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Maybe they're trying to see if downvoting 100 questions gets you a secret badge
@JanDvorak Remember "Keep calm and Carry on"
I read the comment and I like.
@MirkoCianfarani I'm wondering when I should have walked away
@MirkoCianfarani I don't really like the comment. Calm or not, Jan was speaking of the problem, while the other guy only answers ad hominem.
You'd have more free time
I know what is the situation of Jan and Jan was good @dystroy
> Chuck Yeager
> this is a secret hat
It's easy to get
Q: Explanation of macros in javascript from struct.js

jcubicI know javascript but I don't understand the code in struct.js git repo. Does it use ES6? Can anyone explain the macros from that code and where can I find more information about it? That code don't work on Chromium (v. 30 on Xubuntu) I've also try to run it on node v0.10.22. Where can I test t...

-1 you should know by now — Jan Dvorak 18 secs ago
@jcubic As you seem to be new here, please have a look at sscce.orgdystroy 11 secs ago
he starts to be painful...
BTW, this is the laziest question... From the short readme of the project you linked to : "This is all possible today in JavaScript with a few sweet.js macros.". — dystroy 17 secs ago
Please downvote this question.
Downvote the question is still valid ? @dystroy
Because now there is a accepted answer
@MirkoCianfarani Downvote anyway.
Surely there are rules against soliciting votes?
abstains from voting
please do reinstate voting
I do with comment.
@monners In my opinion it's just uncivil to request votes to his own question/answer when there's no special reason. In other cases, it's just risky (I downvote when somebody ask me to upvote his question and i't not good).
If somebody writes an interesting question/answer, I'm not adverse to him publicizing it here. I like to see interesting things...
in which case I'd like to note there's a popularity contest in which I'm participating running here: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/15860/…
> Quasirealistic
@dystroy is it not?
@JanDvorak Well... I wondered if I was in a forest....
I'm wondering - maybe I should paint myself an avatar that turns that wig into a spaceship
Which word is correct:
querystring or querystring or query-string?
I am confused!!!
I say a part of url where there are data that I passed with form
@MirkoCianfarani either "query-string" || "queryString" || "query_string" it's up to you, not really "querystring" though
Thx @connorspiracist
Then I prefier query-string
it's query string
gets your facts straight ffs
I wrote the question to know what is the the correct term? Now I understand @FlorianMargaine And I know what is queryString
Hello all
i wanted to know how tu push files in filelist array?
@MuneemHabib so, a filelist or an array?
@JanDvorak There are many files in filelist array. i have path of file which i want to push in that
i have read Filelist APi but nothing helped me
Somehow I think it's a read-only collection
!!mdn filelist
Yep. Read-only
!!afk dishes, doctor, dinner
@JanDvorak Why are you leaving me!?
(actually, lunch)
i have made File object but i am recieving illegal type error
in PHP, 28 mins ago, by cryptic ツ
How do I get the unicorn to appear on http://winterbash2013.stackexchange.com/ ? It was possible last year and the JS code has return window[a + (a ? "R" : "r") + "equestAnimationFrame"] which looks to be another one. =o(
oh, there's only one level of rep cap this time
please hekp
if (pars[i].lastIndexOf(prefix, 0)!==-1) //idiom for string.startsWith
I want to understand the comment //idiom for string.startsWith
@MirkoCianfarani what don't you understand?
Why there is a comment //idiom for string.startsWith @FlorianMargaine
@copy haha
Is equal the work with if (pars[i].lastIndexOf(prefix, 0)!==-1) ?
The comment is from the script inside stackoverflow.com/questions/1634748/… @FlorianMargaine
!!mdn string.startwith
fuck, the work is equal with if (pars[i].lastIndexOf(prefix, 0)!==-1) but because write idiom?
@MirkoCianfarani there's no "startsWith" in js. The common code to replicate its functionality is to use lastIndexOf(..., 0)
idiom == common solution to this problem
idiom for translate google is language.
thx for perfect translate @FlorianMargaine
hi everyone, i have an issue in backboneJS: trigger change event not working after response of ajax?
When you use the trigger change event: explain without code @hafid2com
@mirko-cianfarani: when i use trigger('change') before $.ajax(...) that's work, but when i use it in callback function (success) not work.
ok but with ajax you use for send form or extract file? @hafid2com
or other operation
if you create question on SO , please post
@mirko-cianfarani: call webservice
mmmh i think this question is helpful for you
Hehehe... I love hats
> Frosty the Snowman: all cast votes on a day are upvotes
what is this? lol, bah humbug
hey Abhi
......guess everyone's on lunch AFK
huh, I just won a secret hat... wonder what that one was for
Talking to yourself in a Chatroom
@JanDvorak Welcome back!
all votes on a day are upvotes - wat? That's impossible. I'm not ever going to reach thhat hat (unless only incoming votes are counted)
I'm sure I saw somewhere (in meta?) why you get the three hats hat. Something like doing three things...
@JanDvorak there's one of each. only upvotes incoming, then another only upvotes outgoing
oh. I've been serially downvoted today, but I'm totally going to achieve that tomorrow
me too
hasn't been reversed either, which is odd
oh, wait, I might be getting "didn't downvote" on one of the smaller sites. Say, Programming Puzzles & Code Golf
Did we all get some serial downvotes on our questions ?
sounds like it
I just shrugged it off
guess there's more to it lol
It might be interesting to point it to @ThiefMaster
latest three active
for me, they were on negative scored posts
The same
which I've never seen before
generally, people just click the top few by votes
@DannyBeckett I don't have those
There might be somebody who wanted to downvote the room's people ?
Not enough for me to see something - I'd rely on the reversal cronjob to take care of it
I was suspecting the guy whom I've got in an argument with this morning
usually they're wiped early morning though aren't they... at like 4am?
I suspect somebody of the room, too, as we're all targeted
mine were from yesterday
still not quite 24 hours though
@ThiefMaster I've got some unfortunate comments here: stackoverflow.com/questions/8128010/…
i think it runs at around 3 or 4 am UTC
exactly... they haven't been reversed
mine haven't got time for a reversal
hrm, contact form or poke someone of the comm/dev team in chat (tavern on meta is a good room)
@ThiefMaster not an ordinary custom flag?
@JanDvorak Did he come to the room ?
@dystroy I think not
So I don't see why he would have downvoted Danny or me
it's strange, indeed
also, the argument was this morning, after your votes
ah, then mine's not related
@JanDvorak: well, most flags are processed by mods and since the tool doesn't show anything suspicious we can't do much (besides pinging someone about it)
tavern is it then, thanks
@dystroy I didn't
Would there be any reliable way to get the original recipients of a forwarded mail?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Maybe you weren't here 4 hours ago...
@C5H8NNaO4 look at the headers
what email client?
@C5H8NNaO4 What do you mean by "reliable" ? There's almost nothing reliable in email headers
@dystroy almost
you do know you are one of the recepients, though
In what field would the header contain the original recipient?

The device forwarding the mail could be Lotus Notes or any mobile device

By reliable i mean get a valid email adress, either through a field in the header (though i suppose that won't be reliable) or by parsing the body where the original mail is contained. *(I can't think of a reliable way either, since its totally client and language dependant) *
The situation is,
A customers user sents a mail to another customer.

Now our customer wants us to add the ability that the user can forward the mail he sent to a customer to a mailaddress of them, where it should automatically be linked to the right customer, which is the recipient he originally sent the mail to.
This one is interesting :
Q: Suppressing HTMLImageElement onerror

Daniel PervánI'm running a script that is dynamically loading images depending on a few criteria. The script does not know beforehand whether a specific image source actually exists and will thus need to check before displaying the image. I do this by replacing the onerror handler on the element with a functi...

@C5H8NNaO4 are you trying to parse an email with JS? or another language?
@DannyBeckett It would have to be parsed in LotusScript, though the language is not the problem, but rather the content that should be parsed, as any client may generate a different mail body
@C5H8NNaO4 I'm not familiar with LotusScript, but Delivered-To: looks promising
there's To: obviously as well
Received: has a more verbose output
Received: from mx3.academicwork.net (mx3.academicwork.net. [])
        by mx.google.com with ESMTP id w6si5091212lag.133.2013.
        for <[email protected]>;
        Mon, 16 Dec 2013 01:40:34 -0800 (PST)
@DannyBeckett I can't seem to find a Field Delivered-To. To would contain the email adress the mail was forwarded to and not the address the forwarded mail was originally sent to.
@DannyBeckett Thanks, it had to be this way, would it be an Ok way to go if i just parse any email-address found in the mail body and filter out the sender and the current recipient.
I guess so, but then you're guessing whose it is
them 3 questions have a good bit of info to get you started with certain headers that might remain though
@Danny yeah, that's my problem. `X-Original-To` Delivered-To` would be nice, but they aren't present in any of the mails I looked into.

I guess either the customer has to include the target recipient as first text in the body when forwarding a mail. Or I have to parse and guess it from the body.

Thanks for your help :)
wait @C5H8NNaO4
just re-reading your original requirement... can the person forwarding the email change a setting in their email client? or is that not feasible?
That's what I meant with almost nothing is reliable : you can do about what you want with the headers of the mail you send
You can even pretend you're [email protected]
right @dystroy but he's talking about customers forwarding emails
I once built a program to mass-spam emails
not nerds hacking the Whitehouse
You don't need to hack
@KendallFrey Don't move, I'm picking a fork
@KendallFrey "hacking"
my point is, he's just getting data from an email a customer sent
to link to another system
I discovered that gmail verifies other gmail addresses, but if you send an email from [email protected], it's totally cool, brah.
it's unlikely Joe Blow's gonna know how to modify their headers
@DannyBeckett Unfortunatly thats not an option as the customer has to be ablee to send mails from various mobile devices, if it would be only one client the problem would be a bit smaller :/

@dystroy Of course, but the person sending the mail has an interest that the mail he's forwarding gets linked to the right customer. If he would want to change the headers or incolude nonsense in the body he would just stand in its own way
SPF records ;)
yeah you're screwed I think, but good luck! :p
I think the best you're gonna get is to test how each client you reasonably want to support treats forwarding an email
and listen for them... e.g. "On 16/12/2013 [email protected] wrote" etc @C5H8NNaO4
^^ If anyones screwed, it's the customer :D

Yeah, i think that's what I'm going to do. If i could get the date and the address, i could then get the original mail if the recipients then are the same, i should be good to go
good luck ;)
Thanks :)
i am unable to make fileobject in javascrpt
i am getting illegal constructor called error
how to make fileobject in javascript
@MuneemHabib please make a JSFiddle
Did you know that the big letters (uppercase) are smaller than the small letters (lowercase)? For humans this would be funny. For programmers not... :-)
smaller in WHAT WAY?
looks BIGGER to me
!!>"A" < "a"
@GhitaB true
@DannyBeckett I am unable to upload file in input type file tag via jquery/javascript. i.e suppose a scenerio in which user upload a text file via file dialog. Now there are other filepath in uploaded text file i want to upload them as well via programming
@dystroy doesn't look like it's been figured out yet actually meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/211710/…
@GhitaB You're talking about ASCII, not size
!!> 0 < 1
@KendallFrey true
0 is obviously bigger
@KendallFrey Yes. :D
@MuneemHabib Please ask a question on Stack Overflow and include all relevant code so far
@KendallFrey You have to use the width property
!!> (0).width < (1).width
@dystroy false
!!> undefined < undefined
@イオニカビザウ false
@DannyBeckett jus tell me 1 thing how to make file object in js
@KendallFrey I think that @GhitaB wanted to make a pun.
@イオニカビザウ That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: sandbox, catbox
You know, there was this funny idea once upon a time that people were supposed to test out commands and "play" in the sandbox


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
A: Winter Bash 2013: Secret Hats

Shog9They're not really all that secret if we give it all away so easily, are they? Here are some hints - if you can figure them out, you're on your way to some SECRET hats: ...then I took an arrow to the knee. Earned ten of the most meaningless points on the 'Net I live... AGAIN! He ain't no drag...

You misspelled plz halpdystroy 38 secs ago
Oh yeah! Joint first for hats on SO
You found it?
yeah cheers... 57th lol
It's kept me busy on a slow work day. :P
@dystroy She said "plz" because it's shorter than "please". I said "no" because it's shorter than "yes".
@JamesWebster You did hat-wore, didn't you ?
@JamesWebster take a look at this: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/211750/195862
The secret hats? I have one of them.. not a clue how to get the others
I have a inkling that there is one for answering a question quickly
But then I have to find a question I can answer quickly to test it.. and even if I am right, I don't know the threshold :P
Wearing this hat (Johnny Three Hats) means that I am a patriot, being Romanian (you know that the flag of Romania contains blue, yellow, red colors)? :-)
@JamesWebster that link has the hints in it - 10 riddles
And the hints are ... complex
yeah lol
Yeah, I got
wonderful hat
(but the chat isn't updated :( )
If people were kind enough to star some of my chats I might get that hat too
I won't :p
^ That's a hint :P
Why don't you write something starworthy then
Tell us a story
Those things that Shog gave.. they aren't hints
I didn't think I would find a had perfectly suited to my monkey, size included...
@dystroy Yep a nice cat! :-) No mouse hats here.
@JamesWebster That's what I think too
Story I might not be able to manage.. but gimme 10 mins I'll try a poem
Are you begging for a reciprocal star ?
No lol I just wanted that message to only be shown briefly
there are easier hats to get anyway if I could be arsed
I always confuse hats with rats... Do you have any idea why? ;-)
posted on December 16, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} It's coming, geeks.

@イオニカビザウ I too. But I'm a cat.
@dystroy Sure. :-)
@イオニカビザウ Could be this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraphasia
Or cancer.
Q: What does $ mean in javascript

Greg HollywoodI am a C# developer learning JavaScript. This line creates a DatePicker widget. But I don't understand the syntax. What does the $ mean? What does "#datepicker" do? $("#datepicker").kendoDatePicker();

Why wouldn't this work? [].forEach.call (document.querySelectorAll (".clickme"),HTMLElement.prototype.click.call))?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Voted
Not very good:
    function /*MyPoem*/ JustForYou() {
        var myPoem = {"4" : "u"};
        alert("Here it is");
        //from a poetry whiz
        return myPoem; //just for you!
@C5H8NNaO4 you know .call is on Function's prototype, it's the same call for click, or foreach or whatever, it just differs in the this value (as the function)
@C5H8NNaO4 so when you do .click.call, I'm not sure what you want to accomplish
@BenjaminGruenbaum 7 other votes are needed...
@Benjamin Oh duh, am i stupid, thanks :D I'm not actually trying to accomplish sth, what i meant was [].forEach.call (document.querySelectorAll (".clickme"),Function.prototype.call.bind (HTMLElement.prototype.click))
Hows it going?
@C5H8NNaO4 that's convoluted -_- don't do that in actual code.
@C5H8NNaO4 You're trying to solve a "jQuery" problem here where the reason it's not in the DOM is that it's not supposed to be a problem in the first place. why do you want to trigger a click on all .clickme elements?
triggering a click is good for testing. Not for actual code logic.
(I'm not generally into law, but it's a special occasion :P)
@dystroy we're at 6, the php room is really good at this sort of thing :)
posted on December 16, 2013 by jakearchibald

How to use promises natively in JavaScript.

@rlemon good job with the festive prize draw! I'm something of a perfectionist, so I'm sorry for pointing this out, but you might wanna use body{ overflow: hidden } i.imgur.com/ANkEgcf.jpg
I'm considering "Q&A"ing a "how do I pick a JavaScript framework" post since there are so many such questions. Mainly for explaining why there is no simple answers.
@BenjaminGruenbaum "too broad", maybe POB
unless self-answered
@JanDvorak It falls or rises on the answer. That's the point of the question though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, i would never include that in actual code, i just tried to trigger click events from my console on some elements, I was just playing around and wondered why it didn't work :)
The answer is "there is no easy solution, every problem is different one way or another"
@C5H8NNaO4 ah cool then :)
what is the best way to traverse statoic xml on the same server?
I will go tomorrow to the vocal chord surgery... Wearing a hat that represents that somehow... :-) I will cannot talk for about one month, but then I hope to have a better voice.
Something poetic about that... not reakky
.. wow all.. browsers are lagging for me..
I don't see what I type now for example
lol, backbone, y u so hacky `(attrs = {})[key] = val;`
fucking example i.imgur.com/raQ774l.png.. it's either a chance ir a curse.. at least no internet with this pc
distraction-free pc, goodbye dudes :)
@NaN, pretty
@NaN Windows.. "I will not repair your computer again. Use Linux instead. :-)"
nah, can't linux, I'm using a cheap usb screen
it's possible to work with jquery for responsive layout, i need from a size to use .remove(), for example: if ths screen is 500px or smaller then, .remove(); ?
the pc is currently over noisy, but nothing high in cpu or RAM
@MirkoSimic yes but media-queries are cleaner
Recommend a $5 Steam game and you'll get a prize! You get to play with me!
@SomeGuy sounds like a dick move.
Hold on a minute, you have a bookmarklet that lets room owners kick users form a chat room? — Benjamin Gruenbaum 5 secs ago
The whole Fallout collection is $5?!
@mikedidthis Yeah! But luckily, states issue the anti-SLAPP law
@Jhawins Gog.com had Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout: NV for free!
@SomeGuy sounds like a waste of money and time :D
@SomeGuy tried to play Fallout over the weekend. Sadly not for me.
I hate the first one... But the others are cool.
Yeah, I watched its gameplay. Doesn't look appealing to me either
But it was free
So I might still play it
@Jhawins the first two are the only good ones.

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