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@SomeKittens I didn't write the whole object coding
But I think you understand what I wanna say
@ZahidSaeed sscce.org
My returned data through ajax would consist of some <li><a href="#">Data</a></li>
How do I attach a click event to them ?
Do I need to reference to them through jQuery ?
you don't need jquery to add an event listener
@Nick I know
But the returned data is string !
And wasn't in the DOM first
Then put it in the dom
How does the user click a string?
I don't see the problem
@Nick I inserted it in the DOM
Now how do I attach an event to that ?
Do I need to reference to them again ?
you need to query the dom for it
and then add the event listener
Again ?
What do you mean again? You haven't done it yet
That's what I was asking
you had a string
now you need an actual element
Any way to convert that string to js object ?
by putting it in the dom
You're getting back a string with HTML in it
that's shit
but it's what you have to deal with
put it on the page first, then query for it
then add your event
U know why it returned string with html code in it ?
Cause the HTML code is generated by PHP
Is there a better way to do it ?
yes, don't return html from an ajax call.
that's stupid
or do, but return it as type document
then you don't have to deal with the htmlstring directly
Should I send an array of data from PHP and then wrap it in HTML tag in js ?
you want to wrap an array in html? wat
No No
Wrap data in array
then send it back to JS
Then wrap each data in HTML tag
Is it the way to it ?
that's one way to do it, yes
I wouldnt "wrap each item in HTML", though
I would create a new element via document.createElement
and then put our data into the element using textContent, or something like that
or, if you're using jQuery
ok I get that
and then add your event listener, or whatever
But what if I type:
header("Content-Type: text/html")
echo "<li>TEXT</li>";
Is this still bad ?
Just send back some JSON data
don't overcomplicate it with strings
Never generated JSON before :P
I'm pretty sure php has some methods to do it
how do you know what version of jquery to use?
I always use the latest version :P
Version 1.9.1 something
so there's no difference?
1.12 I think is the latest in the legacy branch
wait no 1.11
there is a difference
so use 1.11, and 2.x?
2+ drops support for legacy browsers
Don't use multiple versions
i could use both, right?
so if you need to support IE8 use 1.11
no don't use both! ^
lol don't want to do that definitely
moron, we told you all of this earlier
fucking listen
what if i want to support all possible?
Are you blind? Can you read?
@Nick nice one
use 1.11 to support as much as possible got it
@ZahidSaeed He comes in here very often with the worst code that I've ever seen, and he asks the same questions over and over
@nick lol
@Codepenisbetter You should ONLY and ONLY attach 1 jquery file at the time
oops wrong chat.
Does JSON starts with [ ] or { } ?
I'm confused
Some people use it with []
While some using it with {}
why would an accordion suddenly stop working?
says it's not a function anymore
And how do we know what's the code ?
aww, forgot to include the ui
You two geniuses should help each other regularly
@rlemon i'm good at the first part
so good i don't need the kane
Where's the accordion @Codepenisbetter
odd behavior, the autocomplete may fire
It's working fine now
i fixed it
look at the autocomplete, sometimes it works, and others it doesn't
@Codepenisbetter Don't mind it. That's awful programming :P
the php is good though
Only PHP code doesn't matter
@Codepenisbetter <= that username
it all matters
@CSᵠ code penis better
Codepen is bigger than jsbin! - check
Codepen is bigger than jsfiddle! - check
Hey everyone! :D
code penis butter
Nope, too busy doing anything other than that
Nah, I'd rather not put a few weekends into a competition to watch one of the judges win
Js13k started august 13 and going till sept 13 :D
We'll all have a chance to shine!
@Nick cod penis butter - try it with blueberry jam on toast!
Yay, time to set up server!
Think I'll go with Ubuntu Server
is that still a thing?
Hmm... Perhaps I should js13k. I have no excuse not to, besides lack of strong interest.
@SomeKittens yes
oh cripes
64-bit only
48 mins ago, by SomeKittens
Nah, I'd rather not put a few weekends into a competition to watch one of the judges win
^^ happened to me last year
They're not even on the 1048-bit yet? So last decade.
js13k judge won?
How does a judge even enter a competition
The judges can compete in the competition they are judging?
Yeah. tl;dr there weren't many entries in the multiplayer category so the organizer asked some of the judges to submit
aaaaand they won.
one of 'em was a friggin' Pong clone
did the best game win?
it doesn't all quite work
but it is a start
mainly, if you load older messages into the transcript it doesn't pick them up for whatever reason
cc @KendallFrey ^^ you were asking about this earlier
@Ṣhmiddty #1 was Pong
you tell me
#2 didn't have multiplayer elements
@rlemon what data are you sending to your server?
send the server message id, it sends you back the db entry (users who starred it)
your server doesn't support https :(
ok, so one of my old netbooks is 64bit
now to find the power cable
are you telling me you own a 32-bit machine?
I think there's a 16 bit machine in my attic.
Might have gotten thrown away though.
7 mins ago, by Ṣhmiddty
They're not even on the 1048-bit yet? So last decade.
Should that be 1028? My maths is failing me
!!> Math.pow(2, 10)
@Ṣhmiddty 1024
Double fail.
@KendallFrey Yeah, possibly two. Dunno about my wife's old netbook.
posted on August 26, 2015

I had been thinking about moving my blog from Wordpress to Jekyll for a while. I was hesitant because I didn't know a lot about how Jekyll worked and wasn't sure if I'd ultimately want to have my site hosted on GitHub or not. I also was concern about not having the ability to schedule...

it's charging!
@Lalaland smh, when you star an item on the sidebar the entire block (<ul>) refreshes
next step, find me a USB stick
@rlemon What's that sound in the breeze? polling ... polling ... polling is the solution
wouldn't help with my setup
I need to store the already found matches in memory
fuck the client!
on attribute change or node insertion I can jusst lookup from my cache
@rlemon yet another way to maintain customer loyalty
It turns out that DOM nodes have good equality semantics.
a == b if a is the same node as b.
So you can use ES6 Maps and Sets.
And Array.indexOf.
Relatively simple.
I just wish we could override == on other things ...
== = ===; // <3
Whatever. Same idea.
You could even use WeakSet or WeakMap to prevent memory leaks.
@SomeKittens We're at 30 requests per second currently
@copy due to more servers, or just a spike?
More attacks
all from US?
Against US, in this case actually
how can I refer to a row from a JSON array if it doesn't have a key?
i.e. $.each(parsedJSON, function() { alert('value'); });
I guess it's $(this).somethinghere but I don't know what
Because the source address is spoofed so that my server helps dosing the target
nvm figured it out
@copy how so?
@SomeKittens chargen is a silly protocol where the client sends no data and the server responds with a load of data. So the attacker sends spoofed packets where the source address is the actual target and then the chargen server does the dosing
hah, nice
reading up on it
It's not the most interesting attack in the world, but it was something easy to start with
I've got code to determine if there's an active DDoS
it's just not hooked up to the frontend (and I'm not sure it actually works)
@SomeKittens Oh, neat
I could also add a classification to the packets, but a general method would be even nicer
It's just reading from the stream and emitting if something's a stddev above what came before
could use some tuning
What's your preferred method of deploying code to a personal server?
rsync? git?
I've used fabric this time to manage multiple servers, but in the case of a single server it's probably not worth the pain
Yeah, I'm not all that into devops
@copy you know what would have been really nice to record?
That would have been nice, indeed
Just got Universe Sandbox 2
Hey all... working in ES6 for fun & transpiling with Babel to ES5... transpiled ES5 works just fine for me, but once minified that same ES5 has undefined property errors i cant track down, due the nature of 50k of text on one line with one character variables. I have minified with Uglify & Gulp-Minify both are broken but in different spots. Is there some Minified Transpiled ES6 guidelines I am missing out on? thanks in advance
@Joe Sourcemaps?
enlighten me... please?
Dunno if Babel has 'em
@Joe That is very weird and really shouldn't happen. I'm assuming you're not using unsafe transformations in uglify?
@SomeKittens googles sourcemaps
Otherwise, you can beautify the code using uglify and find the error there
@copy not to my knowledge, but regardless of how i slice it, or whos gulp recipe im borrowing cant seem to get this working yet
how'd you manage to write 50k LOC and miss an error like that?
:) its not an error until i minify
runs perfect on es5 bloated... its only until i try and push it through a minification process that it dies
You can beautify the code and find the error there
yea i might just have to
server going down
yey, things are working
How (function bar() {}) different from function bar() {}? Is it something like window[bar] = function bar() {}?
!!google function declaration vs function expression
//self invoking function expression
(function sayHello() {
here is one answer that talks about this syntax, but am still not clear on whether to write syntax as (function bar() {}) or (function bar() {})();?
@overexchange the first doesn't get invoked.
Is the (function bar() {}) syntax equivalent to var bar = function bar() { }?
first you must understand how they differ
I mean DO i need to write something like var x = (function bar() {})?
that would give you a reference to the function expression
stored in the variable x
yes window['x'] is a function
That would depend on the scope in which you are declaring x
yes that is true, in global scope it is window['x']
Am taking global scope as assumption.. sorry about that
(function bar() {}) is RHS of an expression that is invokable. Is my understanding correct?
Right Hand Side
hi all
@Mahadevan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i have a query in this question

how to validate the email which code

In global scope (function bar() {}) is not changing the window's environment. That mean, either parser has to immediately invoke it or nothing can be done about it, because we dont have access to it
any body please
@Mahadevan Begging for help won't get you any
there's an accepted answer on the question
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@Mahadevan Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
just give me an idea
I am not getting that Dan
@Mahadevan That was not directed at you
guys i got the solution thank you so much
Every function that is created using functionexpression / functiondeclaration / functionconstructor has it's own members arguments, length, name and inherited properties thru __proto__ like apply, bind, calletc.. Is it correct?
 'txt_Emd': {
            required: true,
            email: true
@DanDascalescu your edit seems pointless, more so that you request CVs
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@Mahadevan Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
how you want to format @CapricaSix
@Mahadevan try with spaces
she doesn't like tabs or unformatted code
but we grew fond of her and allowed her to be crazy
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@Mahadevan Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
hi caprica please guide us how to post formatted code
Ctrl+K might help...
i tried it
but still i am getting the same
Every function(which is an object) created using functiondefinition / functionexpression / functioncontructor has __proto__ and prototype as members, but object literal notation x = {}(which is an object) has only member __proto__ . How do I understand this difference?
<span class="required-star text-error-black">*</span>First Name
<input type="text" class="ipt_Field" id="txt_Fname" name="txt_Fname" placeholder="First Name" />
is this the correct one
@rlemon Raw
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@Mahadevan Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
highlight: function (element) {
if ($(element).is(':radio')) {
} else {
unhighlight: function (element) {
if ($(element).is(':radio')) {
} else {
class name not adding dynamicaly
any suggestion
@Zirak What data set did you want?
@SomeKittens The only one he has, stars
any idea guys
or suggestion
Can I get access to some open source code that gives inheritance hierarchy(of object) using function constructors as well as object literal notations? for learning purpose?
cs.rit.edu/~atk/JavaScript/manuals/jsobj Is this the good exercise to go thru?
@overexchange what's your goal? Just getting better at JS?
learning object oriented programming in JS
JS doesn't have a classical "OOP" model
in my opinion, you're better off just learning JavaScript better
you mean rarely one need the chance to create prototype base hierarchy in real time?
You may be getting your buzzwords mixed up
that's not a thing one would do in realtime
I prefer my prototype base hierarchy in the cloud personally
> Note: the module must be installed before use.
@rlemon kinda really sounds like a three ripoff. It does look slightly more natural, but the syntax is basically the same
How generator comprehensions are different from generator functions?
(for (i of [0, 1, 2, 3 ]) i); //generator comprehension
function* idMaker(){
  var index = 0;
  while(index < 4)
    yield index++;
}//this is generator funtion doing same job
@CSᵠ It's not pointless. The previous title of the question could be interpreted as "Generate CSS selector without using IDs", or as "Generate CSS selector when there the DOM node may not have an id".
@CSᵠ: after my edit, it is clearer that the question is in fact a duplicate, because "Generate CSS selector when there the DOM node may not have an id" is the same problem that the question this is a duplicate of is trying to solve.
@rlemon although I'd rather use this than Three just because the Four object is not all caps ;)
@overexchange I think it's just alternative syntax for the same thing
Documentation is nice....
@overexchange If it helps you , a Generator function is like Ienumerable implementation in C# (which also has YIELD).
any1 knows how to simplify this function..
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@choz Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@Zirak still around?
@choz in the for loops, you need to declare the index variables (var i = 0, var d = 97, etc.)
@CapricaSix sorry, i will format it next time
@Cauterite i did that on purpose to make it global
uhh… okay; not sure why you'd want them to be global though
no need to apologise to CapricaSix, it's a bot :P
Sometimes I think some people here don't know this...
BUT sometimes it is controlled by rlemon
just to confuse people
Think about the day you're alone here and you begin to say bad things to caprica and you get an answer like "so I'm a stupid bot, fuck you!" :D
@choz can you explain exactly what the code is trying to do?
@Cauterite yes it is alternative syntax
In python we used (....) syntax so am more comfortable using gen compr
@Cauterite just playin around.. its to reverse a to z, and b to y, etc..
oh i see, so the first loop is covering capitals, second loop covering lower-case
@Cauterite yes
@choz: i'm having a go at rewriting it now, i'll tell you if i have any luck
@Cauterite thank you.. :)
let pro_reverse = Str => (Str
	.filter(X => /[a-zA-Z]/.test(X))
	.map(X => X.charCodeAt())
	.map(X => (65 <= X && X <= 90 ? 90 - (X - 65) : X))
	.map(X => (97 <= X && X <= 122 ? 122 - (X - 97) : X))
	.map(X => String.fromCharCode(X))
something like that
@Cauterite wow thanks.. but I am achieving for less characters tho..I've come up with
function t(s){
    for (i=0; i<s.length; i++){
      if (x<58)
      else if (x<91)
      else if (x<123)
    return r.join('');
dammit i failed again.. sorry @CapricaSix

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