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That's like writing a long sentence penis and adding a random word into it.
The Chatbot saxophone recommends musical intstruments.
@OctavianDamiean I see what you did there. Adding the word "sentence". So childish.
GET localhost:3000/socket.io/socket.io.js 404 (Not Found)
Any idea why?
@DaveRandom It was Google's idea.
using express
the path is incomplete for me @XCritics
because miss the usr/media or home/script
previous folders
@XCritics does localhost:3000 work?
Yeah I can view the chat page
doesn't for me
fml, that one's awesome.
It is a remix, not the original btw.
   info  - socket.io started
Express server listening on port 3000
is it? does it REALLY inspire awe?
  , server = http.createServer(app);

var app = express();
var io  = require('socket.io').listen(server);
Holy fuck! Have you guys noticed YouTube's loading indicator when you search for a video?
@OctavianDamiean What loading indicator?
When you search for something, it shows a red bar at the very top of the page moving from the left to the right.
That looks pretty good.
@OctavianDamiean can't see that, how to reproduce ?
Search for something.
Pelicans eat other birds?!
Yea, they're stupid big ass birds that eat other birds and sometimes even cats.
but... they don't mix cement... TV has lied to me
Q: Sliding background for navigation elements works only with 2 elements, not more

DJDavid98I have a responsive page selector on my page. I'm trying to create a colored background for the currently active element. The current code works fine with 2 elements, but if I add any more, then the positioning will not work. This may be related to my lack of knowledge about the .index() jQuery f...

now time to go watch netflix and stare at my fish tanks
Man I love Charles Chaplin.
I'm a fan of his granddaughter
Premature optimization, that’s like a fart. Premature abstraction is like taking a dump on another developer’s desk. Chris Eric
@phenomnomnominal She acted well in Sherlock.
I didn't watch that.
Does Heroku launch on port 3000 or 80 for node apps
you dont watch game of thrones???
after two eppies the gf and I decided there was too much rape and incest
That's the best part
First of all, they don't air it here and then I don't really like the concept.
Fair enough!
It's awesome though
I'm worse than a new parent whoring their baby pics
Why is nodejitsu still on 0.8.x
proven stablitily?
I just don't know how much difference there is between 0.10.x and 0.8.x
seems like a big jump
.2 difference
@rlemon are we ever going to game
gacnt-sockets.nodejitsu.com everybody into my chat
I wanna see if it works
Missed star wars reference.
Fuck I love google. goo.gl/maps/mXoin
!!should I apply for an internship with google in sydney which would make me have to leave my masters or not?
@phenomnomnominal not
@rlemon Join my chat :D
@phenomnomnominal Yes
@phenomnomnominal What is it called, 'xss' attack?
@BadgerGirl they gave me a business card and everything. but i'd have to quit uni, quit my job, and move countries, for an internship
Can't you go back to uni after the internship?
yes, but i've already spent 6 years at uni, i just want to gtfo
i think i'll just apply next year
But then you can't apply as an intern.
nah i asked them, i could
So, today I was with at a field trip with Amirim, which is like the Hebrew University's 'honor student' program. It sucked, everyone were prudes, I had to hear lectures about geology for 8 hours, the only good part was that I got drunk drank responsibly in the evening.
so sockets.emit responds just to the user that triggered it, and sockets.broadcast goes off for everybody?
@BenjaminGruenbaum, sounds awful.
@BadgerGirl @phenomnomnominal I heard lectures about rocks for 8 hours today, rocks
that's what you get for being smart.
fuck that
 socket.on('adduser', function(username) {
    // Store the username in the socket session for this client
    socket.username = username;
    // add the client's username to the global list
    usernames[username] = username;
    // echo to the client they've connected
    socket.emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', 'you have connected');
    // echo globally (all clients) that a person has connected
    socket.broadcast.emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', username + ' has connected');
    // update the list of users in chat, client-side
wait, wasn't today a SUNDAY for you?
We all went to drink beer, everyone drank 0.5 liters
I'm confused, why is there, socket.emit, io.sockets.emit
Were the rocks interesting? :)
drinking bear, that's a dangerous game
I drank 3 liters and whiskey :) Which was my sunshine of the day, that and talking to my wife
@phenomnomnominal LOL
@phenomnomnominal If you don't have a problem with moving somewhere else do it. That was the only reason I didn't go for it.
if it makes you feel any better, i spent 8 hours watching stuff rendering
i don't have a problem with moving, it's just a bad time for me to be moving
I heard lectures about rocks for 8 hours, he talked about rocks
i rendered blocks?
but yeah, that sounds awful
just random rocks, or some special ones?
Proper rocks?
hahaha, somebody full on changed the webpage to just say YAY
Chalk, he talked about chalk for 8 hours, can you imagine the excitement? I even got to touch it
god that is too funny
@XCritics :3
Was that you hahahahaha
Username: <div style="background-image:http://www.deviantart.com/download/315351478/mega_excited_fluttershy_by_fu‌​reox-d57r2ra.png?token=1b438a883fb61794fe06134c67daa3dcdfc161c0&ts=1368396481; background-color: #fff; background-position: center center; background-size: contain; background-attachment: fixed; position: absolute; margin:0; padding:0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;">YAY</div>
That was a total waste of time, missing a work day for that, probably the most wasted time I've had in a long time
תביא לי שתי חתיכות גיר.
we can beat that
I can't find the function that prevents that stuff
Sounds fun.
@BadgerGirl Stop doing that that's creepy :P Also, I can give you chalk, I can even tell you stuff about it.
I'd strongly suggest a bit of protection xD
I should have just stayed at home :/
@DJDavid98 Any idea what the function is to parse html from things like that?
This is what I get for being friendly to the university weirdos
Chalk? What classes did you say you were talking again?
זה לא פשוט לכתוב בגיר.
@XCritics Sanitization.
I can't find a single thing on google for that
Ok, I'll be creepy somewhere else.
to sanitize, parse, or prevent xss with socket.io
Also, I did have an interesting conversation with two guys there about Eatliz, apparently they now suck since their composition changed and the lead singer and guitarist quit
@BadgerGirl :) It's pretty easy writing with chalk though
@XCritics Too bad, I'm going to have some fun :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum תן לי גיר.
@DJDavid98 haha, ok have your fun while I fgure this out
@rlemon You there or no
@DJDavid98 Get while looped bro
Also, there's a nice feature in most of the modern browsers taht allow you to disable alert boxes.
whats it to you
@BadgerGirl For the love of Christ, stick to Latin characters!
username: <script>document.write('<script>while(true){}</script>')</script>
screw you @phenomnomnominal, I couldn't figure out why I was lagging lol xD
@OctavianDamiean Îmi pare rău
@BadgerGirl Nothing to be sorry for. :P
@rlemon Yup.
@rlemon Why won't you love me anymore :(
because you abused my love too many times for you "girlfriend"
rlemon: Hey dude wanna game
xcritics: no man with the girlfriend. how about you wait up till midnight and we can squeeze in a round.
.... ^
Oh man, that sucks. @XCritics you can't do that with a bro.
his girlfriend, handgela.
also, i can play once this paper is done, so the 30th?!
@rlemon You will love me, AND I WILL LOVE YOU EQUALLY, and when I was able to play you were 'sick'
@XCritics :3
New rule for this chat, don't make the username the script, so that it goes away on page reload
@XCritics in my day we just called her Palmela Handerson
@XCritics just do a regex that replaces < with &lt;
@phenomnomnominal But when it prints out &lt; back to the clients wont it appear as <
yes, but as text, not as html
function htmlEncode(a){return document.createElement("div").appendChild(document.createTextNode(a)).parentNode.innerHTML}
You shouldn't allow special characters in usernames anyway.
Throw away your updatechat emit and send the data. Leave the presentation of that data up to the client. On the client side, set the innerText of the element... don't just blindly put that stuff in HTML. — Brad 52 secs ago
Periods, dashes and low dashes are all special characters you should support for usernames.
I don't understand sockets
Oh and whitespaces.
everybody understands fewer things than they don't.
run node.js and require a simple native module on valgrind -> 1MiL + errors
@OctavianDamiean i.minus.com/izyuqbwYKNQEG.gif (respect)
It won't load for me. :(
you don't know what you are missing
Oh it just appeared. :D
What the...
YUO are smart?
no yuo!
pants are so overrated.
Yea? Tell that to the police. :P
meh, they don't really care in NZ
@XCritics Your chat client is awesome (at least I think so). Sorry for trolling you :)
@xcx because it sucks
Is there a way to have a commit affect other branches in GitHub?
let's ready + bind then
@xcx if you look at the docs, they show you how you should do it now
the on sucks
For instance, I'm making a commit to my styles on the master branch and I want the same changes on all other branches
@BillyMathews Nah, it doesn't work like that.
@phenomnomnominal can't manage to make it work, I mean
so on doesn't suck, you suck :)
@OctavianDamiean I can't be the first to encounter this problem.. What's the best way to solve it?
when you go onto another branch you should be updating from master anyways
$('#conversation').append('<b>'+username+ ':</b>' + data.replace(/</g,'&lt;').replace(/>/g,'&gt;') + '<br>');
Q: How do you merge selective files with git-merge?

David JoynerI'm using git on a new project that has two parallel -- but currently experimental -- development branches: master: import of existing codebase plus a few mods that I'm generally sure of exp1: experimental branch #1 exp2: experimental branch #2 exp1 and exp2 represent two very different arch...

@DJDavid98, that's the silliest way to do it
@phenomnomnominal How would you suggest?
I'll not write him a whole sanitizer script...
I'm worth it :D
first, when they enter the username, then escape the <>'s
then store that as username
Or just disallow special characters, like a sane person would.
and then assign to innerText
Can I make a String.prototype.sanitize, and then run username.sanitize, data.sanitize?
Is that a good way to do it, or you just saying yes, it is possible :P
@OctavianDamiean, that doesn't really help him for his general injection problem
He's not sanitizing any inputs
what's wrong with sanitise(username);?
Does that work?
if you have a sanitise function, yes
this chat has the function i pasted before
username.sanitize looks prettier to me if I'm using it in a line like append
yes, but you're extending the string prototype which is yucky
function htmlEncode(a){return document.createElement("div").appendChild(document.createTextNode(a)).parentNode.innerHTML}
Why is it yucky :D
So do I sanitize on client side ,or server side x.x
Is String.htmlEncode the same as String.prototype.htmlEncode?
does anyone here have any experience with record players?
function htmlEncode(value){
  //create a in-memory div, set it's inner text(which jQuery automatically encodes)
  //then grab the encoded contents back out.  The div never exists on the page.
  return $('<div/>').text(value).html();

function htmlDecode(value){
  return $('<div/>').html(value).text();
but it's stupid to do $(document).on("load", since it happen only once?
@xcx just use $(function () { blahblah(); })
@OctavianDamiean Thanks, I think this is what I need
@DJDavid98 'hello'.htmlEncode() is the same as String.prototype.htmlEncode.call('hello');
could you help me decipher the command-line? schacon.github.io/git/git-cherry-pick.html
@phenomnomnominal yes ready is less confusing , ok
or just put your scripts at the bottom of the page.
On the branch where I want to apply the commit, I clicked open shell here
^I'm guessing this is correct so far
@xcx ^?
@BillyMathews Did you read the top upvoted answer or just the accepted answer?
why is there socket.emit, and io.sockets.emit
@OctavianDamiean Thanks, I didn't see that.. I might still need your help, I suck at cl :p
@XCritics, what do they each do
look at the source
I wouldn't even know where to begin to look x.x
my guess would be that one calls the emit function of one socket, on calls it of all the sockets
Sockets is so cool, gonna keep learning it
is there a reason I can't copy+paste into Git Bash?
No idea, I'm not using it on Windows.
@XCritics Now your chat won't accept any name.
@phenomnomnominal github.com/Gacnt/Sockets/blob/master/app.js#L40 now with this implemented, it won't accept a username
Yeah, working on it :P
@BillyMathews you can but won't tell you
@xcx when it displays ^V does that represent pasted data?
bro you want it client side
Well dicks
what is document going to be in node?
@xcx ..is that a yes?
Holy shit man, how could I miss that
@OctavianDamiean thanks, it worked like a charm
but what is the better editor in Javascript or Jquery?
Time to get some sleep.
@OctavianDamiean GN
@MirkoCianfarani wat wat!?
jquery is a way better text editor
simple and easy
I need the editor how tinymce.com/tryit/full.php
but I don't know to program for the opration
copy, paste and save...
Why don't you just get TinyMCE then?
Was that done with a username?
I tried of the use TinymCE and function but I don't know for save
the document
@XCritics You managed to fix it I think.
No not yet
Hang on
I figured out what socket.broadcast.emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', username + ' has connected'); did the hard way
@phenomnomnominal I think the chat is safe now, minus the null usernames
cool bro
Care more :(
now you just need to make sure the user has entered something
can't care more, im working out haha
var username;
do { username = prompt('Enter a username') }
while (username != null && username !== '' && typeof username !== 'undefined')
!!s/prompt('Enter a username')/htmlEncode(prompt('Enter a username'))/
@phenomnomnominal No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
!!/choose ygotas glee
var username;
do { username = prompt('Enter a username') }
while (!username)
@copy ygotas
@DJDavid98 1. ... while(!username) 2. MLP makes you gay
@copy 2. So what?
while(!username) ....
@copy It's like saying "Saying 'You're black' makes you racist." Everyone knows, yet nobody cares.
Got it, nevermind
@user2373941 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
men vote up that guy, he really made a better answer :) stackoverflow.com/a/8073709/1125394
The good thing in being a young programmer is that you can blame others for the bugs
@SOChatBot message.repace(/young programmer/,'code vampire')
!!> var x=[2,3]; x.unshift(1); x; //how would you do that in 2 expreesions instead of 3
@xcx [1,2,3]
Holy crap man, just got evacuated from a dust storm x.x
First one I've ever seen, couldn't breathe shit was intense
shit, and i thought my day was intense.
Felt my little trailer I sit in at work shaking like crazy, opened the door and was just engulfed, luckily there's a big building right beside me, felt like the end of the world :D
@DJDavid98 How come the while loop is do this IF IT IS NOT null, shouldnt it be, do this while it IS null?
gacnt-sockets.nodejitsu.com Ok I think it's good to go

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