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@JanDvorak how to post like something like that?
just enter the URL to be oneboxed
Only works with certain sites though.
@JanDvorak how to "onebox"
I'm getting off
@Jhawinsss cya
@vincent Read the chat FAQ
@Jhawinsss night
A booby is a seabird in the genus Sula, part of the Sulidae family. Boobies are closely related to the gannets (Morus), which were formerly included in Sula. Description Boobies hunt fish by diving from a height into the sea and pursuing their prey underwater. Facial air sacs under their skin cushion the impact with the water. Boobies are colonial breeders on islands and coasts. They normally lay one or more chalky-blue eggs on the ground or sometimes in a tree nest. Name Their name was possibly based on the Spanish slang term bobo, meaning "stupid", as these tame birds had a habit...
@JanDvorak seen one of those yesterday :)
@JanDvorak what userscript were you on about earlier?
@Connor taxonomists hate birds
it sucks. coz there's a funnier photo of a booby.
Q: Which links and sites are handled specially in chat?

Juha SyrjäläThere is special linking to some sites in chat. What is the full list of supported and integrated sites? Return to FAQ index

@JanDvorak thanks
damn noone tryed the new gmaps?
@BenjaminGruenbaum What do you mean? They use C++ ;-)
damn it's soooo faster :O
Oh hi guys!
@Jack how fast is HipHop anyway?
@Jack they don't
@BenjaminGruenbaum still HipHop alive?
they use a PHP JIT since a few months now
@BenjaminGruenbaum Arguably as fast as you can get .. though, speed depends on other factors too.
@FlorianMargaine Link?
@Jack Not fast enough for chat apparently
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone where is the new gmaps
Wasn't the previous approach also called hiphop that would actually compile to c++? Perhaps I was misinformed :)
@Jack Yeah, hiphop compiles to C++ :)
@vincent you have to join waiting list
try here
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone i already requested them.
oh ok wait some time :P
i got it in 3/4 days
@Jack it was
but they changed this approach...
> The last message was posted 963 days ago.
=> not the current one
because they didn't like the compilation step
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone this means , more methods for their apis, having the limit of 1000 request per day and 100k for business . sucks
@FlorianMargaine Cool, are there any articles on that besides the github project?
@vincent yeah API sucks really
but they did that in webGL afaik
and it looks faster as i can see
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone and expensive.... oem license costs $10k per annum.
(@copy @Shmiddty chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/27/codegolf might want to revive that )
@vincent yeah i prefer openstreetmap+openlayers api sure!
@BenjaminGruenbaum \o
thanks man :D your knap sack saved the day :D
Glad it helped :)
best one for me is openstreetmap+mapbox tiles
but mapbox it costs uff :P
you sire are awesome :D
how can i detect both ALT and ^ arrow on keyboard at the same time with jQuery
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone yeah! so good, ex-googlers created their own map using OSM too and rendered in vector maps. i really wanna find out how they did it. :P
Don't you need the Shift key for that as well? @Connor
@Jack preferably not just ALT + ^
alt = 18
You mean ALT + 6 ?
@vincent eheh advantages to work in big company :P
@Connor you know you dont need jQuery for it
@Jack up is 38 i think
@Darkyen but im using jQuery anyway so..
i think best advantage to work in so huge companies is to watch the real time of the world internet traffic damn
It's not a jQuery problem is what he meant.
@Jack yeah i suppose just keydown for jQuery
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone so true. :)
many ex-huge-company employers did great webapps earned many moneys just cause they knew where to go :)
@FlorianMargaine Cheers! ^^
and the big mistery for me is "how the hell, google first, can't do a webapp which will kill the market , just spoofing little bit their data from the search engine ?"
That's a pretty old article though ... and they've only started using it for a few months?
   if( e.altKey && e.keyCode == 54 ){
      console.log("You got it");
i mean they fkn have the enteire world's searched keywords why do the hell they are unable to build what people wants !?!?!?!
@BenjaminGruenbaum good edit :)
@Jack maybe it's "years". Time on the internet is weird...
did you agree?
@Darkyen thanks im looking here, and up seems to be 38
^ - ????
@FlorianMargaine lol
@Darkyen sorry jsfiddle.net/gFcuU
@dystroy ty
@dystroy I even dv'd the other answer, people posting the same answer 7 minutes later.. grr..
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone im not quite sure too, but according to a blog that i read. Google keeps their technology and new things to their own and engineers are not supposed to discuss it to anyone outside the company. So we don't really know what's new......
@dystroy I also ended up editing MDN for it :P MDN said objects are associative arrays, that was just not true
@vincent sure dude, but OUT OF THE COMPANY is the rule, what INSIDE THE COMPANY? :))
You edited the MDN ?
they should kill the market :/ but instead they sucks, bringing services like google plus for example
MDN = wiki :) well, sort of.
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone :) lol ok.
@dystroy yeah, I changed "An object is actually an associative array (a.k.a. map, dictionary, hash, lookup table)." to "One can think of an object as an associative array (a.k.a. map, dictionary, hash, lookup table)."
Damn you control+C you have failed me again!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Are you inglor ?
@dystroy yeah
@vincent eheh i seriously can't understand why, you (Google) have 3 trilions of keywords searched every fkn millisecond, and you (Google) can't build up a services that enteire world wants , UNBELIEVABLE!!!
It's the first time I actually need to edit, I mean to contribute there, but haven't had the proper chance to yet.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's the question link?
do enteire world want Google plus while Facebook is already at top?
@Jack It's a stupid ininteresting question
@Connor its 54
you whats the best optionThough ?
@Jack we mostly speak about it because ben and me we find it fun to post as CW
Google , should have no needs to buy external companies, they have all data to spoof what people wants and they have all the fkn moneys/human resources / awesomeness they wants to build and develop !!! unbelievable!!
@vincent i need a blog now
@Darkyen ohhh, not the actual ^ key i meant the up arrow
next to left, right & down
@dystroy That's just you, I did it once and some guy edited the answer to say "DON'T LISTEN TO THIS ANSWER!", well actually I did it a few times, but only once or twice on completely stupid questions
you sob :D Lol
@Connor there is a meta key property on the events to check if Alt was pressed
@dystroy Heh, I do that too :)
Q: making table's <tbody> scrollable using display:block and offsetWidth

BeNdErRI'm trying to make a table tbody scrollable, and reading this SO question I found out that I have to apply a display: block; plus overflow and a fixed height to the table's tbody. Also, to set the tbody width to match the thead width, I need to set the offsetWidth for the first row's td. This...

@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone i feel you bro, that's why we have independent engineers that strive to provide those needs. Create innovations and stuff. We don't know, you yourself can build a new app that can change the world :)
@vincent also, ALSO >) , they fkn sad "We use our data only to bring a better world" but they aren't doing , since they do not bring such services that will kill the market :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum The problem I usually find is that it's hard to be sure in what ways the question is stupid. The question you answered as CW made in fact no sense which led to a mess.
@FlorianMargaine event.altKey && event.keyCode === 38 this works fine - is this what you mean?
@dystroy Yeah, I should have just avoided that to begin with I guess
@dystroy in general I should avoid stupid non-contributing questions like that one
@vincent one day you'll read my nick name over Forbes or New York times that's for sure , but damn it's unbelievable everytime i think this i got disappointed ...how to say
@BenjaminGruenbaum This happens to me sometimes : I answer in CW just to see after that there are bigger problems that the obvious one and I then spend too much time trying to save the thing...
That feel :)
@vincent if i got to say somenthing to Google (just for example) i'll say: "Damn, Jhon, you my preferred google engineer,but please, wtf, make a fkn mysql query, check what the hell people wants in the GLOBE and fkn develop a webapp for them, END"
* Big Data query (sorry : D )
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone stop saying "fuck" in every fucking sentence.
@FlorianMargaine sorry was to put emphasis :P
i'm stopping
@FlorianMargaine Yeah thats what i got thanks :)
@Connor this is not cross-browser though.
@FlorianMargaine kk
@vincent do i'm wrong? :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum dupe :)
@Jack Of course, the problem is that what happens is that I close as dupe and post a link, which leads to rep whores clicking the link, copy-pasta'ing the answer and answering the question
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone lol you're correct, but Google is not a "customer"-based company so they don't really care about us (consumers). They have the technology and that's it imo.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh, I would post the right answer first as CW, then find the dupe :)
@Jack Yeah, that works :)
Yeah, I got inspired to do that based on some meta post ;-)
Just noticed :)
Note, what you have is NOT a JSON (at least if you can iterate through it!) but a JavaScript array object, containing other JS objects. See the JSON tag wiki for the difference. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 5 secs ago
Off to nap for 2 hours, ttyl
@vincent what's your primary job dude?
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone im a php developer. lol
@vincent me too ;)
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone not codeigniter but it's mvc.
nice :)
do you even tryed hiphop-php?
i would like to know if it's really faster to use it
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone sadly no, do i have to?
just to know :P
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone but i might look into that. thanks for the info. :)
Can History.js do urls like http://domain.com/path/ ?

Any ?
@l2aelba you can do it with history.js but you still need a fallback function.
@vincent thanks :D
@l2aelba np.
Is it because I'm a noob in the codegolf se site or are some of those guys painful and unfunny ?
I agree that the code golf challenges should be well specificied primarily, and a storyline is secondary.
@Anu hello
I have doubt
!!/greet anu
@Anu define doubt that you have,
is this legit? href="javascript:history.go(-1)" ?
@vincent define "legit"
A page contain a div with a class 'outer', inside of this dive contain another div with class 'inner'. I want to fade out the outer portion of inner div when the page load
How can I possible this?
@JanDvorak working properly across browsers which brings users to the previous page?
@Anu an element cannot me more opaque than its container.
sorry that was for @JanDvorak
@vincent then I'm afraid it's legit
@vincent history.go(-1) is fine, history.back() too.
@Jack @JanDvorak thanks.
href="javascript:..." still looks bad IMO
@Jan So Is it not possible?
@Anu you can fade a background independently on its content
@Anu the usual way is to place an overlay over the content, and the outer content over the overlay
.overlay{position:fixed; left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:100%; background:...}
I just need not to show the portions of the outer portion of inner div
@Anu You could wrap both elements and make them siblings that are positioned inside ... give the inner a higher z-index ... a bit ugly I guess ;-)
Ok thank u :)
I found this question interesting (still without good answer) :
Q: Object is empty but object property is not?

wizzardUnder what circumstances would it be possible that an object is empty, but a property of that object is not? Code: console.log('type: '+typeof(widget)); console.log('obj: '+JSON.stringify(widget)); console.log('data: '+JSON.stringify(widget.data)); Output: [INFO] : type: object [INFO] : ...

@BenjaminGruenbaum Drown something instead.
Q: Can I use a LGPL licensed library for my web project

Parthik GosarI am looking to use a javascript libray licensed under the LGPL license v3. From what I have read so far, I understand that If I do not make any modifications to the library, I can use the library without any restrictions. But if I modify the library, I need to make the modified version avail...

If someone feels able to code in HTML language :
Q: How to get text of selector except sub selector?

Nathan NguyễnI have a HTML snippet <li class="as-selection-item"> <a class="as-close">×</a> Rudy Hamilton </li> How can I get value Rudy Hamilton of class as-selection-item and I don't want to get value class as-close

how to triggers the window resize event on document.ready?
(╯° ‿°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@Anu Why trigger ? Why not simply call the event handler function ?
Is there any other way?
@OctavianDamiean ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
oh come on
A: Three.js: Plane visible only half the time

GNi33It's not visible because the backface of the plane does not get rendered (or better said, a plane doesn't have backfaces per default. On a side note, have a look at backface-culling regarding this. Although it's not the issue in this case, it may give you a little insight about rendering). Three...

see the comment, this answer is a fucking year old, the guy just downvoted me
Mhmm, he's a prick.
Q: In HTML5, is there a way to sort elements such as A is above B, B is above C and C is above A?

ViclibIn HTML5, is there a way to sort elements such as A is above B, B is above C and C is above A? Filler text because there's not really much to add to the question.

@OctavianDamiean I disagree. If an answer is no longer valid, it should be removed, changed or added a version disclaimer
probably it should be updated, but i could run around and downvote a whole load of answers on SO then
@GNi33 please do, but don't forget to leave comments why
yeah, i will
also, don't forget to add version info (or, better yet, update it) to your answer.
@dystroy and look at the tags of the question. LOL
@JanDvorak Well, yea but that doesn't warrant a down-vote. A simple comment would have done the trick.
@OctavianDamiean is the answer incorrect now?
@JanDvorak the emphasis is on now.
It was correct at some point, it's just outdated, also as a SO user you can also edit answers.
@OctavianDamiean, so the correct action is to edit in a version info?
You can improve content if you spot anything outdated.
Indeed, or leave a comment or both.
However, the answer is neither wrong nor bad. It is just outdated.
Answers shouldn't be rated based on when they were posted
Anyone here using angularjs ?
@JanDvorak Of course, because some user might happen to use version x - n which all of a sudden makes an outdated answer very useful for that user.
The Android tag is the best example for that.
Due to its extreme fragmentation, answers for 2.3.x are still relevant to a lot of users.
Even though some of the stuff that worked back in version 2.3.x doesn't work in version 4.x anymore.
@OctavianDamiean it still needs the version disclaimer. Compare "You have to use $.live with "If you're using jQuery 1.4, you have to use $.live". The first one is wrong, the second one is correct and still somewhat useful. If you add information about its replacement in jQuery 1.7, even better.
@JanDvorak I'm not saying there shouldn't be a version disclaimer, I'm saying that just because something seems outdated, it doesn't mean it's bad and should be down-voted.
@OctavianDamiean would you not downvote an answer suggesting $.live without a version disclaimer?
@JanDvorak I would add a version disclaimer.
So basically, if you walk through your house and spot a stain on a window, you don't spit on it and move on but you take a cloth and get rid of the stain because you care.
@OctavianDamiean Or you ask your wife to take a cloth and get rid of the stain
Let's assume you're single.
@OctavianDamiean Roommate
Let's assume it's just you, the house, the windows, the stain and a cloth.
Q: How to deal with obsolete answers?

Mehrdad AfshariI was thinking about this issue from time to time but I didn't know whether it really exists or just an speculation on my side until today when I woke up [!], I saw a very old answer of mine which was correct at that time and had a couple upvotes downvoted (in the meantime I'll leave that answer ...

@OctavianDamiean I assume there is a phone in this house, yes?
@Neil Nope. The house contains just you, windows, a cloth and a stain.
okay...bad news: I've lost bot data, last backup is ~5 days ago
@JanDvorak Looks pretty much like what we've discussed so far.
Sorry, I've been feeling quite obnoxious today
Make that 6 days
@OctavianDamiean this answer suggests downvoting however: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/11781/194047
The top answer is discussing the case where you are the author
@JanDvorak Well, then let me just down-vote that answer because I think he is wrong.
does everyone know what boldchat is?
not me
@JanDvorak what about liveperson?
@Zirak 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, convert, define, fuckable, get, google, hang, inhistory, learn, 5318008, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, knock, lick, insult, ultimateinsult, microlove, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, ninjad, sarcasm (page 0/2)
boldchat.com - well basically it is live support application for businesses
crap...well, not so good.
!!/welcome back
@back Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yo !
@JanDvorak do you think node.js would be the best to build that sort of app on?
3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 ...
@Connor perhaps, no experience
Oh where would I be without the period key? Life would be pointless.
fml Ubuntu Touch looks great compared to Firefox OS' current state.
@OctavianDamiean really ?
@phenomnomnominal and @Connor, sorry about that
@dievardump The Firefox OS nightlies are barely useable.
I plan to buy a new mobile and was thinking of experimenting Firefox OS and Ubutuntu touch on my current HTC Desire
@CapricaSix Needs more digits
Q: How easy is to hack Javascript (in a browser)?

Jesus RodriguezMy question is regarding Javascript security. Imagine an auth system. You're using a javascript framework like backbone or angularjs and you need to use secure endpoints. That is not a problem, the server always have the last word and will see if you're able to do what you want. But what if you...

@dievardump Eh, you shouldn't try Ubuntu Touch on your HTC Desire.
It is not powerful enough.
Why ?
A device should feature at least 1GB RAM.
@OctavianDamiean I need to get rid of my calculator, then
Also, of my N5230
However, the keyboard of UT sucks big time compared to B2G (FFOS looks weird).
@OctavianDamiean HTC Desire is not :(
@Zirak What's up?
@JoachimSauer I think that would miss the point of this question which you nailed nicely. Regardless of what security measures the client takes, it's possible to compromise communication . You can create very solid authentication systems in JavaScript but it's all worth nothing the minute you insert communication to a server other clients treat as a source of truth too. The source code is all sent to the client side, a smart attacker can just read it, and imitate an HTTP request to the server. One must treat anything originating from the client as un-trusted unless validated on the server. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 53 secs ago
what is the reference url for the browser in case of hard refresh ctrl+f5 ?
@DineshVenkata what do you mean reference URL?
@DineshVenkata huh?
@JanDvorak @OctavianDamiean I updated the answer now
@BenjaminGruenbaum @Connor what is happening is that the url in the address bar is different from the actual url of the current page but when I use location.reload() as you know it grabs the current url in the address bar but where as a hard refresh will refresh the current page without using the current url in the browser how does the browser get the hidden url?
@DineshVenkata i don't think it does get the url from the address bar, more like its the current page url
@Connor in that case why does location.reload() behave differently?
Is it possible with jquey to get the form input type file, or is this only possible with ajax/php?
@DineshVenkata well, type google.com into the address bar now, don't press enter open up your console and type location.reload();
@Arthur what do you want to do with the <input type="file" /> ?
@phenomnomnominal you're a Kiwi ?
I don't trust you. A kiwi would have say: Nah, Yeah
More likely yeah, nah actually
@Arthur the url? well atleast with chrome you get a fake url like C:\fakepath\Untitled.png", or if you want the extension you could do fileInput.value.split('.').pop();
who saved @CapricaSix?
how is the validation occuring here:
14 hours ago, by Connor
@Zirak ???? live please
they say you learn something new every day, i never knew that you can do this with css background:url('arrow.png') right 5px;
@Zirak Bless You
@MandeepJain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!/welcome CapricaSix
@CapricaSix Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
anyone a pro Here with sublime text?
Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!/welcome blackbee
@blackbee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i know i know
thats why i am still waiting for an answer , except the fact the power is gone and my laptop is low on battery
@vincent To check if the file type is 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/x-png', 'image/gif', 'image/bmp'
@Arthur well, you can see the filename using javascript. so you can get the file extension.
@vincent i must have the type of the file then, not the name...
@Arthur but every file has an extension which determines their type?
@copy would you mind reading this?
A: How easy is to hack Javascript (in a browser)?

Benjamin GruenbaumPlease read Joachim's answer before reading this one. This is the closest I believe you're going to get to what you want (which, read Joachim's answer and comment on why it isn't possible). Here is a secure scheme for client-server communication without having to authenticate with the server man...

@vincent Yes but people can fake an image then by caching the file extension
@Connor Yes but people can fake an image then by caching the file extension
Unless you can read the file, you can't determine its type. And even then, it can be multiple things (usually not, though)
Thanks for the information
I giggled myself to sleep like a school girl
@Gacnt How would you know how school girls giggle themselves to sleep?
maybe thanks to his sister?
@FlorianMargaine you tried to make it sound less creepy ?
unless you have a perverted mind, this does sound less creepy.
Not sure you managed to do it...
stop spending too much time on /r/incest
Everybody on the internet has a perverted mind. You can't understand the internet without one so you must adapt.
@Zirak I think it would be better if I don't tell you I sit in their closets..
That's a subreddit ? I don't want to check but I thought they tried to remove the most creepy/dangerous ones...
Some guy linked a screenshot with r/pegging on one of his tabs, so everybody went to check it out
Never again
Damn... I'm no good at English and I don't know what that's word and I suspect I won't like to have this in my history... Can somebody tell me in a clean way what "pegging" means ?
I'm going to get banned
!!/urban pegging
@Zirak pegging anal sex reveresed. instead of the man sticking his penis up the womans butt, the woman wears a strap-on and sticks it up the mans butt.
didn't know this word.
Oh my mother shit man. On a side note I had a great idea for job creation, give people less days on and more days off but equal out the pay
I'm not even sure we have a technical term for that in France
@dystroy See above
I think it's called French Kissing in France
You don't need to. English gladly gives you some.
yeah, lots of english words are used in french for this kind of stuff
Anybody else gotta get up at 4am
For work?
like gangbang, deep throat, etc.
Can't wait to start my new job
Les ow you say uhhh... Gang bang ehhhhhhhhhh?
hey can anyone tell navigation in winjs on a button click by passing parameters from page to another

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