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@FlorianMargaine yeah, should've seen it coming. I wonder if it's still a bug (hints at @BenjaminGruenbaum to check)
This is my steam summer sale guide as well ^
@Loktar how is endless space?
@dievardump just buy a nexus 4
!!> var o={'foo': 'q', 'foo':'bar'}; o.foo;
@cx "bar"
@FlorianMargaine I second this
@AhmedAli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm making a small userscript which oneboxes mp4 and mp3 links (now expanding it to other types), and I'm thinking of transforming it into a general-purpose onebox generator helper thing.
!!google onebox
@cx It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words
@cx That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@cx The thing the chat does, transforming links into boxes of useful data.
@rlemon I third this.
is anyone familiar with highcharts?
@mikedidthis it is a solid phone
haven't had any issues with it thus far.
although I found the camera to be a smidgen better on my Galaxy Nexus (even thought I don't think it actually was.. pictures looked better taken on it)
question; given a picture with a gradient, is there any way to "deconstruct" that gradient such that I can put it into javascript? ie, like an eyedropper for gradients
you can load it into a canvas element and parse the matrix
@Zirak maybe SE already has this
I was talking about the general purposeness
If you can find it, that'd be neat
nah, go into coding monkey mode
@Zirak btw, rlemon offered you a job in Canada for a higher pay than you have
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
    context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
    image = new Image(),
    height, width;
image.src = "someimage.jpg";
image.onload = init;
function init() {
    height = canvas.height = image.height;
    width = canvas.width = image.width;
    var idata = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
    var data = idata.data;
    for( var i = 0; i < data.length; i+=4 ) {
            r: data[i],
            g: data[i+1],
@Crowz ^
fuck..... fixed
I have a Backbone project that uses Mustache but I want to use Marionette. It seems like the support is kinda spotty (I've seen mustache examples for ItemView) so I'm thinking about switching to handlebars or underscore for the templating...is this going to be messy?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I had to read that URL three times because I thought I was misreading it
@Crowz I gave up trying to understand the title (the article is too long)
@rlemon haha nice, that's the best one so far
can you basically save a gradient like a color? I am using highcharts and they have a "color: " option but I want a gradient
@BenjaminGruenbaum That looks like the beginning of a Kafka story.
"Kazuma woke up one bright morning, turned around, and discovered his girlfriend has been transformed into an alpaca".
"The Lovemorphosis"
Yukari: I'm still the same girl on the inside! *spits on Kazuma* see!?
should one care about IE6/7/8 while making a site?
after how many items a SQL composite key is too 'big' ?
I have some with 3
@AnujKaithwas Depending on your target audience
@cx 7
ok my design is still not too sucky
@AnujKaithwas no you shouldn't, it's a waste of time and resources
@AnujKaithwas That's a lie
@AnujKaithwas if you're masochist yes
why is it a lie?
You say everyone, but in reality, the people who use those browsers are not in your target demographic
day googling error reports just to find out there was a gap in the documentation and they missed a build step
Your audience doesn't include people without computers. They don't include people whose computers are offline or only connected to an intranet. You're targeting some populace, and not some other populace.
@phenomnomnominal, yeah, but what I meant was, do people still exist who use IE6/7/8?
the only people using these browsers are not using them on the open web
so short answer is no
@Zirak, and ofcourse the dead people.
support MAYBE IE8
or if they are, they're in workplaces who won't let them use your site anyway
For instance, if you were mainly targeting Chinese enterprise employees, you'd care more about IE6 compat.
but I would start with IE9+ and if you see a lot of IE8 users then maybe check out supporting it
you want to degrade gracefully
yeah I saw the globalstatus of IE6, only the chinese people are using it
sometimes old enterprise information systems inslude ie7-
but you also don't want to waste development time (and it will be a waste)
if you are targeting your average internet joe then IE[8/]9+ is usually OK.
yeah, it's like focusing on IE6 as if it is a special piece.
And there's also what you're actually developing. If you're making a website for your mom's dog's baked goods, it's probably not going to include complex stuff.
haha yeah.
So compatibility will come easy
@phenomnomnominal bro! does your companies website run on Ice?
But if you're making complex games, people with IE8- know they're going to miss out, so they're not in your target.
If you're making a 3d virtual world, then you can forget about almost all browsers
@rlemon, Ice? As in frozen water, or something else? Either way not sure.
i am making a real time web application. so I guess only IE 9 is in the support picture.
yep and if you need CORS I know a trick for ie10-
Again, that depends
GNU IceCat, formerly known as GNU IceWeasel, is a free software rebranding of the Mozilla Firefox web browser distributed by the GNU Project. It is compatible with both the GNU/Linux and OS X (10.4 and 10.5) operating systems. The GNU Project keeps IceCat in synchronization with upstream development of Firefox while removing all trademarked artwork. It also maintains a large list of free software plugins. In addition, it features a few security features not found in the mainline Firefox browser. History Origins of the name The Mozilla Corporation owns trademark to the Firefox name...
IE9 doesn't have websockets
Just started a bounty on a question - show all your C# friends
Q: Accessing Database Entities from Controller

Benjamin Gruenbaumtl;dr In a good design. Should accessing the database be handled in a separate business logic layer (in an asp.net MVC model), or is it OK to pass IQueryables or DbContext objects to a controller? Why? What are the pros and cons of each? I'm building an ASP.NET MVC application in C#. It use...

the joys of joining a new project and the first thing you get to do is to clean up the mess :D
@IvoWetzel you also get hated for that
as a present
@rlemon, haha oh. Maybe? We support down to IE7 (only just dropped 6), so I'd assume the functionality will work.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I always want to jump in and help, but then ASP, MVC, C#2+. ..... :(
mine is long polling.
you should fall back to long polling
@cx Maybe, but it's really needed in this case, they had 4 files. Now there are over 30 after I'm done :D
Soo much stuff clumped up, so many issues with leaking globals and stuff >_>
But it's fun cleaning it up :)
but websockets is in development, however there is SignalR that uses long polling as a fallback and ebsockets as primary
@AnujKaithwas thats what she said
is socket.io dead?
@rlemon, who she said what?
get this. they want to host the node api on windows
I hope everyone here is taking advantage of the Steam Summer Sale
@rlemon no commits for 4 months, and it was tiny
51 mins ago, by rlemon
This is my steam summer sale guide as well ^
52 mins ago, by rlemon
ok good! :P
My only regret is not having time to play them all :(
I havent played endless space btw
it looks fun though :?
fucking life... getting in the way of my precious gaming...
i need some convincing arguments for using linux
it's better
@Zirak, I didn't see the point.
my pm went in vacation for 2 weeks
Awesome window manager. Enough said
I'm his backup
@FlorianMargaine haha
@hanleyhansen what are you currently using?
no additional compensation ?
@hanleyhansen Try it, see if you feel like Spartacus paid a visit.
I spend most of my time over phone and reading/writing mails
and adding stuff to my calendar
@hanleyhansen it is free... what do you have to lose?
I never used my calendar before that
@Loktar they are using windows to host everything. i just joined the project. windows and svn
i wanna switch to git and linux
@rlemon lol
@rlemon new hardware
oooh for hosting...
I prefer linux for any hosting by far
@hanleyhansen why would you need new hardware?
git vs svn, meh
!!tell AnujKaithwas wiki That's what she said
@rlemon not new but we would have to repurpose something
but also git
it depends what the team knows better honestly
only used git and svn, but I like git better
youd have to work into git
i don't like svn
with what I've done I've noticed no major changes between the two
I know there are
but Im pretty indifferent on the svn vs git.
I just use git now because its the hip thing to do :P
well i'm also biased.
used git from the command line and svn as a VS plugin
@Loktar oh no...git is definitely an improvement over svn. SVN isn't distributed, which git is.
@Zirak yeah I know there are a ton of things git has over svn. But I havent used either one enough to notice
what's wrong with my code? jsbin.com/omerow/2/edit
@Loktar the Qt 5.1 documentation is retarded. took me two days to get the freaking serialport shit working.
because their docs kept telling me to build it and include the library and yada yada yada
That's the major leap and bound, from something like SVN or CVS to something like git/mercurial/GNU arch/whatever
but in 5.1 it's already included so i created a shitload of conflicts. :/
I'd like to copy an array with applying a ratio to it's 5th 12th, 13th, 14th elt, let's handwrite it :( [d[0], ..., r*d[5], ..
@rlemon yeah the docs are confusing
qt has like 20 diff ways to do one thing as well it seems
it is annoying as hell
There are many other differences like the efficient merge or the fact you don't have .svn directories everywhere when using git. SVN is just obsolete now.
did you have comm between the c++ and the html view?
I see like 4 different ways to do that as well.
I just need to send json data :P
no all I needed was to take a canvas proj, and put it in an exe
and it was the best tool for that
what kind of robotic things you use with comm
well I wanted all the resources embedded into the exe
@Loktar except for the distributed thingie, git is far superior to svn
I have merging issues all the time with svn at work
for stupid stuff
@cx atm, relay control board.
ok merging is annoying in svn
switches that don't go full-blown because svn doesn't know how to switch
I guess I have never merged in git though
without leaving trash
add the same file to 2 branches in svn -> merging fucked
And the bugs... so many cases of fucked repositories, like when one of your colleagues inadvertently copies one folder and then changes made in that folders are propagated to the other one...
!!c> d=[1..14]; d.slice(0,4).concat([10*d[5]]).concat(d.slice(6,13))
@cx Could not process input. Error: reserved word "var" on line 8
@cx "ReferenceError: d is not defined"
@cx "ReferenceError: x is not defined"
@cx [1,2,3,4,60,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]
@Loktar so any summer sale recommendations?
Bastion and Don't Starve have been excellent recommendations from you thus far, :P
I picked up Left4Dead2 this morning
l4d2 is fun, mainly if you can find a good group who plays
for $5 I couldn't pass it up
Hotline Miami is supposedly awesome
I havent personally played it though
$2.50 - can't say no
yeah crazy cheap
> We see you're currently logged into the Steam desktop app. Would you like to remotely install your games onto this machine?
ok I forgive you... you convenient bastard.
yeah that is great that they do that now
Toki Tori 2+ also looks interesting
Little Inferno as well.... idk, seems like something that I would buy for my phone and not my computer
I can't see myself ever being that bored with my other games
This is priceless. vogue.co.uk , hit konami code, keep hitting "a"
toki tori is ok
I have the first one, its a puzzle game primarily
little inferno had some great reviews as well
a game that my son is waiting to go on sale is recettear
its $5, but will prob go to $2.50
great game
@Loktar watch the videos and stuff for little inferno
like it looks VERY well done
animation similar to Don't Starve
its made by the guys who made World of Goo (little inferno)
but it's about burning stuff...
if you've ever played that
which is also really well done
i'm so torn... how much is it?
fuck... $2.50....
when a pack of smokes costs me $12 I can't really say no to games @ $2.50
yeah, the problem is when you dont say no 100 times!
thats what I do :?
its like wow.. wtf did I really spend $450 omg
Who knew small things add up
well I have a little room in my beer gas smokes fish food fund...
steam fixed that game counts finally, I need to get up to 1500 again!
and with remote install they will all be playable when I get home :) MUAHAHAHAHAHA
before the fix I was at like 1549, now im at 1049.
> 78.8 hrs last two weeks / 79 hrs on record
I saw you playing that quite a bit. Im not a ff fan
I never really could get into them
except Mystic Quest on the snes
I'm considering getting the Mortal Combat pack on steam too
which was apparently the dumbed down western vs
oh man the new mortal kombat is great!
!!> ''==false
@cx true
I dont even like fighting games usually.. but it has a really cool campaign (I have it for the ps vita)
Hey does anybody know the Chinese word for "moderator"?
MK was just such a huge part of gaming in the 90's (for me)
@cx Tried.
@AaditMShah This is an odd place to ask
@cx I have a Chinese guy working in my office and even he doesn't know. :P
> 主席
Maybe ELU knows something.
@Zirak Lol.
Chinese is not a language.
(I'm serious, some people there know Mandarin)
it's just some symbols
@rlemon That means "president".
Chineese has ~400 characters and doesn't add more for new words. so words have new meaning in new context.
in the context you ask, that is the word you want
source: we just hired a guy who speaks fluent chineese and this was his answer
xie xie
@Kendal No abuses please.
googling "huan mei" turns out weird results.
Chinese people find it difficult to translate words into Chinese!
@Zirak How different is Mandarin from Chinese?
nvm they are converting to english gradually
@AaditMShah For one thing, "Chinese" isn't a language.
Traditional Chinese
You get the drift.
@John Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm in love with @CapricaSix.
Then I have no clue. I think (don't trust me) that Mandarin is a more evolved Chinese used for informal things, like social interaction.
Quick question, how would I apply a function triggered by a button to multiple fields?
Hey, @BadgerGirl is here. :)
@John button.click.apply(multipleFields)
@AaditMShah I never never never saw "Hey @dystroy is here :)". Is it just because I'm an ugly old bearded monkey ?
You're not a badger.
button.click.apply(button, ArrayOfElementsButNotANodeList);
No, it's just because I've spoken to @BadgerGirl on the phone.
@AaditMShah lol
@rlemon For this I'll be kind to you. For example I won't speak to you on the phone.
thankyou kind sir.
I'm still curious about who called me from New Hampshire
@rlemon plz kind sir its urgent!
@Bernhard Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Simon says it wasn't him
@AaditMShah followup: 调节子 (regulator) might also work (again depending on context)
@rlemon If somebody calls from France, don't be affraid, it's Florian, he's allright. And probably 96% less weird than the badger.
cool. cool cool cool.
I'll answer "Bonjour?"
@rlemon Right. You seem to master French.
realistically (having taken 9 years of it in school) i'm ok if I am around it for a bit
it starts to come back
@dystroy My conversations on the phone are very normal. May I have your phone number to prove it?
What about if somebody calls you from Hawaii?
@BadgerGirl do you have an accent (from the point of view of a Canadian) ?
Do you say "aloha" or something else?
@BadgerGirl No, you can't. Being married I don't venture in phone conversations with attractive girls from weirdland.
@rlemon I don't know, ask @copy.
@copy, ^, is it a sexy one?
@rlemon Definitely
@dystroy: go for it man, Copy says it's a sexy accent.
you can woo her with your frenchmen sex magic.
Be careful. She'll feed you magic mushrooms.
I wonder what it would feel like to have a beanstalk growing in your tummy.
@dystroy can I call your baby when he/she is born?
> Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile. ~ BadgerCopy
anybody ever been on a node team with windows and mac developers? how do you manage the directory paths?
make the developers work in the same environment ??
not gonna happen
@hanleyhansen node handles paths in multiple environments without issue
when i run it on my mac it's not finding folders
and files
@BadgerGirl The "babyphone" we're looking for has a range of about 200 m, so I'm afraid it won't be possible :\
@dystroy Are you sure?
@hanleyhansen because the program sucks, not because of node
that must be it
@rlemon Thank you. I think 调节子 (regulator) is the word we were looking for.
np. I've been getting schooled on Chineese (simplified and traditional) over the past week now
he (new co-worker) speaks both, reads both, also spanish.
That sounds like fun.
@rlemon Nudge registered.
@Room, got us covered.
!!/help nudge
@dystroy nudge: Register a nudge after an interval. /nudge intervalInMinutes message, or the listener, nudge|remind|poke me? in? intervalInMinutes message
@rlemon Nudge registered.
!!> setTimeout(console.log.bind(console), 0, "Hello World!");
@AaditMShah 1
@rlemon Nudge registered.
and we're set for the next three sale updates.
@AaditMShah 1
!!/nudge 0 "Hello World!"
@AaditMShah Nudge registered.
@AaditMShah nudge Hello World!
@rlemon you should make the nudges ping you and loke
they will ping me. I can do it for him too I suppose
@Snoob Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!/tell Loktar nudge 1146 **STEAM SALE IS UPDATED! GO GO GO GO GO!!!!**
@Loktar Nudge registered.
About benchmarking in general
@Loktar Nudge registered.
it is?
no but now the bot will nudge you for the next three updates
ah lol ty
@rlemon Is it possible to tell the bot to nudge people from inside a loop?
@Loktar keep in mind those pings will be +- ~3 minutes of the actual sale starting
/ rolling over
steam store will be dying hard 10 mins before and after anyway
so ill be doing a lot of refreshing
I love SO for things like that
/r/gaming was blowing up with "STEAM, Y U NO LET ME BUY GAMES"
-1 for CoffeeScript. +1 for the apparent cleverness of it... and -1 again for CoffeeScript. — David Murdoch Jul 8 at 21:51

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