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i want to make a group chat kinda thing , and everytime somebody creates a group , a new collection will be added
Are you using sockets?
the reason I wanted to do this is because all the activity should be synced to users' devices , so they can access it offline
im planning to use sockets and also REST
they both will allow very similar things
well, if you index their group with a key and never delete the data, you should be ok
I'd go down to the route of creating specialized objects and a traditional database model
@Lix the reason i dont want to do that is its not a simple group chat , it has a ton of undecided features
and I could do with some flexibility
the thing you want to avoid with MongoDB is going through the whole collection, because that will start loading everything into memory
but if you think that disbanded groups will rarely get pulled in, the data will just rest at disk
@Fil , so what I am planning is something called 'syncables'
device comes online , pulls new data , and a marker for that device is now updated to the last item he pulled
say he goes offline , and comes back
server would give him all the data newer than the marker
that should be cool, because you'll probably be looking at the index and pulling in recent data
so should I do a new collection per group? or is it bad ?
what I am trying to make is kind of like slack
I wouldn't do that, you'll start blocking the whole server
ah ,okay
thanks , you're the best
I actually don't get why your tied to mongo here
@lix I tried SQL , and there are a lot of things that we will keep adding or changing
can you elaborate?
and many times changing some things had started completely messing with my query times etc
okay , little bit of background
im a college student , 1st year
so my friend and I started trying to make this slack kinda app using laravel + sql
from whatever SQL design knowledge i mustered, we were doing decent
but because our ideas change so many times , i started realising that certain things could make things really expensive for the server
@lix, do you want me to go on ?
Yeah I'm reading :)
so ill give you an example
we have groups
each groups has many channels
each channel has a voting system
and now I wanted all data transmitted under a group to be syncable to users' phones
so if he comes online , he should pull everything , and have a full copy of whatever he is authorised to see
so to do that in sql , i had to create a table called SYNCS
another table called VOTE LOGS
VOTE Logs records 'what' action was performed at what time , by whom , for what channel
and SYNCS stores what type of LOG was added at what time
With a foreign key yeah?
i forgot to mention , vote logs also stores which vote somebody voted
ya with FKS and more or less right indeces
now say a user has voted already
and then he invited
Wait so what exactly was the main problem here?
my query to check if he voted would be 'get the latest vote log action made by a user for a particular channel, and if it is of type vote, means he didnt vote yet'
that query itself took a while to figure out and optimise
the problem is , sql is too rigid for what we want to do
did you have designed your dbs on a sheet or something ?
I could be wrong here but the optimization here should be around how you decipher the answer from the database
lost my track
bruteforcing everything to find the answer is always going to be inefficent
@KarelG , yea we did design
you need a way of indetifying areas of your subset and removing the need to check for isolated data outside the scope of your query
@lix i wasn't bruteforcing , the query was very complicated due to self joins
can i ask js question here???
Where do you study?
Q: Groupwise max then join

harvey_slashI have a votes table that has many subitems. I have a subitems action table that records what action was performed by which user on which group, on which subitem, on which vote Users can either cast/uncast/delete/update create on actions. To find out if a user 'belongs' to a subitem, I used gr...

rochester institute of technology
i have some doubt in js
can anybody help me out
@harvey_slash is that the same uni John Resig went to?
ahh one of my good friends did soft eng there
sweet :)!
i have just started though
doing CS
@lix , why do you think mongo could be a bad idea?
why would you want me to stick to sql ?
There both equivalent in terms of speed source stackoverflow.com/questions/11244553/… My reasoning is that sql structure has a larger scope for reasoning and relys on better optimization of how you design your data sets which in the long run is better overall
Like filip said earlier unless you have a big data problem the problem can almost always be relayed to initial design
one of the big reasons i want to try mongo is because it will provide me with flexibility
and also i started having to do extremely tedious joins. and designing my queries started taking too much thought than i would want
if you end up denormalizing things, looks like you might want to look into NoSQL then
Yeah to be fair when you said group chat I was presuming you meant 'I just started using sockets and I can't make the basic example work' which is what we get a lot here
having a flexible schema in SQL is probably not going to work out in the long run
unless you enjoy writing migration scripts
i used laravel , so migration was not such a pain tbh
just be warned @harvey_slash, you best keep yourself confound to updates over single documents... if you start updating whole collections you'll run into consistency issues with MongoDB
@Filip, yessir, got that . not going to create a thousand collections
it's not that, you can't really pass through all the documents in the collection and start updating them
@harvey_slash How many records are you dealing with?
why would I want to do that ?
@lix , its just an app that we want to release. I honestly dont have any numbers
it's like looping and modifying shared state in parallel, so if that's not something that you'll need to do you'll be fine with MongoDB
@harvey_slash Sounds interesting, let me know when it's available :-)
@Filip , not really understanding you. I am not really super familiar with mongo or nosql right now. I am planning to learn the basics by a few days
@lix, thanks
this group is going to be like 80% of the reason it releases. Unless you guys ban me :P
and ya sure ill post you the details if it does manage to release
Were kinda like canada in here, powerful and powerless all at the same time.
my last app was 2 years ago , and im getting frustrated that i didnt do anything after high school
and we only really like people who stick around here often
lol , so you mean you can't ban me ? 3:)
@harvey_slash MongoDB's atomic operations are limited to a single document... you can't expect to update a property on 15000 documents and things not to change in the meantime
you can have two parallel write jobs that can race with updating documents and they won't be blocking each other
how does one handle something like this then ?
so I have to handle locks and stuff myself ?
by not putting themselves into a position that they have to mutate the whole collection
I hope you took c++ classes :-D
wait, it can't be this hard
there's a reason everyone on the internet says mongodb sucks big blue balls
then why is MEAN so popular ?
is it?
why is mongo used with node so often ?
well, if you realize things after the fact, you'll probably hate the living guts out of MongoDB
people use mongo with node?
because people suck?
i assume it is , because MEAN is a word
I'm all about pocketDB personally
I was literally just gonna post that
if you need to update whole collections, maybe look into something like Cassandra, which I haven't used
but it can allow for updates over whole collections and retain that in memory, consolidate with results that are returned, so you get consistency that'll eventually get flushed to disk
what do you mean by update collection ?
going through each document and writing changes to it
pretty sure i won't ever need that
I suspect that a lot of the people who "use" the MEAN stack don't really make serious apps with it
then you'll be perfectly fine with MongoDB
one of the reasons i picked mongo was because of firebase
you might even try with inflating collections, or even databases on the server, if you don't get a lot of reads/writes
it has similar capabilities (like syncing , realtime ) as my app
Firebase is the shit because it doesn't even seem like you have a database at all
isn't that good ?
that's like... heaven
so much is done for you
@FlorianMargaine the bit where it's like "If there's a problem writing your data, your fucked" gets me everytime
oh you mean the shit
not shit
Firebase seems like your app is just functions being composed
i dont want to use it
because it will make me feel i didnt do anything
same, I like to overengineer things myself too
!!google goldplating
for laravel , i used ratchet , and god knows how many other libraries to get sockets working with my API
Man I can never get this bot to do my bidding
Using libraries to get things done is a good thing as long as they're well-written and solves your usecase
@CapricaSix Why won't you love me
@ivarni ,it became a mess
@FilipDupanović how do I get on it's list of cool kids
is that a bot ?
I have no idea, I wasn't aware she had discrimination built in
are you guys aware of wit.ai ?
oh it is
Maybe they just removed the google command? It was pretty annoying when people overused it
@harvey_slash hey this is pretty neat
what is ?
hmm, there's also two more nice ones for NLP I can't seem to find
i had used it a year back
mind blown
used it for a home automation system
did you try Google's services?
i got so amazed by it that I am trying to learn NLP and recreate it
no , but when i used it , wit was the best
@FilipDupanović bruh my next apartment I'm totally building a ai into the house
fuck yeah, I want to hook up cameras and have the AI tell me what is it that I wanted to actually do
i hope to be helpful
machine learning is crazy
I'm getting a new appartment in 2 years, it will definetely be cameras and face-recognition invovled
i know what im going to do
im going to upload my brain to each of your houses
it would be great if the AI could study your morning rituals and warn you when you weer off track
@FilipDupanović i think its doable
I can't remember how many times I set out to brush my teeth and somehow ended up on Wikipedia for 45 minutes
Or turn off the alarm clock if you come home drunk
@FilipDupanović on that note
its actually a very good idea
!!afk teeth + coffee
at least a few times a week, I end up opening the fridge without even realizing why I got there
oh on that note
would you buy a fridge addon
that will keep track of items you put it
how healthy you're eating
when your food is going to go bad
basically a camera that will recognise food
it's a great idea, especially if you never got into the habit of planning meals and groceries
maybe everytime you open your fridge , it will suggest a tasty snack that might be lurking out
for now, I need it to tell me that I should probably be somewhere else, doing some other thing
solves the problem of staring at fridge without knowing why you came her
but yeah, it's an awesome idea, I could definitely use some help there
im kinda excited about this
many times I opened the fridge disheartened that I don't have anything to make a nice meal, then someone who's more experienced in cooking zips in and makes three courses
today i kinda tested if it was possible to detect common grocery items
looks promising
I'm actually still amazed how poorly we process image data; I managed to get into a really expensive security room this year and found out all the cameras were reporting motion
because the winds blow and the leaves move... so it's pretty useless at providing any hints that an intruder might be approaching
you know that can be vastly improved by using neural nets
theyre getting crazy accurate with images
yeah, because if they're not even able to handle plants, cats and birds with security cameras... where's the hope in dealing with more serious issues, like tracking plant health when cultivating :\
im sure the camera uses some very naive way of calculating motion
but only problem with neural nets is that they take a ton of resources to train :(
somebody has already done it
that's probably going to be our future in the decade, being on-site engineers, fixing the data sets :P
its already able to make music
and then the robots will take over and we can go do something meaningful with our lives
and paintings
poetry too
that's where I can't find this other NLP tool that's synthesizing new words and phrases
by the time i graduate , ill be replaced by a smart watch of something
you better hope so, I mean
what's the point in life, helping someone move money faster out of someone else's pocket?
that was too deep
there's nothing noble or grand in that and 99% of us are doing just that
maybe someone in here is curing cancer or making equipment safer, but most of us are just code monkeys applying grease to cogs that move money around
but i think
if you're having fun , just dont question anything else
I can imagine more creative undertakings... look at farmers, for example
2016, all they have to show for it are more expensive diesel machines that have touch screens instead of buttons and switches
you're bad influence to a budding programmer :P
uni is really fun because you have a lot of freedom on deciding what problems you want to solve and what tech you want to use
then you go out into the real world, people just want 99.95% uptime for well-understood systems that are designed to take someone's money, that's the gist of it
@harvey_slash the fridge that keeps a track of how much you've spent and emails you alternatives or places where you could buy it cheaper
@harvey_slash then you make deals with grocery stores to make more money
@lix ooo not bad
then you become the grocery store
i was kinda expecting you to say something like that
Then you buy mcdonalds
ooooh, now that's thinking!!!
Illuminati confirmed
3% of all mankind depends on you for access to nutrients
im just in it for the computer vision
Corner the market and give all the food to the 1%
im shit at making products and talking to people
@harvey_slash When you love something you've worked super hard on for over 3 months night a day, selling it to someone isn't even hard
but tbh i dont really care about the fridge thing so much
i just started playing around with ML , so i want to see if i can do it
from my experience if you don't love something so much you wouldn't sell it, it's not worth selling.
@lix , are you still in uni ?
I'm currently in my third year at a not so desirable university
why whats wrong with it
@lix not so desirable as in not respected by employers on the market?
Nothing's wrong with my university, I just fundamentally made really poor choices when I was like 15-18 so I'm playing catch up in life and I didn't have any formal qualifcations to go to a better uni
I have a 6.5 gpa on the UK scale and still want to study, what academic qualifications do you think I have :D?
I have no idea what that equates to filip
probably an MS ?
@harvey_slash from what I can tell you could probably already beat 3rd year at my uni
what do you mean by beat ?
minimal requirements for master programmes are ~7.5
Not fail, probably get a first
im actually very shit at studies
if you tell me to study X , ill study everything but X
same here
no one ever asks you what you want to do or what you're good at, that's why I couldn't bother even at uni
do you think this will ever change ?
what's your reasoning?
technology is changing so fast, but education is still the same since the 1200s or something
mine is that I can do something I don't want to, struggle and get it done
but, with the same amount of time invested into something I'm really excited about, I get way more stuff done
i calculate what i need to do just to not completely fuck up , and do what i want to do
so my natural inclination is to go with what's going to give me the most bang for the amount of time I allocated to it
thats true , i can pull 2 all nighters consecutively , but also can't stay up after 11 pm . depending on what im doing
@harvey_slash 1800th century, after the Napoleon wars, when state officials came together and decided they're going to reinvest taxes into public education
little has changed since then
okay , 1200 was just hyperbole, but 1800 is factually correct
classes have been shortened, breaks have been increased and they realized you also need some physical activity, but otherwise everything else has stayed the same
200 years , not bad
and tuition has gone up
@harvey_slash me too
yeah, jfc it goes up every year
where does all the money go
pretty toxic, students in wealthy economies even are forced to immediately get a job and they get stuck to it
i don't like to memorize the stuff. I only comprehend it and do the exams. If they ask a theoretical answer that is in the book, i just write that in my words and refers to the book
yeah that's what I do, I only had issues with history, when they want the exact day, on the exact month in the exact year
my parents were called every other week for history
I think Richard Feynmann had some sort of talk related to this topic
Born -> school -> school -> university -> get a job -> buy a car -> buy a house -> travel -> get a better job -> retire -> die
he said that there are two approaches to teaching maths... the systematic one where you have to go up from basics and keep memorizing everything
or the Babylonian approach, where the teacher tries to convey some fundamental concepts, but let's you derive all the axioms yourself... so every time you approach a problem, you actually don't know how to solve it, but you're well equipped to use reasoning to work your way towards a solution
and you always keep forgetting things, so every time you remember something else and start off from a different point, but you can always work your way towards the solution
im going to do that for my fridge thing
@FilipDupanović problem: it only works for people that can reason
wait , but whats the difference between being well equipped and memorising
there are plenty that can't reason very well to solve even intermediate math questions
isn't reasoning just another kind of memory ?
@harvey_slash if you're memorising from grounds up, you will never probably get exposed to some concepts that aren't even that hard, it's just that smoeone thought you're not worthy of being exposed to them yet
heh, even my CEO fails at the bat & ball problem
phrasing issues here... reasoning should entail abstract linking of known ideas, to be able to derive new ideas from existing ones
@harvey_slash This is also why interview problems cripple so many new developers
oh yea , im going to have to start applying for internships and stuff :'(
Just make your own company
FYL, does that even exist?
its a thing at my college
I've done it twice now, both medicore but there's nothing more motivating that working for yourself
co-ops and stuff
do conversations usually end up like this here ?
@lix as mediocre as it may be, it's well established that earning more money doesn't make you any more happier in life
all i need is a house on an island
and a pc with an internet connection
just a few steps above the minimal wage is when you're going to hit a plateau in happiness, the rest is just making more money to have bigger expenses, but nothing else changes
@Fil , have you seen/read into the wild ?
I have, I recommended it to @lix already
you remind me of the guy
I meant more mediocre that the first business showed me I didn't want to be a designer, The second was going really well and then my team got poached because we did to good of a job
@FilipDupanović can I get a link? :D pdf if have
@harvey_slash a burrowed house, stable power supply, internet and a significant other so I have some sense of responsibility is all I need
I'm in this here just to get my fam out of shitty debt and useless expenses they accumulated and then I'm off into the woods
M8 all I want to do is move to america It's really the only goal I have atm
i am an international
student at my college
@lix like California or something?
i kinda like the life there. wish i could taste it for a few years
@FilipDupanović redmond usa @ microsoft
would be the dream
Though I'm probably not smart enough
hmm, how come it's 1 buck, I'm sure I got it for free or something
@harvey_slash where do you come from orginally?
@lix nah, I don't think you'd have such a hard time if you got in
Oh neat :D
my best friend works on SQL server
how is life working in one of the big 4 ?
from what I gathered, the work they do isn't that hard, it's just that there are lots of people working, making intelligent decisions and it accumulates over time
I worked there before as a manager for the emea que in support
@harvey_slash unamazing, I only hear good stuff from MS, but the rest are meh, including Google
really ? wow
i thought everybody at google would be AI gurus
my friend in FB spent 1.5 months re-implementing arrays on HHVM, then he didn't have an assignment for 4 months
Have you guys watched startup?
my friend at Amazon spends 365 days refactoring a few LOC for Perl scripts
i thought big 4s would be so much fun
my friend at Google that works on Analytics just keeps getting told to do more things with less funding
yeah, I love my FB friend... his manager just told him "mmmkay, says here you were supposed to be doing the assignment for 6 months, I don't have anything more to give you"
"find some OS project we're working on and have fun, kthxbai"
so my conclusion is that the big companies just hyperinflate $$$ and hire the best people so someone else can't
they don't really give two shits about you, unless you're a someone everyone is familiar with
go figure @harvey_slash, everyone can use a comp-sci guy whatever their business is, yet no one can afford to have one on a permanent contract
there was a guy from India here doing crypto even though he isn't a programmer, because his startup can't afford to hire anyone
its a trend in india
electrical people migrate to programming fields
and small businesses who could desperately use a programmer can't match the income we usually make from even the shittiest employer in tech
"oh great, this would take 3 weeks of my time to complete, here is what I make in a month" and the business owner just goes WTF O_O???
but maybe that changes with robots when we start getting kicked out, we'll travel around do work for whatever someone can afford to pay us
Ah, but someone has to program the robots
they will program themselves
reinforcement learning already kinda started doing that
did you not mean machine learning ?
nature is doing that already, we just have to help the robots catch up
Yeah, I'm not too worried yet... giphy.com/gifs/EizPK3InQbrNK
there was this paper which trained a system to design the most optimal machine learning algorithm for a problem
i dont think terminator will ever happen
it will be more like
me neither, I think the robots will turn to the skies and we'll be just like little ants to them
all normal people will have no jobs
and social shit will cause them to commit suicide
and the rich people won't be able to exploit the poor people
and they will die
and machines will finally govern a utopia
I don't buy that though, you're basically saying working for someone elses money is currently defining our lives
it's certainly how it is, but I don't think that's what life is purpotrated for
it is not , but everyone does it anyway
if someone knows how to cook, but they can't build a shelter and you're there able to build a house, but can't feed yourself
you'll collaborate, whether there is an underlying platform for regulating debt or not
but there is so much of manipulation that takes place
I would have a 10.0 gpa instead of 6.5 otherwise
I think the point is what makes you happy and what is it that you want to pursue, as the ultimate meaning of life
the journey is the destination

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