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@SDU_Phonism Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@monners My wife begs to differ.
More like begs for something different. BA HA HA HA HA
That was uncalled for.
I'm not too bothered, as I was literally having sex when you sent that.
You couldn't have picked a [better|worse] time.
I did't need that picture in my head
Well played sir. Well played.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
uhh... I have some image loading problems on codepen
@SomeKittensUx2666 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@SomeKittensUx2666 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
I'm getting tired of fixing other people's horrible markup
new design for old design of mine haters codepen.io/Cicada3301/full/npHat
old design for who can't find the link copot.eu/matei
@monners If you ever find a job that doesn't require that, sign me up!
@SomeKittensUx2666 how about being the guy making horrible markup?
Employment prospects everywhere
@t1wc "$5.00 USD/hour" Lol.
@bjb568 uhh......
I had to put smth in there
That's below minimum wage…
so I decided that was my freelancer account
What is it with some people and floating everything?
@monners ?
Instead of using absolute and relative positioning they just say to themselves I know! I'll float it right and use an explicit width instead of a margin!
Don't float: right a menu, make the container text-align: right.
(for example)
OR: Wrap it in a relative container and position it absolutely, keeping everything nice and modular
@bjb568 So that when the client decides, as they always do, to put a giant, stinking logo in the header it's not a clusterfuck of refloating to squeeze it in.
yeah, you absolutely have to position it, other wise the container of relatives will come, and you don't want to deal with the siblings!
oh boy, yet another passport/FB node.js sign-in system
@monners #logo { max-width: 50% }
@bjb568 That's not even close to the solution for what i'm dealing with.
ARRRRG! #wrapper
@monners "put a giant, stinking logo in the header" Then don't allow that. Duh.
@bjb568 Clearly you don't work for a digital agency
#massive #nested #list #of #ids #that #are_not #even #of #unique { float: right }
@monners Well if they insist on making crap, I guess you can.
@bjb568 It's a legacy client
Gah. I hate clients.
Yeah, I've read all of those
@bjb568 not sure if to cry out loud or laugh out loud
At least I have a project manager to shield me from most of that bullshit
!!define lough
@monners [lough](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=undefined) A lake or long, narrow inlet, especially in Ireland
2009 January 26, Henry McDonald, “It's got fancy flats, a hotel. Even a bank. But can the Titanic Quarter stay afloat?”:
Outside, a freezing wind whips across Belfast lough […] .
!!MongoDB or use SQL you wuss.
@SomeKittensUx2666 use SQL you wuss.
Did you guys already saw questions at -60 ? Here's one
Q: Is it true that in Python you can import specific functions from a module unlike in PHP?

user2398036In PHP it is not possible to only get specific functions from an included file. I would usually create five different include files and each would have like 5-6 functions in it. This way, it would be faster. But I hear and see examples on Google where it seems like in Python you can do something...

@monners erm...
Let's try postgresql, because people seem to like it
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'm happy to have chosen pg over mysql for my last OS project
What's the difference?
There's no real big improvement, it just feel more right and clean
Many things may be a little more painful at first, like constraint enforcement, but you're happy to know your database is coherent
Things like functions, triggers, indexes look more clean and powerful too
A little thing : enums are defined based on types (see github.com/Canop/miaou/blob/master/sql/…) so you define it only once instead of having numerous potentially different enum definitions in you db
I'm fairly clueless when it comes to advanced SQL
perfectly what I needed . +1 — Nishant Rambhojun 59 secs ago
SELECT * FROM Table That's all I know.
=> neither +1 nor accept :(
@bjb568 That looks good and advanced
@dystroy Yup :D
			'Chat Message' AS `Type`,
			'Norm' AS `SubType`,
			`Post` AS `Content`,
			`Room` AS `Parent`, (
				SELECT `Name` FROM `Chat-Rooms` WHERE
					`ID` = `Room`
			) AS `PName`,
		FROM `Chat-Posts` `U`
			WHERE `User` != '".$user['Name']."' AND
			NOT `Deleted` AND
			`Room` NOT IN (
				SELECT `ID` FROM `Chat-Rooms` WHERE `Deleted`
			) AND (
				`Post` LIKE '%@".$user['Name']." %' OR (
					SELECT Count(*) FROM `Chat-Posts` WHERE
						`Room` = `U`.`Room` AND
^ That's actually the longest SQL thing I have.
Too mean?
@FelixKling I believe OP is stuck at the "has to code" stage. What he is looking for is someone to write that code so he can solve his 'having to code' problem. One possible solution to OP's problem is complete working code OP can copy-paste into his production app, reading the said code is optional. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 11 secs ago
Ugh, gotta go, won't have internet for a week. GEY
@Lugia101101 wat?
Also, what's gey?
@BenjaminGruenbaum that question is seriously underspecced. Voted to close as unclear.
@BenjaminGruenbaum a homosexual non-Jew
What's the best IDE and compiler to make Flash apps?
@SomeKittensUx2666 So Jews can't be Gey? You're racist, you're a racist man :( You're Hitler, twice.
@chx101 Flash, probably. Although the format is dying for anything but games.
@SomeKittensUx2666 mommy, the bad guy on the internet told me I can't be gey :(
:D, what's up by the way? How's your (not so new) job?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ha. You're right
alright then, good night
@bjb568 That's horrible ^^
@dystroy *bows*
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was imagining it as a cross between Gay and Goy. Close Enough!
All those NOT IN [subquery]... that can't scale...
Job is alright. Ups and downs
Using a mac?
@dystroy I didn't get around to optimizing yet. I'll do it now.
Nope, Linux Mint on Chromebook Pixel
How'd you guys do on predicting the recent tech downturn?
What tech downturn :D?
2000-style. THE WORLD SHALL END!!!
@SomeKittensUx2666 yeah, I get it, but what companies?
You mean Google?
I know FB and Twitter took a nosedive
FB lost what, 7%?
Oh yeah
anyone help me to write a xml file using javascript or jquery...
@Illaya Uh… no.
@bjb568 not possible?
@Illaya XML as in… document.creatElement(), or mystring += <div></div>, or myterriblelibthing($,_,lololo)?
what are you asking @bjb568
@Illaya How do you "write an xml file"?
Ok. So why do we want to help you?
@Illaya what exactly do you need help it
I have a registration page, if the user presses the register button, then the datas will store in a xml file. This is my need.
here in the js room, we offer a free service called Google
@Mosho I tried, but didn't got good one. I think I dont hav enough knowledge to search
@Illaya Use JSON. It's easier.
@bjb568 JSON and XML are 1:1
so if you have a JSON you are one function away from an XML
Still easier.
And me likey.
@Illaya you could do that. Get the data as an object and use x2js or something similar to generate an XML
although you may be fine with just a JSON to begin with
what do you do with the data
for login purpose
well, if you really want XML you can do that
using JSON?
Q: Running Knex queries taking longer in files vs REPL

user1733431I'm trying to seed some data to a database: // seed.js var Knex = require("knex"); var database = require("./config").database; var knex = Knex.initialize(database); knex("users").insert({ first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe" }).exec(function (err, id) { console.log("Fulfilled", id)...

ok. I'll try and come back
@LucyBain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
my holiday ended yesterday ;_;
/back 2 work
@t1wc You do know what happens if you adjust the window size, right?
@monners you refresh the page
user is not supposed to resize window
@t1wc User can and will resize the window.
@monners user will burn if he will
easy fix
btw, refresh, forgot to save
how do I use deep linking with Crossroads.js (i.e. HTML5 pushState)?
@t1wc or if he scrolls with the middle mouse button like I do
@1j01 you will burn in hell anyway... so y u no start?
easy fix I guess
fixed user scrolling
lemme pen it
@think123 isn't that kind of what Crossroads.js does, as a routing library? crossroads.addRoute('lorem/ipsum');?
pen saved
close this please
This question appears to be off-topic because it is not about programing — dystroy 22 secs ago
@JigarJain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dystroy maybe it wants it to be done with programming... that could save him
When doing a string = "prepend" + string, does it matter if the string is gigantic? ..memory-exhaustion wise..
@colosso Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@laggingreflex it could hurt, indeed
@t1wc you'd need symbolic programming to analyse the ling term growth of a function
@JanDvorak any alternative?
@laggingreflex can you have an array of substrings and join them later?
@JanDvorak yeah, i'll do something like that. thanks
@dystroy I've heard of something called MathString.js, there are probably others... very high numbers with the ! though
@dystroy make a language called symbolic and bam: that question is valid
simple, huh?
The only proper way to solve that question is by using maths... and it's easy
@dystroy maths? what's that?
just close it :P
goo monin
the thing that is used to design your processor
@SteamFire ninom oog
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about some scoundrel trying to get their homework done for them gratis :-) — paxdiablo 5 mins ago
I love that close reason
ominon go!
@JanDvorak what if he pays?
@t1wc whom?
@JanDvorak the questioner
@1j01 working on scrolling, before I meant window resize
@t1wc as in, pay himself to answer?
@t1wc oh
@JanDvorak no, but paxdiablo might be wrong, he can pay theorically, so I disagree on the gratis part
@t1wc but, whom will he pay?
and for the logics on the internet people I therefore disagree with everything he said
My website is divided in two part. One is left part having options and other part generating content related to that particular option. Now what I need is instead of generating content for all option. I want my website to send request and bring data for a particular option without generating the content of whole page again.
@JanDvorak pay the answerer
@t1wc ... after answering?
@Nitish use a frameset ? :)
@JanDvorak just kidding, don't worry, I'm not serious
@dystroy Are there any better option?
@Nitish please don't ping people randomly. It's rude.
@Nitish There's this new thing called ajax
Sorry it was by mistake
@Nitish you can link to elements with a certain id in that same page, causing it to not load the page again
Did someone mentioned frameset? Is this 90s?
what? imgur deletes images after a certain amount of time?
@t1wc i dont think so
@t1wc doubt so.. What i know is they give u the delete link to do that manually
apparently it changed the link of one of my images
@t1wc Thanks
that's weird
@Nitish no prob ;) also, you can use window.location.hash to get what the id you're at is with javascript, so you can show just what you want to show
@t1wc several things are off about the new site btw
but it's progress :P
@Mosho compare it to the previous design
it's giant steps baby!
morning all
@DrogoNevets 'mornin'
Mornin drogo
4 days weekends <3
thank you Jesus
2 week vacation
thank me Me
@SteamFire indeed! have a good one?
> PDF compressed
We compressed your file to 253.41KB. It was 12.02MB before. That's only 3% of its original size. Awesome!
it looks exactly the same
adobe are trolling me
at least it's pdf :P
maybe the file header is 253.41k?
@Balakumar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak what do you mean
the output is identical
it's technically lower quality, of course
but it looks the same, and I doubt the original was 5000dpi
@1j01 Yes, but when used with Hasher.js (as the website recommends), the URL requires a hash in the middle - which I cannot have (for reasons beyond me), so I was wondering about an alternative library / an option in Hasher.js / Crossroads.js.
@DrogoNevets Yeah great, i'm just disappointed with the weather... I miss something huge:
What about yours?
@SteamFire ditto! (and IFLS is brill!)
mine wasnt too bad, spent it with the in-laws to be, which was nice
the nephews less so, badly behaved ingrits!, but i'll live
There was just on 16 april, the weather was clear but I didn't look up...
Maybe those days
@think123 Well I've never done anything like that before. (Well, hashes, but..) Next up on one of my todo lists is using pushState etc. (esp. since hashchange is maybe broken in chrome?)
@SteamFire we have a couple of days to maybe see something.....
Can $('.foo').addClass('bar').attr('checked', true); be considered currying?
@Oleg It's called chaining
also related to the builder pattern
@DrogoNevets but no more on vacation... :(
@Oleg how so ? I don't see any currying here
this is currying: $(".foo").set("attr")("checked")(true)`
@SteamFire there is that........
Did you mean this ? $('.foo') ? This is just using a constructor
dat (...)(...)(...) cuntifu
"In mathematics and computer science, currying is the technique of transforming a function that takes multiple arguments in such a way that it can be called as a chain of functions, each with a single argument (partial application)."
I might have gone overboard with attr('checked', true)
no, it's something else
yours is not a chain of functions
it's a function that returns a function that returns a function etc., as many times as there are arguments in the function you curried
But how is a(x).b(y).c(z) is conceptually different from d(x)(y)(z)?
yours are functions that return this and you just call another method of this
notation ....
@Oleg the dots...
@Mosho so, this cannot be a function?
@Oleg Currying is building a new function which needs less arguments. Your chaining isn't building a new function.
a(x).b(y).c(z) = multiply a(x) with b(y), then multiply the result with c(z)
d(x)(y)(z) = curry
that's a builder pattern
@Oleg And that is called currying abuse
How is the syntactic sugar of classes gonna be backwards compatible? Or are we just gonna say F*** you to IE now ?
in currying, if you stop too soon, you're left with a function
@Schoening Those days IE is faster in learning the new tricks
@Oleg it can, because functions are objects, but I think you're missing the point
@JanDvorak but in my case too, if I stop too soon, I'm left with a function (or object, which functions are anyway)
@dystroy why abuse? we shouldn't do it?
Okey :) but we are still saying bye to legacy browsers?
@Schoening we have already with canvas
@Oleg In that case, jan was right, it's more like a builder pattern, you don't really produce functions
@Oleg it's different. You don't have to know what the function is doing, you can just call it
but abusing currying leads to readibility problems in my opinion, because you have to know the whole chain to know what a function does
with chaining you are calling specific methods
@Schoening browsers are auto-updating now, we just have to wait a little. But I'm not so impatient to use classes in JS...
Yeah alright. But it still does mean that everyone has to upgrade their browser. It took me ages to get my mom to use Chrome. Had to delete the IE symbol
@dystroy define "currying abuse"
@dystroy really? how is take(x).add(y).multiplyBy(z) less readable than curry(x)(y)(z)?
Neither am I @dystroy but I'm reading about them. So I figured I ask what is gonna happen :)
@JanDvorak useless use of currying making the code less readable because you have to decipher previous function calls to know what a specific function call might be doing.
@dystroy mobile is still an issue
@JanDvorak How so (honest question) ? Are mobile browsers less self updating than the other ones ?
@dystroy just look at what is before the first pair of parentheses
@dystroy I still have a Symbian phone
the best you can get is Opera Mobile
@JanDvorak but that's chaining, I thought we were talking about currying
@Mosho so what is conceptually different between the two?
BTW I now think that my father who's on XP can't go to the new sites...
Other than the implementation details like "this returns a function or an object or whatever" or there's a dot in between.
@dystroy not even in Chrome?
@Oleg like I said, one is a function that returns a function (that returns a function etc...), the other is an object whose methods return the object so you can call the methods in a chain
it's pretty different
@Oleg in builder pattern, you can call different functions on the return object
Strangest title...
Q: Uncaught ReferenceError: netscape is not defined

Simeoni PeraparotaI have this code: function copyToClipboardCrossbrowser(s, el) { $('.copyToBtn').each(function () { $(this).removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('ui-state-disabled'); }); $(el).attr("disabled", "disabled"); //s = document.getElementById(s).value; // alert("'" + s + "...

yeah, and you have to know what those functions are
@JanDvorak I'm not sure. I couldn't go and see his computer in the last months
@SomeRandomUser56789 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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