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@rlemon This kills the internet.
@KendallFrey I love that we live in a time where I can see pictures of a moon on another planet
So glad we're getting fibre in the office soon
Is that near Saturn?
@BenFortune you would think jpl would have faster delivery times
@KendallFrey yes
the rings are cutting the planet
taken by cassini
Saturn's rings are Jesus's foreskin
@rlemon obviously fake; the earth is flat
@ndugger this is a picture of the earth and moon
you cannot see the planet because of its flatness
ah, 2 true
@rlemon same reason I can't see your mom's chest
would be funny, but she got implants.
so the opposite joke works.
if you want to get $10 at digital ocean
I dunno who asked
@rlemon lmfao
Something is seriously wrong with Florida
This is the stupidest thing I've read in a while brand.uber.com/#our-new-look
@SterlingArcher go fix it. Teach them how to pimp.
Of all the stupid mindless and vacant redesigns we've experienced the last few years, this is just...dumb.
aw sweet, fortune cookie girl hit me back. Gonna try and get her to come to the show this weekend.
@Zirak tht website is painful
Wait until you read the content...
@Zirak the icon stuff is painfully stupid, but I kinda like what they're doing with the localized backgrounds.
> At the center of our app icons is the Bit—the symbol of our technology.
That's casual as fuck
I have piping in crash \o/
That doesnt seem very lispy
well duh, it's a shell
Can someone here please get fired from their job so we can have another awesome developer please? :)
@Loktar is it fine if I work for you but never do anything?
double salary is always nice
@FlorianMargaine hmm idk since it's you that is still tempting
@Loktar do you need more than 12 hours a week?
we could at least do hangouts every morning to start my day right?
yeah definitely
that'd be around 5pm for me, but hey
@rlemon haha I mean it would be ideal to have someone do at least 30 :p
@FlorianMargaine haha
I could see many of us being available for 10-20 hours of contract work a week
but idk about full time
yeah we need someone fulltime unfortunately
dude, the candidates..
they make my head hurt.
no one has a github or SO account even
blows my mind
@Loktar but, 4 part time js roomers make 1 full time person
@rlemon even 1
I mean some have created a GH account.. but have no projects or stars on other projects
yeah one here part time would be better than many fulltime people we could find
Josiah and I are basically 4 full time people :p
that's mean
sure, I get it, he gained some weight since he moved.
don't need to call it out
yeah man @jhawins probably is pushing like 280;b now
@Loktar no bro, he pushes 400lb, easy
@ton.yeung yeah, it's like they put no effort in at all besides clocking in from 8-5
LOL @rlemon
@jhawins 2.9
Yeah these days I bench 3 times my weight
Which is 420 lol
Any suggestions for getting started on Unit testing for JavaScript code?
@Waqas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ton.yeung what blows my mind is they are asking for 6 figures!
on top of the lack of knowledge or care
@Loktar We should pull an Alex and go part time but keep same pay
well I'm already moving so there's that :p
Any luck on the house?
showing yesterday was promising, and one scheduled for today at 6
I'm looking all the time now, have till the end of May to pick a place.
@Waqas mocha and chai are my preference, karma if you need to run in a browser
tons should come on the market soon
the spring is when everyone lists
you shouldnt have trouble finding anything by that point
It worked like bliss, many thanks Ben Fortune
@Loktar April/May and August are crazy, man. My landlord (property mgmt company) said they were moving close to 200 people into houses around the cities last August 1st
damn, yeah that sounds about right
@Waqas if you want an example, the tests here are set up pretty straight-forward-ly
right before school starts for the year
You do not put raisins in pastries, dammit
yep, especially since we live near a few colleges
I wanted to pick up the keys the night before and the dude said he could meet me at the house at some random time, because he was just going north to south hitting each property
@Loktar I mean I have SO but my github is meh. Only 3 lowkey projects and no repo contributions
@SterlingArcher I would see .babelrc and say, ok he knows what he is doing
@ssube @ton.yeung Thank you
or at least has a clue what modern js is
@SterlingArcher well this was a rollercoaster of emotion imgur.com/gallery/6kpJE
you also have a few followers, and have starred some projects.. and also are an owner of a JS chat
@Loktar echo "lolsuckit2016" > .babelrc
something that would sound impressive to me
@Loktar Yeah but I am looking for rent only so still a slim market
rather than "I want 105,000, here is a bootstrap site I made for my aunt"
@Loktar jokes on you I have no idea what I'm doing!
@SterlingArcher We know that, but it looks like you do.
> I want 150,000, here is a site I made that gives you random pictures of pizza or phil dunphy
But there are lots of options within my budget. I'm gonna try to get a split level place with a big garage for a basement
@rlemon lol, you have a codepen account too
that would go a long way as well
> just don't use anything but the latest chrome and have a $400 GPU
speaking of GPU's
gf wants a single monitor gaming pc
budget is $2000
> Most of my codepen demos are meant for cutting-edge GPGPU cloud-computing scenarios, operating at webscale.
suggestions on GPU?
everything else I can figure out
hold out until Pascal and Polaris
@ton.yeung I'm building it
otherwise get a 390
hey how can i check if the page is RTL?
@BehnazChangizi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I am waiting for Pascal too
unless you can squeeze in a furyx :p
I tried Pascal, but the := didn't feel right.
So you're saying we should all quit our jobs and invade @Loktar's company?
3xx series has better DX12 support
@SterlingArcher 1 at a time plz
@Loktar okay
but pascal and polaris will make a big difference
so single 390 is good? will last few years?
@rlemon for $2000, on a self-built PC?
Pascal is Nvidias new chipset, polaris is AMDs
Instructions unclear, am now unemployed
@FlorianMargaine I know, she is being cheap
I told her $3k
@rlemon yeah definitely but for 2k you could probably get a fury
@FlorianMargaine 2k is a TON of money for a PC man
@rlemon $2k is pretty good these days
@rlemon depends.
@rlemon You're nuts.
@Loktar that's what I'm saying
back when I bought my last rig, it was half a machine
2K for a gaming pc + monitors?? yea that is cutting it close
ah ok I thought you meant it the other way around
but in the last 5 years, $2k has become pretty decent
ah for the monitors I guess
when a monitor is $300 and the GPU is more than that... $2k doesn't seem like that much anymore
@rlemon Maybe if you want 4K??
get a nice 144hz one for $400
Oh right your money is crap right now
a cheap 'working' monitor would cost me $200 regardless of our money
I meant because Canadia.
!!> var x; (x||0)++; x
@crl "SyntaxError: invalid increment operand"
so for a nice gaming monitor I expect $300 easy
you can always get an office-class ASUS or LG for $300. Those are pretty decent.
I'm a bit silly
@rlemon What? You can get a cheap "working" monitor for $90
@crl you can't increment an integer, only a variable
@jhawins find me a 24" led backlit for <$200
yeah honestly though for 1080 gaming I would just go with a 390 for now
@SterlingArcher "SyntaxError: invalid increment operand"
not a 390x though, perf to price ratio isn't worth it
@rlemon You can get like an Acer 1080P IPS display for like... $140
390 is great for 1440 as well
calling Acer a working monitor is iffy. Their stuff is not reliable.
@rlemon Is that the thing? Exactly 24 inches?
actually Acer has a really nice 1440 144hz, freesync monitor
@jhawins ;)
tons of great reviews, I almost grabbed it
@jhawins you can "OMG" me all you want. it isn't like I'm not looking
I used to have 3 identical Acers (same model, year, everything, bought at the same time) and every single one was a different color.
2560x1440 LED lit LG, $200
One was red, one green, and one blue. My spyder couldn't fix them, either.
It was kind of funny except that it ruined eyefinity because they were way off.
@FlorianMargaine thank god I wasn't the only one
That's the nice acer one I'm talking about
which reminds me that I have to buy a laptop at some point
(responding to @ssube not @rlemon)
@jhawins $115 shipping
@rlemon I see a bunch of 20-22 inch ones for under $130
any recommendation? all I'm doing is so js chat and Lisp
@Loktar more than ^ shipping
Me too. vim is nice but it's no sublime text
@Loktar who do they source the panel from? If it's a samsung, you're probably fine
@jhawins and to get them to Canada cost me > $100
or maybe LG
the cheaper the better
no idea, I think its a TN though. I personally want an IPS 1440 144hz
I know you can get cheaper off-brand monitors with the same panel as the Ultrasharps, sometimes
@rlemon So it's a Canadia problem like I said :P
@ton.yeung how is running Linux on it? I've never heard of anyone about this
they don't have the color certification, but are 50% the price
Cause the page is littered with them lol
like I said the first time, Find me one I can buy for that amount because when I made the claim it isn't like I haven't been looking
@FlorianMargaine crouton
How would I know what your shipping costs
Get you some Prime, man.
@Loktar do you know/have you seen the site that takes actual color measurements of the various monitors and reviews them? I can't seem to find it
I linked Amazon.ca where you can see the average price is $200+
@ssube I know the site you mean.. but don't knwo the URL
they run them through a high-speed camera and datacolor sensor
it has TONS of info and color profiles though
like monitor spec porn
post the actual refresh rate and accuracy
their recommendations are usually really good, too
@FlorianMargaine works fine, crouton like @copy said
is okay, and is pretty cheap
Hahahahaha I switched to Amazon.ca and there is nothing comparable to ours at all
cause the measurements show which monitors have the same panel, despite one being an art monitor and the other not

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