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I don't recall an episide, but i know it's talked about multiple times
Is this not photon torpedoes we're talking about?
> Image result for photon torpedo
Photon torpedoes were warp-capable tactical matter/antimatter weapons commonly deployed aboard starships and starbases by various organizations. Photon torpedoes, often abbreviated as "photons", were called Pu'DaH dak cha in Klingonese.
why would they call them two different things?
why do humans have mulitple names for anything?
also one is more a description, the other a name
@KendallFrey is that even a real question?
> The components of a Federation photon torpedo were contained within an elongated elliptical casing, also known as a photon tube. The weapon was armed with a photon warhead. The warhead had a detonation chamber filled with antimatter. Upon detonation the torpedo created a matter-antimatter explosion and a flood of ion radiation.
so where does the actual reaction occur?
humans can't name shit
on the other ship's hull?
the reaction occurs close to your enemy, hopefully
so it's called a photon torpedo and has nothing to do with photons
put the antimatter at the back and just run it into somebody
also, in the big borg episide, they just flung balls of antimatter directly
posted on September 21, 2016

Via Bruce I stumbled upon this interesting Hacker News discussion under the ominous title “Is web programming a series of hacks on hacks?” Thingy’s law applies, so the answer is No, but it’s a qualified No, and we need to understand what we should do in order to avoid a future Yes. Rather to my surprise the discussion was civilised and made good points. I decided to qu

I am trying to print comma seperated values with for loop but problem is that when i have just 1 record so output comes like this:
magnets holding it break and everything explodes
Suppose i have data like this in my array:
@Learning [1, 2, 3].join(',')
var cars = ["1"];
No, I think the phton name can be explained because photons are what comes out of a matter/antimatter annihilation
too many.
<div ng-repeat="data in cars">
   <span> {{ data  }} ,
In that case we could call all of our explosive weapons "fire bombs"
we do call some of them that..
@ssube I am trying to print in span tag
I'm just explaining a possibility for a name.. that's all.
I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that when they retroactively explained photon torpedos as matter/antimatter that the name still makes some sense.
@Learning then join your array and put it in a span
some <= Number.EPSILON
@KendallFrey most of our explosives focus on blast/concussion rather than fire, so no
they just happen to be powered by a small amount of fire
he's just being difficult.
I deserve it.
oh, I know
he's like a salty torpedo, where it runs into facts and then explodes into a shower of salt
also known as a sodium and chloride torpedo.
I wonder how well sodium burns in chlorine
uh, but it was called a salty torpedo first. You can't just retcon in what elements it uses.
I had an interesting take on magic wands. So sound is moving air. Theoretically, you could "bind" a wand to produce various sounds depending on how you move it. You can interpret "magic" as an extension of physics, and assume it is the result of a specific series of particle collisions.
Your wand would need to have a powerful computer to be able to make those outcomes with small inputs into a chaotic system like you suggest.
or be magic.
nah, air holes
tiny air holes
powerful enough to simulate the entire universe
the wand can't possibly be a computer, because it actually responds to voice commands
magic is the extension of physics where entropy decreases
@KendallFrey like ur mom
That doesn't even make sense
Your mom is ice cold
Well... she is dead so that makes sense (not really)
So, a lot of OOP articles on Javascript plain suck or are very advanced that assume you understand those advanced concepts. I dont quite get the "this" keyword or binding in javascirpt. I kind of jumped in JS assysming i would be fine knowing c C++ java. Should I go through all the damn basics form A - Z ? I am looking for an article that is really good on learning form A - Z on Javascirpt ...
@ChrisOkyen this in JS doesn't make any sense.
Fuck it doesnt
Usually it's the foo in foo.bar(), but sometimes it can be anything or nothing.
fuck they were thinking?
@Loktar I guess that's why she didn't move much
they weren't
@Loktar only if she's cryogenically frozen. Decay increases entropy
baseketball was such a bad-but-good movie
Do JS programmers define the type strictness of a parameter via comments if not using typescirpt
'this' is like a special argument 0 that is determined by HOW you call a function. You can override that behavior by .bind()ing.
sometimes comments. sometimes.. just . nothing.
!!afk poops
what is this 'type strictness' you speak of? :)
meh.. JS's dynamic types feel awkward at first, but it's not really that bad.
Our team is being punished today but @Loktar is remote so he gets out of it
I likes it
They're making us go to Pizza Ranch
@ChrisOkyen yeah actually
static void foo(int / float / char param ) { }
your code will be much better (more robust and scalable) if you use predictable this
I said howdy to the cashier at the grocery store and he made fun of me
Holly joined in
can i ask question here?
@Shin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shin yes
@rlemon LOL relationship goals
come on cap you have gotten slow lately
you'll eventually get a feel when it's safe to assume a type and when it's not.
@Jhawins lol I suppose
i say howdy. in real life.
not sure why
i'm looking slider like this site used thewitcher.com/en/witcher3 i can't find it anywhere
I usually just mumble something similar to a greeting
@Luggage they called me old
So any good resources on learning JS as i feel many skip and choose what they assume u know
@ChrisOkyen check the JS tag wiki
under "learning js"
lots of resources there
Is that a koala berar
black bear and a doe
sitll cute
angry koala approves it
cute until you consider the how/why someone had a baby bear and doe in their house and how that will play out over the next year.
@angrykoala Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Luggage probably okay
black bears are the wussies of the bear world.
I am assuming they are a rescue from a forest fire? or just for a zoo and their handler takes them home?
I don't mean play out between the bear and the doe.. play out FOR the bear and the doe
both dead by now, i suspect.
maybe, maybe not
if they were for a zoo, depends on the zoo
yea, could be.
if they are for private ownership... well that is kinda messed up
I'm more cynical, though
who has a pet deer
@rlemon Why?
I poked a deer with my Challenger Saturday night
@KendallFrey because who the fuck has a pet blackbear or deer?!
Who the fuck wouldn't want one?
how the the challenger fare?
@Jhawins if the bear is black, fight back. if the bear is brown, lay down. if the bear is white, good night.
So I am playing mega man x on my super nintendo, got all the capsules beat all the bosses and got all the weapons upgrades and hearts except one upgrade that it gave me after beating the first sigma level. AND NOW IT THINKS I DONT HAVE THE LAST UPGRADE AND CANT GET THE HADUKEN!!! GRRR.
@rlemon what
rhyme for bears.
are those the real rules? black bears you make yourself big and loud, and play dead with brown?
is playing dead ever good?
black bears will run if you fight back. brown bears will likely do nothing if you're calm and still. polar bears don't care -- you dead
That needs a bigger ass hole for that load of shit
@Luggage I got stopped all but like the last inch (and everything in my car flew EVERYWHERE). So I literally just tapped it and it unfroze and ran off, no damage at all whatsoever lol got lucky
That is a shit pickle
Who knew you dont need full health and tanks to get the haduken
So is their an art to reading material on something that you can assume a lot of or allready know ( like know a lot of JS concpets from other languages ) and passing that reading material and just filter what you dont without missing out
ok.. starbucks is too obnoxious today.. time to move to the martini bar.
@Luggage do you work out of an office ever? or just cafe's and such
Luggage living the life
I could totally do that as well... maybe I will one afternoon to try it out
dude 10 year olds are gonna be so stoked!
I wonder how much weight the motor adds
ha! you have to recharge them
@Shmiddty They don't have infinite charge???? Whhhaaaatttttt
they should be recharging on their own as you move
if they were well engineered
We're talking about the shoe industry
and? If you're going to over-engineer a shoe, go all the way.
@rlemon the laces look untidy
@Shmiddty yeah i mean my bike lights power themselves
my friend wired a usb into his dynamo so his bike powers his phone
step it up, nike
yeah, it's so great
They should charge via a Hoverboard
green energy, convenient, and it's just .. great
hey guys, any idea how to iterate over methods in an object
@bitten Well that's a whole lot easier...
@teachtyler Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
It's not like your shoes are spinning or move in any way that can turn a motor.
I guess you could just do piezos in the soles tho
It would take a lot of steps before you charged it enough to take your shoes off.
Do it like they do kinetic watches
@Jhawins every step you take creates kinetic energy
@Shmiddty #Fact
@Jhawins haha yeah, it goes up through the fork too so it looks -so- neat
Same with the bike wheel. How do you intend to harness it
I mean there's plenty of inefficient ways to make a miniscule amount of power. Maybe that's all you need tho

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