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@ssube yeah our cases are very similar in size
27.2 inches x 25.6 inches x 9.9 inches vs 26.2 inches x 25.2 inches x 13.4 inches
@Loktar is the 760T steel?
however yours is like 20lb heavier lol
yeah :(
mines 27lb.. yours is 40lb
that is insane man
20lb for a case
it can stop a wrench, it can stop a ball, and it can sure as shit stop a foot
holy shit
yeah that is a nice case for sure
> Something around 42 pounds including packaging.
I took it to a LAN once
I'm going to build an integrated system once AMD releases their new APU series
I had one build setup for $280, so tiny
their APUs are mad decent
it will be specifically for lan parties I never go to
yeah man I am pretty surprised at them
ugh, now I want to make a mini desktop for upstairs or something
they also support crossfire with a dedicated gpu
which is insane dude
@Loktar no shit. AMD knows their software and how to design a bus.
yeah that's the one reason I don't want to go nvidia
nvidia might have good silicone, but they can't do a damn thing with it
well one of the many
they still use bridges for SLI... yuck
what's that site that will give you the best parts for each price range?
there is also pcpartpicker.com but not sure if it does generated builds
Oh my god lol $4K
well that one is stupid @Jhawins has 2x1080s
and is only running a 1080p screen
It has more GPU ram than actual Ram
16gb vs 8 lol
hah yeah that is nutty
lol wow...
I will make it my goal to own that
Oh wtf lol why would you have 2 1080s and only 1080p
@Loktar that's what I was looking for, yeah
although their suggestions are atrocious, ffs
asrock mobo and crucial SSD :(
poor asrock
This more realistic
since I'm traveling out of AMD land I'm so up in the air about who to go with for a mobo
I've always gone ASUS but have had a few issues, seems like everyone says every manufacturer is shitty lol
lol they don';t have any with 1080s with 4K
one of the core companies, ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte
never asrock or any of the off brands again
@Jhawins yeah that is more reasonable.. but that would benefit from a 1080 lol
I loved my Asus, I'll probably get another one from them when it's time
@ssube yeah I'm looking at those 3 right now. itbh I'm loving the choices I have again by choosing Intel
Will sell mine on the cheap to my brother so he can play LoL on max specs and be a little bitch all day
That's literally the most graphic intense game he plays lol
@Loktar so here's a puzzle: what case will fit a 390X or the 400 equivalent but sit nicely on a desktop?
what if I wanted a gaming mac mini?
oh man idk even. I go full tower so I never have to worry about that
@ssube just screw all the components to the wall
but for a small build I'm up in the air as well
I want a PC on the wall lol
@Jhawins I probably could and hide them behind the monitor
microcenter sells and has one of the desk computers setup
was cool to look at
man, this is why I just play console games and have a laptop now :P
has the glass top with the PC inside
my goal with my next build is to hit 99% better then everyone on 3d mark
Just get like a 2X2 sheet of .2" aluminum bolted to the wall and it doubles as a heatsink lol
right now I sit at like 85% which is lame
@Jhawins sheet metal is a garbage heatsink
@ssube Uhh, no fuckin shit. But it still works.
I don't understand why everybody insists on board-breaking heat sinks and shitty little fans
The point isn't the heatsink.... The point is bolted to your wall lol
although I guess liquid for a mATX is pretty difficult to run
@ssube did you do a custom loop?
my dad is into that, I'm too lazy though
@Loktar yeah, cause the 800D makes it super easy
ran a bunch of custom switches and stuff to a blacklight on the inside
@rlemon can double up his water cooling with the fish tank. Just don't play on 4K or the fish cook
how often do you have to drain/refill?
that's the thing that seems annoying to me
my dad does like idk every 6 months I want to say
@Jhawins use it to regulate temp in the tanks. who needs heaters
but he is obsessive so I don't know if that's typical lol
he doesn't even overclock
liquid cooling is too mainstream, I use plasma cooling.
and I'm pretty sure he has an 8350 which he could really over clock
To all JavaScript wizards here. I'm playing around the HTML5 geolocation API. And have created a fiddle. jsfiddle.net/gp4Lrdmp/1
Could you (theoretically, not practically) submerge the entire PC in a ~50gal fish tank full of mineral oil with good affect? Obviously it would have to be circulated lol
I've also used this site and MDN as a reference w3schools.com/html/html5_geolocation.asp
For whatever reason the coords.altitude property does not work
I have all the really stupid off the wall questions today
@Jhawins check out the overclocking competitions they do crazy stuff like that
What is the upper end gain from overclocking? 10%, 50%, 100%?
@Loktar Oh srsly it's a real thing?
yeah people have done it
@Luggage depends on so many things, if you hit 20% that is pretty damn good
Thought it would be cool to create an app that gets a user's altitude. But this doesn't work
SOmething like this is my next machine most likely.
but manufacturer, silicon lottery, all play a part
hm, only 20%? Nah, not worth it.
it's free though
most times you can do it without adding much more cooling
I prefer "Room Temperature Super Computers"
my sons 280x for example we upped it to 1050mhz over the stock 933mhz, no additional cooling
free perf gains
My laptop has automatic gains
You leave it sitting for 10min come back and about 100mhz more
Let it play for 2 minutes and the throttling kicks in for heat lol
@Jhawins Have you tried downloading more RAM?
I just use GPU Shark to watch. I literally ride the temp throttle the entire time I run the GPU
just gzip your ram. free gains
@Jhawins do you use asus autotune or something?
No mine is non tuneable
With their programs anyway.
you have an intel right?
Wait what's asus autotune do
Justin Beiber my PC?
probably a locked cpu
Yea I know I have a locked down one.
haha nah, it will automatically overclock to a stable level
However you word it.. You can't manually overclock it
Yeah it;'s auto. It's a ~2.7Ghz CPU but it is 90% of the time running at 3.4-5
yeah need the K editions to overclock
My CPU is great, it's my 860m that can't stay cold.
Yeah the one I just posted is wide open
In the chrome console, when I do:
var b = 2;

var zzz = function () {
   var a = 3;
   return a + b;
I don't get closure under <function scope>, when I should
Can someone recommend anything to make this ui better? this is the first thing that came to mind :\ it has transition animations and everything
@SvetanDimoff huh?
what do you expect to happen?
I expect to have a closure property under the <function scope> function object property
Since I'm using a variable declared outside the function
no, you "inherit" the scope and look up the chain.
@corvid hm, i would align the text. drop submitted by label, maaaybe even drop the labels label, and make the bottom footer smaller
my go to for that kind of bottom footer, if i ever have to mock one up, is 64px height, with a 16px top and left padding
A: Scope Chain in Javascript

CMSTo understand the scope chain you must know how closures work. A closure is formed when you nest functions, inner functions can refer to the variables present in their outer enclosing functions even after their parent functions have already executed. JavaScript resolves identifiers within a par...

nothing happens on the child objects, you just look up the chain
@bitten All the elements on it are required for the assignment, can't find a great way to include them :\ but those suggestions sound pretty good
@Loktar @Jhawins you guys use webpack heavily, yeah? how do you handle transpiling/bundling pre-test?
I cannot seem to convince webpack to bundle tests in a way mocha can recognize
@corvid hm well then have the picture floated left, with Submitted by\n{name} centered relative to the image?
@ssube we don't test, we are bad
@rlemon nice link, I didn't know about scope chaining tbh
NZ explained it well in a talk
I just can't remember which talk that was now
@SterlingArcher it was pretty important when browsers still had slow js implementations
I remember caching blah.blah.blah to foo
that was like ie6 days
This is how it used to display in Chrome
that is the dev tool making it pretty for you
@rlemon somehow I missed this.. how well does it run it?
@Loktar like, at all?
forgot to ask
@SvetanDimoff i was about to ask if you meant on the object printed to the console
@ssube none at all
@Loktar semi-irrelevant now a days I guess?
@Loktar I've it capped at 30fps, medium graphics, 1920/1080
At least cache wise
@bitten Yeah, exactly
in some scenes I see 22fps
but like.. menus and shit
gameplay is fine
@ssube it all started with a one man team (me) so I had to do it all, as I've added more devs we have talked about doing tests but our workload is hgih :/
I really doubt they'd even give us ample time at this point to implement them
1 min ago, by rlemon
that is the dev tool making it pretty for you
that has nothing to do with how the js is actually working. Chrome changes how it makes things pretty for you all the time
@SvetanDimoff then i don't understand, first like @rlemon said it's just the dev tools doing a nice thing, but even so.. it is there. "b" is there
it wouldn't make sense to display it in the dev tools. tbh. it is a scoped variable, not a property on the method
it is there though
@Loktar only had one crash so far tho
Heard others crash more often
lol, ` "test": "find ./ -name '*.test.js' | xargs mocha -R min -r babel/register",` is the best anybody has done
@rlemon I haven't crashed yet fortunately
the ps4 vs apparently crashes a lot
I was fine with it because I was trying to aid a big ass ship and by accident fired on it then it started attacking me. Then I crashed
Game needs mp
in NMS? PS4 crashes every few hours but it doesn't really matter because there are more exciting bugs that happen more often
like taking off from a planet and being launched into space
@ssube that happens on pc too
land too close to something and the take off algo will jump you straight into orbit
I landed on a tree once, fell almost to my death
the whole ship-to-ground interface is pretty glitchy
honestly, I thought takeoff-into-space was a feature and have been trying to redo it since
I assumed it was some long press or something else I did
land right next to a cliff
I have a few times
if you can wedge yourself under any kind of overhang, it seems to happen
now I'm more aware of my landing zones on approach
landed and exited the ship to a hefty fall a few times
it's a shame the radar thing doesn't actually do anything
it is good for direction
but only if you remember where the other planets are oriented on landing
space travel needs a navball like in ksp
yay pikachu from an egg :-) @SterlingArcher
navballs are the best way to travel
^ this in NMS would be A+
the angle bar is better than the radar right now
is this the wrong room to ask about sql?
where shall i go? i can also just ask a question on so
someplace without SQL
sounds like a nice place
take this L
I mean, it's better than Mongo, right?
Wow, SO was fast, nuked that guy's profile.
Hi guys!
Can I make the minecraft in javaSCRIPTS?
My frend said I need js and open something
help pls
yes you totally could
@iKlsR theoretically, but it's a hell of an undertaking
go learn three.js
You can make the minecraft in anything your precious little heart desires.
@iKlsR voxeljs.com have fun
oooh right I forgot about that @bitten
can u help me, I cant play you much but you can be in the credits
@Loktar heh. i've never used it myself but it performs so well
@iKlsR nope, that's not how software works
I have lost my knack for trolling. Wrong room probably.
@iKlsR please visit the links and try something come back if you have code related questions
Used to be fun on irc..
@iKlsR i don't know if our mums will let us
@iKlsR it still can be on IRC :P
But seriously tho, npm is a plague.
Take another L
30k files for a bootstrap base, wtf?
Web developers weren't happy having instant results after a refresh. Let's add compilation steps and build tools. Entire js ecosystem rn.
@iKlsR hot loading is increeedibly useful, not for every project but for the big ones
@iKlsR ever try running tests back before tools? ugh
the number of bash/perl scripts we threw out when gulp became a thing was just silly
@iKlsR you - cant. Someone else with few years of experience - maybe can
@bitten Aside from that, I'm speaking in general. I want to make a website, get me an editor and a browser. Nowadays, webpack, CI, gulp, npm, bower, angular.. wtf?
@iKlsR well you don't have to? :p
@tereško Actually I can/could, was just trying to agitate someone.
@iKlsR the people who actually think that are hilarious
like "I used to use frontpage/dreamweaver and type out my PHP by hand!"
@bitten lol
"Now you're trying to tell me I have to write software like everybody else and actually build it first? What is this, compileschwitz?"
@bitten Good times.
so are these
Newer devs today will never know the pain of writing your entire website in HTML with strictly notepad.
Also...food for thought. Kids entering middle school will be learning about 9/11 as a historical event...and they didn't live through it.
i haven't been developing for very long, but i've never been so at ease with es6 and react
they are refreshing
@Trasiva Nah, over a decade ago, I was teaching myself, knew nothing, started out writing C in word.
also notsureifbait but i took it
Those were fun times.
@iKlsR hey, at least there the preprocessor can fix your smart quotes :D
@bitten react can go drive off a cliff
es6 and vue tho
React's nice, the little bit I've dealt with it.
You just have to understand how to use the tools instead of being xenophobic about them.
dey turk our builds
As someone who has worked professionally for better part of half a decade I think my "biased" opinions carry some weight.
> for better part of half a decade
@ssube let me unminify that for ya
@ssube 4 years?
Is my english not good enough?
@iKlsR your English is fine, 4 years is just entry level
Four years usually means you're just starting to realize you knew nothing.
I've been a professional developer for almost 9 years, with almost another five of just fucking around in my free time.
Most of the guys in here, four years is a piss in the bucket.
4 years is the professional equivalent of your early 20s where you start to realize that not drinking the night before means you don't wake up hungover
@ssube ...wait, that's a thing?
but in this case "not drinking" is "setting up proper CI and tests"
@Trasiva never tried it, but they say so at my meetings
@ssube I was gonna say, I'm not sure what kind of witchcraft that is, but that's usually not a problem I have. Because you know, I know my limits.
@Trasiva well more time for me.
I moved to a new place and it has the best thing ever
basically a desk next to the toilet
now you won't need chipotlaway
I'm using it right now without my balls getting overheated
Not bad Mosho, not bad.
@Mosho why would your balls....?
he wears pants?
Error: ./~/babel-loader!./~/ts-loader!./~/babel-loader!./~/ts-loader!./src/test/TestMain.ts
Module not found: Error: a dependency to an entry point is not allowed
 @ ./~/babel-loader!./~/ts-loader!./~/babel-loader!./~/ts-loader!./src/test/TestMain.ts 4:12-35./~/babel-loader!./~/ts-loader!./~/babel-loader!./~/ts-loader!./src/test/TestMain.ts
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'chai' in /home/ssube/scratch/typedoc/src/test
resolve module chai in /home/ssube/scratch/typedoc/src/test
because there's a beast laptop on top of them
thanks webpack, I feel like I'm using templates in C++ again
@ssube I was going to say, that looked like something when I'm trying to compile my C/C++ modules at work.
@ssube fwiw I have more rep than you :D
@SterlingArcher new interface riskyclicker.com
Different strokes of life I guess.
@rlemon 5 clicks.. damn
I need to make the instructions more clear
@iKlsR You have more rep on a different site that he doesn't participate in. Congratulations.
@Trasiva :D
I left SO a long time ago, nothing to ask or answer
Rep === literally meaningless
the only metric it gives is how much time you have to waste
tell that to john skeeter lovers
actual news post I saw
@rlemon Dig the new layout, need to play with it more when my boss isn't practically staring at my monitor, lol.
z/x are keyboard shortcuts
makes it easier
@Trasiva Plot twist, you're your boss
@iKlsR Negative, I am a meat Popsicle.
/giphy when the meme is good
@rlemon Did you ever find a better algo for the links?
didn't try
Is it the same one from the fiddles/
Or did you manage to make a repo?
@iKlsR LOL what
that's hilarious
I mean not doubting he is intelligent but come on
> haha you have a high IQ, I have a high SO rep. Take that inventors and creators.
Was some clickbait thing iirc
> I wouldn't call myself a hero, but I would say I have saved a lot of lives with my SO answers - Jon Skeet
SO is a bureaucracy
shitty recruiters look at it. 'nuff said
I cringe whenever I read meta seeing people debate over pointless shit
> wow you have over 10K rep on SO!
yea, I gamed that shit so I could see funny deleted things
> can we burninate x tag
@rlemon good recruiters look at your questions
that's why language-lawyer is the best tag around
answer a few of those and people will assume you're super smurt
@rlemon this is a good example of that gist.github.com/dhh/1285068
5 years, still funny
my best is still
> Hi Steve,
my names Rob.
Recruiter: Before we get started how many years of Rails experience do you have?
DHH: All of them
living in a post-peak-Rails world is great
seeing people casually dismiss it across the internet
Huh. No errors in the console, network tab shows all controllers and directives loaded.. but the page is blank
Uh oh lol
o/ I was wondering, is there a way to force DOMParser not to delete <link> tags, to work around github.com/vuejs/vue-resource/issues/358 ? :D
Oh son of a bitch I removed all the IIFE syntax
@RandoHinn Ran into a weird issue with vue resource just last night where I had to use the emulateJSON param to get something to work. It's not feature complete and lacks some support for older stuff but much better than jquery.
No wonder it's not running nothing is being called >.<
Wait... if it's required it should run..
Yeah, @iKlsR
@SterlingArcher goteverything in a main() function and not calling it?
I've done that :D
function main() {
  // all the codes
// never calls main() oops
No, my controllers look more like this
define(['../app'], function(app) {
    'use strict';
    app.registerController('SystemSearchController', function($scope, $routeParams) {
        $scope.$parent.crumbsHeaderText = 'Find a System';

        $scope.searchTerm = '';
They used to be wrapped in an IIFE, but I removed them because they're being require()'d now
Which means they should run when called, right?
Right? D:
yea, the define() should act as your IIFE
Is that angular? @SterlingArcher
and it's only called once.
Fuck I was hoping I was wrong lol
@iKlsR yes
y tho
@iKlsR Funny thing, sometimes your job requires you to work with frameworks. What a concept, right?
the function in the define runs once, just to make the exports.
@Trasiva Should we get married?
Fuck require.js and it's shitty documentation
@Trasiva did you miss the bit where they showed up and said they were trolling?
I had to work on an angular project with django once, left a bad taste in my mouth.
@iKlsR Sorry, I'm straight, therefore not into male assholes.
It's exactly like other module system (e.g. node) where it doesn't re-run the module each time you require().
@Luggage isn't the point of a controller to run once?
@Trasiva Stop jumping to conclusions, you might break your neck.
@ssube No, I caught that bit. I assumed they were finished attempting to troll, or one of you ROs would have shown him the door.
if it's just 'register'ing something, then once is right.
but I don't angular.
So I'm still trolling huh?
I'll have to ask my coworker. He's done this before
At least now my project can be gruntified and jenkin'd

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