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@Abhishrek is it waiting for/listening for a debugger?
I can make it wait / listen for a debugger
its just a node arg :P
I mean, nodemon and friends are janky af and generally to be avoided
but if it's listening, then it ought to work
What do you suggest as a workaround?
the wt serve might not :/
But then I can just update the command 3:D
no workaround, I just don't use any kind of watch, they all cause more trouble than they're worth
Meh. watches are convenient. I only have trouble on things like renames.
I've yet to see one that could actually reload the code reliably, without leaving some crust around that GC had a hard time picking up
just gulp watch with a little code to start/stop the server
that server task is nifty, despite using a singleton :P
meh. it works.
once a week or so, it'll not restart and I just ctrl-c and start again
I got fed up with gulp getting its hands all up in everything and am trying to switch to make, but make obv sucks. :(
.pipe(changed(paths.dest)) // saves a butt-load of time, only re-builds changed files
(make reminded me of that)
@ssube what
    @ssube When I use this code, I lose my dataTransfer:       dropbox.addEventListener("drop", function (e) {
        setTimeout(function () {
            var dt = e.dataTransfer;
            var files = dt.files;

        }, 1000)
    });     If I put var dt = e.dataTransfer; above the timeout function, I have the same crashing issue I am trying to fix.  Is there a way I can delay the dataTranfer?
@SterlingArcher a sarcastic greeting card
Sorry for the formatting. I'm new in chat
@Pennywise I have no idea, but it sounds like you're trying to change how the browser behaves. If that's the case, you might not be able to.
Cool. That's my fear
i need more one-pan dinner ideas.
@Luggage curry (with premade sauce, you cook the rice, then the meat and combine), gnocchi (with red sauce, throw it all in a skillet and bake). I have a bunch of others that aren't coming to mind.
I've been making a sort of 'poor man's paella'.
meat, then some vegatables (onions, peppers, etc), then instant rice.
if you are willing to expand "one pan" to include a rice cooker, that opens all kinds of bean + meat + rice combos
red beans and rice is a great one
I don't own a rice cooker
but you have a way to cook rice? that's the important part
well, of course. I have pans and fire.
(well, a glass surface that gets hot eventually)
I'm a huge fan of the southern-style jambalaya or red beans sort of things, some combination of rice with sausage and celery and green chilis and optionally beans
and yea.. i just bought some beans.. gotta soak them though, too late for tonight
especially since everything that goes into it is dry, canned, or sausage
I have dry beans, not canned.
can't say I've ever cooked with dry beans, oddly enough, although I keep meaning to make split pea soup
they aren't hard, but many of them need to soak first and/or cook for a long time.
split peas don't, of course.
I thought they did?
er.. i think not. I might be misremembering.
they definately don't need to soak for a long time (like hours or a day like some beans)
but maybe rinse?
and they cook in a reasonable amount of time.
I think it was an hour soak or so, definitely not days, but enough to make me revise my dinner plans.
lentils need to be soaked
I can cook 'real things' from scrtch, but I am trying to find some shortcuts to prevent a slide back into deliveery
split green peas dont
instant rice is 'good enough'. frozen pre-cut vegetables are a big compromise..
@Luggage some of my most successful attempts have been the aforementioned curry and red beans, then enchiladas and lasagna (cause they last a while without getting gross), then sandwiches of various kinds.
peppers onions and mushrooms. can't go wrong no matter how you prepare them
yea, that's the normal 'vegetable's
you could just subscribe to soylent and get that sweet algae-induced vomiting
Filled mushrooms
with cheese and dry ham
No, but I see the allure of not caring about food and just downing some 'soylent'.
@KarmaDoe or any variety of other things. Mushroom steaks (or large strips, grilled in a skillet) are tasty.
for the same reason I see the allure of just buying 10 of the same shirt and just not caring what people think.
@ssube Agreed.
for a fancy dinner we threw at my house, I once made a mushroom gravy
@rlemon rounding?
Canada doesn't have pennies anymore
they don't have pennies.
cash trans round to the nearest .05
and .05 is not a pennny?
trash cans?
it's 5 pennies
no, that's a nickel.
@Neoares eventually they'll have to move to a base-20 number system
that remembered me to harry potter
then it will become one of the 20 pennies
knuts, sickles and galeons
or something like that
we don't have a 0.01 coin anymore. we have 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, and 1
like the US should.
so yep, free grapes
I think we still have a half dollar. but they are not common?
but won't, because americans hate change.
I saw you bought Astroneer, @rlemon
@Luggage clearly we don't hate it enough
yea decided to check it out after you, my gf, and steam all recommended it too me
er.. Americans hate 'things that are not the same as they were before'
Astroneer is neat, but I'm worried there won't be enough to do
it's a pre-release
it's pretty fun. needs enemies.
the question is if the devs will abandon the project
exploring and shit is fun tho
They're not going to add enemies
which is my worry
if they add mod support there will be enemies. 😃
don't you worry, even if they don't. people will mod it
!!afk some tortilla for dinner
I want a first person rimworld.
how would that work?
I have 8 hours on record and I have finished all the existing content
you're all of them? one of them? can switch?
Without native support for enemies i'm worried how much mods will actually be able to do
same as rimworld, but you run around a 3d world. I was thinking you are just one person. A special colonist.
"The Boss"
Halcyon 6 is a fun game too if you're looking for something to buy
@david I have 16 hours on record and enjoy checking out new maps and exploring caves. it is a short end game to get all the tech. but that isn't always the point of base builder survivals.
once you get a research station and you start mining trees and those stone pillars for research items you can farm all the tech in like 45 minutes. but then you don't have the fun of checking out the planet.
@rlemon i get that, but if running around exploring their map generator is all the game devolves into then it's quite a wasted opportunity
<cough> no man's sky
@rlemon you do at least need to move to other planets to finish the research, you can't get all of it on the starting planet
@Luggage yep :P
Astroneer already looks better.
I hope they nerf the research station. make it give loot more often than tech and they will most definitely add more stations to build. I'm also enjoying pissing around with making 'trains' from rovers chained together.
speaking of games better than no man's sky. Elite Dangerous has a much more diverse universe.
@rlemon you always get tech first, and then only loot from the same "type" of blob
so no matter how many times you research a green blob you will only get 1 tech, and then a bunch of titanium/whatever
ahh, see I've never noticed. I always just run around and get all the balls once I find enough components for a rover
at least they've nerfed the fuel compressors, although they probably need to nerf it even more
why run, if you have a rover?
gave up my second monitor to holly until she buys one so now I can't wiki while I play games 😬
alt-tab or phone
ask google now
is ED worth playing? I keep hearing good things then bad things (usually "it's almost as boring as the X series")
pain in the ass, and the phone I do sometimes but it isn't the same
but it does the VR and my roommate got a Vive just before xmas...
I finally got to try a phone-vr rig. 😞 didn't work for me.
Erectile Dysfunction
@david elite dangerous.
erectile dangerous: elite dysfunction
i like ssube's one best
@ssube it might be somewhat shallow.. I can't tell. So far i'm just running missions, killing things and such. I hear thereis more and 'you make your own goals', but it's questionable.
it is, however, a great universe to build a game in..
Also, I never see other people. I hear they all gather in a few systems, but I haven't ran tinto them.
that's how i feel about astroneer, it's a really neat world thing, but they have to add in an actual 'game' other than exploring
there are billions of stars, but I've been hanging out at Bernard's star, which is near earth.
why does elite dangerous have such terrible reviews on steam?
i guess people don't like it?
they promised a lot during the kickstarter
@rlemon have you played Undertale?
"The most technically excellent yet poorly executed game I have ever played."
ahh, good old kickstarter promises
like planetary annihilation
@Neoares no
@rlemon e_e
you should take a look
but it's weird
well I'd say unique
This is the only new game i've bought so far on the sale and i've been really enjoying it: store.steampowered.com/app/371200
holy shit
that's a lot of hours
No steam-judging.
@david they also advertised it as not WoW and then, by all reports, shipped WoW.
!!afk now I wanna game
does steam show hours played stats for games. That should be better than a star-rating.
there was a lot of talk about doing things and they sent out a slow grind MMO
VSCode is crazy complex
but the returns are sweet!
finally got the debugger etc to work :D
VSCode, an IDE in editor's clothing.
@rlemon my goal tonight is to do a raid on an enemy base in rimworld.
@Luggage rlemon is afk: now I wanna game
Anyone wants to work on a cool javascript project with me?
and/or move my entire colony to a new spot
whenever a front end developer job is posted on the internet, it will gather the skills asked in the job and list those skills at one place.
but everybody uses different terms for the same skills
and job sites are a dime a dozen
also many job sites are behind paywalls or have some other complication
Someone has been able to do it with HackerNews.
This is one of the sources which I am using to understand and monitor the trends. It suggests React and Angular as hottest js technologies.
detecting one of a few technologies is different than cataloging all
How do I keep an eye on the latest technologies?
before they become obsolete.
replace your eyes with the new Google iEye and get the monitoring agent DLC plugin architecture
iow, you can't
No one can keep up with all of them.
in one year I want to transform myself from the worlds worst front end developer to the top 1% front end dev on the planet
lol gl
Even sticking to mostly JS-world, I can't be an expert at angular AND react AND vue.js, etc.
Fortunately.. I don't need to be.
Neither do you. Be a good programmer, in general, and then just stay up-to-date with the latest trends (you don't need to be an expert at them, just know the general shape)
So seems like I am dreaming with open eyes. As I wrote this,
Why is there a picture of goo laying on the bottom of a pipe?
ohh, that's a person
it's a metaphor for something
3 of those aren't technologies
Luggage: Thats from the dark knight rises. Its an interesting part of the movie where the actor escapes the prison.
> 37. Vanilla
many are no longer trending.
like 'testing'.
(just kidding)
@FahadUddin start by combining that insanely long list of irrelevant tech into groups
I need help from people like you to make sense out of the data I got and become great.
like seriously, you don't need to know 15 editors and everything about XML and sockets
where's vim on that list?
Just go make things. using some of the latest tools (or not, if they don't seem like a good fit)
SEO is utterly useless, SOAP is useless unless you work with big enterprise APIs (like ServiceNow)
glorious vim
and no underscore/lodash/ramda?
I made a new resume using hot items on the list:
you can't learn A/B testing or DRY as independent concepts
96. Git
97. Github
Git and Github are different. Aren't they?
when learning #115 (F5), which of their products do you mean?
yeah they are different
@FahadUddin yes, but you don't need to learn github, just git.
I don't even know what those things are.
Git is the tool. Github is a popular git host.
Someone coming to my profile and reading that would laugh at me.
@FahadUddin that's part of the problem, it's just a list of random buzzwords
you have a ton of duplicates and some completely dead tech, along with quite a few generic concepts that can't be "learned" as such
I collected them after reading 100s of open job postings
Too long of a list. Many of those are alternatives to each other (gulp and grunt, for example)
It's like you've been reading lots of tech articles but only their titles
@david: Thats kinda true.
What do you guys think about my resume?
Do you expect to put that long of a list on your resume?
add some pictures of kittens and white people and you'll have a buzzfeed article
@FahadUddin you do know about the yearly SO survey, right?
@FilipDupanović: Yes I do.
The worst technologies on SO survey are the ones I work on :(
@FahadUddin generic to the point of being meaningless. You list tech that doesn't exist, it reads like a marketing pitch for a tech job.
> Skills: SEO, Adobe Creative Suite
without Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Filip: That comes in Adobe Creative Suite.
that means nothing, what part of CS did you use, what for? There's a video editor, image editor, a million different things to it
I just use PhotoShop
And that too in a very basic way.
then list photoshop, not creative suite
Your resume sounds like you spent 2 years making a wordpress theme.
lucky bastard! Adobe doesn't want to take my money
what you have written down is generic enough that it's obvious you're lying
@FahadUddin Sorry if it seems like we are making fun of you. We aren't. But just focus on HOW your program and not how many items you can list.
And for you resume, talk a little more about your role in these projects. Improved a web site how?
I have a trouble. I have been hired as a front end developer in a marketing stack of a company. When I got hired I wasn't told I will be working for the marketing team. They think my CS skills are of no good use and I should learn tools like hubspot etc to help them
Just a sentence or two, but right now there is nothing.
ohh, so that's where the SEO comes in
They want someone to add keywords and make facebook posts to get them more traffic?
Above is a review on my resume 3 years ago, saying it was amazing.
> The restart attribute controls whether the Node.js debugger automatically restarts after the debug session has ended. This feature is useful if you use nodemon to restart Node.js on file changes. Setting the launch configuration attribute restart to true makes node-debug automatically try to re-attach to Node.js after Node.js has terminated.
@Luggage: They want me to do SEO for their site.
Its buggy a little bit
but, overall I am really happy with the result :D
@FahadUddin quit
They are paying me $1000. I am unable to find a similar high paying job.
It has for the time being solved all my financial needs. I live in Karachi, Pakistan where one can live for $400
well, I'm not aware of any way to do SEO other than bullshitting people
A SEO audit team did seo for their site. They want me to implement that and overall bring mql (marketing qualified lead)
That's out of my wheel house.
yeah, you probably want to pay for chartio and salesforce and somebody qualified to run them
which is not me or anybody I will admit to fraternizing with
@ssube it actually handles live reloading insanely well
(for the node part)
TWIG(req, res, 'home', {
    dbResults: JSON.stringify(results),
    categories: JSON.stringify(categories)
Work calling at 9pm on holiday to change something on the site, what do
get that holiday pay
Yeah, I won't get paid for it
that's pretty illegal
I mean I get holiday pay, but I won't get anything extra for fixing their shit on my time off
Pretty close to handing in my notice
I am trying to pass the object
but is not working
res.render('page.twig', {
    vars: vars,
    pageName: pageName
I do not receive dbResults in the twig page
searching SO for answers and having trying to point to outside librarries that can solve the issue can be frustrating.
function TWIG(req, res, pageName, vars){
so vars is the object that I guess I am not passing properly...
please help
I think I'll have some milk-steak for dinner.
boiled over hard?
Of course.

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