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Says the man chasing a goose
When you use software like phoneGap and you use HTML5 hardware features like the GeoLocation API, will it automatically use the native Device interface or do you explicitly have to call the phoneGap->GPS (whatever) interface?
@rlemon no way
@rlemon What is this I don't even
... At least they get outside
!!wiki wartortle
The Pokémon (ポケモン, Pokemon) franchise has 728 (as of the release of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire) distinctive fictional species classified as the titular Pokémon. This is a selected listing of 51 of the Pokémon species, originally found in the Red and Green versions, arranged as they are in the main game series' National Pokédex. == Bulbasaur == Bulbasaur (フシギダネ, Fushigidane), the Seed Pokémon, are small, squat reptilian Pokémon that are quadrupedal, with light blue-green bodies and darker bluish-green spots. As a Bulbasaur undergoes evolution into Ivysaur and then later into Venusaur...
@Cerbrus That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Guess not
that is on a pier... I wonder how many people it can support
> The reason for such poaching may very well be that a Wartortle tail is a symbol of longevity in the Pokémon world, supposedly allowing the creature to live for thousands of years.
This game looks mad...
There are only 151 pokemon. Any additions beyond that are abominations.
> hundreds drown after pier collapses under the weight of Wartortle
what a world to live in
@ndugger I'm ok with 2nd gen pokemon because Cyndaquil is the shit
@rlemon See the bright side: drinking is now OK
@DenysSéguret I always thought "don't drink and drive" needed to be a little more clear. because screw you, coffee and water are A .OKAY in my car.
Drinking hot coffee while driving seems dangerous to me
I'm so alone in my adventures. Nobody wants to go on pokehunts with me, and nobody wants to go to the gym with me
Fuck my friends they suck
I always let my coffee cool to a point where I can take gulps
can't drink HOT coffee
(just like there are so many people whose last words were "wait a moment, my cigarette just fell")
I never dropped a cig in the car when I smoked, but I did have an experience with a new cars cig lighter poping out into my lap
THAT almost made me swerve into the ditch
@SterlingArcher At least they're friends with benefits, from what it looks like.
omg that was one time..
Wait no, sorry
omg that was one girl..
Female friends with benefits? They exist?
Gotta throw my smartphone at her. Where is she?
I not only drink a hot coffee while driving, i hold it constantly because it'll shoot coffee all over the car over every bump if I put it in the holder
@Luggage often I don't even open it till I get to work.
And I drive a manual.
if I'm on a road trip the gf opens and closes and hands me the coffee
not all lids close.
I only buy tims coffee
theirs do
a closing lid (which should be mandatory) changes everything
I'd gladly pay the extra penny for a slightly differently shaped plastic lid.
also.. i need to find my reusable coffee container..
the lids on timmies cups
ohh.. barely close.
still does the job
@Cerbrus they don't. 9/10 times it ends badly
9/11 times it ends badly
I'm a bad person
Blah. I held onto a gym for like a minute until a person (who was probably in their house) took it from me. There was noone in sight...
@BenFortune what are you doing? :p
trying to get his pokemon account banned
@bitten I made a mock location app, that lets you control your pokemon char with the arrow keys or coords
@BenFortune hehe, it was only time
Not going to use it, was just curious how hard it'd be. Since there was an iOS release
@BenFortune dammit I was going to do that!
45 mins ago, by rlemon
I wonder if I can spoof GPS data.....
@rlemon The code is disgusting, I'm just adding it to Github
I don't have an IOS device
is yours the same?
Me neither
I made it using nodejs/android/websockets
got an apk?
or how does it work?
So, I figured out why I can't even log into the pokemon go app; if you have multiple google accounts on your phone at once, the app gets confused and just crashes. I'm not going to remove any of my accounts, so the app can just go fuck its self instead.
It's a bit convoluted, you need a rooted phone with the xposed framework
what if I have a official google phone? those are not rooted afaik but they don't restrict shit?
@ndugger the universe is telling you not to play it
dat keypress module
I'll have the initial connection report the current location, then work off that
@BenFortune you should increment your distance over a sine function and the current time, so then your movements aren't so static
harder for them to pick up that you're spoofing
I don't really do Java so excuse the disgusting code, github.com/xbenjii/PokeMock
Any java code is disgusting; it has nothing to do with you
@BenFortune I'm still looking for actual code
(looks like a lot of it is generated code.)
@FlorianMargaine I did say I didn't do Java, Android studio was moaning when I removed those empty methods
@SterlingArcher that is a great song!
All java in generated.
Wooo, fixed my work computer.
I have almost 6 Pinsirs... When will we be able to trade in this silly game? ha
@ton.yeung As tempting as that would be, no.
@BenFortune lots of interface methods, yes
@GNi33 How do you deal with that stuff?
Only if you're a twig
Can someone help me speak some common sense into this fellow?
That doesn't matter, you're still loading it all into memory, which is why you're hitting 1.5GB. You need to split it into smaller chunks and only load the current chunk and any adjacent chunks. This is how games work--it has nothing to do with minecraft. — ndugger 4 mins ago
@ton.yeung Out automotive class got to take an oxy-acetylene and cut a car in half. That was fun.
In my shop class I accidentally superglued my hands together
did you die?
@ndugger Good luck with that. You're on your own.
@ton.yeung What? Not even remotely. Scary was changing the oil of a car and having hydraulic lift give.
@Luggage You think he's too far lost?
!!afk standup
Fortunately I was in an oil changing pit.
@Trasiva um.. jack stands.
If anyone wants to clean it up, be my guest :>
@Luggage Not talking small jack, we're talking a lift.
At least you didn't...
one giant jack-stand, them.
Hey Kendall
@BenFortune you just leave them there
!!forget safesearch
@KendallFrey Command safesearch forgotten.
!!learn safesearch <>http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/31666890#31666890
@KendallFrey Command safesearch learned
@Luggage Nah, I just dropped into the pit.
18 hours ago, by Kendall Frey
ffs now I have "steve harvey penis" in my search history
much better
@KendallFrey I tried that yesterday and cap got pissy.
You justa just stroked her right.
till the stroke of 3
wrong response
@SterlingArcher It's too late Jordan
Stroke till 3 god dammit
@ton.yeung I was perfectly safe in my case, that's why they have those pits there when you're working under a car. Worst case you take a bit of a knock to the head as you're pushed into it.
well, that's not the worst case.
@BenFortune what does Android Studio actually tell you when you delete them?
those should be abstract methods
thus you have to implement them
@SterlingArcher I always stop after one.
even though they don't do anything, they have to be there, because the system will call them
They're okay to be empty though?
Or is there some sort of super method?
I'm not a Java pro myself, but I don't think there's a way around it
no problem that they're empty
the super method is an abstract method, that's why you have to implement them
you can have your own LocationListener baseclass of course
@BenFortune that breaks the point of the game
@Neoares It does, it's just a PoC
I hope it doesn't work :S
It sure does
I'll lose interest in the game if people begins to use that
he isn't the first and won't be the last. people have already lost accounts due to it according to the news
The iOS version has like 1200 stars on Github
@BenFortune So you just want fame, huh?
Is that it?!
Writing open source software is a good way to get the sex.
@ton.yeung Orange means they're going to be very difficult to catch, once you hit level 8, you unlock the chance to get berries from pokestops and that lowers their difficulty.

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