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I like that summersault at the end
i wanted it to loop
That is just raw balance by sheer willpower facing horrible skills
@ssube lol you and 60million other Americans
@SterlingArcher LOL
@SterlingArcher LMAO wtf
dude just keeps falling
@Luggage what kind of acronym is that now?
@Jhawins nobody should vote for Atlassian, they're actually all around awful
Lol but Sourcetree works so well
@towc what you see is what you get
er... lol v yeah typod, wasn't sure if I missed a joke
but I typoed it
oh, right
thought it was a new thing maybe
What You See Is So You Go (Away)
speaking of, this construction making the buses late has got to go
@SterlingArcher Holy shit that last tumble where he just flops into a somersault was just absolutely perfect
@ssube Song?
@SterlingArcher it's like someone recorded me writing javascript
@Jhawins nah, that's what Luggage's acronym stands for
@BenFortune 10/10 i think that last one was on purpose
and what Atlassian's editor is trying to tell you
lol @ssube your city and construction... I stayed in a hotel that you couldn't drive to :O
I think the entire "flop flail down the hill" was staged and he's a pro, because I've been on moguls. Nobody is that lucky
Moguls are merciless.
Idk. I've gotten pretty far with object.assign and .map....
@Jhawins so, it's because we have 3 months where the ground is soft enough to dig
they try to do all the construction at once
and it has yet to get cold enough to make them stop
They've had the only road I can turn onto from my apartments torn up for like 4 months now here
@Jhawins 370 is still jacked?
@Shmiddty "ReferenceError: hacf is not defined"
Minneapolis at least tears up every road and then replaces it, Saint Paul just tears them up and leaves cones out to pretend they're going to come back
I miss canadian road work
good times
pretty sure StP spends more money on road signs than they do road work
every day new routes to use to get places
here they just patch, and patch, and then patch the patches
new excitements
@Loktar Yeah lol it's getting really really nice tho. Almost done
It's beautiful where it's completed
sounds like I left at the right time at least
Lol srsly....
they had JUST started when I left
Dude one day you couldn't go west on 370, or cross it lol.
@KevinB they've given up here so much so that rather than patching, they just pour gravel on top of the road and let people drive on it until it gets crushed in
You know where I live.... I had to go East, then go North, then go out West on Cornhusker lmao
sometimes they might be nice enough to drive a steamroller over
@SterlingArcher I hope you fucking choke on that Com2Us dick you're obviously taking.
do you live in hillbillyville
@Mosho Don't you live in Kitchener hahaha
@Trasiva LOL
@Trasiva he's p2p, obvs
All these 4*s and I had no idea they were good. I honesly almost used Emma as fodder
@ssube Clearly, he's gotten some of the best mons out there after playing for less than a month? Fuckin' bullshit.
!!afk home
@rlemon @Jhawins is talking trash
I just got back from the chiro.
I am P2P but honestly not crazy P2P
Finally I am ahead of Sergey.
@SterlingArcher hax
been that way for a few hours i thought
Turns out not only did the military, but the VA also misdiagnosed my back something awful.
@Mosho We have like a million people in the metro... But there's literally corn in the middle of it all lol
My spine's all twisted, and two of the lower vertebrae were forced forward.
@Loktar wtf
@Jhawins Sounds like Iowa, lol.
lol idk cracked me up
@KevinB Yea? I havent been paying attention.
@Mosho shhhh ... dont talk to him. He's probably one of those despicable racists misogynists gamergaters trump supporters
the face colors in that picture, it's all so flat
a cornhusker
I'm gonna use that
@Mosho Psure that's the name of Nebraska's sports teams
@Loktar yeah .. well "ghost in the shell"/"deus ex" is still not reality
I tend not to like the live action adaptations of anime :(
@Jhawins That's their football team's name, and their fans are fuckin' rabid as shit.
@HatterisMad I am a little bit excited
it might just be good
@Trasiva I could not have less of an opinion :P
They closely matched from scenes from the anime.
but I suspect it'll suck
the first act will match the anime
but I suspect that the 2nd/3rd will be different
Which anime? Smurfs?
Ghost in the Shell
there is no way you will see Puppet Master
not based on what I picked up in the trailer
oh wait, they're really making it? 0.o
I am actually worried that the 2nd act will be a pure "science is evil" trope
@towc there is already a trailer out
I thought it was a thing by students (ghost in the shell)
The trailer I thought had some rock music instead of the original style...
yh yh, I thought the trailer was just a student thing
not an actually marketed movie
just a trailer to show off some skills
urgh I can't get shift + left click to work. It works sequentially but not together.
with scarlett johansson ?
if anyone is interested in the Ghost in the Shell movie: just watch the fucking animated movie instead
how about both?
@Luggage fair point
in my left click event I have this
document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event)(});
which should register the shift key.
oh yeah, that's quite the team..
!!afk gotta get some work done.
I wonder if they'll do this
wew lad that's a spicey gif
@Loktar have you not seen the original GitS ?
I don't watch anime
never seen it
watch that one
year 1995, I think
I guess my favorite movei of all time might be considered an anime sort of?
Transformers the movie 1986
Japanese artists for sure
but idk what actually makes something an anime or not
you old nerd
anime is just the japanese word for animation
honestly I couldn't stand the color palette of the original ghost in the shell
the lack of contrast just bored me
althought the storyline was interesting
@Shmiddty sure but not ever animation is anime right?
@Loktar I am actually serious. If you are able to follow movies that do a lot of talking, watch it.
@towc but it had such detailed scenea, and good animation
@Loktar generally speaking, Anime refers to japanese animation
but the Japanese would still call American cartoons anime
anime just means 'with rice'
a lot of anime are on par or better than the best movies/shows out there
@Luggage possibly, but it's like asking a teenager to genuinely enjoy Martin Luther King's speech
@Neal: #9
sure, it was amazing, but meh
it won't be what I'll find interesting
you miss out if you don't watch any on principle
@Mosho I wouldn't say "a lot", but some of them, for sure
How many mods go from the primaries to the election process?
10 was it
3 are picked in the end eh?
think so
why even have a primary?
Why not just make this the election
seems like an unneeded step
the number picked in the end i thought varied based on needs.
there aren't multiple parties or anything
@KevinB was just reading the right part of the page
a primary to narrow it down, then re-vote
says 12 are up 3 are picked in the end I guess?
what would the moderation parties be?
@Luggage but there are only 12 to begin with
I suggest everyone vote for the dumbest candidate, to best fit in the context of the non-nerds out there
idk just seems like an unneeded drawing out of the"election"
but meh
trump isn't dumb
never said that
despite rhyming
prove it
everyone is dumb
the primary just narrows the field, but when the field is 12 and the vote in the end is between 10... yeah it is kinda unnecessary
@Mosho that's not how rhymes work
trump is a dump <- rhymes.
but processes are there to be followed
processes are to be killed.
Can't vote for Bernie, not voting.
oh btw, was there any support for bernie from non-students?
didn't look at the statistics
of course.
@loktar this is the internet, you know what happens next
Half rhyme or imperfect rhyme, sometimes called near-rhyme or lazy rhyme or slant rhyme, is a type of rhyme formed by words with similar but not identical sounds. In most instances, either the vowel segments are different while the consonants are identical, or vice versa. This type of rhyme is also called approximate rhyme, inexact rhyme, imperfect rhyme (in contrast to perfect rhyme), off rhyme, analyzed rhyme, suspended rhyme, or sprung rhyme. == Use in hip hop/rap == Half rhyme is often used, along with assonance, in rap music. This can be used to avoid rhyming clichés (e.g. rhyming "knowledge...
@Trasiva yeh, it's all good here, my city got hit pretty bad, didn't have work yesterday etc
@phenomnomnominal Trasiva is afk: gotta get some work done.
!!does trump isn't dumb rhyme?
@Luggage No
!!does trump is dumb rhyme?
@towc Nuh-uh
!!does it half-rhyme?
@towc Of course not
is it programmed to always have negative answers?
!!are you a lying whore?
@Mosho Yes, absolutely
oh wow
paradox alert.
!!will it blend?
@Shmiddty All signs point to yes
!!Build, O Troll, a church for me At Kallundborg by the mighty sea
@Shmiddty That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!should I work out in the morning or fuck it?
@Mosho fuck it
yeah fuck those muscles
just like that
oh yeah
@Mosho he's just jelly
most expensive house in his home town is worth less than mine is here. and mines a crap hole compared to that mansion.
no one wants to live there 😃
they don't know what they're missing
(it's corn)
@rlemon lol you've seen my Momma's house
back from the vet, cats got an infection and is going to need surgery -- gonna cost me $1300
The spruce cabin
@Jhawins who hasn't? ;)
take it out back and lose it
how much does new cat cost?
9 years of affection
what is your life expectancy?
from my experience affection is like $200 an hour
I live forever :(
how much do you value your kidneys?
^ coming from the european
I'm from the land of the rainbow unicorns, have you forgotten already?
didn't know that stackoverflow has got a chat
@user4447655 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Shit his story checks out
we got everything you need
where are you from?
rainbow unicorn land, as I just stated
welcome to the scary part of the internet
where singletons are criticized
jQuery is exorcised
and w3schools are discrimined
I know that's the wrong way to spell that word, it just sounds better in that triplet
do you prefer react or angular?
Please don't use "rape" to describe things that you're too socially inept to understand.
anyway, react and angular solve very different problems, so it really depends :)
oh, didn't realize that was actually offensive
I had heard that expression a couple of times in movies
i missed a part of the conversation here :/
@towc Unless you're referring to this.
I was saying something I'm too socially inept to understand, you didn't miss much
@rlemon KendallFrey is afk: for the weekend
ohh shit
did the hole say sorry?
you guys keep pinging me O_O
wrong window?
I like the irony of this
@tereško One of our own projects :P github.com/fairmanager/spodr
We'll do the docs later!
@OliverSalzburg lol. the docs actually say that
I thought you meant it did nothing. it's explicitly documented to do nothing, lol
@doug65536 Yeah. And they're pretty much to the point
make the --help printf a link to the github readme, so it's a recursive cycle :P
@doug65536 I like that!
I want to write some common task explanations within the week. --help is overrated :P
does someone know, when you print an object using angular's {{ object | json }}, is it possible to make output to fit the div?
@user4447655 fit? what do you mean by that?
it's more of a css question, right?
like when the string returned is long, it overlaps a parent div
overflow: auto (in the css) will make it stay inside its bounds, having a scrollbar if/when necessary
by default, html elements let their children overflow their bounds. overflow: hidden will clip off overflow. overflow: auto will clip and provide scrollbars when necessary

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