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buffer.slice(n) skips n bytes
I checked like this ..
`let buf = Buffer.from('å'); buf.slice(0)` this yielded the whole Buffer, which is something like `<Buffer c3 a5>`
how do you n bytes
@shortCircuit Seems to be pretty clear to me
@KendallFrey gfycat.com/RichNippyAnemonecrab dragon abort speed vs falcon "fuck you I didn't hit spacebar!"
what is the difference betwee a namespace and a regular function ?
> start <Integer> Where the new Buffer will start. Default: 0
end <Integer> Where the new Buffer will end (not inclusive). Default: buf.length
@mcmwhfy namespaces don't exist
they're a myth
@rlemon lol
@little pootis oh really
@mcmwhfy It's like asking what the difference between a street and a house is
@Oliver Salzbur yes but I know the differences between a street and a house
@OliverSalzburg lets say that you are making a tcp server/client, and then in order to send data, you pass the length of the total message in the first 4 bytes (big/network endian), now in the server side you read the first 4 bytes like this data.readUIntBE(0, 4) .. now to get rest of the message, will data.slice(4) skip the first 4 bytes ?
@KendallFrey man, that would be a rush. instant 4g acceleration
with a rocket exploding under your ass
@mcmwhfy They are very different concepts. Namespaces are used to partition code, functions are executable operations
only 4g?
just checked.
spaceX escape/abort module pulls ~4g
I'm pretty sure earlier abort systems had way more
like 15g or something
unless I read wrong, or wired is wrong
@shortCircuit It doesn't skip anything. It creates a new buffer, starting at index 4. Which would mean you're discarding 5 bytes
@Oliver Salzburg from what I've read I understand that using namesces is a better way to organize your code
Hey guys quick question
@mcmwhfy It is a way, that's for sure
the story about the astronauts who aborted on the pad, they had to turn off the voice recorder after it because they were swearing so violently
I'm using Chalk in my node app to output colored text in the console.
wait nvm
@KendallFrey at 15g's I wouldn't be swearing, I'd be trying to keep my poop in me
It was after
You wouldn't be doing anything at 15g
@Oliver Salzburg but I don't know if there are other differences
@KendallFrey after, I'd be cleaning up my pants.
In a nutshell, namespacing is a way to protect your code using javascript object literal notation to provide encapsulation. Minimizing your code’s footprint in this root scope by structuring your methods/data inside a single namespace should be the goal of every decent developer. The advantages are that you can name your variables whatever you like and not have to worry about some other code overwriting it’s value.
> F16 ejection seats were 12 to 18 g s
holy shit
straight up too
how does that not break your neck
@rlemon are you talking to me, amore ?
@rlemon ah damn
@rlemon The worst part is hitting the air at supersonic speeds
you get nearly ripped apart
flaming inferno or break all my bones...
shit man
what a choice
Sometimes both!
@mcmwhfy Now that JS has modules, they aren't really required.
The Apollo 1 astronauts chose wrong
too soon
Soyuz towers do 10g's +
You know, that same choice applied to a certain event nearly 15 years ago...
@KendallFrey according to reddit, that spaceX abort was 4.8g's not 4
The only places I've come across this "namespace" pattern is APIs.
@little pootis yes but can be usefull when are you writting tones of line ?
@rlemon still, that's practically cushy
I've had more than that on a roller coaster
would still feel like being in a car accident
I triy to find a way how to write a readble code
oh yeah
if you're not ready for it
@mcmwhfy No, there are much better ways to structure your code
car accidents aren't 4gs for a few seconds, unless you are driving into a marshmallow factory
@OliverSalzburg ow.. so each index being 1 byte
@little pootis like ?
more g's, less seconds
@KendallFrey drop zone is 3g's apparently.
hrm, maybe that wouldn't be so bad.
@Luggage In this case, it's the jerk, not the acceleration, that hurts
@mcmwhfy Modules. Like CommonJS modules.
@rlemon Mindbender is like 5.5 or something
the 'jerk' is the acceleration i am talking about
stopping = acceleration
@Luggage Do you even know what jerk is?
only jerk chicken
jerk is to acceleration what acceleration is to velocity
in school they did some shit where you sat in a car seat on a track and they 'stopped' you from 15km to 0 in one instant.
jerk isn't technically acceleration.
@mcmwhfy find good quality code from others and read it. works specially well if you learn from examples
felt like I almost cracked a rib
da/dt = jerk
and that wa sonly 15!
what exactly is one instant?
@AwalGarg boom
@Awal Garg yeah
@Luggage no
@Luggage no
over t
@KendallFrey uhh a metal plate locked the seat in place while is was going 15km/h
@ thank you for your time
to the a
@little pootis thank's
@Luggage over t^2
just trying to stress there was no slow down period
jerk is what you feel if you don't ease off the brakes on your car before you stop
du du du du
@rlemon There's gotta be some stopping distance, even if most of it is between your body and the seat belt
that's just a quick spike of acceleration caused by the brakes hitting the point where they stop sliding and start gripping.
@KendallFrey well ofc.
@Luggage No, it's not
ok, what is it, then?
@KendallFrey but the idea was to simulate hitting a solid object like a wall or yo mama
That would throw you forward. The jerk throws you backward.
acceleration doesn't have a direction
@Luggage It's jerk. The derivative of acceleration with respect to time.
you can't just make up a new word for acceleration when it's backwards
@Luggage it does..
@Luggage Stop trolling
@Luggage deceleration
I'm not trolling, when you stop a car, you feel acceleration
in the direction of the rear
when you stand on the ground, you feel acceleration
in the direction of the sky
@Luggage rapid unexpected stage failure resulting in catastrophic kerbin re-entry
right.. and no physics book says "when it points toward a rear of a 4-wheeled vehicle it's called "jerk"
@KendallFrey ground*
!!define jerk
@rlemon jerk A sudden, often uncontrolled movement, especially of the body.
@Luggage No, it has nothing to do with the direction. It's the sudden lack of acceleration as your car stops and there's no more braking to be had
@Luggage jerk is da/dt, which is math for "change of acceleration over time" (not really, but)
right a brief high acceleration (or de-celeration, if you insist)
No, it's not high acceleration
It's change in acceleration
I have studied jerk as an impulse, which is indeed da/dt as @littlepootis said.
that's covered by "brief" and "high"
but not "acceleration"
ok, whetever. jerk then
they have different units
That's like saying stepping on the gas gives your car a brief high speed.
acceleration *= -1;
In physics, jerk, also known as jolt, surge, or lurch, is the rate of change of acceleration; that is, the derivative of acceleration with respect to time, and as such the second derivative of velocity, or the third derivative of position. Jerk is a vector, and there is no generally used term to describe its scalar magnitude (more precisely, its norm, e.g. "speed" as the norm of the velocity vector). According to the result of dimensional analysis of jerk, [length/time3], the SI units are m/s3 (or m·s−3); jerk can also be expressed in standard gravity per second (g/s). == Expressions == Jerk can...
funny how that agrees with me. a change of acceleration
rate of
That's not agreeing with you
i was never arguing that point
change of acceleration != rate of change of acceleration
You called it acceleration. It's not acceleration.
change = delta something
rate of change = delta something / delta time
I understand how when a velocity changes, it's acceleration, and when an acceleration changes it's something else, something I learned in called "jerk". I'm arguing that backward acceperatino is not somethign different
That's correct
jerk is not backwards acceleration. forward acceleration over time is jerk too.
yea, so fuck off caaling me a troll, asshole
I have to assume someone is trolling if they say something like "acceleration doesn't have a direction"
ok, i meant "acceleration doesn't have a differnt word becasue it points left vs right"
That makes much more sense
I mispoke and plied there was no vecotr, which there is
@Luggage you new here? surprised people are pedantic?
I'll be careful to get my sentences peer-reviewed (by a non-jerk), next time. :)
TBH many problems in engineering come from dealing with vague statements
I just realized I saw Esailija (Petka) on /r/funny last night.
Is there a way I could call code within an event after a setTimeout call?
in this case I do a
setTimeout( ()=>this.$.popAsset.hide(), 1000 );
then I want to do a call to applyStyle after the timeout finishes
item.$.repAppName.applyStyle("background-color", 'rgb(234,234,234)');
you mean, exactly like you are calling this.$.popAsset.hide() after the timeout finishes?
you can have more than one statement in a function
so.. make a function with 2 statements instead of 1.
ok so I could call apply style after the call to .hide()
What I just said. Do you know how to make a function?
misread.. yes. you call the function you want to happen next after the previous one.
okay there is seriously something wrong here :/ avrdude is taking 26 minutes to read a ATMEGA32 firmware
so what would be the separator within the function? Like this..
setTimeout( ()=>this.$.popAsset.hide(), item.$.repAppName.applyStyle("background-color", 'rgb(234,234,234)'), 1000 );
no. well, that might actually work with the comma, but no.
Look up the syntax on how to define a function. You'll need it again, I promise.
hint: {}'s are involved.
comma operator is involved
but doesn't work lol :P
yea, i think the , is ambigous.. looks like another argument
it's not a good way anyway, confusing to read.
ah, now I know why it doesn't work
l = () => lel, lol, lmao
creates a function l = () => lel,
because it's a third argument to setTimeout, according to the syntax
()'s may fix it, but {} are better.
ok I think as you said I create a new function, containing the call to .Hide and applystyle
and call it from within setTimeout
you could have just modified your exisitng function, but ok, let's see.
@rlemon @FlorianMargaine I see my friends!!
Like this?
         setTimeout( postTap(), 2000 );

        function postTap() {
            item.$.repAppName.applyStyle("background-color", 'rgb(234,234,234)');
close. Now you are calling postTap() before ever passing it to setTimeout.
before you were passing a function without calling it (letting setTimeout call it)
Hey guys quick question
this is a silly question, but i'm having trouble thinking of the terms to google. i have a react "app" and i want to place a react component in a div that's not in the hierarchy of the mount node/point. is that possible?
Prototypes, can they be added to promises?
what i want to do in image form, hope that's cool
You can extend promises..
@BrianJ developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… The first two lines of syntax there. You were using the first line, but you want the second so you can have 2 statemetns
@neet_jn technically yes, but it's very unlikely you actually want that.
 setTimeout( ()=> postTap(), 2000 );

        function postTap() {
            item.$.repAppName.applyStyle("background-color", 'rgb(234,234,234)');
You've basically asked if you can put a toaster in a plastic bag and then use it in the tub
@BrianJ this is window
@BrianJ that.. will work, but it's an 'extra step'. You are making a function called "postTap", then passing setTimeout another function (anonymous that only does one thign, call postTap()
and that code is pointless because ^
yea.. is might also break your use of this'.
Now, can I add prototypes to objects that have already been instanced?
no, but you can add methods too it
foo = new Foo();
foo.prototype.bar = fucntion() { do_x }
@rlemon you stil love me ?
@Luggage that will never work. How would you get the toast into it?
@neet_jn I don't want to answer that because you are likely just making some horrible promise-monster. Can you tell us why you want to do that?
@neet_jn just foo.bar
@neet_jn uh, what?
@mcmwhfy do you still want to do math in jQuery?
I'm making a wrapper for webdriverio to incorporate some more in depth functional tailored to my needs.
you don't need to mess with prototypes when you're wrapping things
wrapping means you don't need to do anything ugly like that
@Luggage ok my second attempt didn't work either
So just add methods onto it and call it a day?
pop up doesn't close
class NeetPromise extends Promise {
  constructor(fn) {
you can always extend it, but yea
@BrianJ stop guessing and find out how to write an "arrow function" that hase more than one statement
ask me to confirm, i don't mind, but I won't write it for you
fair point, I'll give it a go
cruel is cool.
@neet_jn but even an extended promise can get wrapped in another one and you 'lose' it, so.. really.. probably not what you want.
Do you know how to use the 'reduce' function correctly?
var data = { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3};
Object.keys(data).reduce(function (sum, key) { return sum + data[key] })
// returns 'a23' instead of '123'
that looks right..
though, it should return 6, not "123"
@Luggage ok so based on the link you sent me, I don't provide params as I don't have any, then put the statements in brackets. On that link there isn't an example of two statements though?
@ChristophBühler you need to give it an initial value
 //Set timeout to show color change of item before close popup
 setTimeout(()=> {this.$.popAsset.hide()},{item.$.repAppName.applyStyle("background-color", 'rgb(234,234,234)')}, 2000 );
var data = { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3};
Object.values(data).reduce(function (sum, key) { return sum + key })
// this returns 6 ^^
@ssube How?
Object.keys(data).reduce(function (sum, key) { return sum + data[key] }, 0)
ohhh.. initial value, yes. right.
otherwise you're adding to undefined
missed that
which will do... something
not sure how it got "a" still.
shit I do that all the time
@ssube thank you very much! It's working.
@BenCraig haha
ohh, i get how it got "a".
when there is no initial value, the "prev" argument ("sum" in this example") is the first item
so it only ever runs twice with ("a", "b") and then with ("a1", "c")
so doesn't compile with that attempt, any more hints? @Luggage
setTimeout(()=> {this.$.popAsset.hide()},{item.$.repAppName.applyStyle("background-color", 'rgb(234,234,234)')}, 2000 );
@BrianJ show me a 'normal function' with two statements
function postTap() {
            item.$.repAppName.applyStyle("background-color", 'rgb(234,234,234)');
does setTimeout not change the bound object in angular?
setTimeout(postTap, 2000);
@BrianJ ok, good, now convert that to an arrow funciton.
this has to be it then?
         setTimeout(()=> {this.$.popAsset.hide(); item.$.repAppName.applyStyle("background-color", 'rgb(234,234,234)');}, 2000 );
@BenFortune he needs arrow function, or to stop using this
or bind it
@BrianJ try that
setTimeout(postTap.bind(this), delay);
ya makes sense now @Luggage was looking at the lexical operator like it was alien
this is probably not what you think it is
@Luggage really? That's in the spec and everything? Cause that's kind of weird.
or just use arrow functions
// most important bit, make it readable.
setTimeout(()=> {
    item.$.repAppName.applyStyle("background-color", 'rgb(234,234,234)');
}, 2000);
oh, Luggage said it
@ssube huh? what is?

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