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This room is whack, dawg.
@BenFortune lol lowest graphic settings and showing boobage. She is a crack whore
@Jhawins yeah there are people out to make a quick buck. But meh its like what we were saying earlier
just dont watch/donate
@BenFortune also that is just a video of someone playing runescape. Where is this flashing
Ya know, so I know you're not lying is all.
@Jhawins suuuure
Seriously tho.
That's just a video of someone playing runescape.
Is the argument that it doesn't happen, or that it doesnt happen alot?
A good video!
I havent ran into many streams.. like 2 maybe where a girl was in a bra
normally its just normal people playing games
Where is the stream..
@Jhawins in the river.
@Loktar a few friends of mine were trying to start a topless game streaming channel, but could never find enough simultaneous time to play games for it to work
it also would've been weird for anybody who randomly showed up at my house
hahaha yea
I'm not going to drop this lol @BenFortune why did you post that video
Is there some secret meaning here
... I repeat. This room is whack.
I get more aroused by asparagus staging than nipples anyway, just show me the games.
I like potatoes :D
@FlorianMargaine grats! I didn't even know you were married
@towc What's that got to do with anything?
@KendallFrey Asparagus doesn't play games. Them greens is serious.
@KendallFrey isn't he his son?
You guys see the video of the kid getting over 600 viewers in minecraft
he was raided by 4chan, was hilarious
@ssube Bro do you even KSP?
he ended up getting banned from twitch too for being too young
or am I missing something?
@Retsam nope, not since back before they charged for it
Anyway my thought on the whole "showing boobage for money on game stream" thing is... Is the one showing their tits the bad one? Or is it the people who would "donate" for it?
@Jhawins definitely the donaters
if no one donated no one would do it and it would be a nonissue
Everyone wants to blame the girl lol. I don't blame her! I'd show you guys my tits right now if you paypal me $5, you're the fucking weird one for paying me.
Hi All
@Vinodh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
KSP sounds like a lot of fun, and also a huge time-sink
@Jhawins Neiher. It's the people who debate this.
And also I'm perhaps I'm just an optimist, but I think the ones "showing boobage for money" are in the minority vs. "girl playing video games who happen to be attractive and not wearing a turtleneck"
@towc The Calvin & Hobbes reference
@Jhawins Just checked the title didn't watch the video sorry.
!!xkcd atheists
^ @Nick
@Nick You tool
The video is out there though
@Retsam yeah I agree, my argument is that it happens but its not a huge issue
saying girls are the only ones isn't correct either
@KendallFrey oh XD
lots of dudes doing retarded shit to get viewers
like just being over the top annoying
I thought I may have insulted someone accidentally
Idk I don't see anything wrong with any of it as long as everyone is >legal age
Hell you can setup tricks over Twitch for all I care
@Jhawins yeah or no nudity since its against their policy
@Jhawins Thank you :D
Though with guys it's probably more likely "donate $5 and I won't pull out my dick"
@Loktar Aside from policy anyway.
@Retsam eh or Donate $5 and Ill eat this cockroach
got a javascript SEO question
I have a html combo box...selecting an item in the combo and hitting the html button will do a
location.href to a page based on combo box selection. Is this SEO against?
@NickDugger @Retsam eh or Donate $5 and Ill eat this cock (source)
any javascript experts?
we don't SEO here
what with it being a scam and all
plenty of Javascript tho
I just want to know location.href from a button
will reduce my page's SEO rank
99% of SEO is a scam, the 1% works though :P
@NickDugger gross
@Loktar I tried to explain this to someone the other day lol
How much of your traffic is really from search engines...
Where someone isn't specifically looking for your site already
@Jhawins like 95% of mine was
Zero....I am developing it
i get around 10 visits per day
Use social media
getting on the first page of Google was pretty huge, and then going from 4-3-2-1 all had Huge bumps as well
in the magnitude of thousands of dollars per month
"first page when you search for my site"
@Loktar Which keywords, though?
however i didnt do a bunch of random off the wall SEO crap either
@Kippie zombie games
!!google zombie games
I dropped to #2 after like 6 years of being #1, but traffic was already going down because zombie games are dead (hehe pun)
so I didnt care anymore
@Loktar can you forward me the revenue from zombiegames.net for a few months, I am doing an experiment.
@Jhawins lol
its not that much anymore
it was over 6k a month for a time
but yeah my point is SEO does definitely matter, just only about 1% of the SEO peopel actually know wtf they are doing
I don't really get anyone that would actually google for "zombie games", though. I don't wake up and be like "oh, I should find some new zombie games, because that's totally a thing that I'm interested in"
keywords are obviously huge too
In one sweep of a ticket, hundreds of lines of complex JS I wrote is obsolete :(
@Kippie If .01% of the internet googles something... that's still a ton of people.
the 30k people a day I was getting would say otherwise :P
but yeah look at the falling trend, really tanking hard
I got lucky as well, made the site in like 07
right before the big interest in zombie gaems, so "right time" is very important as well
Never got any offers to buy the domain?
@Loktar jesus man that's 3* my paycheck
if I made the site in 2011 for example I wonder if I would have even hit the front page
@Kippie yeah tons of times, last month someone wanted to buy the site
but not really interested in selling, not worth the effort lol
Well, as long as the site is still bringing in money I guess I could understand that
@Jhawins only good advice Ive found is #1 find a niche, #2 be interested in the niche.. like passionate
#3 provide actual content
#2 is unfathomable
@Loktar That's pretty nuts. Minimal maintenance?
#4... MAYBE profit after years and years :P
@Shmiddty yeah really mininal
not initially though, but like I said I don't really care about it anymore
it is no where close to making what it was lol
I think its due to a lot of factors though, like Flash portals.. who really goes to them much anymore?
there is Kongregate which is huge and a few others, but for the most part they've kind of died out
newgrounds ruined it
Don't answer if you think this question is a bit too detailed but:
How much time do you invest per week/month, and what is the return from the ads right now?
that site is/was a cancer
YEah I was gonna say it seems like something that was popular 3-4 years ago... But no one really goes to flash portals but my 10 year old sister I don't think
@Kippie I cant say how much I get from the ads its against Googles ToS
booh google
but in terms of work week/month an hour every 2 months if that?
oh, so you pretty much just put in a lot of content, and then let it sit?
I also sell ad space, like for example the ads on the sides of the content
how much of the revenue is/was profit?
dead frontier paid alot of money for those for a year, for multiple years
Ok we have been having a problem with static shocks in the office (I'm fucking serious)
At this point about 80% of things you touch will zap the fuck out of you.
@Shmiddty haha like 85%
very nice
I had it on shared hosting for like 2-3 years
Even the plastic mouse at my iMac
so I was paying $15 a month for it
Shit man, that's like the perfect gig.
@Jhawins haha, I have the exact same problem. My synthetic office chair always gets charged when I sit on it. When I stand up, my legs go back and touch the chair => get zapped in the fucking kneehole
I heard my co-worker get zapped from upstairs (heard the shock) and am starting to get concerned lol
(More than) enough money to live on and you only need to spend a minimal amount of time doing it
@Kippie Everything but the chair lol
@Shmiddty well it makes in the hundreds now, but yeah I mean luck was definitely involved too
I think the fact I was really interested in zombie games helped
like I curated it for a long time didn't just add any ol game to it
@jhawins Try putting a humidifier in your office
I also ran a community Undeadgames which had like 3k users or so that helped drive the initial traffic
totally. I've been considering doing a kickstarter game. Something interesting. I still need to hash out some details though
another situation where I got lucky.. I put up some forums for a zombie game that had no official site basically
(Land of the Dead Road to Fiddlers Green)
weird irish zombie thing?
ahhaha oh man I never thought of that, lol but no it was a game based off of George Romeros movie
WHO?! the grandfather of Zombie's man!
Or I guess fiddler's green is greek?
Wait what? Zombies have parents and even grandparents?
Zombies were people to you know
@Loktar our business is kinda like that lol there's 2 full time employees (I'm #2 "President" is #1) and a part time "office manager" and we make a retarded amount of money rom advertising. But I don't get cut in
@Jhawins yeah its not so clear cut now either lik eyou said Social Media is pretty popular
for some stuff I imagine you get more traffic there than organic google traffic
We don't even have a social media presence worth jack shit
We are local stuff too so we don't get a ton of search engine traffic.
Most the SE traffic seems to be from people visiting the area
social media drives a ridiculous amount of revenue
this is why youtubers can make a living by making youtube videos of themselves playing video games
We have consistent traffic? I Meaning that we have the same core group of users that regularly use us
because they become these brand advocates
We put out new content every Thursday and we spike to heaven and back Thursday-Monday
We don't sell ads by the view or by the click. There is no "conversions"
We sell by the week.
We charge $50 if you make me build the ad
But I make like $3 in the time it takes me lol
fuck that was weird
Computer stopped doing anything
And we only advertise for local business' events, no products, no shit services unless you're selling a musical instrument or music lessons
@KendallFrey I suppose it has been a while since I've seen a complete computer freeze...
Unplug it while it's running
I was thinking "that's not that weird man..." But then I realized how long it'd been
the power button worked
no disk activity, no keyboard, no output of any sort anywhere
what about it?
Can you access bios
It works fine now, I'm not messing with a good thing
Q: How to change one column value when changing another column on the same row in a table?

SajeetharanNot sure whether this question exists already. I have a classic asp application. Where a table looks as follows, the user can edit a hour column. I need to update the same hour column in the description column using javascript. <tr id="rowid_<%=ors("id")%>"> <td class = "<%=rowColor%>"><%...

> Not sure whether this question exists already.
You should be
Didn't you do any research?
this is on classic ASP
what does that have to do research?
@KendallFrey oh I thought you were saying you had some sort of hw failure not that a reboot fixed it
What does the question have to do with AJAX?
Also, the table tag wiki is pretty clear about not using that tag.
@ssube who reads tag wiki's
@ssube read the comments for the question, you will get why i have included ajax there
@rlemon nope, I moved 6 months ago
Well who reads the table tag wiki lol
@Jhawins anyone who doesn't want their questions close-downvote-deleted.
@Sajeetharan it has nothing at all to do with ajax. The commentor is ignorant on the subject or just plain wrong.
@rlemon email?
@Jhawins anyidea how to do?
well that's one thing
@Sajeetharan your question is far too broad to answer, right now.
@rlemon actually, my address is there
right under "Contact"
@ssube why do you say too broad? i have described the issue with the code
Down voting because wtf
@Sajeetharan on the server-side with AJAX, on the client side with JS, are you using jQ or not, etc?
also, your code is (probably) unrelated
SO needs some kind of functionality that removes your rep if you turn out to lack the most basic understanding and make it to 10K.
!!afk smoke
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol, I love these
Have you seen the one about Wolfenstein? XD
Q: Storing a function call inside an array

cwendelI am writing a javascript program and I want to be able to store function calls that create 3D objects inside of an array. I want to be able to put draw_cylinder(0,0,3,2); draw_sphere(0,0,5,3); draw_cone(17,0,7,3); draw_cube(-1,-1,2, 1,1,3); into array shapes[] and then eventually run the pro...

@ssube the question is legit, he just needs to push functions
yeah, that sounds right
this is not a valid question, tho
Q: code for measuring Diabetes in java

Blind Heart i want a java code that measures Diabetes using a drop of patient blood by scalpel and strip then save the record on a database for my graduation project . in the next paragraph you well see a brief description of the way it's work a device that measures blood sugar (Glycemia ) called glucose...

@BenjaminGruenbaum hahaha the "just don't upgrade v8" killed me
> I want a million dollars, preferably in Haskell
Haskell can't give you money. It can, however, produce a function that creates a copy of you with money. Doesn't help you at all, though.
Sure it can, Haskell can do all things
@ssube That's like boarding a plane with your cello, and have it get freely upgraded to first class, without you.
The funniest thing about Haskell is IORef
@adeneo it can, but it never actually changes anything
Haskell is a lot like political activism: talks a lot, never changes anything, and is popular with professors and the unemployed.
Political activism made most of the progress our species has done.
Human rights, for example.
All the really huge stuff has involved people blowing each other up. :\
@Feeds ohallo
Those links all seem to be broken as well...
Is there a standard http error code for an invalid param?
@Shmiddty bad req
I must commend myself x) jsfiddle.net/n83552jc/4 I made function which adds an element to the beginning of the selected element, like document.body.insertOnBeginning(newEl) :)
> They have been told that undefined is not a function and have their strings liberally coerced for them.
that video is gold
Haven't seen angry hitler meme in a long time
I know, right :D?
I'm surprised that 48 hours is winning in the gamejam poll
@NickDugger it's a weekend
I can tell you, I, personally, don't want to do 48 hours, but nobody says you have to use the whole time lol
does it have to be 48 consecutive hours?
I'll submit the best game I can make in 17 seconds.
@ssube typically, yes
@ssube Gamejams are consecutive, yes
I had 24 hours when I did my first game jam, but I only used 18 of them
The event would be, but can you spend 12 hours working on your game, then an hour looking at the sun to remember how it is, then back?
I slept for the first 6, because my carpel tunnel was acting up
Or do you have to be awake and programming the whole time?
You can only use 1 hour, if you want
Or is it like a work-until-you-drop deal?
but you cannot exceed the end time/date
Q: How do you properly return multiple values from a promise?

Oliver SalzburgI've recently run into a certain situation a couple of times, which I didn't know how to solve properly. Assume the following code: somethingAsync() .then( afterSomething ) .then( afterSomethingElse ) function afterSomething( amazingData ) { return processAsync( amazingData ); } function ...

Am I missing something here or do I simply want the wrong thing? ;D
@OliverSalzburg return an object?
You can't define a JS object such that let foo = new Bar(); foo() is legal and calls some method on Bar.prototype, can you?
@OliverSalzburg why are you using Q promises?
(Bar constructing real objects with fields and methods)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because that's what the whole codebase still uses. I either have to move everything to Bluebird or nothing. Mixing both in the same code seems ugly
@SomeKittens Solutions I haven't already covered within the body of the question would be preferred answers
@OliverSalzburg why? You can mix them just fine they follow a spec and both pass like 1000 tests in order to be compatible.
@OliverSalzburg This is what I get for answering and then reading
@BenjaminGruenbaum It just doesn't seem right to use two different tools for the same job within the same codebase, but I'm open to solutions based on Bluebird if that changes anything
@rlemon omg omg omg I'm so excited!
@SterlingArcher rlemon is afk: stuff and things
things and stuff eh?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks for the answer, at least now I know I'm not missing anything
@OliverSalzburg to be fair - in ES6 it's hardly a hassle - it's very clean to return an object and then destructure it. Also - generators and async functions make context passing trivial.
Oh man havent seen that one
@Loktar One man carried off with 2 tons of gold?!\
I'm dying
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm still using Q, ES6 features are far in the future for us ;D
@FlorianMargaine congrats!!
haha that was awesome (the Hitler reacts vid)
thanks for posting it
heh thats interesting actually
why does he still have the stash??
Downfall (Der Untergang) was released back in like what 2006?
that's how he got picked for the role
If Hitler and Worf kissed, their mustaches would never touch
And that's how stars are born
@SterlingArcher I loved that one
The hair is so perfect I could cry
@SterlingArcher I would sell that cat on Ebay and be so rich
you could cry regardless
@Loktar iunno that cat could literally regroup Austria
@Loktar I would buy that cat on Ebay and shoot it

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