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Premature optimization is the root of all evil
doesn't premature already imply badness
@sergioadh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon what is the glowing blue thing that I can't seem to mine no matter how long I hit it
you need a better axe
if you are underground and it is glowing
I've mined so much stuff
But I don't know what to do with it lol
give me a minute, i'm going for a smoke and i'll pimp you out with some gear
dude read the wiki
I'm not home fight now
Right *
You gonna be on in like 4 hours?
you need to make a house and some crafting shit
yea it's friday here
that will be 10:30pm
I got a furnace and a bench and some other things
kk I gotta spend some time with the gf then I'll be home
just get her into a game
for instance mine is sitting next to me gaming right now
Haha she plays the Sims
@rlemon so you be on though?
You should always put at the start of your HTML files a comment for browsers that don't handle HTML
should be
msg me on steam
stuck in customer service training all day FOR SOME REASON
i've spent many years in customer service
3.5 hours wasted
it is not swell.
I spent more than that driving today :P
I don't even interact with customers
all for a meeting that was 1.5 hours long that I said two words in
"no, sir"
"mmhm, yes"
or was it "poop slide"?
technically one word but I stretched it
I'm redesigning software for a client and I pretty much was there to show face to the end user.
I took notes. like it wasn't a waste.
sounds like a waste
codepen.io/rlemon/pen/FGznH aww yea timer class:P
that's some cheap dinner
you know it!
just interviewed a 3rd front-end candidate for the company im workin at. he had a cs degree and years of experience. he had trouble with a basic regex. I'm starting to realize that getting a CS degree to become a programmer is kind of like studying baseball to become a baseball player
no cs degree.. worked 10+ years in cs and it
always making 80% of my co-workers because of this fact :/
but yea.
education doesn't always mean ability
it just surprises me every time
and each time i get less and less insecure about not having a CS degree
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

Rohit// somedev1 - 6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen // somedev2 - 5/22/07 Temporary my ass

That's like the power engineers where I work, they do 4 years of school (or so) then get in the field and are fucking clueless

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