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hey @KendallFrey
@KendallFrey DANGER ZONE!
anyone else in college? I won't see my grades until the 14th despite being basically done.
something something archer sucks
@William no, I dropped out instead of being a pleb
@William Took this semester off, I start again in Jan and will do another full year.
@KendallFrey it's K Log now
I thought he was a fictional character
!!urban pleb
@William [pleb](http://pleb.urbanup.com/500218) Actually defined as a member of a despised social class, a commoner, a member of the plebs of ancient Rome. Also low-born, undisinguished, vulgar, and my personal favourite: vulgar-looking.

Other words with similar meaning: Scrut, Townie, Kappa-Slapper, Rude-Boi, Scum, Greb, Scav, &c.
@SterlingArcher i will klog your ass with my foot
The fuck is a kappa-slapper?
when you raise too many kappas in chat and streamer bans you
@ndugger usually it's a drunk frat-boy
(kappas were a sorority on my campus)
Hey if I was getting paid to play games in front of people yeah I'd whore out
In the end im about the money, because people suck so pay me
pay you to suck you?
no thanks
we all know sterling would stream naked
i would stream naked if someone would pay to see my balls, but no one does, so i have to be a dev with ugly balls
> Don't have set questions to ask. Just get way too loaded and see what happens.
60 percent of the time, it works every time
[sex panther roar]
jesus christ LOL
^ That's what I got out of that thread
actually just in case..
So it was worth it
It looks like what would happen if jar jar and a raptor had a love-child
i assume you guys know about this: youtube.com/watch?v=HMUDVMiITOU
man I usually have to fight to get the supports off too
these are a dream
almost fall off the print
haha things to ask on a first date: Are you going to eat that?
gold thread is gold
ok back to work
!!afk not murdering Kendall
things to ask on a first date: Am I going to eat you?
wait i had something for you
dank nudels
having french on your food is great sometimes
so, in trying to research approaches for geolocation of trees, I came up with something that seems interesting, and too "easy" for it not to already be a huge thing, so now I'm trying to figure out the possible downsides
problem: phone's gps s are really not even close to the precision I want for the project, and I don't want the user to need to have service or satellite reach or similar
@ndugger any/yes/anywhere but ass
solution: use a very recognizable object at known coordinates, point a camera at it, figure out orientation and distance
QR codes
something like a giant rubik's cube in the middle of an area, that you place based on landmarks you find on google maps, previously, as well as orientating it using other pre-determined landmarks
That scale might not be the best for the size, tbut the idea is sound. Also OpenCV has tools to do this
@Luggage oh, I guess I'm thinking of a poor man's version of that
@towc I like your idea, but normally out in the woods is one of the few places that those type of "known objects" are hardest to see
Also the tree-face-recognition software
face = branches
cant see the forest if a tree falls and no one is there to hear it
why isn't GPS enough, though?
@Luggage that's another problem entirely
@KendallFrey only accurate to like 3m right?
@KendallFrey Sicne this will never get done, we are over-engineering it
GPS will be more accurate than triangulating from a (probably distant) visual landmark
I guess you could do geolocation and picture
@KendallFrey I'd like to be able to map trees within a 1m error. Ideally less, but hey
why so low?
why not
using trees for position or making a map of trees?
@Luggage because that's more than you need to identify a tree
@ssube the phone would tell you when it's starting to lose significant precision do to lossy camera and stuff, so you just relocate the cube to your current position, tell the app that, and it will do things
Just print out some QR codes, laminate them, and duct tape them to the trees. This way, you can use GPS, and the inaccuracy doesn't matter
because each tree will have its own unique code
then you can adjust stuff on a pre-downloaded google maps map or something, as an option, to give even higher precision
inject the trees with an NFC chip
@towc then you don't know exactly where the cube is and you get compounded rounding errors
@KendallFrey that's the project
that makes no sense
It'll be hard to see the forest for the trees though with all that data
carve a uuid into the tree trunk
@ssube there will be errors, but there are other systems that can minimize them
you can minimize the error with gps too
@towc if you cut all the trees down you can use the rings as "fingerprints"
@Vap0r I'm not trying to identify them
just map them
ca4ea637-26c2-46eb-92cc-e89c78613074 4ever
Just take a picture of a tree stump and you'll know exactly where you are
what happens if the trees shift?
your map will be all wrong
The map is how you know the trees have really been walking in the middle of the night
@ssube they won't shift significantly if you cut them down
it would help spot Ents
He's trying to track the
@ssube damn it dude
@ssube another user will say "well, I saw this tree on a map, but it's no longer here, I'll flag it as "bad previous user or tree no longer here""
yea. if one tree keeps moving every night, you know you found them
if we're hunting ents, I'm in
tagging trees seems profoundly stupid otherwise
I'll bring my flannel
@towc somehow this terrible idea is your best yet!
@ssube otherwise?
I find the goals of this project ill-defined, but the challenge of mapping trees accurately is.. maybe useful to someone?
for purposes other than hunting living tree monsters
either way, I'd like to put the alternative geolocation method to the test tomorrow
tree species and individuals can be identified by infra red satelite imagery
@towc but its raining; you'll get wet
@Webster ohh, there you go.
@ssube oh duh yeah that'd be stupid
towc wants to look at the evil monolith on the horizon to figure out where he is in the level
@ndugger not all day, and no reason to get to the forest for it
I think we should mount a hunting expedition to NZ
make some tree-based pokemon go type game
@towc drone-based lidar actually does this really well I think
so, the challenge is that I don't have a big colored cube
you have trees
and I either make one, or I try some other shape with other characteristics
these are real r/marijuanaenthusiasts type trees
@towc for the purpose of triangulation?
@Vap0r yes
you know you need a few known points for that
often 3
@towc I guess but wouldn't getting a precise position on that object be tough to start?
How would you do that?
unless you have a very accurate compass, but apparently your phone is not enough
@ssube it's a different kind of triangulation
there are very accurate gps range finders available
not the kind with triangles?
@towc WAIT my buddy says some of the geocaching GPS' are much more accurate
@Webster damn it guys I'm trying to have an original thought and you guys aren't helping
@ssube you can calculate the distance and orientation from a cube by just using a function of the number of pixels you see from each face of the cube
yeah, up close
I think it still qualifies as triangulation, but not sure
the further you get, the less that works
@Luggage I went there for a while but a lot of their more "scientific" breakdowns are pure fantasy
@ssube ofc it will get worse the further you go, but I want to see how much. And still, using the "landmarks" method to get known coordinates to reposition the cubes to, you can get more accurate results
thats like perspective orientation
or at that point you can do actual triangulation
just build a VR forest and let people wander around and slap name tags onto trees; it will be just as useful
just spheres at known landmarks, take a photo of them at a single location, and see how big they are, then triangulate as usual
Differential GPS
I remember some guys talking about this when I was at FDOT
We use that in our smartphones
@Jhoverit really?
DOn't we? A similar idea powers our high accuracy Wifi based locations
i understand the error in our phones is built in
so we cant target eachother accurately with missiles
@ndugger the point is to encourage exploration, and get an outline of forests and density around the world for people like me to use when interested in escaping to the woods. That's useful enough for me
@Jhoverit my understanding is we don't, or else our GPS location would be more accurate
@Vap0r When using Wifi it is
Because it uses the wifi network itself to further triangulate your location
Yes Wifi positioning is much more accurate
I would have suggested that but assumed it wouldn't work because it'd be for "out in the woods" use
@ndugger create a vr game and require the users to be in a forest. Watch them as they walk into trees constantly.
right, ideally no need for wifi, and minimal reliance on satellites for live positioning
@Vap0r just turn on the access point on your phone. :)
Can you imagine lugging around a VR capable computer and a massive battery in a backpack?
@Luggage lol
IDk what the subject is I just thoguht the concept seemed similar. Guess only the result is
@ndugger I carry one with me every day
how powerful of a laptop is it?
like, is it even good?
For real thats nbd...
it's called a phone
@Jhoverit my understanding after a little reading is that we don't use DGPS in our smartphones because the cost of the receiver
The battery built into the laptop is ofc all you need
Also battery cost
@ndugger cloud GPU
and even then, carrying an even inflatable cube around to do these kinds of things is kind of a bummer
And practicality
I assume you can do it with some carpet as well, although the calculations are not as basic
Tons of VR ready laptops come in as small a form factor and lighter than my current one.
@towc your solution is DGPS
and you're much more prone to errors
You can get this non-technically with a standalone GPS device
reddit.com/r/geocaching has a FAQ and guide and should recommend the best ones
in places that have DGPS, if I'm reading the article right
@ssube correct it's land-based so you would need a receiver
uh... erm...
a receiver too :) but I meant to say transmitter
the idea is to do it basically for free
I'm the target user
so it has to be easy j/k :)
@ndugger I'm the target cashier (source)
@towc but what are you actually trying to do?
I'm the captain now
@KendallFrey doesn't matter he's given his requirements now dance
@KendallFrey poor man's geolocation
the tree mapping thing
20 mins ago, by towc
solution: use a very recognizable object at known coordinates, point a camera at it, figure out orientation and distance
so you want GPS but you can't use GPS because you didn't make it
he wants GPS accurate to 1m.
military gps
!!tell towc mvce
@KendallFrey common gps is too inaccurate, and I don't want the users to need to pay for additional services
Are you mindjailed?
@ndugger yeah :)
it's too inaccurate for what?
@KendallFrey the thing I want to do
which is...
tbf there's no very specific requirements I have for myself
but more than 1m just feels wrong
just an arbitrary rule
at the FDOT they would use DGPS to get an initial location, "tare" the two LiDAR sensors, and then run them. They'd get an accurate 3d survey to within some crazy number like 5 millimiters
i have another broad question, what questions would you ask to determine if graphql is the right tool to use vs rest?
@NathanJones does your data live in a graph?
@rlemon I beat that game on hard when it came out, super fun
They could tell you a piece of gravels GPS positions within a couple millimeters if they so wanted
do you want to query it in a graph-structured way?
the MP was great too until hackers ruined it :(
I bet ultrasound would make a pretty accurate positioning system
@rlemon also that looks nice
@KendallFrey do phones have ultrasound?
You're gonna have shitty results if you try to triangulate from angles
or other common items people carry with them?
Bit offtopic, but I seem to have a lot of trouble to "publish my local changes to a new branch". - Git keeps complaining I have a "detached head".
sound would be more susceptible to air pressure and temp, right?
distances are just simpler
@KendallFrey I've heard something about this, but I believe most of it was for underwater sensing
fatal: You are not currently on a branch.
To push the history leading to the current (detached HEAD)
state now, use ....
@ssube if it's in an relational db, doesn't that mean it can be represented as a graph?
well, you'd better reattach the head
@paul23 create a new branch
thats how they do the sea floors Kendall, or sonar
git checkout -b newbranchname
@Webster sonar is different, I'm thinking GPS but with sound instead of light
you know the only way to measure the volume of an egg?
I don't believe there is such a thing
long range bluetooth speakers
I thought GPS was radio from satelites with known position
water displacement ~ the egg
so use sound waves instead of radio waves for data?
That was basically it. I don't know how to critique scientific studies like that so I'm not sure if there are glaring issues, but that's the basic idea.
@Vap0r Yeah there are blind people that navigate like that
@Webster exactly
@KendallFrey yup! that's where I found out about it
The point of using sound waves is they're much slower therefore much more accurate
@Webster that's one method of airgap data transfer that's been used commercially for a while
precise, rather
I believe Nielsen does this with TVs, right?
@KendallFrey Oh, thanks for actual direct instruction :).
@ssube i'm trying to wrap my head around what you said
are you saying graphql should only be used with graph databases?
@Loktar yea man, I'm super happy.
No. Relational DBs can be accessed as a graph, too
people still use graphql? That's so 2015
Just wondering if someone has time, what is a "detached HEAD" and what caused this?
@Vap0r ....uhh sonar?
@paul23 you watching ISIS videos again?
@paul23 means you're not on a commit
@Luggage the openjscad docs are terrible.
@NathanJones only with graph data
if your data doesn't form a graph, graphql won't work very well
@rlemon sorry
@Vap0r That reminds me, the other day Physics Girl was using an acoustic levitator on a livestream and turning it on completely jammed her mic even though she couldn't hear it.
@ssube Well obviously, but it just suddenly appeared after I copied my code from one folder to another folder on my local pc (but kept everything intact).
@Jhoverit no. Sonar is for at or under the surface of water
@Luggage you should be
@Vap0r What do bats use
echo location
@Jhoverit echolocation. I believe it's a type of ultrasound
Tats the word I meant.
they don't give you the actual api definition, they just give you random examples with no explanation
@Loktar Just some information for when I go on holidays :)
Same thing as the paper linked
yeah that's why I linked it :)
That's a shame it's not better documented.
how we have binary ears they say we get a lot of direction info from sounds
Why they posing that question tho
Or was that posted in like 1920
but it might be minicking the openscad commands..
so maybe those docs help?
i assume you guys know about binaural recording - 3d sound
@Webster have you had a chance to try the new spatial sound stuff?
should be a part of VR
I'm sure they do mimic openscad
I don't know how close it is to real openscad
but would it kill them to give me more information than those examples?
@Jhoverit maybe they just haven't caught up to your intelligence?
@rlemon BTW, did you know OnShape is scriptable too? :P
@ndugger super abrasive dude
@Luggage I pasted the crystal generator lemon had, didn't work
@KendallFrey in js?
@Vap0r 123 me
No, it's a proprietary language
I'm more drawn to this because I can use js
@ndugger I don't have the heart
somewhat similar
@Vap0r That was easy
tbh I wasn't overly impressed, it's a steep learning curve
He triggered
but if it turns out to be a crapshoot I'll probably just learn openscad
Why am I even in this chat still? I forgot that I hate you all
@ndugger anarchy
Omg lmao
hey guys
my wife took her car in for an oil change
it's 3 years old only
Oh boi...
they say she needs an alignment
you should do them more than every 3 years
I think it's horsehit
She likely does
Annual alignments
oh really?
I do an alignment every year
/any time you change tires
Get a lifetime is what I'd suggest
no tire changes happening
once or twice a year
Otherwise your tires will wear weird.
if it steers fine and the tires look fine, then it's fine (IMO)
the vehicle is only 3 years old period
yeah it steers totally fine
You don't NEED it. But every time she hits a pothole it is tweaking the alignment
no shaking either
ok good to know I guess
was $160 and I was like nah
mine is a year old. I get an alignment every year just to make sure it is still good. it's only $90
@Loktar you can check the contact patch on your own
ohh shit.
$160 is a rip
$160 better be lifetime. Thats what TiresPlus charges for lifetime
but getting one isn't
yeah 160 seems expensive to me, but I never get that shit done lol
I used to go to a guy who does nothing but alignments, it was < $100
and he's the best around
well that was balancing too lol
he won't do german cars tho :(
but balancing is cheap and easy I used to do that even
when they change my tires it comes with that, but if I get it alone it's $90 CAD
$160 USD is a major rip
you guys mean rotate tires right?
You should know better than to ever post a dollar amount for car work if you don't want to hear a stream of how you are getting ripped off. :)
like not changing to brand new tires
@Loktar well if they need rotation, they get it. mine are changed every winter right. so
But yea, dealers aren't the most economical place for that work
a relational db can be accessed as a graph. does that mean that if data can be stored in a relational db, then it necessarily follows that that data can be represented as a graph, or is it only a subset of data in an rdb that can be represented as a graph?
I got an alignment every time I went from summer <-> winter with the Evo
@ssube yea it comes with the tire change for me.
I did that part and drove to a garage, but yeah
which is a ridiculous thing. tire change and alignment == $30, alignment alone == $90
@Loktar the point of it is that your suspension has gotten a little tweaked over the last X years. The tires that were on it over the last X years slowly absorbed those steering geometry changes and wore appropriately
they're probably stealing your tires and selling them to schools
My alignment isn't worth trying to fix :/
When you rotate them you're going to have tires that wore accordsing to a different geometry
ok well glad I asked, so alignment is a good thing to do regularly but not for that price
So it will greatly exaggerate the wear
@ssube I think it's just the dealership assuming you store the tires as well.
@NathanJones only some data makes sense to read as a graph
they wanted a stupid price to store my summers.
@Loktar and not urgent if all appears and drives well
ty @Jhoverit figured I'd ask here since I saw you talking as well and I make no claims to know anything about this stuff lol
long term, yes. can wear out your tires
All it will do is lose you a little grip when it's slick and wear the tires slightly faster
@Luggage right but our lease is over in the summer
so I was thinking meh
but yeah it still drives straight
> Thai Grilled Beef with Edamame Salad. Beef, Edamame, Corn, Red pepper, ginger, garlic, cilantro, hoisin, soya, lemon juice, chilli paste
maybe they saw tires wearing unevenly
should I nuke it
I wish they said what they recommended to do with it
If I was a tire shop I'd suggest it every time I took off a tie too lol so
yeah nuke that
@ssube could you give an example of data in an rdb that doesn't make sense to be read as a graph?
salad people dont usually look for the cooking directions
i'm still not getting it

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