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The bonus of promises is that you can submit the callback anytime. If you submit the callback after the promise has been resolved (ajax is complete), they will be called immediately.
you mean to say in current code I've mentioned the thing I want to do in success response
$.ajax{success:function('create something')}
I think you understand
should be like
var createSth = $.ajax({url:url})
createSth.done("create something")
how to stop any further javascript function call
@JanDvorak Is this the method Jan?
@djtechie this looks good
To avoid the issue I'm getting in Safari I'll need to use this method right?
I'm 100% sure it's not safari-specific
your conclusion is correct, though.
note that submitting a string as a handler won't work. You have to submit a function.
Well now problem is that what URL I'm passing will return the data
How I'll use that data with promise
The response data will be the arguments to the callback
Can't we use function under promise
Like createSth.done(function(){"create something"})
The arguments are the same a success: callback gets
Q: how can i kill javascript process or stop of all functions further execution

rahularyansharmai am using asp.net ajax toolkit accordion panel . If any user click on header i want to hide that pane instead of collapse or expand . so i just write following method in javascript . <script type="text/javascript"> function courtcase() { //var a = document.getElement...

Okk..let me try that
@KendallFrey caching of js files, separation of concerns (maintainability), decoupling...
Javascript isn't a real language
That's right. Ecma-252 is.
@SOChatBot ChatBot, troll automization for when trolls cannot continously be here
i really dont get how to understand chrome profiling
@Dave What is chrome profiling?
anyone ever had network requests show a status of 'cancelled'
theres a profile option in chrome developer tools to profile your scripts find where the performance is being effected etc
its not very readable though. i like the new fps counter though thats neat. heap snapshot is next to unhelpful too.
Use the heap snapshot in differential mode. Make two snapshots, before and after, and observe.
ill try that when im on pc next then
trying to contact paul irish at the moment
How do you make a plumber cry? Kill his family
hey peeps
@KirstyHarris Kirsty!
how the devil are you?
im needing help, well a tutorial location if possible
@KirstyHarris Same I suppose
basically i want to do a calculation function
u know where u calculate based on a cell?
@KirstyHarris That's pretty vague, I'm afraid I don't know what you mean
erm one mo
You want to make a function that returns a calculated value?
What do you mean by cell?
as in an input box
lemme show u lol
basically say i had 4 input boxes
and i placed numbers in them
i want to be able to show somewhere its calculation?
Where's the problem with that?
!!/mdn getElementByID
!!/mdn textContent
!!/mdn input value
and some HTML+CSS
@JanDvorak is that for me?
yep. Does that help?
yes, i need to really find a tutorial on it thou ha!
im very new to jquery etc
jQuery has some tutorials on their own page. I think you should use them.
ok, great, thanks hun :)
Also note that what you want is not something you'd need a 90k library for ;-)
hahaha lol ok :)
@JanDvorak this is what i want to do alivestudios.co.uk/slides-calculator-p1.php
see how when numbers are typed in it calculates it to the right?
@KirstyHarris Event "onblur" is being activated when you switch fields
And presumably, a function is being called which updates the values on the right-hand side
ok, do you know what that function is? and how i can do it, or learn it?
I doubt if there is a tutorial that covers this particular type of program because it's rather specific
0_o... ok
What browser do you use?
well even if i could recreate something similar
I'll show you how you can check how it works
On the page, hit F12
You see the magnifying glass at the bottom?
bottom left
click it, and it lets you find the element on the web page by clicking on it
Click on one of the three fields
I prefer right click -> inspect element
ah ok
so a massive box full of calculations lol
You can do either
Their HTML is terrible. Tables within tables within tables...
Anyway, once it's selected, on the right-hand side
Check for the tab where it's written "Event Listeners"
You'll see that "blur" is one of the listed events
got that
Ok, under blur, there are two events in this case
jquery is the library itself, that's not what you're interested in
ok, change and click
Where it's written input#slides and to the right, slides-calculator-pl something
click on it
yh thats the php file?
They wrote the handler inline into the tag as an onblur attribute. About the worst way you could do it.
lol well its amazing what you find out XD
Hmm, I hope it's not using php to do something like this.. that's awfully excessive for something like this
well they have a php file
Well that's what makes me think so, plus I can't seem to find any javascript logic that performs it
click: function(e) {
logMessage("----------  click -------------------");

//for case of text selection: m.b. double click or mouse-down and move on text
if (e.button == 0 && selChange)
  //check conditiond for triple-click
  var newCount = 0;
  var selNode = "";
  var currTime = new Date();
  newCount = currTime.getTime();
  if (newCount - lastDblClickTickCount < 500)
    //processing of triple-click... full-paragraph selection
thats whats in there?
The page itself is shown as the source because that's where the code is written.
Yeah, so it is using php
Kirsty, this is an awful example :P
oh dear.. .i think this is a lil out of my depth :S
Don't learn from this
i need to go away and study lol
ha ok
I believe the onchange attribute is the interesting one here
Let me write you a small jsfiddle program
One more thing: don't learn from W3Schools either ;-)
problem is i need to learn this. I can do the basic jquery stuff lol
Which will illustrate how to do this without all the gibberish
oh god now u tell me lol
why do i wish to know how to do something SOOOO complex!
i think i ought to get js or jquery for dummies
If A = B and B = C, then A = C, except where void or prohibited by law. ~ Roy Santoro
Sorry, still working on it, just a sec, @Kirsty
Work happens.
aww its cool neil, thankyou hun thou :)
@KirstyHarris Okay, here is an incredibly simple example of the same thing :P
You have to provide all 3 values before it performs the calculation, so we have to add a check that it's empty first, and if so, assign it to 0
@Neil I suggest using change instead of blur.
@JanDvorak Just trying t ostay true to the example she provided.
But @JanDvorak makes a point. No reason why you shouldn't use change
Since in theory that activates only when the value is modified (avoid unnecessary calculations)
more importantly, it activates when the spinner button (that Chrome adds for type=number) is clicked
ok, great, i mean i can play with this right? as i want it to like do a calculation based on a number... ie. 0.58p for 1 x 50 = X so to speak
@JanDvorak Ah, good point
If you want to be even more agressive refreshing, bind keypress as well ;-)
@KirstyHarris Change it all you want. Though if you want to be able to enter also decimals, you need to add step="any"
So that it accepts any floating point value
otherwise it expects an integer
note that IE8 treats that as an ordinary text field and lets you enter anything.
Yeah, I'm using Html 5 here which is fine for testing, but you may want to alter it to work for html 4 if it is going to be used by many users
type="number" in most (decent) browsers, prevents you from entering non-number values
oh right ok,
a mean u know the site i sent, u seen how it did like the caluclation etc
because i want it to say ok, i have a photo, these are 59p
59 + x = X... so the customer knows how much they are paying..
@Neil thinking of it, shouldn't field1...field3 be IDs?
Hmm, would be better to have the user upload the photo and the server determine the dimensions
@JanDvorak It's a personal choice. I dislike using ids
client-side file manipulation is not trivial and not possible in some browsers. Also, jQuery proper doesn't support that either.
If I'm not using jQuery, I will use ids because it's more convenient
hmmm something is going wrong now,.. ... think its x them lol
@JanDvorak Make modifications if you want. It's just an example for Kirsty in the end
ok, ta neil :)
@KirstyHarris Show us what you're trying
frankly, are you laughing out loud anytime you say you do? ;-)
feck this is out my depth :S.
why didnt they make js etc simple, u know like css!
Cross-browser issues. Standardisation is hard ;-) but the major PITA is IE8
I prefer to write the js and make it work in one browser and then make it work for the others
well i dont care how i write it,
It's too much of a hassle to have to consider that while coding
Javascript isn't hard, it's just verbose. jQuery shortens the names and attempts to solve all cross-browser inconsistencies.
oh right ok
well i cant do it.. ive decided lol
i can fade in and fade on, and some on click functions... with jquery.. thats my boundries
jQuery interface for AJAX is great as well
!!/jquery ajax
but i want to do it where it calculates by x it by a price
Arithmetics is the easy part of javascript. No cross-browser issues here.
Apart from type coersion, arithmetics is the same as in other c-like languages
Look into addEventListener if you want to avoid onclick entirely (which is a good thing).
They use <br>s for spacing. That's not good. Use margins.
i think i may as well give up now ha!
Functional programming is the best
@rlemon what?
@jAndy when did u come in lol
any Jquery event that will be triggered , whenever i select a value in a drop down (even if i select the same one) ?
.click and .change dont work
@KirstyHarris Think of <br> as using the enter key in Word.
Hello Guys
Hi Jan
Sometimes it's better to use page break to start a new page rather than use the enter key several times, right?
@user1537158 $('#id-of-select option').on('click', function() { var select = $(this).closest('select'); /* do stuff */ }) - attach a click handler to the <option> elements instead of the <select> (untested but I think it should work)
tbf @neil i think this is a little out of my depth aint it lol!
Since if you add anything above it, it will ruin how it will appear below
@KirstyHarris It's just about best practice, things that work best because it helps you later
If it is confusing you, then just use <br/>
yea true, i mean if i learnt to do it, it would be added to my list of things i can do... it sjust getting my head round it
i mean u seen what i kinda want to do on that site
@Raynos He <3 no more.
@DaveRandom , trying that , thanks :)
14 hours ago, by rlemon
@GNi33 I am a tabber myself. but to edit someones answer for TABS and semicolons is retarded
@KirstyHarris I think if you're talking about a photo, it would be better to get the client to send a photo to the server
Since that's more intuitive than asking a user to provide the dimensions of the photo in pixels
well its more a case of i want a customer to be able to input a number of photos required, it times it by X... then output that value
so its like saying this is how much it will cost type thing
@FlorianMargaine Wait, he replaced spaces with tabs in a SO answer?
@KirstyHarris Well that's the example I provided you earlier
Just with 3 fields rather than 1
oh right ok, i get it now
but what was it times it by thou?
@DaveRandom , that dint work for me
it was saying 2 x field 2?
@ThiefMaster What's the simplest to attire attention of the mods to a user making tons of very minor edits ?
@KirstyHarris In my example, field1 wasn't multiplied by anything
Field 2 was multiplied by 2, and field 3 was multiplied by 3
ah ok, i can see it now
can i put a number in there thou? say its not a field?
I obtain the values of each field, then I write the result in a div
@KirstyHarris Not a field? What do you mean?
erm one sec, lemme have a look at it
@user1537158 What are you actually trying to do (i.e. how do you want to handle the event, what effect do you want)
@neil >>>
i have 3 options in my <select> when a user selects option 2 , a dialog opens (with ok and cancel button) , so if user clicks cancel on the dialog and again selects option 2 , the dialog will not appear .... hope that made sense
@KirstyHarris Right, that's my example without the other two fields
yes lol, so i get what you mean now
Oh okay :)
however can i get it to say 2 decimal places and show a pound sign? :)
OMFG @FlorianMargaine get it away! thats awfully big!!
$('input.calculateField').blur(function() {
var field1 = parseInt($('.field1').val());
$('.output').text("Total = " + (0.85*field1).toFixed(2) + "£");
ah ok lol
hmm, its after the price thou :S
@KirstyHarris I don't know where you silly british like to keep your pound sign
Write "Total = £" then
lol, before the price LOL!
$('input.calculateField').blur(function() {
var field1 = parseInt($('.field1').val());
$('.output').text("Total = £ "(0.85*field1));
ah forgot +
@KirstyHarris Yes, but you may want to keep ".toFixed(2)" in there as well
And yes, also the +
oh well it seemed to work :S
Add the + anyway ...
i dont want it to error lol
I've had some bad programming experiences in my life, and many started with the sentence "Hmm.. that should have been an error.. oh well..."
lol... is that an error thou....
Does anyone of you have an idea how I can tell Google Chrome to let me load files from disk?
$('input.calculateField').blur(function() {
var field1 = parseInt($('.field1').val());
$('.output').text("Total = £ " + (0.85*field1));
@KirstyHarris Better not to leave it to chance
You know for dev purposes.
@KirstyHarris No, that is fine
ok, thats cool, :)
@OctavianDamiean waaaat?
@KirstyHarris Try changing to .keydown rather than blur
You might prefer it.. the total changes as you type it in
@FlorianMargaine You know, basically getting some data via a XHR but from disk. The same-origin policy doesn't allow that.
@Neil ooooooor oninput!
@OctavianDamiean Ah. Too bad, right?
oh feck... ok the double digits have gone ha
@OctavianDamiean chromium-browser --disable-web-security
@FlorianMargaine Well, it is shit that you can't disable it anymore.
@FlorianMargaine Yea, that won't work anymore. That flag was removed.
@KirstyHarris Yeah, you need .toFixed(2) for that
If it was that simple I wouldn't be asking. :D
fuck you then.
ok well i did this
$('input.calculateField').keydown(function() {
var field1 = parseInt($('.field1').val());
$('.output').text("Total = £" + (0.85*field1).toFixed(2);
and it errored :S
@KirstyHarris I imagine so

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