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@FlorianMargaine wonderful :D
webtask.it.auth0.com/api/run/wt-abhishek-hingnikar_com-0/… < A webtask that compiles a webtask to compile a webtask in webtask
@copy Why would a database hold tens of thousands of threads rather than queue and pool?
It's not like the disk is that concurrent - the disk doesn't read tens of thousands of things at a time.
It's simpler to implement it that way in low-level languages
Yeah but it's pretty dumb.
what the actual fuck? dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3452533/… #disturbing
oh jeez :/
I'm really really glad that all I get is a lot of taxes and surveillance
We don't even have them.
@littlepootis welcome to dark ages
welcome back *
ISIS/ISIL/Daesh is basically a highly visible experiment in how modern society would react to 1000+ year old practices
and people are confused of what to do about it all
"kill 'em all" is not considered an ethical solution these days, but neither we have any options what WOULD work
and. yes, complete blockade and EMP-ing the area would be the same as "kill 'em all"
2 hours later…
thats an eye opener ^
I think there's this greater issue where we haven't really bothered to refine ethics to the point where what to do is both accessible and indisputable
public opinion has become paralytic because you can always find a group of uninformed activists on either side to complicate the issue
it's a pretty simple idea to pick up a bat and smash the head in of somebody who decides it's ok to execute somebody for listening to "western music", but it's not so easy to know if everybody around you is going to back you up, so nobody does anything
Please discuss this somewhere else next time
@Loktar Hey, I'm trying to remember a SNES game... I figured you might know of it. I don't remember much. It was the kind of sidescroller where you could move up and down (sort of depth). Kinda medieval. I think there was a paladin character you could play as. And lots of baddies (maybe other knights?) that would keep coming and you had to beat up (kinda like LOTR: Two Towers) That's really all I remember. Long shot, I know.
I may have found it. "Knights of the Round". Similar, if not the one.
Hi guys... Good morning...
I have an issue when I am trying to get element width.
I have tried with `offsetWidth` to get element width. But I am getting parent element width only. Because I didn't mentioned any width in style attribute for that element. Is it possible to get exact element width in this case?
I am trying to get <p> element width. text within <p> tag will change dynamically. so i can't set width to that element. Any idea guys?
@m59 hah Knights of the Round
yeah that is probably it
my son Gavin and I play that from time to time
great coop game
I was probably thinking of "Percival" rather than "Paladin".
Unless there's another similar game where that is applicable.
@CJRamki Are you sure that's wrong? p elements should be the width of their parent by default, so that should be correct if you aren't messing with its width elsewhere
That was the one I was thinking as well, as I was reading your description
there could be another one though, but that's the only one I'm personally familiar with
Is there a name for that kind of sidescrolling?
I got excited when you mentioned kinda medieval
Maybe you want clientWidth instead of offsetWidth
because i was thinking castlevania bloodlines
but then i remembered thats genesis anyways hahaha
I friggin' love Castlevania SOTN
One of the best games ever.
@Meredith that's too returning the same..
Are you sure that's wrong?
I wish there was a sequel in the same style.
@m59 that type of game is a beat em up
@Meredith nope.. without setting a width to an element, it should return parent width only.
Knights of the Round I mean
The width of a p element is the width of its parent
@Loktar no label that denotes left+right sidescrolling vs left+right and up+down (foreground/background) ?
Kind of 3d in a sense.
@Meredith I have multiple p elements inside parent div. I wan't to get each p element width individually. Here comes the problem...
@m59 I bet there is, but I don't know
usually they are just called side scrollers
God man, John Carmack is such a legend.
Adaptive Tile Refresh is a computer graphics technique for sidescrolling games, invented by id Software's John Carmack to compensate for the poor graphics performance of PCs in the early 1990s. Its principal innovation was a novel use of several EGA hardware features to perform the scrolling in hardware. The technique is named for its other aspect, the tracking of moved graphical elements in order to minimize the amount of redrawing required in every frame. Together, the combination saves the processing time that would have been required for redrawing the entire screen. Because CGA (the previous...
^ mentioned in the beatem up article. He has done so much for the gaming, and PC Gaming world.
/me heads to bed
@SamuelEv Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
welp, that's surprising github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish
@Loktar you gave me an incredible idea with interview.js
an actual interview.js!
Hi guys
have a query
is there any way to read Binary websocket data?
Hello there!
Should I use ES6 in Angular 1.x?
@wenn32 yes
supports text and binary data
like loads
the guy doesn't expect me to take them off codepen too, this is great!
People sometimes just give me admin access to their websites without making sure of anything... does it happen in your grown-up world too?
@towc may be they are not grown-up :P ... Seems they trust you at some point. :P
I sent this guy 10 words through fucking facebook and now I have admin access to his wp websites
that must break at least ALL of the security protocols for permissions
I have root access to 34 CentOS servers belonging to a stupid company.
He wasted my time talking about irrelevant things when all that he needed done was keeping software on all his servers up to date
su -
yum update
@littlepootis may be you looked like google to him.. :P
I was paid $100.
@littlepootis you can use it to download mitocw lectures, compress them to vp9 codec, and seed as torrents so us poor kids with low bandwidth could have easier access
It isn't, if you keep proper credits and stuff.
Also, somebody stole your idea
@littlepootis fucking bastards - o... wait.
@littlepootis duuuude... this is what we "worked" for! remember?
that guy with 800 html files?
No, that's IPTV. This one's exponentially more popular.
they used this exact thing I can bet you
They use this thing? They just collect a few steam urls and add them to a database.
In the worst possible way
@AwalGarg lol
dude got tookdown by DMCA like 4 times. he was popular and stuff. stupid but real life
@littlepootis you are only 75 stars away from a pizza :P
@AwalGarg lol
@AwalGarg I'm surprised that he wrote that entire thing by himself
yeah and he even managed to get it all working... crazy shit
yeah. what was his name?
banned from coding
can u tell me how to redirect after success?
Silly question.. how do you get an interactive console with Node that runs some file and then lets you play with all the variables and call methods on the fly?
@treblaluch you can do it in your server side too...
node debug <file>, also rtfm :)
@CJRamki I tried but it does not redirect, instead the page to be redirected appears in the div
i think there is no reason to use ajax if you want to redirect after success
@treblaluch use window.location to redirect from js
@CJRamki i think your right :D ill just do the server side
I need a funtionnal way to change a {left: 20, top:36, width:222, ..} in the same with +x in the top property
!!> var offsetTop=(o,v)=>Object.assign(o, {top:o.top+v}); offsetTop({top:2,left:1},4)
@crl "SyntaxError: missing ( before formal parameters"
@crl {"top":6,"left":1}
@AwalGarg: That works, thanks :)
@crl "in the same with"?
@crl just use react and jquery
bootstrap too, hmm ClientBoundingRect are bastards
pastebin.com/raw/SyPz967U why isn't the foo available from the callback?
@randomguy Because you don't use foo anywhere other than the outer function so it got optimised out.
Object.assign({}, document.body.rect(), {top:20}) // try this..
I bet it works on FF, but chrome no
> document.body.rect().hasOwnProperty('top')
@Zirak: ah, that's interesting. So simply doing foo; inside the anonymous function would make it available again. Thanks.
@randomguy Not necessarily that, but something to its ilk. Enjoy.
@Zirak b.. but how is it possible
@crl It's on the prototype
@Zirak what was the flag that disabled it?
@AwalGarg shrug
Is it possible to reintroduce foo on the fly when in the debug repl (it would suck to always know in advanced what I would need in more complex code / debugging scenario)?
No. And you usually debug variables which are actually used.
wrap your code in a with block. that solves it.
Got it, thank you.
@Zirak what are they taking you down for ?
Who's taking me down?
let delta=(o,d)=>({top:o.top+d.top, o.left+d.left, o.width, o.height}); //delta a bounding rect, delta(anus.rect(), {top:2})
When was I taken down?
you are standing on my table. get down right now
You'll never take me down!
@Zirak erm i mean taking down oh-my-fsh
Oh, mother of all out-of-context messages.
Dunno, looked at the repository earlier and saw it was DMCAd.
throws stick at zirak and knocks him down
@AwalGarg Zirak is force sensitive
node.js devs
Q: nodemon to exec "prestart" script at package.json

feniixxI want to setup nodemon to run the "prestart" script when server restarts, the reason, I'm using webpack and I want to build bundle.js every time a file changes, I'm not using webpack-dev-server cause I don't know how to set it up with an existing node app running, I got my backend on node.js, he...

Zirakpur is a place nearby. For some values of "nearby"
I am looking for a stable distro for Nvidia gpus
I am feeling sad. I tried polishing an old homebrewed module which employed a clever trick to do something while decreasing redundancy. Now I just can't find out where the clever trick is. It works correctly and all, but I can't find out what the trick was and where is it. I am feeling so sad.
var delta=(o,{top=0,left=0})=>({top:o.top+top, left:o.left+left, width:o.width, height:o.height}); // awesum
@Abhishrek Hi abhi... How are you?
Frustrated :D
Linux guys, how to make npm not create anything in root . something ?
@crl Prostrated :D (source)
@crl wat ? no i am frustrated by npm
NPM keeps trying to make something in root dir
just joking, sorry don't know for cpm on linux
are you running it as root?
also nice Zirak, you worked at Yahoo, saw that the other day watching the video
@Abhishrek hangouts
First I'm getting DMCAd, then I'm being told I used to work at Yahoo. This has been a surprising day.
ok, I'm stupid, I thought you were that guy talking in the video, in the medium link ->
I'm not Nicholas Zakas
Prove that you are not
You'll never catch me alive!
@Zirak work at yahoo
confusing names.. and you looked like him, he's maybe a bit older
who told you that ?
@Abhishrek I am working with greater shit than npm >:(
@AwalGarg venkatesh ?
also did you integrate Auth0 ?
not so useful, just generate random tokens
@Abhishrek I don't fucking care about that stupid cv-maker
@AwalGarg then make someone else maintain it ?
Why does it need maintainence?
and 1 pull request which you commented on ?
yeah, right. I will make @Zirak maintain it. He loves jquery and bootstrap.
Will write modal 2016-centric for the new generation for food. Better than selling blowjobs, right?
depends. how much $$ do you get for a single blowjob?
Depends on how hard you beat me
Then about 7 monetary units
you pass the interview. you are now the lead maintainer and project head of cv-maker.
oh btw, bash.org is back \o/
omg they finally fixed modding
@Zirak you have to say that in caps :P
You talk like angel walk like model but your body look like buffalo
oh btw, how is jsh going? does it finally work on FF now?
You're the lead maintainer and project head, you should know
I started re-working on jsh but got side-tracked, I dunno when I'll get the motivation to get back to it.
I see some placement bug and weird font. otherwise seems usable.
anyone has ever loaded bootstrap with webpack?
> 2014-09-11
@awla @everyone_who_carez bash.moe
> This is a read-only* archive of the public quotes from bash.org, which went down in January of 2016
oh wait
wait wait wait..... -cos( x * pi )/2 + .5 = sin(​ x * ​pi/​2 )^​2 ?????? HOW???
let y = x * pi. that reduces it to (1 - cos y)/2 = sin^2(y/2). which is a well known trig identity
jeeze I can't imagine that AI class taught me that
cos(2a)= cos(a+a)=cos(a)cos(a)-sin(a)sin(a)=1-2sin²(a)
if you don't remember those identities, see them with exponential notation: cos(x+y)=1/2( e^(i(x+y)) +e^(-i(x+y))) well not sure it helps
@sikas tell me when you can see this
I can see it @Chris
@AwalGarg @crl I really need to learn my trig..... gosh... anything genius that can make me understand better?
@towc khan academy ?
too muh effort
@towc I have been taking mitocw lectures these days. they are really helpful (cc @SomeGuy)
I'll try the mit thing
thanks both
@towc i recommend watching
mit physics 101
with walter lewin
I will :)
progress on your game?
@Abhishrek frankly that course is useless for programmers. most of the things which could be useful for programmers which lewin teaches in that course could be looked up when you need - coded - and forgotten.
if it is the "math" part, then just take the 'math for cs' one
@AwalGarg whoa, really ?
well, that's my opinion. yeah
I propose you try making a simple Physics engine when you are free ^_^. Although you know tons of physics already.
@towc kind of halted because I made github.com/darkyen/plivo-node-promise and github.com/darkyen/webtask-badge this entire week
I have made one in actionscript back when I used to play with After Effects. fwiw it wasn't very performant compared to the commercial versions but did its job well.
link ?
like I still have it
@Abhishrek the guy from "your city" doesn't know the difference between giving credentials to the wordpress dashboard and providing ssh access to the server.
@AwalGarg I told you he represents (Intelligence - SUM OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE)
everytime I think I am a n00b, one of these idiots would make an appearance and make my day
@AwalGarg I purposely ignore those people
I like feeling like a noob.
@Abhishrek betting $5 they don't use ssh or anything. just push code to the server via ftp
@AwalGarg you are over estimating their intelligence again
ftp is too far out, they use web based file upload prompts. And don't even scale things in right proportions usually
is it possible to validate form fields without submit button? I don't want form to submit if the it is valid, I have to show some other divs if form is valid. Most of the solutions are with form submit only. any one have idea?
in angular js
@Abhishrek hmm... you are probably right.
thats already taken care off by angulars ng-model
then how to trigger validation method?
angular does it !
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