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There's a word for that.. imposter syndrome? Get rid of that, it's not healthy
Be confident in your abilities, and your ability to improve.
too many programmers have it
Show passion in what you do, and don't underrate yourself.
I feel like if there is me and 10 potential candidates probably 9/10 of them are more qualified/better odds of knowing their shit then me on paper. The other 1 doesn't know how to code
@Jhawins Who cares, you can't control their qualifications
You can control only how you present yourself to the potential employer.
Make an impression.
I can control mine though and I'd like to increase mine even if just on paper
@Jhawins considering 199/200 can't FizzBuzz the odds are good for you
Specifically just on paper actually.
@SomeKittens Ya know, I refuse to believe that's true lol.
@Jhawins how much time?
@SecondRikudo Couple months
hey guys! :d
@Jhawins Best advice I can give you, start racking up OSS contributions, as well as SO rep.
@Jhawins Actually, it's the same paradox we see in unemployment economics. The one guy who CAN FizzBuzz gets the job, the other 199 keep interviewing.
SO rep?
I'm simply not gonna rack up SO rep...
Make your own OS projects, even if they're just silly and there are other better implementations.
Well I can fizzbuzz lol
Contribute to open source libraries you use
@taco that's different, and wow
having your 10k and a dozen github repos you've contributed to definitely looks good on a resume
The key to FOSS: Email the authors and ask how you can help
@CSᵠ lol yeah, 22K for dumb questions. Maybe I should ask even more dumb SO questions
fizzbuzz is like a one liner...
However, SO rep is not terribly useful in a job search (in my experience)
When I interviewed with Coaster they seriously freaked when I answered all the JS questions with one liners
@Jhawins you're on linked in right?
But they were terrible terrible questions
@taco No. Idk how to use that constructively
It's like somebody said before: interviewers may not be the best coders. They want to see the work sometimes
@Jhawins get on LinkedIn and add reputable people to your network! You'll get recruiters hitting you up
Reputable people?
I met a developer IRL for the first time that I know of. Last week.
Reputable people like @SomeKittens
And he mentioned jQuery Mobile/UI
I only said @SomeKittens is reputable because I don't want to ping a bunch of people
Is that really helpful? Aren't they gonna go "well he's got a bunch of random ass connections from across the country on LinkedIn, doesn't seem legit"
@SomeKittens or just go look at issues
@taco that's a stretch
I got an 150k job lead the other day, but I haven't looked at it. Could just be a dumb recruiter
@SomeKittens it is
People actually care about SO rep, it's insane lol
@Jhawins people lie on their resume. It's harder to lie if you link to people who work for the company you say you work for (obviously it can be done) and previous companies
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, hitting an issue or two can be nice but emailing the author will give you a connection + they'll tell you priority.
@taco Nobody here to link with. Last job was Walmart
Contribute to github.com/copy/v86
@SomeKittens not sure I agree with that but it might work
Key to FOSS imo is to contribute to projects you actually use
@BenjaminGruenbaum I pushed it last job search, no one cared
@Jhawins link to us
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, email the authors of things you use.
You guys look like a bunch of randos lol
@SomeKittens I get 4-5 cold emails a week
@BenjaminGruenbaum From SO?
Yes, mostly.
@Jhawins I'm a Randall, yes
@taco If they're throwing big numbers that early, it isn't real
@SomeKittens then again my SO name and my email are easily linkable and my SO is my real name.
@SomeKittens Probably
@BenjaminGruenbaum Also, you're much higher than me
I'm just top 5k
Companies also google your name, and SO and GH is nice
My boss knows I'm leaving soon. He mentions it more than I do so at least I don't have to worry about pissing off my current employer
@Jhawins do you know where to yet?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Where I'm leaving to?
Nah that's what I'm talking about right now
@Jhawins ah ok, interview lots and stuff
meetups are always full of recruiters
Yeah, for sure. You see my original question?
20 mins ago, by Jhawins
(Short of a college degree) is there any type of course/certification I can go through that actually makes a difference? // Front end dev question
naa, just got here
19 mins ago, by Jhawins
Something to answer the question "what makes you qualified for this position?" Aside from personal projects and what I've done at my current job (which isn't that easy to present)
@Jhawins sure, there are all these really expensive courses that mostly get you connections.
like hacker school etc
I don't have $15K to drop on an accelerator program.
they're mostly unnecessary since the market is really good, but they're door openers
Otherwise fuck yea that'd be so cool
I'd love to get out and learn/meet people like those programs seem to do
taking a course in writing drivers will open doors for you
There was a headhunter at my university that would ask students if they were interested in getting a job with their company solely based on the merit of their grade in that class
though I suppose you have to like that sort of thing
but drivers are srsbsns
front end stuff is about as far from serious as you can get
I dunno about that
@Neil You have to like programming in general to do well in any development job.
@SecondRikudo Not disputing that, though you'll agree that programming drivers is a bit different
@ssube certainly, front-end is closest to "art" of most software development field.
I mean I have a lot and I mean a lot more fun with backend. But I figure I can more easily present my skills for front-end and right now I just need to get moving
@Neil Yeah, you have to be insane to like that :P
Ugh, I'd kill myself if I had to compile drivers
If types of programming were diseases, drivers are HIV, embedded is full-blown AIDS, and front-end is a common head cold.
@ssube don't forget about Mel
@FlorianMargaine Gibson?
MUMPS anyone?
Nope. Google "the story of Mel"
How is he relevant? Being blue and bigoted isn't a disease or programming discipline.
is that the one where they line up the code so the head reads it at the right time?
lol is anyone ever going to actually run something from github of mine?
Like a potential employer
oh wait maybe, don't remember the details
I can't help but feel like they don't even hardly look.
@Jhawins They see you're able to write code
@copy Not only that
@Jhawins they probably won't run it, but browse through your code, see that you've contributed useful stuff to other projects, etc
No one has given a single shit about github in any interview I've done so far
They see you can use git
@Jhawins damn really?
I try to point it out more but they shrug it off like "Oh that's great! So anyway..."
sounds like corporate jobs lol
> whats a github?
No I've only interviewed startup type jobs
@Jhawins the assignment my current company gave me (basically, "make an HTML widget"), I uploaded to my server and gave them the link, along with the source code in zip form
Coaster is the only one that cared
It shows you're capable of setting a remote server, work with SSH, handling domains, deploy a static server, as well as the assignment itself.
Also when the link reads "your-family-name.com/company-name/assignment1.html" it looks super professional with very little effort.
@SecondRikudo "assignemnt1" doesn't, that's for damn sure
Yeah "South.com" has been taken for a decade and they want $10K..
I wanted that lol
listing previous sites/work on my resume usually gives off the impression I know what Im doing when it comes to hosting
@Jhawins whatever, your-full-name.com then
you should sign up for every service and TLD using your full name (and preferred short name) just so people can't take em
I used to have Troubleshoots.net but I accidentally let it expire :/
Only works if you have a decently uncommon name.
@ssube if you're lucky (or unlucky?) enough to have an uncommon name
my name.. was probably taken in 1996
that's true.
suck it
I'm usually good, although a few places have ssube taken.
oh I got loktar easily enough
but my real name is/was gone
I struggle, have to use firstnamelastname
but I can see how grabbing the TLD you want gets harder as time progresses
there are too many damn tld's now anyway lol
I still wanna make a site using wildcard DNS and image search so you go to *.uptherein.space and it shows you the image over a starfield
I grabbed firstname.cx because it was free, then a friend gently pointed out to me what .cx reads like
so dont just grab any TLD
but arent there a rush of new TLD coming up? I seem to remember there was a bidding process not long ago
@ivarni hundreds
they've ruined the internet
there are a few hundred available now
new TLDs and UTF domains
UTF... domains?
now you can have squiggle.circle
oh lord
or procedural.graphics
thats what I have
lol I have a lot of shit domains now
still prefer .coms
I'm down to 15 or so
Im at like 115 or so
I just let shipmetomars.com expire
and something else today.. cant remember what it was now
I would have a dozen more .io domains, but $30 just seems silly
oh, gamecode.io
@Jhawins hacker school looks free
@ssube yeah screw .io's
I do have nullkoala.io, robotsatemylunch.com, and uptherein.space
the pricing is ridiculous
@Loktar I've been squatting serveapps.com/net/org for a while. I should probably look into selling them now. Any tips?
@taco I suck at selling them, I just squat as well lol
Ive sold like 3 domains ever
lol doh
@taco you could make a bunch of you sold them to a PaaS place
like, a bunch
a whole entire bunch
tried to sell zombiebooks.com for $600 to a zombie book company, but the deal fell through on their end
one of my fav domains
@ssube yeah, I don't want to spam. I'm looking to target my sale when the time comes
@taco there are a lot of domain auction sites out there
can't you listen them as up for auction with your registrar?
I should probably throw up a temp page. I'm not even doing that
let the offers come in
or point them all at a $15/year RAMnode with nginx and a "Hey, this is for sale!" page
there are ad services for parked pages too
I have an employee server I could host them on. I'm just lazy
google has one
so you could earn money from those ads on your parked pages
@Loktar cool
I have a few setup with that, I don't earn much at all.. like 0.05 per month
you want palystation4.com and stuff like that to really earn on those I think
I've never had much luck with ads. Most money I've earned is through the amazon click throughs
maybe I'll just message Mark Zuckerberg for a few bucks
you and your friends can spend hours of fun hitting each other over the head with thigh bones from long-dead creatures
coming soon: DLC to add shin bones
I prefer the X-Bone
@taco that should be the porn parody of X-men
if it isn't already
hmm.. my domains all point to an old server in my livingroom that hasn't been plugged in for 4 years, I more or less hope people AREN'T hitting those adresses
@ivarni yeah definitely
@ssube what PaaS places were you thinking of?
@taco nothing specific, but anything like heroku would probably be interested in serveapps
Maybe Runnable.com would like to buy Serveapps.com :p
Found this in the github desktop app...
If you hover over "Troll the respawn jeremy" for too long it turns into a link to this picture..
Is that just the commit message for the github app update? Maybe
@BenjaminGruenbaum you never explained to me what a feinchmaker was
@SomeKittens someone who likes the finer things in life like good coffee, high quality meat and so on.
I should apply to hacker school for the kicks, sounds fun.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Really?
Yeah, HS is free
They'll pay for your housing if you're black or a woman too
@BenjaminGruenbaum so they can learn how to OMG LOL HACKED U FACEBOOK ACC LOL
A group of wolves is called a pack. A group of crows is called a murder. A group of developers is called a merge conflict.
Idk if I could even get accepted at HS but shit I think I'll apply.
@Jhawins That's from "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt". It's pretty damn funny
That & The Last Man On Earth are my favorite new comedies
@Jhawins so much for equality
> Write a program that prints out the numbers 1 to 100 (inclusive). If the number is divisible by 3, print Crackle instead of the number. If it's divisible by 5, print Pop. If it's divisible by both 3 and 5, print CracklePop. You can use any language.
Yeah HS is calling this "CracklePop" but that's fizzbuzz yo
> A woman
Native American
Pacific Islander
These people are eligible for grants. Others, fuck off with your white power
how come i get only 0% and 100% logged ? notepad.cc/dustearo31 <- my $.ajax closure
> All of these respondents were disqualified because their guesses aren't numbers.
@Jhawins not a fan of diversity I take it?
Well, once they try to get a job it's the other way around so I'm not sure there's much to complain about
I thought my plan of guessing NaN was flawless
@taco Nah, I fan the diverse flame but I feel the necessity to say "Fuck you it's not my fault I'm white" sometimes haha
Same with being brown
Yeah, the thing is that while your feeling might be hurt there's people out there facing much worse things
@Jhawins hooray I'm native but everyone thinks I'm "just white"
@ivarni lol don't you dare raise the srs bsns meter
@ivarni "walk a mile in their shoes" is relative to both sides
Not like I'm complaining about it because I'm white, but granting special privilege to "underprivileged" people isn't the way to achieve equality.
Because I'm definitely not being serious right now
@KendallFrey thankyou. that isn't equality that is superiority
@KendallFrey Good way to word that.
the exact reason why I pay taxes
I pay taxes because I'm white
Be tall, sexy & light-skinned and the world is your oyster. Look at Latin TV. Everybody is light-skinned. Colorism is a real thing ("prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group.").
I don't agree with affirmative action, but I see why it's percieved to be needed
@SomeKittens lol
!!afk beer with mosho SecondRikudo and @rlemon
I don't agree with affirmative action, mostly because no one has offered me a job due to me being native.
I think the kids of today weren't raised to be as prejudice. I'm hopeful
Nah, they just want marajane and good feels
fine by me!
samesies. no more wars, get high
@Jhawins wow, they got really created to spin fizzbuzz :))
make spliffs, not bombs?
What kind of testing do you guys recommend for a Javascript module? I'm thinking mocha/sinon since it calls an API
@Jhawins good luck on your job search though
@taco both good modules
@SomeKittens ok thanks
@taco Thanks. At least I'm still employed right now
I realized I can definitely make a OS project out of my Push Notification API and my Calendaring shit at work so I'll do that
They're making a Super Troopers 2 movie! YES!
Also I'm not really embarrassed by our web presence anymore, so I actually have a lot of experience to show off next time I start interviewing. I'll probably be fine
I just need a "do a lil of everything" job
@Jhawins in all honesty, you really don't.
every job is a "do a little of everything" job, but no job is listed as that
@SomeKittens Huh? I was saying what I wanted and you said I don't :P
anyone knows why uploading locally xhr listener logs out only 100% and 0% nothing in-between?
@Jhawins that's awful, find a specific position, you'll end up doing some bits of everything anyway
@ssube So true.
@animaacija async, runs too fast
I didn't mean I want a job where the title is "everything", I mean I don't wanna do stupid shit on the front end all day and that be that.
@ssube how to slow it down?
But it doesn't matter, I think I need to shuffle jobs for awhile anyway
@Jhawins Our front-end guys work in marketing...just FYI
@Jhawins ah, I misunderstood
@ssube upload itself takes a while thou
I can work some jobs I don't particularly like to gain experience
our front end guys outsource the html/css
I work on the front end too, but only for internal apps
@SomeKittens how about mocha/sinon with Chai?
Chai for assertions
sounds like a starbucks order
hello guys :)
@rlemon huh?
@animaacija interpolate?
@Jhawins ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@taco why not just assert?
how can i watch for keypress on the whole controller ? i mean i want this on my controller not any inpute . if keypress equals to something then some function call.
container.addEventListener('keydown', fn);
of course its angular :/
in angular way ?
@Dr.Bronx just add the ng-click directive to the entire div?
ng-click ? isnt it for mouse click ?
just look for how to add event listeners in angular
oh sorry, that's right.. well the correct equivalent for keydown then if there is one
lets assume keycode 39 or 40
@taco I've used that setup, works great
if there isn't one just make a custom directive for it
:sigh: and now I've googled for you docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngKeydown
you know , i tried this one :
app.directive('myKeypress', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {
elem.bind('keypress', function(){
scope.$apply(function(s) {
@rlemon i already saw that
i know that
but i couldnt figure out how to use it in controller
i mean
it should be something like
$scope.KeyPress ?
you add it to the HTML, not in the controller. It then refers to a function that the controller puts on the $scope
its in $event ?
it applies on all keys
not the specific keycode
IIRC the event is passed as the first argument to the function yes
so you'd have to check the keycode yourself
but my memory might be off and you might have to do ng-keypress="myFunc($event)" in the markup for the event to be passed
plnkr.co/edit/gePjpUc1LugnKa40HjOX?p=preview however it doesn't register the keypress without an editable content -- but it is getting there
How do you refresh the page while the debugger is sitting on a breakpoint in Chrome DevTools?
This is going to drive me insane
ok , not working
heres what i did
<div ng-controller="QuestionController" ng-keydown="checkKeyCode($event)">
$scope.checkKeyCode = function(e) {
nothing work . i think it should only work on inputes
@rlemon i already saw that plnkr
I think you need an input element (or anything else focusable?) somewhere yes
i dont have any input in page
@Dr.Bronx how did you previously see a plnkr I just modified for you?
i think i should go to the js way : $('body').on("keydown", function)
$(container).on('keydown', 'input,textarea,[contenteditable]', fn);
@rlemon oh , i didnt see the edit . i thought it was the angularjs site one 0-o
it would work , but im searching for angular way
what is "angular way" angular is just JS
interesting ^
@Dr.Bronx That's "the JS way"?
js way is to type actual js code
@rlemon in plnkr , its not working
no thats jquery way :)
they are all javascript dude
i know bro
so just go with the way you know
but i mean , using ng tag or use directives
worry about it during a refactor
what does || mean if I'm not working with bools ?
it always only means or...
I see this var a = completion.from || data.from;
in javascript, we have truthy and falsey
but completion.from and data.from are objects
where completion.from is not always defined
if completion.from is falsey, then a will = data.from
it's kinda like a short ternary
a = completion.from ? completion.from : data.from
ah okay, so the order matters here ?
data.from || completion.from would have meant something different ?
or a = "from" in completion ? completion.from : data.from
@Kasper only if they are both truthy
I can do more ways
in a bad way ( just for understanding )
var a ; if (!typeof(completion.form) == 'undefined') a = completion.form else a = data.form
bad ways are never good for understanding
@ivarni thanks
by bad i mean the hard way
you can use inline if instead of that
hrm, thats messed up @TravisJ
@rlemon Getting that without theme as well
yea I just checked Cap
same on her
inspect source reveals no content either
@TravisJ are you playing with unicode again?!
@rlemon apparently they only fixed it client side ;)
sending empty messages via ajax?

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