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I never felt this important.
Worth noting that the Israeli name "Sharon" and the US name "Sharon" are pronounced differently.
I'm not sure where you get your information
@rlemon ah okay, I will say its unisex
The US emphasizes the "Sha" and the Israeli name emphasizes the "ron"
@FlyingGambit sounds south indian to me.
@littlepootis Yes indeed Tamil Nadu or Andra
in Teenage Territory, 28 mins ago, by little pootis
Man, I want to get the police involved.
I wish I had an interesting name
Rob is so boring
in Teenage Territory, 28 mins ago, by little pootis
I'm too deep into this.
@rlemon Ghobeght
@rlemon Rob stands for many things
Rob Robber Robberry
One of my female friend has her last name as "Goonda", which means thug
user image
@MadaraUchiha So they basically call them "Shron" with little to no emphasis on "a"
that's excellent @KendallFrey
@FlyingGambit No, it's just that the "a" sounds more like an "uh" and it's shorter
shhRon vs share-on
@rlemon more like SHAron (from SHA1) vs share-on
Eh too tough, I will just call them shari
@FlyingGambit That is an excellent idea.
Is there anyway we can scale an svg to a4....
morning everyone
Mr. sha
@Mathematics SVG means Scalable Graphic Vector, so there should be a way
@FlyingGambit I agree you, but I can't find it unfortunately...
I can do it myself using mouse and zoom... but how can I do it in code
@Mathematics Have you tried Google?
I had this problem a while ago, and found plenty of solutions
> The above is an illustration for educational purposes.
@MadaraUchiha yes, it suggested something like view box, which I did used in past... but I am not sure if this will work for this scenario
@FlyingGambit I couldn't find it there... why would I ask here otherwise
@MadaraUchiha page not found
@MadaraUchiha you are in a funny mood ain't u

After zooming into this map very close, I want to reset it to like this
classic patrick
@MadaraUchiha Well that backfired :)
but the catch is !!!! I will have random maps... so I am not sure about how to do it...
so is webpack 2 stable enough to use in production yet?
const store = new Foo(bar); store.register(a,fn); so I have this for my data, and multiple components need access to the store object so they can register / request their own data. I can just pass it as a prop down to the components, but then I remembered child contexts
would that be a good candidate? like 9/10 components will need to touch this object
brb nuking coffee.
@Mathematics hmm i recall you having this question ... months ago
@KarelG it might be something similar but not exactly same :)
don't ask me to dig in your chat history
@KarelG (runs away)
anyway, problem now I have is that... I have random large datasets and I don't know how to calculate right SCALE + translate property to fit it in middle of page
@Mathematics You should have said that in the beginning
but at the end, you cannot fit all that in a small window
just set up zoom level based on 1/3 of width
That would have saved you the "did you try google?" and "here's a very general article from CSS tricks about scaling SVG"
@KarelG we can as you can see in the screenshot above, & different dataset's I can't calculate anything just like that :)
rlemon using context to pass down a store is common. I question the 9/10 components, though
the dumb components should still get their data from a parent.
yea, sorry, I meant 9/10 'top level' components
@MadaraUchiha waiting patiently :)
@Mathematics Yeah, I'm afraid I don't have a good answer for you
ohh, double ping. Now you have to remove the "patiently"
It's not an easy task, and not something most of us do often
@MadaraUchiha I agree
What? Talk to women?
@Luggage That too
Your best bet would be to estimate how tall everything is at 100%, and scale it down so that it fits in the height you set
@MadaraUchiha does that tree thingie not have a width of the tree ? If it's available, then it's not hard to scale it to the viewport's dimension ?
@KarelG It's the height that's going to be largest though
But it's the same principle
You need its actual dimensions, then it's a matter of scaling it down so that it fits.
you can see that the height leads to a very low zoom level (check his ss)
Yeah, so?
you just want to zoom into the root node?
record it's offset when you draw it.
or.. is it at 0,0 anyway?
also, you can query svg like html. You can find the node and get it's offset, I think
"scale to a4". You can set width and height independently of the viewBox
@Luggage I think you are missing large part of conversation :)
Yea, probably.
converting ugly chained promises to async/await is both error prone and satisfying
@Luggage I suppose it makes no sense then for me to keep the store in the app state? just make it a property of the app and return that from getChildContext?
because it won't change.
yea... if it's a property of app, it IS part of app state... but transient state
but yes.. getChildContext on your main App component makes sense.
but I do know a skittles guy
@HatterisMad Me after I get the tiny house with Mariah
@Jhawins you after she farts the first time
Does anyone know how to use an operator to do a .toString() type conversion?
@TrojanByAccident '' + foo, but literally anything you do will just call toString, so you may as well cut to the chase
> Goin to jail nevermind
I could just buy two tiny houses next to each other
lol independent partnership
@ssube hmm. I was wondering because I know that +value converts to number, and !!value converts to boolean, but was trying to see if there was something similar for strings
@TrojanByAccident it would be ''+, but like I said. Those other two actually just call numeric conversion functions as well, though.
.toString() doesn't work so great on undefined
@ssube Yeah. It's for codegolfing though
For golf, I don't think you can do better than 3, not for strings.
@Jhawins with a glory hole
good afternoon everyone, anyone having problems with POST requests made from safari ios? been having problems about my connections being terminated by the browser.
@ssube alright
i'm using angularJS's $http
@TrojanByAccident if you already have a string for some reason, you can always append to it, which could be shorter.
if you have a string, += is your best bet
@CptEric There's like 1000 things to go wrong
not shorter there though :P
"Request failed to load resource: The network connection was lost" randomly on post requests @OliverSalzburg
@CptEric Give your network connection directions next time
been happening only on devices > 10.0
postman <9.0 or android devices work all the way fine
@Luggage lol
@Jhawins probably not a bad idea
We have no idea where we want to live tho :(
If I am using async/await, is there any benefit to bluebird's Promise.map(someArray, somefunction, { concurrency: 1}) over for item of someArray) { await someFunction(item); } ?
Not Omaha. My lease ends when August starts
@Luggage parallelism.
@CptEric Could simply be timeouts if your requests are taking too long
even with { concurrency: 1 } ?
no no
it's instant
She keeps suggesting Florida lol.....
@CptEric Ah, I see. Is this a hybrid app or a website?
request - 1/2 secs - message appears on log - null response on callback
Or near the mountains in CO
hybrid app using ionic framework
@Luggage I mean, it's just going to be in how they schedule that one thing, then. So practically, I'd say no.
@CptEric Is this always happening with the same host?
@Jhawins my girl keeps suggesting florida as well
With Babel or something you do introduce regenerator overhead, potentially, so that could be a more significant concern but still isn't bad.
@HatterisMad how much money do I have to take to Thailand to live like a king lol
only randomly, but it's alteast 1 of each 4 calls
@CptEric In general, in a hybrid app, make sure to whitelist your origins
A king with a million wires strung out everywhere around me
like monthly income?
yeah, already did that
I use regenerator already and even a few whole seconds of extra time for this procedure is no big deal.
(and it won't be seconds)
i've got everything "*" on CORS and access-origin config on angular
i would say you could live like a king for a monthly income of $900 for two people
No Idk just joking. Come to Flroida with us (except no, I don't want to)
@Luggage The former has no guarantee for order of execution (just order of the results), the latter does.
you can get by for like $500
an it would never work if that was teh case
Dude if I'm going to the coast I'm not going East... Sunsets lol
it's just once each 3-4 calls
ooh that's a good point
@CptEric True
Order is not important. It's all in a DB transaction, even.
@Jhawins we have been talking about this and i told her the ups and downs of florida... last we spoke about it i think we were settling on like texas coastline areas
No particular difference then, no.
We have a Cordova hybrid app as well and we're deploying to iOS. We're not seeing problems like that
I'm going for for...of for readability in this case, then.
@HatterisMad That works. She has no reason for anywhere specific... Me neither :/.
is your server http or https?
I've been mostly using for/of with my async stuff lately, too.
@CptEric https
or for...in.. gotta look that up. I always confuse then
for of
I really need to decide so I can see if work will let me go remote or if I'll have to figure something new out.
@ssube Then you'd love for-await-of
ours is http
for in is the old one
@Jhawins large thai communities in florida and cali areas. other than that yeah she just wants beach and not incredibly expensive living
could be that? i've got allow arbitrary loads enabled
@CptEric We develop on HTTP
yea, "of". "in" is for objects
@HatterisMad Right Florida is cheap in the right places for sure
@MadaraUchiha nvm it does
@Jhawins yeah but then you have to deal with the negatives of florida
do you develop in real devices or in emulator?
is it weird to golf obfuscated code?
@CptEric You could try running the app with the XCode debugger attached and see if you get useful information from the log
@CptEric Real devices only
@HatterisMad Like 99% white trash inhabitants?
yeah just that message sadly
could be an apache config or a wrong header or something then
No I seriously think we are going to go to Colorado. Only thing is it's further from my family.
but it's surely only happening on ios 10.0/10.1 on iphone 6 and 7
for me
@Jhawins disney, epcot, orlando, gators, rednecks, the geriatric, tourists, land erosion on the coasts, it rains every friggin day, humidity, hurricane
She's coming to visit in 3 weeks, moving in a few months
function delay(v, n) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(v), n));

async function* delayedRange() {
  let i = 0;
  while (true) {
    yield await delay(i++, 1000);

async function consumer() {
  for await (const i of delayedRange()) {
    if (i > 10) break;

consumer(); // 1, 2, 3, in 1000 ms intervals
my coworkers iphone 6 with 9.x works fine
@Jhawins shit, nice man.
@CptEric Weirdly, it starts to sound familiar :P
@Jhawins my girl should be back in the states by mid july
Yea I'm excited. Then we're gonna try to movesomewhere else together so it's more of "us" starting over instead of her moving into my established life
@OliverSalzburg ugh. please tell me you faced something similar and managed to fix it ;_;
sorry for the double ping, couldn't let that emogi alone
Also I am bored with Nebraska is the main reason lmao..
@CptEric I remember that they change something in Cordova in the latest iOS major where they're using a different WebKit UI element IIRC. That caused some weird issues with some of the plugins we were using
gonna check that
The "old" <iOS10 UI element worked differently and that was the source of some issues
@Jhawins yeah, i guess i am going to try and stay at the job i am at for a good while. Get a solid job on my resume again and in the right field and whatnot
@SterlingArcher can I email you?
been meaning to ask, what is new Promise()?
@TrojanByAccident An empty promise
@Jhawins not to mention i will be strapped for cash because i will be supporting her and getting married and she cant work for a while and even then it will be hard for her to get a job here, and impossible to get one that uses her degree :/
@towc email him asking if you can email him
@OliverSalzburg which does what?
Lol street view gem
I don't have his email, and I don't want to feel creepy trying to find out what his email is
@TrojanByAccident Raise false hope
@OliverSalzburg if that was the case, i might search for a hitman on craiglist for whoever decided to push that webkit change on safari
@Jhawins good job tree well
@HatterisMad Yeah the way I see it I can work wherever if work doesn't keep me working remote.. I don't need my salary. Even with my car, so I'm not stressing on work at least thank god
@OliverSalzburg e.e
@Jhawins Dude if i could work remote i would go live in thailand and let her use her degree, she can start working as a lawyer next year over there. I bring her to the states and she will be working at walmart for years most likely
With the right job you could.
Why don't you just move back and freelance then
I can work anywhere.
@jhawins that worked so well last time
^ I think I can, it's always been hinted at as if I could. But I know there are HR things to deal with if it becomes real
@HatterisMad Well only because she didn't have her job yet right lol
in another timezone could be a pain.
We already have lots of remote workers in other timezones tho
multiple people at my last place moved to colorado and went full time remote.
@Jhawins her working as a lawyer wouldn't pay for everything we would need to survive
i would also need a good paying job
My dept. has people go back to India and work from there for months at a time.
So I'll be pissed if they don't let me
That's why I support raising the minimum wage for lawyers
what is it today?
Not enough to live in thailand, evidently
@Luggage the problem is i would be bringing my student loan debt over to thailand with me and would have to be paying it back while living other there. The student loan debt payment per month is already more than what we would be living on over there
Just change your name when you move.
just go off the map and bail on it
but keep your job
you guys have the best suggestions haha
find that island that leonardo dicaprio did in thailand.
@CptEric If you find out anything, I'd appreciate a ping :)
The Beach is a 2000 adventure drama film directed by Danny Boyle and based on the 1996 novel of the same name by Alex Garland, which was adapted for the film by John Hodge. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Virginie Ledoyen, Guillaume Canet, Robert Carlyle, Tilda Swinton, and Paterson Joseph. It was filmed on the Thai island Koh Phi Phi. == Plot == Richard, a young American seeking adventure in Bangkok, meets the eccentric Daffy, who tells him of a pristine, uninhabited island in the Gulf of Thailand with a beautiful hidden beach and lagoon. Daffy explains that he and other travelers settled there...
he did an entire island?
irreparably altering the gene pool?
would Leo making a whole island look like him even be a bad thing?
KoH Phi Phi, supposed to be a very pretty island
@OliverSalzburg will do for sure. tomorrow i'll know, because my buddy won't come this afternoon.
that movie is a good one. I've enjoyed it.
woah... just started listening to the new stuff rhcp put out and the quality is still there.

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