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happy bday @corvid damn so many bdays lately
I kinda want to get a CS degree
@towc lots of great programmers in the world
@Jhoverit dunno, if <insert your favorite open source IDE of choice> main developer was asking for patreon stuff, wouldn't you donate?
just not lots of good ideas
@Jhoverit meh, you already did
right now I'm basically a code monkey. I'd like to be able to do the more interesting work
@FlorianMargaine I wouldn't but I know a ton of people would
I genuinely received it that way, sorry :)
I see the other meaning now
I can't wait to make dinner lol
I'm not a fan of his at all, but he gets 12k per month
to make videos and play games
fucking nuts.
again, my main problem right now is that I don't want to get fucked by taxes and all, and as my plan is to do some open source until I'm 18 and some grey-area side-projects, I thought I could get something else off of it
@FlorianMargaine Hell. No. Get a fucking job.
@Loktar it makes sense if something you're using every day to boost your productivity, being open source, free, everything, if the main dev says "give me some money and you'll get even more stuff!"...
Or monetize your product
my brother was talking about a guy on twitch with 4k+ subscribers, which amounts to $10k+ per month
@Jhoverit lolwat
@towc you need deep experience in a project to be worth paying
This is fun. Why is main not shrinking to match the limit set by #top?
$12k a month for playing games?
what the fuck im in the wrong line of work
You asked if I would donate to the developer of a program. I would not. I would buy their program tho and consume their advertising
and when you are that familiar with a major piece of software, there's usually a company that will sponsor you
@Shmiddty Getting 4k+ subscribers is a big deal though
Maybe I can get rich off a motovlog
@SterlingArcher it's crazy, there are tons of people on there getting pretty good money
@Shmiddty Twitch is that miniscule?!
@SterlingArcher go ride through chernobyl
I should just become a camgirl
^ there you go 😋
I'm not saying 4K isn't good. I'm saying that is one tiny market if 4K is good
@Neoares Maybe I can get rich off a molotov (source)
Would you guys watch me if I was a camgirl be honest xD
Can you still get W10 for free if you say you're disabled?
@ssube the way I see it, there's quite a lot of people who would want to contribute to a certain oss project, but don't have time. One way is to donate to something, but that's often not a thing that happens
I don't see how 4k subs can be 10k per month
@SterlingArcher I'd tape it
@SterlingArcher I've seen camgirls in very nice apartments/houses
that's a crazy ratio
Yea how are they getting > 2 in revenue per user.
@towc it does happen, all the time. Companies sponsor it.
@Loktar Each sub pays $5 a month, half goes to Twitch, half goes to the broadcaster
4k * $2.5 = $10k
@Martin I doubt it
You have to pay to sub to something on twitch?
They haven't offered Win10 for free since July of 2016
@MadaraUchiha Don't they have potentially hundreds of broadcasters to split EVERY sub with
@MadaraUchiha paid subs are much lower
@SterlingArcher Er, no?
@SterlingArcher That's the entire point of being a subscriber
@Martin lol?
@SterlingArcher no not always
So the $5 goes to 50% twitch, 1% channel A, 1% channel B etc...
you can follow someone w/o subbing
"Subscriber" is just their name for "patron"
Figred as much
just depends honestly
@MadaraUchiha something you know a lot about eh
aw Sterling just beat me
Oh you sub to a specific channel?
For money?
@ssube that's a dom not a sub
People are stupid af lol
Accessibility not disability lol my bad
^ you get nothing special
besides supporting the streamer.
but if it is 4k subs then I guess that would make sense, not just 4k viewers/followers
however you'd expect the viewers to be pretty damn high to have over 4k subs
with twitch prime the subs are ultra-cheap
no wonder girls be showing cleav on twitch for subs
in spain amazon prime it's 20€/year
Perks of being a mod: edit a post 3 minutes after it was posted
and you get 60€ of twitch subscriptions
@SterlingArcher speaking of (tangentially), have you seen American Vandal?
@Jhoverit Yes, subscribing is different from following
@MadaraUchiha stop abusing your powers to ruin jokes >:(
@MadaraUchiha power abuse
@ssube no but it's got good reviews on netflix
Following means you get notifications when the broadcaster goes live, subscribing means you have an active paid subscription
I think you'd enjoy it
It's an explicit form of support from the viewers
I watched most of it over the weekend, it's pretty funny
And 4k is a lot
Twitch is crazy
YouTube monies come from ad revenue right?
@SterlingArcher Yes
Which means it's in big trouble now
yeah 4k is a huge amount of subs, would probably mean at least 20k viewers assuming almost 25% sub
4k is a shitton of pixels
25% seems super generous
25% is very generous
So like, is there a ratio on monies to ad views? When do ads get put on your vids?
We're talking about closer to 5-10%
there is a ratio, it's low, and there is a threshold for monetizing iirc
@SterlingArcher On YouTube, there are a few things that your video needs to be in order to be eligible (for instance, it has to be longer than 10 minutes)
But monetizing YouTube videos is no longer viable as a full-time thing, unless you're already big
guys you forget one thing
the fucking donations
@MadaraUchiha what are you trying to get it to look like?
people donate sex?
people donate a lot just to hear their messages with google's synthetic voice
@MadaraUchiha right, so basically, you get the views first, then you "apply" or however
@Shmiddty 100vw top container, 200px sidebar, rest of space is taken by the inner elements with the ellipsis
I don't see how making money on Youitube is sustainable AT ALL
@SterlingArcher No, it's just not worth it unless you already have a large viewbase
So I wouldn't waste the time
> PewDiePie appeared at the top of Forbes' October 2015 list of the richest YouTube stars with a reported $12 million earned in 2015
@Jhoverit It used to be sustainable
EVen the big guys can't last forever it's just not a model that makes sense
Now it's no longer the case
@MadaraUchiha that's what I said, first you get the audience
I thnk that might be the definition of sustainable
WHich means it never was
@MadaraUchiha as in, the inner elements are columns?
@Jhoverit It was sustainable when YouTube ads weren't too bad
But they became greedy
I don't think it's about that at all.
They changed the rules for the worse, and everyone are suffering for it now.
Much simpler issue
It's gotten much more complex over the last year
Yeah youtube ads are ridiculously annoying
@Jhoverit By that logic, nothing is sustainable.
@KendallFrey lolright
am I the only one using adblock in youtube?
I'm going to post my motovlogs to pornhub
Now there is SO MUCH FING CONTENT it's worth jack shit
@SterlingArcher Hey at least you have YouTube Red
Just one point
@Neoares I pay for Google Music
They're stuck in a cycle of: More users are using adblock, ad revenue is down, make ads more aggressive, piss of both viewers and content creators, more users are using adblock
@ssube so you don't have ads in youtube?
@KendallFrey nah, I'm not subscribing just to save 5 seconds every few minutes
I mean there's so much random content people aren't even trying to monetize now too with social media etc
As a result, less and less ad revenue means less and less share for the content creators
Which means worse quality/quantity videos
if you have google music, you get youtube "red" (without ads)
oh, nice
So basically this is all adblock's fault
@SterlingArcher You yourself described those 5 seconds as "ridiculously annoying"
I'm pretty sure youtube was already red, but whatevs
@SterlingArcher We all have it dufus
I pay for spotify
@ssube Not available in Israel
@Jhoverit wat
Don't you have Google Music
We don't.
No I use spotify
@MadaraUchiha move to a place with less sand and more music?
Oh. Sit on a log
suck it nerd lol
@ssube Hey, sand people make great music. Jerk.
@ssube Oh, I don't care. I have an Xposed module to unlock YouTube red features on my phone, and aggressive adblockers on both my phone and all my machines
@SterlingArcher I am having bachelor af dinner come and join me
I haven't seen an ad in years now (when browsing privately in my profile).
you don't type red.youtube
it just makes youtube more red
let me have my joke ssube
@SterlingArcher Have you tried googling "ts playground" yet?
@Jhoverit im making chicken tonight
@SterlingArcher I got hibachi stones!
@MadaraUchiha no lol you guys only mention it when I'm at work
@SterlingArcher you're "making"? xD
@MadaraUchiha I almost googled that at least twice yesterday
I don't get it
do you not make food?
I'm grilling filet mignon and potatoes
craving for that perfect eyebrow gene
@SterlingArcher I think he's failing english
hm... true
but it sounds like making baby chickens
Sterling isn't a male chicken
so he can't make baby chickens
I'm devouring instant noodles
@littlepootis do you ever eat anything else?
@ssube He can make chicks, which is close enough
user image
can't stop laughing at that.
@ssube Yeah, I cook stuff.
love it lol
@Loktar flag at the what? @jAndy
Bing bing double ping
> hey man, can you stand on the top row while we all stare at your pants?
@Loktar lmao we done that in bball
@SterlingArcher those final averages aren't great, though
> the monthly income tends to be between $2000 and $5000 a month, and even that requires a lot of work to be put in before it pays off. Many streamers also work close to 60 hour weeks
I'd work 60h a week if my job was playing games
making $5k sitting on my ass would be tempting if it wasn't what I already did :P
Playing games well enough while being entertaining and engaging is not an easy job
and will get super boring after a week or two
yeah, I can play for a few hours at a time
although this weekend, I spent most of a day playing project cars.
@MadaraUchiha indeed
I wish I could wire a gopro to my body so that it's powered by me, and memory is my brain
I'd do a 24/7 uncensored twitch channel
that's called your eyes
you just need a transmitter
Yeah but I can't livestream my brain, dummy
you can, actually
you just need to be a robot
aren't you?
yeah but an antenna is way easier than a whole nother camera :P
so you need a brain antenna
@SterlingArcher waitbutwhy.com/2017/04/neuralink.html long read but worth it
> oh dear god he's eating more hot wings, honey change the channel when he wakes up in the morning
@SterlingArcher yea, but also do note that it's as hard to be a professional streamer as being a professional sportsman. Well, actually, there is much less professional streamers
@KamilSolecki disagree...
Look at the view count
Only <100 people get serious views per game, maybe around 200-300 for the biggest games
look how many make it into the NFL or professional sports teams
takes a bit more than luck + a nice setup / charisma
@KamilSolecki lmgdao
Social media based incomes are much less based in merit than any other types I can think of
You are at the mercy of the subs
@Jhoverit As if being at the mercy of someone disqualified your job from being on merit.
Literally every profession requires people to pay you.
@loktar just 3D print your house a new main frame
All you have to do is reconfigure the main frame
Hi all
@KendallFrey As if anyone said that. Normally when you read something and it makes no sense the first course of action is to see if YOU misinterpreted. We would all waste a lot less time if Kendall knew how to do that.
@Loktar What exactly does it take more than that?
@KendallFrey what do you mean?
What do professional sports take beyond that?
Life dedication.
@Jhoverit It's certainly possible I misinterpreted, and if so, do explain what you meant.
there is no comparison of streamers to professional, or Olympic athletes
not saying it's "easy" to become a popular streamer, but the bar is far lower.
You can simply reread with an open mind and understand. No need for me to waste effort
@Jhoverit Fine, but don't expect me to take you seriously if that's how you communicate.
@Loktar But Connor McGregor is the exact same as Biggie, same level of devotion
@KendallFrey I am literally jus gonna ignore lmao. I sure don't expect anything. Later bro
I like how you leave whenever you disagree wtih someone lol
You and my sister would get along
Anybody have a crazy good mac n cheese recipe? I need to kick my sister in laws ass in a mac n cheese competition at work
kraft dinner
@SterlingArcher Use cream cheese cc @towc
with bacon and avocado
I second kraft dinner, but only canadian kraft dinner
@SterlingArcher use more cheese than her. That's the only metric that matters
American "mac and cheese" is just bad
@Cereal is there a difference?
from scratch recipe
@Loktar I disagree. While I agree that it takes far more skill to be a professional athlete, the streaming thing is MUCH smaller as of today. The game is occupied by regulars that hardly shifted from that position yet
Apparently. It's not even called kraft dinner in the us
@Cereal KD is cheap shit no matter what
it's not not called kraft dinner
it definitely says kraft and I think it says dinner
As in the rotation in the streaming business is much smaller, allowing less new people in
@Cereal Still tasty, but still poor people food
I remember having it once in the US and it was pretty disappointing
@KamilSolecki you don't have people starting at the age of 5 practicing every morning years of their life paying money out the butt to become a popular streamer though.
@ssube kraft breakfast anyone?
@Cereal fascinating
@Loktar You sure about that? There are some pretty young twerps on the interwebs
@KendallFrey lol
Those would be classified as screamers, not streamers.
I was born to be a fanboy
yeah the thing is though there isn't a formula really to make it big, there seems to be much more right place right time involved with becoming a popular streamer/youtuber
from the age of 5, I was on the lookout for things to get crazy about
like Boogie, he got lucky with the Francis vids
which propelled his career
@Loktar I'd argue the same about sports
he didn't necessarily practice day in and day out for years
honing his skill
Maybe he was naturally skilled
eh, there is definitely more effort in becoming a professional athlete, I'm not even a fan of sports tbh but I recognize that easily.
@Loktar like that one streamer who uses random controller stuff to play games
like bananas, or a guitar hero controller
he got big because somebody cross posted his stream and it went viral
I've used a guitar hero controller to play a game before
I'll let you guess which game
I want to run vim on a piano keyboard at some point
@towc do it, and start a patreon/twitch/yt account
@towc oh shit, did you see the question someone posted about using a piano keyboard for their everyday typing?
even just touring with it, conferences would maybe pay me to get there
@KendallFrey no? 0.o
@towc depends on the conference 😒
don't apply for any the NPM CEO runs
@towc events don't really pay you to show up, but you can go and try to make money
It had a ton of upvotes IIRC, let me try to find it
same with music, you can't just show up at venues and play
but you can show up and sell paintings and hat pins and merch, if you want that life
Q: Using a piano keyboard as a computer keyboard

l--''''''---------''''''''''''I have RSI problems and have tried 30 different computer keyboards which all caused me pain. Playing piano does not cause me pain. I have played piano for around 20 years without any pain issues. I would like to know if there is a way to capture MIDI from a MIDI keyboard and output keyboard strok...

@ssube wait, don't they? As in, if I made a 5 min entertainment talk on it, showing different tricks at each conf. Can't be that hard, and I'd think there's a lot of value in that
what's an entertainment talk?
@KendallFrey oh, nice. Well, I'm not original enough I guess
@ssube even just one of those MCing stunts
if you mean showing a nonsense video and rambling about something you've never learned, that's called a TEDtalk :P
and you have to pay like $25k to throw one
@towc Also, are you familiar with steno?
@towc so you wanna be a dj, huh?
that's chump change
@KendallFrey nope
@ssube not sure if a joke or not
Do a bit of research, it's neat
MCing at conferences
and tech conferences, is the thing
Tedtalks are pretty good ssube
@KendallFrey oh, stenography?
yeah, sure
what about it?
it's neat, yeah
the immediate problem I'm trying to solve is doing something that unis will consider impressive so they can accept me as fast as possible, btw
dadcooksdinner.com/pressure-cooker-macaroni-and-cheese im going to try this recipe. any thoughts on if I should add in a different cheese?
short recap: my parents are intending to make me go to italy in a month until a uni accepts me
my plan is to get something before the end of the month

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