I think there's this greater issue where we haven't really bothered to refine ethics to the point where what to do is both accessible and indisputable
public opinion has become paralytic because you can always find a group of uninformed activists on either side to complicate the issue
it's a pretty simple idea to pick up a bat and smash the head in of somebody who decides it's ok to execute somebody for listening to "western music", but it's not so easy to know if everybody around you is going to back you up, so nobody does anything
@Loktar Hey, I'm trying to remember a SNES game... I figured you might know of it. I don't remember much. It was the kind of sidescroller where you could move up and down (sort of depth). Kinda medieval. I think there was a paladin character you could play as. And lots of baddies (maybe other knights?) that would keep coming and you had to beat up (kinda like LOTR: Two Towers) That's really all I remember. Long shot, I know.
I may have found it. "Knights of the Round". Similar, if not the one.
I have an issue when I am trying to get element width. I have tried with `offsetWidth` to get element width. But I am getting parent element width only. Because I didn't mentioned any width in style attribute for that element. Is it possible to get exact element width in this case?
I am trying to get <p> element width. text within <p> tag will change dynamically. so i can't set width to that element. Any idea guys?
@CJRamki Are you sure that's wrong? p elements should be the width of their parent by default, so that should be correct if you aren't messing with its width elsewhere
Adaptive Tile Refresh is a computer graphics technique for sidescrolling games, invented by id Software's John Carmack to compensate for the poor graphics performance of PCs in the early 1990s. Its principal innovation was a novel use of several EGA hardware features to perform the scrolling in hardware. The technique is named for its other aspect, the tracking of moved graphical elements in order to minimize the amount of redrawing required in every frame. Together, the combination saves the processing time that would have been required for redrawing the entire screen.
Because CGA (the previous...
^ mentioned in the beatem up article. He has done so much for the gaming, and PC Gaming world.
@SamuelEv Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@littlepootis you can use it to download mitocw lectures, compress them to vp9 codec, and seed as torrents so us poor kids with low bandwidth could have easier access
Silly question.. how do you get an interactive console with Node that runs some file and then lets you play with all the variables and call methods on the fly?
Is it possible to reintroduce foo on the fly when in the debug repl (it would suck to always know in advanced what I would need in more complex code / debugging scenario)?
I want to setup nodemon to run the "prestart" script when server restarts, the reason, I'm using webpack and I want to build bundle.js every time a file changes, I'm not using webpack-dev-server cause I don't know how to set it up with an existing node app running, I got my backend on node.js, he...
I am feeling sad. I tried polishing an old homebrewed module which employed a clever trick to do something while decreasing redundancy. Now I just can't find out where the clever trick is. It works correctly and all, but I can't find out what the trick was and where is it. I am feeling so sad.
@Abhishrek frankly that course is useless for programmers. most of the things which could be useful for programmers which lewin teaches in that course could be looked up when you need - coded - and forgotten.
if it is the "math" part, then just take the 'math for cs' one
I have made one in actionscript back when I used to play with After Effects. fwiw it wasn't very performant compared to the commercial versions but did its job well.
@Abhishrek the guy from "your city" doesn't know the difference between giving credentials to the wordpress dashboard and providing ssh access to the server.
is it possible to validate form fields without submit button? I don't want form to submit if the it is valid, I have to show some other divs if form is valid. Most of the solutions are with form submit only. any one have idea?