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3:00 PM
do || !do; try(): ReferenceError: try is not defined
That's clever
I saw it as a t-shirt design
I must give credit to the all-wise t-shirt designers
Also, I wondered if this is bad practice or not. But no one I specifically want to ask is here
Usually it's bad practice if you have to ask
3:02 PM
!!> "string".search('z') // obviously -1, but to evaluate this to true||false can I just use the bitwise NOT && the logical NOT operators?
@Jhawins -1
!!> !~"string".search('z')
@Jhawins true
@Jhawins Is your question if you can or if you should? I think you know the answer to both in any case
I'd probably just do "string".search('z') < 0
3:03 PM
@Neil I wouldn't do it in production code, there's no benefit. But is there a reason not to?
@Jhawins Yes, it isn't readable
It's a lot clearer what you're trying to do to someone reading your code
@Neil Shut up Neil
I might know what you're doing, but if I have to dedicate more than 2 seconds to understand what you're doing and I didn't have to, rewrite it
Oh wrong Neal
3:04 PM
is there a way to see which instances are running in jquery?
Why did "Shut up Neil" get starred? o_O
@Neil Exactly. But for purposely overcomplicated code (we all do it) there is no issue I can see
Or code golf
@Jhawins Ah, no. If that is the point, I see nothing wrong with that
@Neil Completely agree with that. If there isn't a significant performance advantage, go with the one that's clearer
3:05 PM
But see this is my use case
@Meredith I think that even minor performance advantages still don't merit unreadable code
User comes in here badgering for a cut/paste solution or a fiddle for his code.
I give him code with clever !~ in it, now I've answered the little asshole, he just doesn't understand the code.
I am now the good guy, and the asshole.
That's the only time I can see it being useful. Other than codegolf
@Neil Sometimes performance is better than readability
@Jhawins You're also the guy he's going to turn to next time he wants to understand how it works.
3:07 PM
@Neil Yeah and I can troll him more and he'll keep coming back for more lol
For example in AHK, you can do dllCall(machine code)
Which is about a billion times faster but completely unreadable
@Meredith Depends where your priorities lie. They say that on average considering also debugging time and development time, a programmer dedicates a full 5 minutes per line written
Removing a full minute off that 5 minutes is a lot longer than the 2 nanoseconds gained :P
Yeah I'm just saying there are cases where the readability hit is worth it
Writing code that runs fast is important, but code rarely runs slow because you are using the slightly slower method to loop through a collection. Code is slow because it is written badly
Honestly I think !~ is only unreadable because people don't use it. Same reason most kids that come here don't know what ~ does, or ^, or sometimes %.
3:10 PM
Took me a while to learn that, but I consider it a lesson most valuable
@Jhawins True. If that was the only way to go about doing it, everyone would be familiar with that syntax
Or ternary operators
@Jhawins It's not readable because it means "not bitwise not of "string".slice("z")"
lol yesterday there was a kid freaking out about 0 == ''
Instead of ""string".slice("z") is less than 0"
@Meredith Where the hell did you get slice
3:12 PM
I've been awake for like 30 hours
Cut me some slack
Yeah lol
Search not slice yeah
No dude, that's bass ackwards. Something isn't unreadable because of what it means, it's unreadable because of what it looks like :P
But you get my point
But yea
3:14 PM
Well if you read one out loud, you can tell what it does
Or in your head
@Neil var question = b * 2 || ! ( b * 2 );
@rlemon Hah
Really the most readable would be something like "string".inString("z")
Which wraps search
@Meredith Stringception
3:15 PM
@Meredith is search just returned fucking false instead of -1 would be the most readable lol
It should throw an error tbh
I wouldn't expect a function with a name like search to return false
@Meredith Yeah, that way search can't be used unless it finds the needle
3:16 PM
search currently does two things
Comments after would be like // Yeah the whole app crashes if this isn't found. Oh well
Functions should only do one thing
@Neil Why not? It makes sense to me. If the search is negative... False
If indexOf returned false rather than -1 when nothing is found, you realize how many people would have broken code and not realize it?
If the search is positive, return result.
3:17 PM
@Neil Flip this around...
-1, however, does fit with the standard of indexOf
@Jhawins ?
Because it returns -1, you realize how many people have broken code and don't realize it?
It's hilarious hahaha
function StringNotFoundError(message) {
  this.message = message || "";
  this.stack = (new Error()).stack;
  this.name = "StringNotFoundError";
StringNotFoundError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
String.prototype.inString = function(needle) {
  return this.indexOf(needle) >= 0 ? this.indexOf(needle) : throw new StringNotFoundError();
3:18 PM
    console.log("needle not found");
@Jhawins Everyone expects -1 if it isn't found
Though if people started using string.indexOf('cat') == 0, you'd see code that doesn't give you an error, but it would seemingly not work
@Neil Which is unintuitive. Sure that's the way it works now
@Jhawins Meh. It's -1 because 0 is already taken
@Neil That is exactly what we see constantly from new kids haha
!!> 0 === false
3:20 PM
@Jhawins false
@Jhawins Well that is simply wrong. You see people make mistakes like that normally
@Neil Yeah, like I just said.
What I'm saying is that if programmers knew indexOf returned "false" if not found, you'd still see a lot of errors.. a lot more so
The problem is that search does two things when it should only be doing one
It's actually inString and search
3:21 PM
function StringNotFoundError(message) {
  this.message = message || "";
  this.stack = (new Error()).stack;
  this.name = "StringNotFoundError";
StringNotFoundError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
String.prototype.inString = function(needle) {
  var ret = this.search(needle);
  if( ret < 0 ) throw new StringNotFoundError();

  return ret;
how about this?
meets your requirements?
You'd have to use === on the result returned from indexOf and that would be easy to forget
@Neil you should always be using === anyway
Using == fails silently
@rlemon I don't. Though I probably should be
You know what doesn't fail silently?
3:22 PM
I like !!~... Even though it's messy and ugly as fuck
!!> !!~"true".search("tr")
@Jhawins true
doFoo(data, function(err, data) {
!!> !!~"true".search("nop")
@Jhawins false
3:23 PM
"NOT NOT bitNOT -1" lol
dudes dudes! I found out, not long ago, that there's difference between & and && (as well as for pipes) and it has greatly improved my ifs conditions :x
Yeah here's a new rule I just came up with: unless you're doing something that requires you to interact with bits, don't use bitwise operators
@MoshMage Not good
We only have floating point shit
function getBit(value, position, base) {
    return !!((1 << (base - position)) & value);
YaY bits!
3:28 PM
@Jhawins and @Meredith care to explain? :o
@jennschiffer @rwaldron Got it, don't do anything unless Rick Waldron gives his personal stamp of approval. https://www.npmjs.org/package/hq9plus
@MoshMage You said you found out there's a difference... Well they don't do ANYTHING CLOSE to the same thing. What are you talking about haha
^ read the conversation before that
@MoshMage You must not have been enjoying javascript for some time then
@MoshMage For most things, you shouldn't even have to acknowledge that bits exist. The point of a high-level programming language is to abstract stuff like that.
3:32 PM
@Jhawins well, all I know is that with one & it'll check both conditions, contrary to && that will not test the second condition if the first one is true; But sometimes I want to assign stuff inside the condition so using & enabled me to "if first is false, assign stuff to the variable and make it true" (i know this isn't the best example, but I think I explained what I understood of that)
God I hate implementing rich text editors
@MoshMage There are circumstances in which you may want to use it, but you generally should not
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'm on Waldron's side. That was the most worthless package ever
I understand that now, @Neil, didn't know it was like "a sin" or something like it. Will be carefull from now on (though I've not been spamming it, I'm a fan of ternary operations and I use a fair ammount of those instead)
(Kidding. I don't get it and am trying to get you to explain it)
3:34 PM
I flagged this as very low quality, and it got disputed :I stackoverflow.com/a/24436470/548083 Is this a good answer?
I'm pretty sure this and this are tied for most worthless package ever.
@MoshMage No no no no no no no no no
@Jhawins its one line of code really.
@Jhawins Calling people out for participating doesn't help the ecosystem at all.
@Jhawins somehow, I doubt this. x)
3:35 PM
@MoshMage That's not how && works at all. It will return the first value to evaluate to falsey, if none of them are falsey it returns the LAST value.
Was it pretty simple? Yeah. Is it likely that no one will use it? Also yes. But the low barrier to entry is what makes node/npm so awesome.
@rkoutnik @rwaldron this conversation ended like 10 hours ago, no one needs to add more snark to it
@SomeKittensUx2666 It's nice that the day-seconds package has all the fancy shmancy badges on it.
3:36 PM
@rkoutnik @jennschiffer @rwaldron some of us just woke up though!
why is it that when I link to my angular page it doesn't work? I suppose the page isn't found on the backend but it's weird
Good to know.
I thought Twitter was created for snark. I'm confused now
Heh - I'm being told for participating in a conversation about participating.
ohwow. I always evaluate stuff to true. Well, most of the times anyway.
But I've been talking with a fella that understands a bit more about bit stuff and I also found out that decrementing while looping is faster than incrementing for some weird logic reason :X
3:37 PM
yeah I think its because if you read the entire discussion thread it looks like he got the point :p
well, off to some more work.
@MoshMage Yeah? That sounds weird. Sometimes I see people do that but I just assume it's a preference thing, or specific use cases require it
anyway I guarantee if that guy came in here and said "Look at my sweet npm package" he would be met with wtf?
@MoshMage I punch people who use incrementing over decrementing (or vice-versa) because of "performance"
3:39 PM
@Jhawins the guy explained it to me, but I cant recall everything; Something about something something bits being easier to decrement than increment or something laong those lines
@Loktar maybe. but I think he less "got it" and more "fuck it, I'm not wasting my time with this anymore"
Seriously...if adding or decreasing 1 is the bottleneck of your algorithm, you're not doing anything
haha probably. Thats how I would have handled it as well
just moved on
@Zirak lol, yeah he did say it wasnt THAAAT fast - but it's a good triva to know x)
The benchmarks for it are also horribly contrived.
3:40 PM
the only thing I would have really laughed at about that package is that he has a test.js in it
@MoshMage You're too "young" to be trying to optimize your code
lol. you really need to test that to prove it works? REALLY????
Division is slower than multiplication
@Neil oh yeah. That's so true you don't even aknowledge how much truth you've typed not being sarcastic
That's about all I know about optimization on the bit level
3:41 PM
@rlemon could be that the dude wanted to figure out how to write tests.
that's about the hello world of testing
@NickDugger PHP is slower than multiplication (source)
I take the opposite approach really as all the defenders. If you put code out in the public you need to expect critisism
@SomeKittensUx2666 did it need to be published on NPM though?
3:41 PM
maybe. I'm just saying that is the only thing I would have commented on if he were in the room
should we write hello world packages?
and pollute it even more
@SomeKittensUx2666 @NickDugger PHP is slower than PHP (source) (source)
3:42 PM
yeah thats stupid
@copy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@copy @SomeKittensUx2666 @NickDugger PHP is PHP than PHP (source) (source) (source)
@RalphWiggum idk but I just CV the question
3:43 PM
php - the sound of a quiet fart.
What are the order of stripos's parameters in php
Does Google not know?
or the docks? (get on a boat)
You gotta check the documentation to find out
No one has it memorized
@Meredith install dgg.gg as your default search engine and then just !bang the crap out of it (!php stripos will take you to php manual on that function)
3:46 PM
You're missing the point
(the same happens with !js, !jq, !and so on)
@Meredith Whatever is the opposite of what you have
If you use a built in function in php you have to look it up
go fishing.
3:46 PM
Or you have a 50% chance of getting it wrong
oh, that's true.
IIRC the php room forked the bot and added a /php command.
Just like this in JS - it's anything but what you think it is at that point.
it bums me that, in php, sometimes the haystack is first and othertimes is second
@Zirak Poor bot getting forked to death by the php folks
3:48 PM
if (this == window) killyourself()
They also had a browser extension which replaced php functions with a doc link, so if you saw "stripos" in some piece of text it'd be a link.
Ironically, both of those are written in JS
@SomeKittensUx2666 I find myself doing var self = this a lot in my mixins
Is that an anti-pattern? I find myself always needing to do it
@Neil that's pretty standard practice for some frameworks
What does var self = this accomplish?
3:50 PM
puts this on self, so you can ref the old this :P
@Meredith You can use "this" anywhere in your mixin
Oh I get it
So you're just creating a global reference to your object
function() {
  var self = this;
  function() {
not necessarily global
just a reference.
Yeah not global
But that's not good practice
3:52 PM
whats not?
Sometimes it's unavoidable.. when events happen, this gets overridden
How else are you going to call functions within that instance if not through self?
Note to self: Don't forget semi-colon after a shorthand for loop
> doesn't understand what a piece of code accomplishes, 30 seconds later says its a bad practice.
note to var self = this;
bleh I have a chrome rendering bug so annoying.
I need to detect chrome for the fix.
FREEEEKING outlines leave artifacts because the screen wont redraw
3:53 PM
what's the bug?
you know what I freacking love? When people come into the office and say "John, we have to get out early today" and my hour counting will still mark 8hrs. ['cos I was booted against my will xDD]
> freacking
^ using that
oh. never knew "freaking" didn't had a C. Thanks @SomeKittensUx2666 :)
3:54 PM
I had to update mine too.
@MoshMage I wish they were that proper in my office. When the boss asks us to come in during a holiday, you have to ask to get paid extra
And it's usually met with distaste
hah that sucked in the gov.
> guys we are heading out, you have to leave too
@Neil I'm covered by a consulting agency - they actually have my back
had to find some other way to make up our time.. (as contractors)
@MoshMage Must be nice
3:56 PM
It's not bad. Though I guess that if i wasnt working for a CA I'd get better moneys at the end of the month - but I rather have the security
(plus I dont have to look for work, and since I'm young at this i don't have a big baggage for companies to promptly hire me)
Best activity that you can do at your company as a programmer is to get paid to research new languages, or essentially, get paid while you're becoming a better programmer
That "baggage" you're referring to is what we call, "Years of experience" -- which is what DOES get you hired.
Or spend it on the JS SO chat O.o
Ha. Boss is on vacation. And I have the other office key. So when I leave everyone leaves.
bleh this sucks, because its all about feature detection.. but what if you have a legitimate case to detect a browser
this rendering issue is only on chrome.. and the fix messes with FF.
4:02 PM
@NickDugger exactly :P
screw it, useragent string ftw.
@rlemon Hahahaha awesome
feels dirty but whatever.
@rlemon "Leave early", gain the respect of everyone in the office :)
@SomeKittens you still following that twitter stuff?
People are way too fucking uptight on the web.
4:04 PM
HTTP 420 Enhance Your Calm
Maybe if you weren't twitter necros
Code golf console.logging a multiplication table
Angular.js and laravel feel like built for each other
> guys wait I have an opinion 10 hours later
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
4:05 PM
the internet has moved on
@MoshMage Well I don't have years of experience either, but I was hired in at full pay. Pretty awesome.
@rlemon What'd I miss?
@Jhawins wanna gimme a small code review ?
@Loktar ha! If only that were how the internet worked.
@AbhishekHingnikar Maybe. Sure
4:05 PM
No one moves on until the horse is beaten into dust.
@NickDugger Well, the first job I got was in a big company as a front-end dev; We all get lucky once or thrice :P
very small but u can see how ugly my php is :P
if I knew !s shit id replace php with penis.
but I'm too lazy.
And besides.. All I did was comment about ten hours off is a timezone thing, we were sleeping.
and you will have to rad loads of it.
4:07 PM
@Jhawins That has been on anarchy golf
@copy Where I couldn't find it
@AbhishekHingnikar not that ugly -- you should read the code I'm using now. THAT's ugly.
@AbhishekHingnikar if I knew !s shit id replace penis with penis. (source)
@AbhishekHingnikar Eh pretty clean :P
4:08 PM
Not much to it
You have a typo in your code though
$fb_acces_token = $fb->requestAccessToken($code); if( $fb_access_token )
^ I'm guessing $fb_access_token is true/false ?
OH! nicely spotted.
4:12 PM
Except for that fugly af return :P
!!afk smoke
@AbhishekHingnikar talk to me on hangouts or fb
see you guys monday! o/
see ya
@SomeKittensUx2666 what I don't understand about her is that she posted to me a picture of her blocking me, then a minute later I get an email saying she is following me?
I'm so confused
4:16 PM
@rlemon she blocked you to make it look like she was in control, followed you to see if you bitched about being blocked?
i just pasted a massive amount of UI code into an angular controller and bound it to a DOM element and it still work the same!
Welp, recruiter wants me to call him ASAP.
wonder what's up
> "It has come to our attention that you own 'snark' on NPM. How does $250K a year sound?"
@rlemon Only if I get unlimited gummy bears
4:23 PM
Well shit. The webservice someone else here is working on is fucked for the thing I'm working on... and he's on vacation until wedensday
@SomeKittensUx2666 bouncing here and there and everywhere?
ohh god @Loktar remember Gummie Bears?
yeah one of my fav shows
now I have the theme song stuck in my head
miss great cartoons like that
haha yeah it was crazy catchy it happens to me everytime its mentioned... thanks :P
I swear cartoons now-a-days for kids are all crap
4:24 PM
they are too "random"
They weren't before?
like no real purpose to a lot of them
educational shows don't need to be super dull either.
bring back Magic Schoolbus
Phineas and Ferb is a great modern cartoon
but not many others are that great imo
Camp Lazlo
4:25 PM
my nephew isn't into that one :P so I have no comment
all I know is the crap he watches (is 8) wouldn't have kept my interest at that age
however I can still sit down and watch the Frizz blast off into space with her planet dress
You can't say that
@rlemon ...they are?
they should.
It's hard to judge how stupid we were as kids :p
^ Netflix bought the rights and is rebooting it
4:27 PM
@SomeGuy yeah idk looking at the difference in media is a good way though
reading rainbow AND magic schoolbus?!
what did we do to deserve this?
80's cartoons were corny for sure
Does anyone know if it's possible to work out if an element has a CSS rule which applies specifically to that element (i.e. it's not inherited) - rather than just doing window.getComputedStyle...
but not stupid
4:27 PM
@Loktar I look at the difference in how stories progress.
It seems that they don't anymore
they just jump from one plot to the next.
I'm looking to tell if an element has changed visually, and it has done so because of a CSS rule against it
yeah like Chowder..
I hate that show, kids aren't allowed to watch it
or Adventure time
e.g. a width to a parent would change the computed width of the child, but the child inherits the rule
the art is so shitty in a lot of them too
@IanClark read the stylesheet
A: How to get a style attribute from a css class by javascript/jquery?

rlemonI wrote a small function that traverses the stylesheets on the document looking for the matched selector, then style. There is one caveat, this will only work for style sheets defined with a style tag, or external sheets from the same domain. If the sheet is known you can pass it in and save y...

4:29 PM
in php is " " faster or ' ' ? is there any difference ?
I can't think of another way. someone else might have a better solution
@AbhishekHingnikar if you have to ask yourself this question you are in a big pot of trouble.
@AbhishekHingnikar There used to be, not much now
the main difference is that you can use variables unescaped in double quotes
@AbhishekHingnikar ' is faster because it takes less pixels
my tutor told us that "$val" will compile and '$val' wont
4:30 PM
that's correct
"foo: $foo" vs 'foo: '.$foo
39 secs ago, by rlemon
the main difference is that you can use variables unescaped in double quotes
That's another annoying thing about php
then technically wont following ' ' be faster ? i mean it wont have to check for or perform compiling ?
ahh, so you agree tabs are better because they are one byte vs 4?
@rlemon - that's a nice start, and thanks for a pointer - I'll see if I can use that - was hoping for some lightweight API :P
4:32 PM
that is pretty lightweight.
@rlemon you're right, standalone it's not that heavy - just for my usage it'll add on some veritable weight :P
i am confused.
@AbhishekHingnikar you are asking about a moot micro optimization
you know better
hmm maybe
understand how the do variables different and move on
4:33 PM
meh i just heard that php is slow, and when i think slow i think of scratch.mit.edu slow, and when things are that slow micro-optimization wont slow
whatever you pick, just stay consistent
Everything is slow, depending on who you ask
it is like saying use ++$i vs $i++
yer mums slow m8
^ hah
I think I have thought of an easier approach to my specific problem :) - thanks @rlemon, night all - have a nice weekend
4:41 PM
40 minute legal meeting D:
better than an 40 minute illegal one
> everyone was just doing meth the entire time
that sounds like my kinda meeting!
minus the meth.
maybe with some table dancing
or a 40 minute meeting with illegals.
> Jose wouldn't stop trying to fix the whiteboard stand the entire meeting! Jesus I hate that guy!
> Jesus: Someone say my name?
> We need more lemon pledge
4:49 PM
> No..... No....
@Loktar I really can't get that mental image out of my head now

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