too Bad
Not pointers to pointers to pointers to pointers to pointers to pointers to pointers to pointers to pointers
yes, but this makes even less sense
it's like kind of a nightmare
Pointers to pointers to pointers are rare, but confusing.
Pointers to pointers to pointers to pointers are insane
something they'd go thinking "but whyyyy?"
I'll limit myself to 4 *
@towc null-terminated byte strings.
also, inside jokes about C nonsense?
as well as python and ruby
in C, Feb 6 at 22:00, by Brandin
I am going to write my own standard library now where attempting to printf a null pointer with the %p format creates a parallel universe identical to the one in which the program is executing, but in which the behavior of printing %p with a null pointer is actually defined.
Jokes about undefined behavior, implementation-defined behavior, unspecified behavior.. there are loads of them.
@KendallFrey svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a010000/a012100/a012144/… 6 year composite. 10k * 8k
I'm alive.
how was the flu?
This is the first time I've been on a computer (not counting phone) since thursday.
Still healing, but on the tail end..
I am suddenly a staunch advocate of flu shots.
did abi give you some funky Indian flu?
No.. I started to get a cough when I met him.. so I was already getting sick
I'm hoping I didn't make him sick
or his.. girlfriend?
that uscks.
not sure of the relationship there
@Abhishrek hey Sanka, you dead mon?
@Abhishrek You didn't get sick did you?
So.. I uhh.. vomited blood for the first time. That'll make you a bit nervous.
Flowers wither...better give your loved ones #KSP - Get it with 50% off at our Store for a limited time!… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/831208653382377475
I'm listening in componentWillReceiveProps for props change..then I make an Ajax reque..but every the Ajax calls in the method it gets aborted
The first Ajax call in componentDidMount returns fine..but when made in componentWillReceiveProps it's getting aborted basically
Are on mobile..excuse my bad spelling
@Luggage uh, wtf?
the doctor thinks i just burst a blood vessel..
Any ideas why the request aborts in that method?
it hasn't happened again, since, so..
@BrianJ can you show some code, please
Yeah will do later..going for a swim :)
@Luggage make sure it isn't the start of an ulcer
@William, Sorry for yyestruday.. My internet drop for 2hrs.
ridiculous java names you've seen?
hello lovely peeps
what about the rest of the peeps
well its just a generic, if your not lovely, then care do tell :P
meteor can suck every pair of balls i swear
I hate this framework so much
why do you swear pairs of balls
So meteor doesn't scale data because of the minimongo client side db storage. So basically, you have to limit and paginate every large set of data you have. Therefore, when you are passing data across routes, you encounter nasty Match.matchOf errors because of these limits imposed.
It's a nightmare!
@rlemon sure you've seen it, but wtf? gfycat.com/HarmoniousColossalHarrierhawk
yea man, the Robotics mod makes shit insane
im gonna cry. pagination needs to be removed. it's breaking everything
damn dude
KSP has gotten crazy! (in a good way) lol
it's all about the mods man
it's like 100 different games now
is there any modern game that compares to MW2?
I used to love that game
idk I didn't mind black ops 3 personally
not modern warfare
Hawken is the only newish one I'm aware of
hrm, I have it installed on the ps4 but it wanted some registration shit I wasn't willing to deal with at the time
maybe I'll revisit that :P
my issue with ksp is i never can decide what mods i want
so many to choose from
@KevinB same. and there is no easy way to manage mods -> saves
if I could tie mods to a specific save, that would be outstanding
this is a strange question but, let's say I want to "re-run" a method. How would you store it for future usage?
lol, I suppose.
i used git on skyrim once... before i realized you could just load saves based on character name
actually, that sounds like a really neat tool I could build with Electron -> a KSP launcher that manages mods and saves together
doesn't fix the mod problem, but mods aren't hard to manage with nexus mod manager
unless, @KendallFrey does this already exist?
ckan or whatever it's called doesn't seem that easy to use
yea, I use ckan
good weird stuff with js emoji?
what are JS emojis?
you're late
but it doesn't manage mods with saves. I want a launcher that I can select my save, it moves the saves to the save data folder and loads the mods I need.
like, i came back to the game after the 1.2 update, and wanted to remove all my mods... i ended up with ckan telling me i had mods that i didn't have, ended up just uninstalling the whole thing and reinstalling
@corvid what?
@SterlingArcher I'll throw it in a gist real quick
my only beef with ckan is not all mods are in the registry
so I end up having to manage mods in and out of ckan
and the lack of what I mentioned above 😃 which I'm not even sure if it is a good idea
and mods that state they support latest but then throw errors when you load it
are rovers any better since pre-1.2?
I don't wanna write a mod installer, just something to move them around when I wanna make saves with other mods. like.. I don't always wanna play with RSS, but I don't wanna have to keep installing and uninstalling it in ckan
this sounds familiar. i have a feeling Scott Manley uses some tool to do that..
but i'm not certain
Okay here it is. Basically, after each subsequent request, if any succeed, I want to retry the previous method
Try to make request -> if the request fails, try to refresh login -> if that fails, try to get remember me token -> if that fails, go to login and "save" the previous request and re-run it on successful submission of login form
Maybe you can pass a callback in which is the async function as a backup?
Sounds like some sort of chaining it going to happen since they're all async
@rlemon FWIW, my latest game project has that built in :P
I think factorio does that, doesn't it?
Pretty sure that's what I based the behaviour on
@SterlingArcher you mean to the getRefreshToken method and all of that?
// why not just this?
async function request(...args) {
  try {
    await makeRequest(...args);
  } catch (e) {
    await getRefreshToken();
    await makeRequest(...args);
oh my god
because emails are async and sometimes less intrusive than stabbing a programmer in the ribs and distracting him from being int he zone?
(or chatting)
she could literally look up and we'd be making eye contact
wanted a record
@SterlingArcher she could have passed a note but then you would yell at her for putting it on your desk
Humble Bundle just got political
lol the record is in her email if she bothered to look... she asked me for a document that was sent to everybody a month ago..
new girl?
@SterlingArcher Do you understand what that's implying?
not new
@KendallFrey don't you dare
I merely point out facts. Don't shoot the messenger.
A good dictator shoots every messenger
eh, we send email rather than talking 3 feet away too... so that it's easy to look back at what was said via email.
Less rumors spread
@KevinB yeah but this woman is horrible. So I'm biased
10/10 dramatic
Threatened to quit in front of the client, dramatic
oh, one of those
@Luggage wouldn't you need to nest a try/catch in the catch of that method, so that it will still try to go to the REMEMBER_ME?
why would it do it more than once?
if I click that and it's the black dude meme im going to murder you
rip lemon
5/7 murdered
4/20 with rice
The main problem is, I am trying to make a request to an authenticated resource. I get a 401, which should trigger it to get the refresh token. If that fails, it gets the remember me token. If that too fails, then I think I have to store the previous method until they successfully login
@SterlingArcher so much clench
I'm just having trouble saving those methods until then
why do you need to "save" a method? You are still inside the original request() when it fails.
ohh, redirect('/login');
not a promise-based part there.
yeah that's the idea -- I need to re-run the requests after they appropriately log in
if you are redirecting to another page, you are losing state anyway.
@HatterisMad this worked out fine. Upgraded to 285s and got a new wheel for $400 total lol omaha.craigslist.org/wto/5933831639.html
youtube.com/watch?v=uMGBvcGBZL8 lmao he whips himself twice like how do you do the same fuckup twice and not change anything
@Jhawins looks like it came from a good driver
@Jhawins so the guy wears the tires in and then swaps them? what kind of setup is he looking for lol
Can you guys take a look at this question and tell me what you think stackoverflow.com/questions/42196287/…
Suggestions or anything that would help
Or what you think
Even been so dumb you try to run away from being on fire? i.imgur.com/b0mwHD1.gifv
what is $display, log $display[0].scrollHeight and see what that is as well
lol @ the fiery footprints
yeah the footprints are the best
😬 I mean, if you're going to enter a room and ask a question, at least stick around :/
Sorry I was walking to class
What do you mean "what is $display"
where is it defined?
what is it
Which JavaScript framework is everyone using?
@Dan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
you can't spell cfml without fml
the "l" is optional
If you are talking about my socket.io script i guess $display is not defined. According to the person who replied to my question, it was just suggested that I just simply add the scroll script to where my new messages are appended
@JimJones are there errors in your console?
> $display.animate({ scrollTop: $display[0].scrollHeight }, 'fast');
$display is not defined, and if I'm understanding your post, you changed the script, not added too it.
so the stuff up at the top I can assume is no longer there
its me again with another array question:
how to sort an array of {}objects based on the content of said objects?
arr.sort( (a,b) => {
  // compare a.prop and b.props
Yes the stuff up at top is no longer there and I added the scroll script "($display.animate({ scrollTop: $display[0].scrollHeight }, 'fast');" to where my messages are appended in my socket.io script
@JimJones and what is $display?
and $display[0]
when i run my app now i get $display is not defined
because you don't define it
so do i just define it like so "var $display = $(display);" ?
thx as always @rlemon
@JimJones no
who wrote this code for you? where are you copying it from? what gave you the original code for $display = $('#box'); ??
Researching online I found that script in a stackoverflow question similar to my problem
well then I don't know where to begin.
@jhawins have you decided what cheap ass vehicle you are going to buy?
or you just going to stick with the ranger?
@rlemon This is the question where i got it stackoverflow.com/questions/42196287/…
that's your question
LOL, that made me laugh so much more than it should have
Hi, someone could help with Subresource Integrity ?:P
@HatterisMad the worst part is I know the answer, as I'm sure you can spot as well... I was trying to make it obvious and have OP read my questions and figure it out :(
@rlemon you assumed i even read his question...
well then..
i really have to be in the mood to help people haha
i remember you are actually the one that was helping me whenever i was vamping
I try use sha 256 from https://report-uri.io/home/hash
but I get error like this: integrity attribute match the content of the subresource
I see in https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Subresource_Integrity
more info. Unfortunately i don't know what is bad..
I try not to just hand out answers. but I'm here a lot. sometimes it just happens.
i prefer to just wtf at the weird guesses people make when attempting to fix things by throwing shit at the wall
yeah i realized i posted my own question
im really trying to wrap my head around this
if it is saying $display is undefined, and you have an example of $display being defined...
You mentioned that the answer is obvious. So do I just figure out how to define "$display" ?
var x = 5; console.log(y); // undefined. Why is y undefined?
@JimJones or figure out why it is undefined
hi all
I can't wait until breathing and moving don't hurt.
@Luggage death
@Luggage you going to get younger somehow?
I am new to here.
@JimJones it would be a start
@rlemon I think initially i was asking for code review to figure out where i was fucking up. And you told me to use event listeners instead of onclick
and then you told me to use foreach instead of for
onclick is icky
and then you told me to use map instead of foreach
@HatterisMad today, I probably would say for..of
and then you told me to use javascript instead of jquery lol
@HatterisMad ohh, unless it is map.. then yea. use map
well i think this was 3 years ago so that was valid recommendations i think
oh and you also steered me towards querySelector since i was using getElement
qs/qsa all things
@rlemon you would say for of instead of .map ?
hi again
getElementById('react-container') // all you need.
still use .map()
@HatterisMad nahh, map returns a mutated set. .forEach just iterates
no need for a new function each iteration
unless there is...
then use it.
(often there isn't)
what do you get +2s for in SO rep?
accepted edits?
err yeah i meant for of instead of .foreach
@towc yea
@HatterisMad yea, for the reason above
i typically just use .filter, .map, and .foreach for almost everything now
.forEach() is fine, too, if you are already using a bunch of other similar methods foo.map(...).reduce(...).filter(...).forEach(...)
No reduce?
i actually haven't wrapped my head around how i would use reduce yet
@Luggage for( const item of foo.map(...).reduce(...).filter(...) )
I'm not against for..of, but foreach() is also valid. Choose based on readability.
i guess i just have yet to run into a situation where i would use reduce
you probably have, but didn't realize reduce would help there.
if all I need is the resulting item from the array. for..of all day, if I need function scope (not that I can think of a reason why) OR I need to keep track of the index, foreach or even for;;
someList.forEach(someFunction); // might be nicer than a more verbose:

for (const someItem of someList) {
@HatterisMad accumulator?
yea, i reduce all the time.
@KevinB probably, yeah that's what i was trying to say earlier
@HatterisMad reduce is easy peasy

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