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2:00 AM
exactly, that's why it drives me nuts
I put him in my refugium. I wanna see what he looks like big. atm he is < size of a penny. like 15-20mm carapace
@juanvan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
in my app.js
w/ legs he might be as wide as a penny.
app.use(express.cookieParser('totally super secret string'));

	secret: 'totally super secret string',
	maxAge: 3600000

app.use(function(req, res, next){
	app.locals.session = req.session;

please someone tell me that I'm an absolute moron right now
oh boy, wait
2:01 AM
you are an absolute moron
you should be setting locals on res, not app
forgot the next() - call -.-
ok now back to my crab issues
thanks JS-chat for being my rubberduck once again
2:02 AM
should I keep him in the refugium? he'll eat waste and stuff but he might eat all the pods
js-chat === fish-chat
Who does rlemon have to seduce so that we can get nested pseudo elements in css?
@cwolves this one will be shared over all views
setting app.locals is going to screw up all sorts of stuff
You probably shouldn't really use locals anyway :P
2:03 AM
@m59 just you big boy... just you.
Yeah, I'm with @cwolves here, having global state is almost never desirable
@GNi33 -- unless it's for all users, it should be on res
yeah, makes sense
still pretty new to node-stuff
Ummm. I'm not sure how that works out, like, semantically. But, as long as it's only verbal, I think I can take this one for the team.
2:05 AM
awesome, it works :)
@m59 That sounds like a horrible idea to me :)
good night to all of you, I'll enjoy my 3 hours of sleep now. see you
@GNi33 night :) I hope you at least get paid for this
hehe, no, just playing around, trying to learn new stuff
It's in the W3C Working Draft, so I'm hopeful. How is it a horrible idea? It's the same point as pseudo elements to begin with.
I have a style that requires two otherwise pointless divs....
2:07 AM
I always end up in the middle of the night when playing around with private projects
@m59 I think pseudo elements are pretty bad too. Generally anything that isn't 'how something looks' is bad
It is definitely how it looks in my mind.
@cwolves do you have any questions about your question?
@m59 Really? It looks like pseudo elements?
@BenjaminGruenbaum -- no, I'm writing a library on top of q that does what I want
link link link link

I can imagine that styled many ways...let's say that nav has a background
2:08 AM
@cwolves that sounds interesting, what is it exactly that you want?
and that nav's background has a detail that takes two divs to make
div div link link link
now it doesn't look like a nav at all
I mean, Q seems like a perfect fit
What I want to accomplish is something akin to this:
var findScripts =

.scanDirectory ( '/path/to/scan' )
.filter ( /\.js$/i )
.provideTo ( '0.locals' )
.as ( 'scripts' )
this would:
scan the directory recursively, looking for .js files.
store this file list in the result chain, ultimately passing it to provideTo
return a function that will finish executing the .provideTo().as() part of the chain
So I can take that chain and do (with express):
This is how I'd look at it

List of links
Well if you want to overlook the divs, then why not just overlook the pseudo elements the same way lol
2:11 AM
@cwolves Ah, in that case Q promises are the way to go for sure :) I wonder if there is point in making stuff like .filter a promise, pretty much everything but the IO at the start isn't really deferred
@m59 There shouldn't be a div, you'd have a <nav> element, with a <ul> (list) element with <li>s in them, inside each li you'd have an <a> anchor. Semantic.
yes, and that's even worse then
@BenjaminGruenbaum - but the IO doesn't kick off until the next method is called, so everything has to be a promise, even if it's using a promise from up the chain
@m59 how is that worse? It's a lot more clear than divs with psuedo elements
I doubt you're following me.
You want the nav background to be formed by li's now?
@m59 If you want a nav's background, why not set it on the nav?
2:14 AM
Yes, and as I said, it requires two details that have to be made from either an element or pseudo element (nested)
@m59 what details?
same idea as a tooltip arrow
except a bit more complicated (hence requiring the nest)
you would want a tooltip to be something like <span>content here<div></div></span>?
@Manish Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@cwolves In that case yeah, I'd make 'recursively' an option instead of another call. I'd also filter by a function and not a regex like Array.prototype.filter and maybe make provideTo accept an 'as' parameter instead of another call. It might not be as 'coding what you do' but I think it's clearer in the long run not to chain everything like that.
@m59 I still don't see a good use case, sorry. This isn't really a concrete example. I think stuff like before and after are room for abuse to begin with
2:18 AM
all those are going to be libraries on top of what I'm writing. Basically I want the chaining with deferred methods and the ability to pause the entire chain and have any part of it be used as a function for an event, etc
well, to each his own, but I can't stand writing empty divs all over complicated styles.
@m59 I don't have a single empty div or anything similar to what you're doing, but sure.
Then how would you make a tooltip arrow?
@cwolves Interesting. Sounds like Q is the right place to start. Let me know what you come up with :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum -- though you're right about the options, I still want the ability to append them somehow. Any idea on syntax?
2:21 AM
i.e. scan( 'directory' ).addOption( 'recursive' )
(just to show what I mean, that syntax sucks :) )
// maybe something like
scan("/directory",{recursive:true}) // set on options
scan("/directory").options({recursive:true}); // set options later, merge
Although, when would you even want to scan a directory and not know it's recursive to begin with?
you wouldn't, it's more for something like:
var dir = scan('/directory'); dir.options({filter:'.css'); dir.options({filter:'.js'})
okay, I like that, or something like it... the other thing I'm trying to figure out the syntax of is pausing a chain, but continuing the definition of:
2:26 AM
Filters I'm ok with chaining on the other hand
scan( '/directory' ).pause().provideTo('0.locals')
I don't mind filtering or mapping the results, it's just adding to them that seems weird
(dir=that); dir.options({filter:'.js'}).run().options({as:'scripts'})
it's not very clear what applies to what
    return path.extname(elem) === ".js";
It's longer, but I like passing a function instead of a string
2:29 AM
yeah, I'll probably accept anything there
and the run() is unnecessary in that case
Yeah, it's unnecessary
but I'm trying to figure out the pause/resolve syntax, any ideas?
Generators would rock for pause/resolve syntax :)
yeah, well I'm writing this now, not in a few years :)
2:31 AM
Lemme see
When you say pause/stop, what is the ultimate goal? What about being uniform with the way nodejs currently does this for streams?
that I want to be able to define an entire set of instructions, but I may require an option fairly high up in that set
I want to be able to get an option into b()
so chain().a().b().pause().c().d().e().f().g()
2:32 AM
I have this website which includes jquery library. And i embedded a third-party search in it that also injects jquery library which is causing an error to the website or to the third-party because of that conflict, but if i remove either of the jquery libraries imported it'll cause errors. WTF.
and that ultimately returns a paused b() chain
that you can resolve and the rest of it continues on
@vincent Google jQuery no conflict mode, also, shame on you for even being in this position :P
but then what if you also need to pass an option to e()?
2:34 AM
@cwolves I still don't see the issue, you store a queue of things, and you execute them in setImmediates
@BenjaminGruenbaum i love you
okay, so if I want to define a chain of calls a-->g, and I want to later pass options to b and e, what's the syntax?
var future = chain().a().b().pause().c().d().e({d:"some"}).f().g();

// create a chain
// push all the values in a queue of functions and results
// start evaluating the queue, each item in a setImmediate , when a pause arrives pause
// when a run arrives continue by setting an immediate deferred function
yeah, but how do I say future.e.option({...})? since e isn't named?
@cwolves first of all, you can name e (you already have, it's a function on the object, you can store an array of e calls each with an option property). Second of all, I don't see the big use case.
Why would you pass options to e at a later point in time? If you want e to be dependent on the state of the future, not on some internal state if I see the use case correctly.
2:39 AM
var fileCopier = scan().pause().copyTo();
but you see the problem? What if it's actually: scan().pause().lint().concat().copyTo()
and I want to get an option to copyTo()
Each promise passes state to the next one
You can have concat pass an argument to the actual function call (or pause)
maybe, but that prevents multiple instances of the same method
Why? copyTo gets a result object from the chain containing flags or what ever
2:42 AM
because each instance of copyTo gets the same args
var fileCopier = scan.then(pause).then(copyTo);
var stylCompier = scan().pause().compile().save() /* unminified */.minify().save() /*minified */
// returns the result, rather than mutate state!
var stylCompier = scan.then(pause).then(compile);
var minfiiedStylCompier = stylCompier.then(minify);
The concept is that if you don't mutate outside state in your chains (or at least aspire to that) you'll never run into these problems.
fair enough
If you have functional experience think of a monad, it's a solid analogy.
2:47 AM
though that still doesn't quite explain how to get different paths to the two save() methods
I want to be able to define complex task flows :)
var res = fsReadWrap('mysource.coffee').then(styleCompier);
(tired :P)
gotcha, awesome thanks :)
Well, it was an interesting talk, good luck with whatever you're doing :)
2:54 AM
I hereby relinquish our monopolization of this chat room ;)
Great, now I can create a CSS tool tip :P
oh is that the other thing you were talking about?
That's what m59 was talking about, tbh it wasn't very interesting
@cwolves also, your promises question on angular, just one .done instead of .then that'll solve your issue
yeah, but I want it to fail if any of the then steps rejects
2:58 AM
I don't know which one will
That's what .done does. It's used to terminate chains of promises.
(I hope $q also does this, I assume it does because Q does and $q is based on it and it's a basic behavior of Q)
? from within one of the chained methods?
> This method should be used to terminate chains of promises. Since exceptions thrown in then callbacks are consumed and transformed into rejections, exceptions are easy to accidentally, silently ignore. By arranging for the exception to be thrown in a future turn of the event loop, so that it won't be caught, it causes an onerror event on the browser window, or an uncaughtException event on Node.js's process object.

function b(){
return q.defer.done()
yeah, I know I can terminate the whole chain
Oh, I thought that's what you wanted
the issue is that if my chain is a().b().c().d().e()
and b rejects, c still runs
I don't want c to run
3:02 AM
I figured out that it works as long as I have a rejection callback
so .then( a, reject ).then( b, reject ).then( c, reject ) works -- c never gets called, reject does
so I just built a function that passes along the rejection message
have a better idea? I'd love one, what I did seems messy
I'm pretty sure .done doesn't have that problem
It'd throw an exception most likely
but I can't chain done :)
3:04 AM
wait, ... yeah, just got that :)
sorry, I was mislead by the phrasing
I assumed that .done() was a terminator for some reason
That wouldn't be any fun now would it :)?
you can't be doubly done!
3:05 AM
or what you wrote, triply done!
it doesn't make any grammatical sense!!
Q.tryTo = Q.done //:P
Wait, you might be right
can I rename done to tryToDoThisThingAndFailIfItDoesNotSucceed
3:07 AM
I think you can't chain done.
No fun
'Done, done, and onto the next one // Done, I'm done, and onto the next'
in any case, $q doesn't have done
You should be able to do a().then(b).then(c).then(d).done(function(){}, rejectionHandler)
c, and d would still run I think
but I haven't tested it because $q doesn't have done :)
3:14 AM
@Andbdrew Yeah, you should
so you're saying if b() was function b(){ return q.defer().reject(); }, c & d wouldn't run but done would?
because I know without that done, c and d both still run
wait, maybe just d runs
yeah, that's it
c doesn't run, but since it also doesn't reject, d runs
3:17 AM
and e, f, g
4:40 AM
@WillPiers Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
There's no good reason for using options['selected'] over options.selected right?
does anyone know if you can access data about public github repositories without going through an authentication process? I would like to just hit api.github.com/repos/username/reponame/issues from my node application and get a response with all the issues for that repository.
@phenomnomnominal I can't think of any difference except the latter looks better
@phenomnomnominal - I only use bracket notation for vars: foo='selected'; options[ foo ]
selected is not a dynamic property. It always exists for option elements
4:51 AM
@WillPiers -- I can hit that from a non-logged in browser just fine
@JanDvorak - yeah, I'm just saying I only ever use that notation for dynamic things :) the notations are identical other than that
@cwolves Right. I have been successful with that approach as well but when I try to make the request from withiin my application i get an error...
@JanDvorak, yeh good, I don't feel bad about calling it retarded now
@cwolves I posted a question about it earlier if you want to see some relevant code: stackoverflow.com/questions/16952562/…
@WillPiers -- require( 'https' ).get({hostname:'api.github.com',path:'/repos/cwolves/jquery-imask/issues',headers:{'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1521.3 Safari/537.36'}}, function(res){console.log(res.statusCode);res.on('data',function(data){console.l‌​og(data+'');});})
5:05 AM
@cwolves formatting please
@JanDvorak - blah
require( 'https' )
	     hostname : 'api.github.com'
	    ,    path :'/repos/cwolves/jquery-imask/issues'
	    , headers : {
	    	'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1521.3 Safari/537.36'
	}, function(res){
Thanks. I was working on this at work today and never committed it so I won't be able to check if it works in my app until tomorrow, but it at least appears to be working now.. Thanks again!
you just need the user agent string
which can apparently be anything
5:19 AM
the only differences is that if you set it to gibberish (i just set it to "-"), it returns json without whitespace
who cares about whitespace? Whitespace is for humans.
and just for kicks, if you set it to just "Safari", it shows whitespace
As does "I once went on a Safari and saw 3 lions"
And "I once made a Firefox. It was just a regular fox when I saw it, it is a fox no more."
5:32 AM
"The quick brown Firefox jumped over the lazy dog"
6:26 AM
"The quick firefox jumped over the lazy Explorer"
can node.js replace php?
that be a note for all the mortals who come to the realm of javascript
@vincent node.js can replace ur whole LAMP / WAMP = XAMPP Arch bro
and can ask them
"Do you even lift?"
@Darkyen oh thats an awesome answer.
but there is something i would like to draw your attention towards
i wanna create restful service with node.js
6:29 AM
Node.js unlike php is not a page rendering language
its a javascript runtime with communication capabilities and access to I/O
Node.JS is not a language at all
so basically
you have to write your page rendering code and content delivery code in javascript
i see
ofcourse it has helpers and for REST well you can use express.js
express is web-server, and its very powerful you can use it (and all its middlewares) to prototype or even finish the whole service base in a few hours :D
so checkout express.js, any questions comrade.. this room be the place to seek the answers for .
or you can try #nodejs on IRC
@Darkyen thanks so much.
6:32 AM
:-) happy to help
// that sounds like i am actually a mascot / role model / brand embassador for vodafone
6:57 AM
@Zirak I did the former too
@KZ. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi there, is there analog of JavaScript function "typeof" in php???
@Braggae it'd be better to use the reflection classes though
7:19 AM
@Red Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Please have look at ..
Q: Check logged in status long polling

RedI am trying to check the current user logged in or not using long polling. What is the best way to achieve this in terms of performance and bandwidth ? I am not asking about long polling, but the best way to check user logged in or not. I tried to use GET request to check the login status. va...

hey all!
does anyone knows how can i color the text underline line?
without changing font color of the text
you can set border
border-bottom: 1px solid blue;
ok trying thanks
Q: CSS text-decoration underline color

Tomas Lietuva Possible Duplicate: Changing Underline color It's possible to change only line color which is under text? I would like to see something like red letters with a blue line below it, but I can't find out how to get this done.

Q: Changing <a> link underline color

pangI wonder if there is any trick to solve this problem. I have my link as below text and want to change the underline color. This link contains in many lines which needs to change the underline color to be lighter than the existing one Using border bottom is not the way to solve this because mul...

7:34 AM
ohhh nice thanks dudes i'll try that!
7:47 AM
why it won't work ? :( jsfiddle.net/ppH4y
when hover all takes the lighter blue color, while i wanna make only the underline line in lightblue :(
can someone take a llok please? :(
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone you are giving the light blue color to the content. Why should it stay black?
@JanDvorak i wanna highlight only the underline line :P
i thought it was simple :(
text-decoration-color only works in Firefox: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/…
@Passerby thanks but i need cross-browser :(
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone start with jsfiddle.net/honnza/ppH4y/1 and fix the fact that the div is bigger than the a
7:54 AM
@JanDvorak thx.. how can the div be bigger? :P
it's inside :P
It works if I delete display:inline-block.
oh .. it could be yeah
dude @JanDvorak you fkn awesome jsfiddle.net/ppH4y/2
it works now
nice color of the underline
@vincent That color allows you to conform better to the FABulous protocol
8:16 AM
hmmm u need it for <a> link
i thought for simple text
Q: Object versioning in the nodejs module system

RacheetThis question is about the persistance of variables across different modules in nodejs when they don't directly "require" each other, but do "require" a common ancestor. It is also the generalised version of this stackoverflow question. Whilst I received an answer there that helped me solve my s...

@vincent yeah not so bad :P
@DarinKolev eheh np man
guys here won't believe me, but here there is a Candy Shop Designer , i build Candy UI that everyone wants to eat
if you need a cool hunter and cool builder just ask to me
and i am the most honest people in the world saying there is no one can do better than me in design!
for example I launched the standard html + css page for all not-found domains like this : www.com
when domain is not found the page you see is my design and you will see it many times in life!
but we can not stay here a year, I could also talk about when I invented the first ebay that gave birth to the current one but never mind that it is better
8:30 AM
well thanks my behavior is not so nice, i was a rastaman before and only drug addicted
but if you see in my eyes you see the salvation
do you know any android app that uploads your screenshot to the web and can be shared easily via url?
now i stopped with drugs i'm only JS addicted
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone you keep lying though
has anybody here used the google maps API?
8:41 AM
@FlorianMargaine nope ^ :O
i'm a new person actually
'Triple fuck you.'
@loading... your avatar still loading...?
Has anyone tried using a tablet for actual work?
hello guys, please help me with one question about JS char auto-escaping
Q: ASP.NET JavaScript slash symbol escaping

Gelo VolroI'm working on ASP.NET project. And there is a one issue, which doesn't allow me to make a good webpage view. There is a piece of code: alertPanel.innerHTML = "some text<br />"; When I've have run such code, my webpage didn't render the <br /> tag. I tried to looked at the debugger and have ...

@FlorianMargaine yeah, that much is obvious
Why would I add a "no warranty"? I'm not building nuclear bomb launchers.
8:59 AM
@zirak You're amateurish. I formally say in my licences that using my code to drive nuclear plants is OK (didn't think about nuclear bomb launchers, I should make a new version of this licence).
I can promise Javascript is not at fault here :-) — Jan Dvorak 2 mins ago
9:35 AM
@loading... Define actual work.
@loading... I sometimes 'work' on my nexus, but its mostly markdown or simple html.
Google y u no remember if I report some mail as spam!?
I guess whatever that means for you. Something productive (I'm doing code golf :-)). I'm testing three 10" tablets. My use case is quite simple: web browser and text editor. I"m using a bluetooth keyboard. So far the Lenovo Windows 8 tablet is pants (my employer has put in an order for lots of these, and they're expensive) and the iPad works very well. I'm trying out a Samsung tablet next.
May 15 at 15:34, by Octavian Damiean
10" is too big to be really useful, 4" is too small and 7" is just about right.
I'm well aware that this sounds hilarious taken out of context but don't. :P
9:50 AM
Oh interesting! I don't like 7" tablets. If I want compact I'll use a phone, but 10" is better for web browsing and email and regular stuff, at least for me it is.
Exactly why I'm here
@OctavianDamiean :-)
Umm... I would be happy with a 4" taken out of context
@loading... Seriously, nah. It's not really.
@JanDvorak Ouch, I guess.
or, maybe not. Damn you, imperial units.
9:52 AM
Well, if you're writing code, 7" is too small.
... writing code on a Tablet
@loading... yea but writing code on a tablet is, urgh.
The metric system is nice for science, but imperial units are good for ergonomics.
If you're writing code, you better have a physical keyboard
My ass ... imperial units ain't good for anything.
9:53 AM
To clarify, I use my Nexus with a usb keyboard.
@OctavianDamiean It's fine on a 10" with an external keyboard. At least on the iPad it is. Win 8 is horrible in my experience so far (~ 1 day's use).
Imperial units are great if you want to anger a french
Oh my, I've heard several canons, but this is the first one with two vocal tracks:
hello everyone....
I have this same exact question....
Q: How do I deactivate Bootstrap-wysihtml5 jquery editor instance?

user1715545I'm using the Bootstrap-wysihtml5 jquery plugin (https://github.com/jhollingworth/bootstrap-wysihtml5/) to convert textareas to WYSIWYG. I would like to be able to activate and deactivate the editor by clicking on 2 buttons, so far i can show the editor, please will you let me know how i can deac...

@JanDvorak Well if the French like standardisation so much, maybe they should speak English. :-)
can u please take a look at it....
9:55 AM
and help me out!!
@loading... we already do. Proof here. So please use ISO units.
@loading... I had a Nexus 7 (7", now it's broken sobs) and I have an Asus Transformer TF101 with the dockable keyboard. It's not really fun to code on those devices, neither of them. However browsing was a lot more comfortable with the Nexus 7.
@dystroy :-) I do! But I can understand the appeal of imperial units such as the inch or foot: they're handy lengths in ergonomics because of how they relate to the human body.

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