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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

does jsfiddle still have the weird quoatation mark problem when copy pasting code?
that a pretty good deal?
ah yeah not bad
1 hour later…
Good evening all.
I have a login page with a form that submits, returns an empty response with a location in the header that navigates to the Facebook login page.
Now we want the facebook login page to appear in a dialog.
I had initially hoped that the url to load would be in some JSON in the response, but no such luck.
How can I (without too much effort as I am fighting the sleep monster as it is) trap the location value from that response and throw it at a jquery dialog?
I am hoping to leave the form intact as it is working and I dont want to have to recreate the call back to the server if I don't have to.
2 hours later…
Listen the tune in this link: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ave_Maria_(Bach/Gounod)
need some help with the physicians out there
in a parabolic motion, the time it takes for an object to hit the ground as it starts from it and has a positive x and y velocity is calculated by (the range)/(starting velocity x), right?
but when velocity x is 0, there is no range, and you get 0/0. How am I going to know the time?
also, when I have an object simply falling the time is calculate with sqrt((2*h)/g)
where h is the height from which the object falls, and g is the gravitational pull
what if I have a starting negative velocity of y? Doesn't that affect the formula at all?
noone? :(
TIL JSbin is more awesome than jsFiddle
the realtime compilation is killer feature
Q: Issue in collapsing(closing) the expanded menu on small view port devices like iPad upon touching anywhere on the surface other than the menu?

PHPLoverI'm using Bootstrap v3.3.0 in the design of my website. When my website is browsed on devices like iPhone, iPad, other tablets, smartphones, etc. the horizontal menu that appears in browser on PC or laptop gets collapsed to an icon. This icon is placed at top right corner of the screen of device...

moaning :P
Q: Stylus middleware not compiling to CSS

user2309862I am having trouble compiling css with the stylus middleware: //use the stylus middleware to compile .styl files app.use(stylus.middleware({ src:__dirname+'/public', compile:compile, })); app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); The compile function looks like this: f...

i cannot run stylus from the command line either
I worked on a really basic HTML5 video player recently: github.com/rdesai03/video_player
@AwalGarg hi bro
@argentum47 it means that Zirak is meddling with the array constructor
SO chat's use of for...in over an array is pathetic
@RahulDesai gj
that l56 and l57 is weird
@argentum47 no idea why zirak does that. I haven't read the entire bot code so can't say
thanks yo
Which flag?
India, Brasil , USA
i was had ...
@JanDvorak hold on, how is it protected?
protected by Community o.O
Its called, catch it and down vote it
i was had windows 8
I wanted to down vote then I accidentally clicked on that star
because Community doesn't know it should be closed and deleted instead
speaking of which...
nuke-pls ^^^^^^^
Which nuke?
A: Passing a Function as a String in JavaScript

Marble DaemonHave you tried overriding a.valueOf()?

oh. gone
Guys, I have an important question!!!
With rlemon gone, what will happen to christmas?
Did he actually leave the chat?
>!!afk I likely won't be available in the chat for a while. Tweet me or email me if the bot goes down.
I repeat: this thing got blown way out of proportion.
where to?
gone fishin'
Like he is gone or blocked?
Gone of his own free will
I maintain 2 minute silence
Imma rudely interrupt your silence
Oh sorry
> I maintain 2 minute silence
Does not mean anybody else has to do it.
Ok 2 minuts over
We have a annual 2 mintes of silence here in the netherlands
8:00 in the evening... last time, we were having dinner at a restaurant....
8:01, some guy walks up to the waiter: would you PLEASE silence the music?!
Sheesh, if you want 2 minutes of silence, do it at home
Don't have dinner at a restaurant then
waiter: takes up the music player, baam baam , with pleasure
I wish
Sure, I respect the idea behind the 2 minutes
It's to remember the war casualties and all that...
But I don t see the value in thinking of that for 2 minutes, then going on your merry way again
People juss wanna show, that they are showing respect. These actions come in various flavors
candle light march
black circle as profile picture
Sure, show it, but don't force others to participate
Silencing a restaurant is just disrespectful.
@Cerbrus In Israel it's taken to a much higher level.
I think I'll take a short break too.
Trains, cars, people, everyone stops and shuts up for a minute or two (we have two of these "silence moments")
See you guys in a week. I'll be back when Jhawins is back.
self star like a bauce
Someone add me back next week, see ya
wait, WAT
So, apparently, you can star your own messages. That smells like a bug.
@Cerbrus As a room owner, you can pin then unpin, that leaves you with a star.
I just noticed
Seriously thoug, that seems like a bug
@Cerbrus It is a bug
But it's a forever.
No idea.
imma ask balpha
Why is everyone leaving?
don't call that MIblue. I feel insecure by his presence.
Private room
And don't be so paranoid -.-
can someone please try to help me with a issue? im trying to use template theme im building disney movies trailers website im trying to add imbd plugin but the only part that shows up is just the image the rating doesnot show up
If you want me to read the documentation for you, please link to the docs as well as to your code
I support benji / jhawins :P see ya in a week.
This is 1 week silence
miracle cures for coughs......and go
@Sim show us your code (in JSFIddle or plunkr)
i have link for the template
this is a nice template
is this actually the site?
@AwalGarg can you make this?
nop im using that
ok, that doesnt help at all
we need to see the code that isnt working
not the code that is
@argentum47 what?
im not trying to do much i'm using the same template except for the original stars i want to replace it with imbd plugin
templates for fiverr
@argentum47 link?
but when i embed from imbd the only thing that does show up is just the image alone but the text doesn't some up
@argentum47 IIRC, I made a similar one a while ago.
OH cool
I am not selling that template to any idiot from fiverr to 5 bucks
@argentum47 I am gonna do the angular js idea of yours and a debug gig for now
both would be a win win for me
i will learn angie with you too.
have you started?
so can anyone help?
@Sim not without the code
@argentum47 looked at how things go in it yesterday... understood what directives are. That's all.
@Sim that looks like its working to me
thats the code for imbd i want to replace it with original starts
Takes 15 minutes maybe
it does work but the rating doesn't show only the image shows up
ok, now instead of us doing for you, lets see what you have done and fix that
@AwalGarg you talking about angular? if so its a great framework
@Sim ok, so show us an example of this with your code
@argentum47 we've told you before about promoting piracy here
It is there, but don't download it, if you do, i will come and delete it for ya.
@DrogoNevets It is okayish. There are two things I disliked - 1) It is a heavy framework 2) Writing logic inside HTML doesn't suit me
I am not sure about the second point, I am gonna spend some more time on it this evening
@AwalGarg writing view logic in HTML is fine, anything else isnot, and you need to redesign your code
@DrogoNevets "redesign code"? which one?
if you are putting more than view logic in the presentation layer, you need to rethink how your app works
ahh, kk. I haven't written any angular code yet. Just took a glimpse about the things yesterday.
@argentum47 on miaou?
it tries to kind of extend HTML, so your thinking of it will need to change to
w3layouts.com/preview/?l=/… link for theme as you guys know i used the developers tools and the did it locally same issue occurred im trying to add the imbd code to replace with <div class="rateit">
w3layouts??? Is that somehow related to w3schools and w3reference?
I smell name trickery ;p
!!whois w3layouts.com
@Cerbrus That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: whoosh
their suppport is [sic]
Aww, Cap doesn't have whois
sweet. There's no link from their help section back to the main page
<div class="header"> ... </div>
Someone lacks proper dev tools here :-)
@Cerbrus teach it her
<div class="wrap"><div id="main"> ... </div> </div>
Apart from the iframe, the DOM doesn't seem too bad, actually
They lack most indentation in their javascript, though
@DrogoNevets: Can't
inconsistent inclusion/exclusion of the script type attribute
We can only teach cap simple commands
usage of jQuery for basic hover effects (they literally just set/clear a class on hover)
@Cerbrus why not fork from github and write the code?
prntscr.com/53jbgy will that help or you guys need fiddle?
ok... some indentation is missing. Mostly it's present, though.
@Sim fiddle
@Sim that's... useful. Not.
will work on it thanks
anyone use ember cli?
@AwalGarg what is miaou
Murphy's law strikes again :(
in Room for Cerbrus and balpha, 2 mins ago, by balpha
@Cerbrus That's intentional. I don't have any strong feelings about it either way, but when I brought it up years ago when I implemented it, Jeff's response was "That's fine, a small extra power for room owners"
@Buzzy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 hour later…
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not sure if serious
@copy BenjaminGruenbaum is afk.
@argentum47 flex layout using css3 right?
Where, when, how, why
ya css 3 introduced flex
^ I didn't create that.
on first click of button I want to call one function and on second click of same button I want to call other function. Can I do so?
@NehilMistry Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@NehilMistry keep a counter?
@Mr_Green its cool
Can you send me some link? I tried but not getting correct solution
That's not that difficult to write that we can write that for you. and with that being said you should show us that you tried
function () {
var count = 0;

$('table').click(function () {
count += 1;

if (count == 2) {
// my code
what do you think about count%2 == 0
@argentum47 miaou is a chat service by a regular of this room (@dystroy). It is unrelated to SO and a very usable service, specially good for private conversations. Check it out at dystroy.org/miaou
@AwalGarg I joined
lol this room is now so dull because everyone is in miaou :D
Everyone is moving to alternative platforms with their chat :P
If, at least, people would move to IRC...
But, no, they need to have their own 100 MB RAM browser tab for their chat
hi all
Morning Folks
I am looking forward to purchase a VPS
@OliverSalzburg This chat often uses 1gb for me.
any suggestions on the best and cheap service providers.
i want to build my own svg-editor... does anybody know where to find "draw" functions? [function to draw an ellipse, a rectangle, on the fly over my svg canvas with mouse events]
You know you can just render svg directly
yes i know, but here, i need something like :
- my main canvas (with a "main default layer")
- layers (display or not, create, delete)
- option -> draw rect / line / ellipse (on a specific layer)
- option -> drag&drop images (svg items, on a specific layer)
- option -> delete / edit items
Also, canvas's api is nearly identical to the way SVG does pathing
@copy the most difficult thing is, imo, to insert the right svg code at the good place with events (on click, mouserelease, etc...)
@KendallFrey well, what i really need is a "simplified & customized" svg-edit... (from google you know?)
There's nothing particularly difficult about that, you just need to code it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ping
@Alnitak BenjaminGruenbaum is afk.
@KendallFrey yes, i'm sure it is not that difficult, but these "functions" already exist... i'm looking into the "svg-edit" js files, and can't find them... that's why i ask here, if anyone already looked for this... (and found it^^) :)
@Alnitak hey, I'm on break from SO chat for a week - we can talk in this room if you'd like
4 hours ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
See you guys in a week. I'll be back when Jhawins is back.
I'm lost about encapsulation with javascript. Am I limited if I try to call a function from within an object literal? My own coding suggests I am, but, I also can't be sure if I've just not made a coding error
function MyFUnc() {
this.doThis() = function(val) {
call a function from another js file?
The error message is "functionName" is not defined
Yes, good idea! That normally helps as well, re-writing it!!!
@BenjaminGruenbaum You know, !!afk on a break from SO chat for a week would be more appropriate
@SecondRikudo BenjaminGruenbaum is afk.
@SecondRikudo well...
Can I ask a question regarding nodejs here. There's nobody in that room.. LOL
well, first i have to handle events related to my svg canvas
So i have my canvas, and, on click IN it, i have to return the "relative" click position (for further actions) AND the id of the clicked element within the canvas (IF an element is clicked)
(my canvas is filled with some svg objects, i gave them an Id)
!!welcome sid
@sid Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
when i click anywhere on my canvas, i get the click position back AND the canvas id,
Thanks guys.
Hey I have one question. I am using a nodeJS server in a different domain than the client. I use express in the server. I use res.redirect('back') to redirect it back to the client's domain which lands on the dashboard. I wish to land to the Apps page instead of the dashboard in the client domain. How can I do that? If I use res.redirect('/apps') it will redirect to /apps in the server's domain. Please help...
but, when i click on any element (into the canvas) i don't get the element's id back... only canvas id...
Thanks Kendall - it runs fine in jsfiddle, so it has to be my code I think
any idea anyone?
@Julo0sS check out event.target
@JanDvorak thx
Does anyone have any idea??
is the function called readMe always 'private' to the parent function? If you have time, please consider the code

function DoThis() {
    this.Done = function(d) {
       //do more

        function readMe() {
           //Can I only be called from within this encapsulation
I think the answer is yes
it kind of depends on what you do with it
yes, and hit Ctrl+K when pasting code
Yes, ok. That's what my testing has shown, but I've made so many errors it's hard to konw if I'm right or if I've made a coding error
Thasnk CS
Hey I have one question. I am using a nodeJS server in a different domain than the client. I use express in the server. I use res.redirect('back') to redirect it back to the client's domain which lands on the dashboard. I wish to land to the Apps page instead of the dashboard in the client domain. How can I do that? If I use res.redirect('/apps') it will redirect to /apps in the server's domain. Please help...
@KendallFrey, initially only use it in that 'class' (function) but now, I need to expose it to the world, so I guess I just need to move it to it's own JS file
or it's own place any way
it would probably make the most sense to store it in an object
Everything in your code should be inside an object, if you're exposing it as a library
@JanDvorak it seems like the elements are "filled".. when i click "inside" an ellipse for example, it gives me the ellipse id back... if i remove the "fill" from the svg code, it is completely black... any way to draw "empty" objects?
as in, click-through?
pointer-event:none, or something like that
!!mdn pointer-events
@KendallFrey Yes, intially it was exposed as part of the library. However, since this one function reads the contents of a txt file, it's going to be reusable and probably not really suited to any 1 library I think
Unless I create a new one for reading files...
@CapricaSix thx... but is it... cross-browser...? ^^ :P
@Cereal ^^ ok, didnt read that far :P thx
Wow. I thought it was a chrome-only thing, but it's been in firefox since... forever.
@JanDvorak :p
I have heard a few people say javascript is similar to C. Does any one here strongly agree or disagree?
similar is vague I know
the syntax is, but that's about it
but I'll keep it vague as that's how I've heard it
I heard for 2 reasons - syntax (as Jan says) but also C (or C++) is very much a multi purpose language, which let's be honest JS is also becoming I think
You can't lump all general purpose languages together
That would be basically every programming language on the market
Eh? I never tried to. But, yes you can. :) If there were 2 categories, which are general purpose and which are not!! :) :P : )
Do you think? I mean, VBa is hardly genearl purpose
maybe that's the wrong phrase
I mean, can you run your favourite VBa script on your favourite linux box?
It pretty much is
he he he he
general purpose doesn't mean portable
Do you think so? How interesting
no, good point
But I heard .NET was 'designe'd to suit small to medium size projects
yeah um no
obvioulys, ambiguous but, this is a quote from DotNetRocks
many huge projects use .NET successfully
and that it just worked on bigger scale projects
Ah, yes, but that doesn't meant it was intdened
If it was designed for small projects we wouldn't have enterprisey solutions like WPF and WCF
I could reach the top self by standing on my push bike
Initially I meant :)
I woudlnt' have said WPF is designed for the enterprise, just that it can be used
ah, so now I end up describing general purpose
It has the capability for it
well played!!!!
ha ha
It was designed to be used on a large scale
            var posX = $(this).offset().left, posY = $(this).offset().top;
            alert((e.pageX - posX)+ ' , ' + (e.pageY - posY));
            alert("OBJECT : "+e.target.id);
            var id = e.target.id;
            var $item = $("#"+id);
                alert("has class!");
                alert("does NOT have the class");
addClass does not seem to work... :/
(it does not apply the class style)
Should it be var $item = $("#"+id);
and not var item = $("#"+id);
or does that have some special meaning I yet not know of?
@Dave it's just a naming convention
ah, OK
Thank you
if i do :
everything ok,
but if my class style is
it does nothing... in other words, the addClass does not seem to work...
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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