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@UlisesContreras var elements = document.body.querySelectorAll("li.list-created.strikethrough");
using .body there is a bit redundant, though precise...
Hmm, two class continue, amazing. I go to test.
plus, IE8 doesn't support document.body
nor does it suppor classList, so I guess he doesn't mind
IE 8 abstracts document.sanity with document.insanity
    @Neil and loading so, alright:

    function loadList() {
       var lists = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('data'));

IE supports localStorage ?
Good ol' IE8. Doesn't support document.body but it still supports blink
@Neil <body><blink> <!-- rest content --> </blink></body>
@darkyen00 For my target IE is handDown. :))
@UlisesContreras You're only saving an array containing text, so you'll need to create each element
We should totally do that once blink gets removed from all major browsers
as a punishment for those who don't use new ones.
@Neil Yes, I'm saving and "loading" when refresh page.
<blink> still exists today?!
Someone needs to make a troll js library offering polyfill for blink through css
easily done.
You'd get so many death threats
just use visibility css rule and a window.setTimeout().
@BenjaminGruenbaum o/ it works :D
the "project" thing
I'm gonna write a blink shim for modern browsers
@NickDugger here
Write "Now you can use blink on all major browsers, even the less advanced browsers like google chrome which no longer supports blink"
Bonus points if you do it using setTimeout and not css :D
       visibility: hidden;
       visibility: visible;

   display: block;
   animation: blink 1s infinite alternate;
@Neil setInterval ?
actually even better
@darkyen00 It's supposed to be a troll library, man
I'm doing mine in js with timeout
removed the step
@Neil Post this as a suggestion for Feb Challenge
@darkyen00 Funny.
We'll fill it up with comments like "Great job, would use" and "Can we get this in a jQuery plugin?"
JQuery plugins are bad, REACT COMPONENTS ARE WAY TO GO !
I have exploding head, haha, now Jade, not HTML5, now Sass, not CSS, and with JavaScript and many framworks, BUFF!!!!!!!! We r humans or robots?
@Luggage That works because it's in blink tag :P
ohh, it didn't work for me until i added the stInterval
I guess i should somehow detect if blink works before my 'polyfill'
and polyfill deserves quotes, there.
if the blink tag is an issue, bjut make a blink class so you don't have to call code to turn it on
Hey, we both did 500 lol
1/2 second seemed about right
@NickDugger -1. Needs more jQuery
fuck jquery
Use the right tool for the job. Bringing back blink is a job for jQuery.
I suppose that's accurate
definitely. would include if only to be able to use blink
or use plain DOM and make it a bookmarklet..
@NickDugger you use very [].forEach.call :))
just set the visibilty (or opacity) directly instead of in a separate css
JS or jQuery? I want JS, but is difficult, but with jQuery all is so easy.
I dunno, you tell me
Use jQuery if it works for you. You'll hear a lot of jQuery hatred here, but it's a valid and useful tool.
Some of us have just 'moved on'.
Just not as useful as many tend to think
Even if you dont' want to use jQuery, you may end up having to have it around as dependency for some other useful library.
such as?
Hey Jan, I solved all of the world's problems today
(yea, i'm sure there are alternative)
@NickDugger could've been done with CSS3 animation
Sure, and you can technically eat broccoli instead of pizza
but why?
if it can be all-css that sounds 'better'
in preparation for a gas attack?
as if 'better' has any place when talkign about implementing <blink>
hmm, let me consult my physician
How much money does a programmer in your country of origin using JS? Because here in Spain for example a Junior about 16000/18000€ anual junior. Senior, buff, 30000€ anual. "I think is very easy to program to persons of english speak".
What is that translated to USD?
A foot basket
@NickDugger 18.949/21.317 anual USD to Junior(not so good 18.949USD) for example. But u rn't french? Why USD?
I'm not French, no, I'm in the USA. Here, a Junior Front End Developer probably makes like 40-50k, USD
I make 65k as a "middle of the road" Front End Developer, meaning that I'm not Junior or Senior
You are millionaires, there is much work to developers with very high salaries.
I want to be a FREAK/GEEK in JavaScript native. USD/€ = good life, simple.
< $30,000 to > $100,000 depending on region, skill level, autonomy, responsibilities, etc
moderately skilled in NY City, expect 6 digits. Entry level out in the country, expect.. some coffee money.
@UlisesContreras what people over seas don't understand is that our cost of lving is also high, so yeah, we do still make more, but we pay more for rent, utilities, taxes, etc
OMG $30,000/25,330€! buff! amazing life. XD
Yes, also it's a large country and the cost of living can vary greatly.
then you are paying $1-2,000 for a small apartment it's not so much
and that' not NY city prices which are much higher
Barcelona is one of the most expensive cities in the world, and with $30,000 u r happy!
what! $1-2,000 for apartment? buff!
It's hard to compare income in other countries.
In Spain you have social security and unemployment pay. :)) Come to here, here is amazing. If you r good developer, buff, u r all.
US has those things, but I don't know how they compare.
temporary unemployment insurance if you are fired.
I wonder if there is stylesheet / JS library to implement IE 6 quirks mode in modern browsers..
Job offers are crazy here, for example.

Front End with:

HTML5, CSS3, (this is easy) but after of this:

JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, NODE.JS Jade, Sass/Less

Maybe they want to one robot or to God. XD
People here abuse the system and use unemployment and welfare to sit around and eat dick all day. Of course, that doesn't mean everyone does.
@UlisesContreras those are pretty normal requirements for a Front End Developer
MOST people want to work becasue it gets them more money and they don't fee like shit. SOME people abuse but one of our political parties would have you believe that all social programs are only paying for beadbeats.
If they want all this I want very USD/€ too. XD
I know Jade/HTML5, CSS3/Sass and Junior in JavaScript/jQuery.
But JS native is very difficult to me, maybe because I'm junior now.
[jQuery] Hello!! I got this snippet jsfiddle.net/nLa44z4w now I am wondering, I want to trigger some slideUp effect when scrolling once the end of the 1º section is reached, move the section#bto the top, and so on... What's the best technique to use in this case?
@UlisesContreras have you tried out codecademy.com?
Never tried it, but I always advocate for codecademy.com. I went through the javascript lessons and It helped me more than anything else had
I v testing in one job tomorrow (about two weeks) like Front End with my profile said. XD
I was using codecademy with JS and Git, hmm, is ok.
I think doing is the best way to learn, and that's what codecademy lets you do. I guess everyone learns differently
I admire JavaScript developers senior; I think they are special in logic.
I learn best by pretending to already know.
Fake it 'till you make it.
pfft, $100k is what the garbage truck driver makes here, and everyone gets full paid for being unemployed or 66% on welfare, no insurance needed.
@UlisesContreras Stop using jQuery for a while
you will learn more :-)
@Luggage haha, good.
@darkyen00 I'm in that. :))
Today is saturday party in Barcelona and I'm in my room learning many things about JS, this is not normal. XD
Anybody actually willing to help, and talk about coding?
Just ask.
I did.
ohh, missed it.
ohh, the scrolling thing. sorry, not I
Don't worry, I don't expect everyone to know how to help me with this
@Frondor - Waypoints
Effects while scrolling are terrible
How's that plugins working with mobile phones?
@copy No if you know how to properly handle them
Any reason map markers wouldnt be updated? I changed my factory from static to remote, and markers stopped showing. Format and etc didnt change
$timeout(function(){$scope.eventMarkers = markers}, 300);

First log has the items, second console is empty. Map has no markers either
You're logging too soon
Pros and Cons of using Node.JS and Python for a server of a turn based game ?
node pro: same language on both client and server
Python sucks less
@darkyen00 pro: scalability
node pro : Simpler to write code aswell, single process :-x
@Neil Buzzwords
@copy How would you do it inpython ?
@copy I so happen to know what that means thank you very much
@darkyen00 gevent and websockets
Don't see why you'd use python though
ruby if anything
@Neil Then don't use it wrong, thank you
@JanDvorak put a pause? but nevertheless, it never shows up on the map
@copy example ?
@Neil Python has tons and tons of good stuff
Why would anyone prefer ruby over python? :p
@darkyen00 for web service?
python = import world
try flask :P or django if u like bdsm
import world? lame. import antigravity!
@ThiefMaster very easy to get started with ruby on rails
@copy <3
Flask is also very easy to get started with
@darkyen00 i just swithced from Django to flask, and i second the BDSM
For a game like engine though, Idk b/w node and python
especially for cloud set ups, hassle free
@darkyen00 both!
write a python interpreter in node
@KendallFrey With what i have in mind my "client" will be in python and server in "javascript"
(5 years ago people would kill you for saying this madness)
how well does python support JSON?
Better than JS supports it
python supports almost anything, libraries are vast
Pretty printing, etc.
How exactly does one run python on the "client" ?
Step #1: Remember that there are programs other than browsers.
And where would one find such programs, that run python ?
are you trolling? ;x
you just download the python interpreter..
Or use a tool that compiles your Python code into a single executable which contains a Python interpreter
python has some decent graphing libraries
that much I know
I never really thought to use it for the web
Oh okay, I already have python, I guess I misunderstood "client" and "server"
the browser is the most common client, but client is just a program that asks for data or performs requests to the server
I just though I was missing out on something interesting that would make clientside games in python that wasn't possible five years ago ?
dang! There's a christianity stack exhange thing???
you can write python clientside programs with python interpreter just like you can write java clientside programs with java virtual machine installed
nothing magical about it I suppose
@towc There's a judaism stack exchange
was looking for jesus' last name for a research on a death sentence for school... and found this thing christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/14482/…
@Neil didn't realize stack exchange covers non-geek topics
much bigger than I thought it was! Back to my research...
@towc You'd be surprised then. I thought the english stack exchange was weird
@ThiefMaster from future import braces
@UlisesContreras no, pretty sure that's not why.
Has anyone had issues with Ajax not working when running tests with Karma and using Jasmine?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hai!
another promise question for you.
Is this an antipattern or the right way:
.get('rows').then(function(results) {
      var renewals = [];
      results.forEach(function (result) {
        // TODO:
      return bluebird.all(renewals);
is there way to hide js?
@Sim If by "Hide" you mean make it so the end user can't read it, not really.
It's possible to use an obfuscator/minifier, but those won't actually hide it.
Can anybody help me with this question
Q: Jquery : Post Request is breaking while uploading multiple images

Shreshtt BhattI am using Plupload js plugin to upload multiple images in one request. This plugin is working like if someone adding 5 images at a time then post request will go 5 times to upload each of images separately. As we know Post request require unique csrf token but in my case due to same token after ...

@SomeKittens .map
@SomeKittens except for the code like show an image?
  return bluebird.all(results.map(function (result) {
    // TODO:
    return stripe.buyPackage(result.id);
gah, I always forget map.
@Sim I'm not sure what you mean.
Yep, that's an obfuscator. It doesn't actually "hide" anything - it just makes it harder to read.
But it's trivial to turn it back into regular JS
@SomeKittens return bluebird.map
.get('rows').map(function(result) {
  return stripe.buyPackage(result.id);
MUCH better
thanks @BenjaminGruenbaum and @FlorianMargaine
@SomeKittens so it there way to decode obfuscators?
@Sim Yeah. (Not to mention obfuscators usually result in a performance hit).
@SomeKittens so ur saying im screwed
no matter what lol
What are you working on that's so top seekret that you can't let clients see the JS?
personal project :)
A minifier should suffice.
thanks though @SomeKittens
Exactly what the world needed jsfiddle.net/rny0wjh7/4
@NickDugger Finally!
What Javascript Minifier do you guys recommend? I've been using Google Compiler, is there any better?
I'm pretty sure it's called Closure Compiler
@Catgocat traceur + uglify
though closure is the best if u want perf.
From a size reduction point of view I've always had the best results with Closure Compiler, but I generally sue Uglify because CC is just too anal :P
SF has literally become a dorm for rich 22-yr-olds who need someone to buy olive oil for them http://sfist.com/2015/01/09/welcome_to_campus_airbnb_for_moving.php
> Currier himself left Stanford's physics program after his sophomore year when he earned a $100,000 Thiel fellowship.
Remember my first job out here?
Worked for another Thiel wonderkid
@KendallFrey I was confused how that relates to Server Fault
Q: How do I open up ports to the world on a residential connection?

SoaperGEMI have DSL internet at my house, with some Windows servers running on my LAN. I've set my router to forward port 80 to one of them, and likewise set a firewall rule to allow port 80, and that works great. If I connect to X.X.X.X (my home IP address) from a remote site, it connects to that server ...

anyone here
Waiting for users... Please wait...
How would u guys structure this ?

I have a simulation written in node.js + socket.io (using home baked RMI with socket.io) the simulation runs as an interval callback in node.js when all required
inputs are made the simulator runs and responds with the call back.
Q: Jquery : Post Request is breaking while uploading multiple images

Shreshtt BhattI am using Plupload js plugin to upload multiple images in one request. This plugin is working like if someone adding 5 images at a time then post request will go 5 times to upload each of images separately. As we know Post request require unique csrf token but in my case due to same token after ...

I kind of don't feel this architechture very well.
Guys please help me to solve this issue
@ShreshttBhatt Didn't you ask this before? Didn't anyone tell you back then that the client-side code is pretty much irrelevant? CRSF prevention is all on the server.
@RoelvanUden Yes I asked this before as well, struggling with this problem from past 2 days.. i am not clear what you r suggesting. Can u please elaborate
@ShreshttBhatt I'm suggesting you ask about the CRSF-prevention implementation that you are using on whatever-the-hell server-side language you're using. The client-side is completely irrelevant if the server-side is flawed. But to determine if it is, make sure you double-check the network tab to see if the CRSF token (in whatever form your server-side requires it) is sent across to the server.
It's not like "CRSF" is a single standard technology. Answering anything related to it without knowing the server-side implementation details is like answering "Yes" to the question "How long is that plane?". It doesn't work.
roseperrone.com < The most badass about me ever. (That i have seen)
@darkyen00 I literally got scared when I entered the website.. I jumped!
> Randall Koutnik is a senior computer science student at Roberts Wesleyan college and enjoys writing about himself in the third person. He likes cats, so long as they satdsafzxghdpoio stay off his keyboard. He’s in the process of starting his own business and can’t believe that people will pay him to make little dots on the screen change. His hobbies include video games, reading, and botany.
Someday, he hopes to own a motorcycle and a space station. His dream car is a tank. Sometimes, he announces “I know you’re listening” to an empty room, which once freaked out his roommate. Some s
@darkyen00 my favorite.
@SomeKittens lol
> I spend most of my time in front of a computer programming, gulping coffee, listening to music, socializing
doh :-(
Almost two years later, I'm still in the process of starting my own business.
@SomeKittens Google Killed mine
well not killed, they obliterated every single hope :-(
Google is integral to everything
@BenjaminGruenbaum es6 way to iterate over object keys?
Q: Iterate through object properties

Rafayvar obj = { name: "Simon", age: "20", clothing: { style: "simple", isDouche: false } } for(var propt in obj){ alert(propt + ': ' + obj[propt]); } How does the variable propt represent the properties of the object? It's not a built-in method, or property. The...

@Firedrake969 note the first word: "es6"
He's asking about the ES6 way. That would be for..of or Object.keys().forEach I suppose.
I'd guess for (let key of Object.keys(obj))
but, well.
for(let [key, value] of obj) or so should work
Well, is there a better way to check if something is an object (like {}, and not an array) instead of value && typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)?
value.constructor === Object
Not sure about compatibility or how it could fail
Why are you iterating an object's keys? Use a map
There are very few reasons to iterate an object's keys in ES6
is there a literal for maps?
You can pass it an object IIRC in the constructor - but I'm not sure what was eventually decided, you'd have to check.
What copy said is the "es6-way" though
I wonder
does this work? var x = y => foo(y);
I think ES6 also has something akin to iterkeys
Yeah, why wouldn't it?
wasn't sure about the parentheses
Those are required for multiple parameters
I'd use abstract references and do foo::toArity(1) instead :D
it's for document.getElement*, I guess this isn't fixed
Definitely use abstract references for document.getElement*
var byId = x => document.getElementById(x);
what's better?
Ah just for that?
Also use let
hasn't really needed it yet
it's just function scope
I hate mobile chat
I'm going to use 6to5 and react and RxJS for this month's challenge :D
So much hipster
The good news is all this old code is missing the bad practices I picked up at Runnable in the first few months. The bad news is it's missing all the good practices I learned afterward.
you learned bad practices at runnable?
Plenty - specifically with Angular
Jan 3 at 1:52, by SomeKittens
@BenjaminGruenbaum So I just removed all the safeApply calls (some were incredibly silly - let's trigger another cycle in a $watch function). They were ~3% of the codebase and the app is MUCH snappier now!
I'm not a fan of runnable... It's too slow... I'm impatient
@NickDugger I haven't worked on the .com, just our new product.
Ok, so I won't offend you when I complain, lol
We don't have a single apply call in our large'ish Angular code base except for in directives touching the DOM
We've got three places where I'm hacking through with $timeout - two because there's still debt waiting to be paid off, and one because I need to wait a full cycle before proceeding.
Why would you need to wait a cycle?
iframes - we want to set the URL to about:blank and then to the original URL
If we do both in the same cycle, it's never updated.
(essentially forcing a refresh)
What are you using an iframe for?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Live view of the server you're currently editing.
Ah, that makes sense

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