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hey raynos, long time no see
I wanted to ask : You live and work in SF or you are in the area ?
I'm at node summer camp
need to gtfo the internet
@Abhishek What?
i am laughing on myself
what a fail rail for me today :-|
first i was trying to create silence when no other frame is inputted , and that took me a whole 100 lines of code with 2 hours
and now
my resampler code is automatically creating silence :-|
for some messed up reason its just stuck on first "silent" frame
@Amaan lol you're harassing him on twitter to come here ?
Yeah :p
I can't find his profile on SO
anyone care to share your twitter-handles?
One answer we can give him some rep
twitter handles ?
Two upboats and he'll be able to come here
@GNi33 @AmaanC
twitter username
@AmaanC, Mumbai, India
*Insert geek joke here*
3.8k tweets, 116 followers, following 381 users
yup, found you already :)
@dievardump, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Web Developper Front & Back-End. Parce qu'un die(var_dump('truite')); , ça n'a pas de prix !
245 tweets, 48 followers, following 174 users
@Raynos2, UK
JavaScript engineer
319 tweets, 169 followers, following 58 users
9 mins ago, by dievardump
I wanted to ask : You live and work in SF or you are in the area ?
@GNi33 What's yours?
you just typed it in ;)
I do.
One day we'll have a beer.
@Raynos Oh, you work for Twilio, right?
I Might come before the end of the year for a few days.
Or you used to work for Twilio? My memory sucks :/
@dievardump oh that day will come soon btw ;P
Oh, no. You work for that language related company now :p
I forgot the name
@dievardump coming to india ?
@Amaan i got 4x increment btw 8-)
No, SF
@Abhishek Wha?
India is not really a place where I want to go/live for some times.
Australia, USA, Maroco but not India
@dievardump you are wise , not be surprized!
@Abhishek At VosCast?
@Amaan nope lol
College promotion :P
I work for colingo
they will pay me $60 / hour :3 for making my deps website :D
@dievardump have lunch
That's pretty cool!
sadly thats just about 4 hours task if i write it on node.js / php
so i think i might use some C (XD) /// kidding
Hey all can someone please help me diagnosing a javascript problem on a site I have?
I cant tell where the error is coming from
That's it?
Yeah firebug is giving me a error
weird it seems fine now
but there is a bug somewhere
because I tried to activate a plugin and it killed all the javascript on the site, yet I tried it on a backup of the same install (only older) and it worked fine.
What was the firebug error ?
it seems fine now its not coming up
Is any of your JS or DOM changed depending on the server's conditions?
you seeing any issues? because when I activate this other plugin everything breaks.
not that I know of
So it comes from the plugin
No errors
but the same plugin on a older version of the same site works fine.
which is very strange
put the plugin that breaks everything
let's see the version that is buggy
yes, but its very strange as it works on the other site, with all the same plugins.
want me to activate it?
Well, it depends on you. If you are ok with your site like that, don't.
I activated it :)
Else, you'll have to fix the bug, so do it when we are here to try helping
its activated now
Uncaught TypeError: Property '$' of object [object Window] is not a function
Yes, $ is killed.
it appears to be coming from that same line I posted above.
but obviously the plugin is doing somthing :S
Could it be the TypeKit plugin ?
What'd you change?
nothing just activated the plugin (searches comments)
I tried to remove the typekit info in the header.
Search for $=
The last result may be the problem
Try using jQuery instead of $
If that fixes it, tada!
It would be much better to fix whatever overwrites $...
Oh, I'm quite certain using jQuery would fix it
@ThiefMaster We're not sure that it does overwrite $
Yes, but seriously, if typeKit really overwrite $, they sucks.
@matt Add a var before the last $= and try
I think it does
No var in the IIFE
Don't think that's typeKit
@matt You activated jQuery.noConflict()
$ doesn't exists.
You code should be :
I can't find the noConflict.
That's what I thought at first
you found it?
sorry guys was hunting my self.
(function ($) {
This will work.
first line
Hmm, yeah. That's it.
I got it
now my javascript works but that test element on the body doesnt seem to work anymore
Syntax error
You're missing the last line of die's code
(function ($) {
I got it in there
Hmm, yeah, on refresh it is
> "So ignorant, close-minded, and hateful." © Stubbornella
These people...
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
is what Im seeing now?
I find it futile to debate about people like this now
wow, some people are ignorant.
That's made up.
Pretty certain
But yeah, lots of people are
@matt normal
If you copy/paste code rom here, there is an invisible car
@matt jsFiddle life is a PITA
@rlemon no that's from here
ah so its adding shit into the spaces?
@matt just remove the two " ; " and rewrite them
@matt no, it's adding a non-breaking space somewhere in the code
generally at the end.
i always forget how to load non-AMD dependencies with requirejs... help!
damn still seems to be acting up
Did you copy and paste any code from JSFiddle?
the hidden char is BEFORE the first ;
VIM shows the hidden unicode characters <200b>
@rlemon Nice!
I rewrote it all
seems to be good now
you guys are f'n awesome! thanks SO much.
@matt get VIM
real editors will show these
Or we could have a web app for this
@matt EMACS might show them as well... however I prefer VIM to emacs
lol vim.org what is that?
VIM (VI Improved) is an advanced scripting editor.
sup guys
Something smart/sane people use instead of emacs.
im on OSX....
can I still get it
makes no difference.
@matt then you already have it
@hanleyhansen you on MBP? you can school him on the VIM
@matt open your terminal and type vim viola.
@hanleyhansen explain :D
@rlemon yup
ahh terminal points out the errors...
@matt here's a VIM tutorial newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/text_editing/vim.html you can skip the installing part since you should already have it
@matt let me know if you have any questions
so Terminal is a VIM?
I landed a phone interview with nerdery.com company looks pretty cool
Thanks for all the help guys....seriously your all awesome.
@matt No
lol nice twitter feed they have :D
vim is a text editor that runs in the terminal
Like nano and emacs
@matt no vim is a text editor. it just happens to be builtin into the OSX terminal so you can use it from there.
I like nano for some reason
i hate nano for many reasons
@rlemon nerdery.com check them out. just landed a phone interview with them. looks promising.
@matt i'm late into the convo. why are you using VIM? any particular reason?
@rlemon Which are?
I don't actually use nano a lot
I use Sublime Text 2
lol ok so i still gotta download it, but runs in terminal
But for the times I'm in the terminal and lazy, I use nano
I saw the name Matt, and got excited. Then I realized it wan't MattMcDonalt
that nerdery.com looks pretty awesome, cant believe how big they are and ive never heard of them.
sorry to disappoint lol
@hanleyhansen Best of luck!
@Amaan thanks!
anyone know of a good image picker plugin? something where the user can pick from a selection of images.
@hanleyhansen yeah good luck man.
looks pretty awesome.
gotta get out of here, thanks for all the help you guys.
So, I am looping through 5 divs to store the heights in an array, but .height() or using .css('height'); just give me the same value over and over (of the element that loads first) regardless of the height of the divs. If I do .text() in the same place, I get different paragraphs that are involved. Any quick tips?
no prob
@Mauricio Closures.
Look up closures and for loops
that company looks friggen awesome, lots of employees, do they each work remotely
@matt a lot do. a lot of them are in office though.
Q: Uncaught ReferenceError: Butt is not defined

twchapmanI know there are a ton of these on the site already, but nothing seems to be the culprit for my issue. I'm trying to implement a django module into my project, but I ran into a snag when the provided JS didn't work. Assuming that perhaps something was broken, I tried to modify it to work; when th...

i'm hoping to work remotely
the second panel in the banner carousel is just fucking creepy.
Oh. Remote work?
Good Evening everyone :D
Oh, never mind. They have requirements on education
@rlemon lol seriously!
first dude and first chick (left to right) look plastic - and they all have just had their eye brows waxed...
thats awesome, good luck on that! all the best guys.
@rlemon i asked for a company analysis! not a photoshop critique! lol
the last guy looks like the joker from dark night.
Am i invisible again ? :L
@hanleyhansen take what you get n quit-yer-bitchin ;)
@TimeToThine hi!!
@Amaan thanks, I'll take a look
@rlemon they look pretty cool though right?
company looks like a full time rent-a-coder kinda deal
@Mauricio It gives you the last element in the loop's value, right?
no, the first. (using jquery.each in this case)
Oh. Then I don't know
Show us your code, I guess
AFK. Dinner.
i got an interview with these people too eprep.com
whats the position? front end?
their about 45 miles away from my house but they're giving me a telecommuting option a few days a week.
@rlemon for the nerdery? PHP back/front but they have a lot of open positions so i put down my iOS and Android experience as well so maybe they'll come up with some type of hybrid.
for eprep it's just PHP front and back end
@Amaan $('.view-feature-story.view-display-id-block .fs-row').each(function(index) {
//hArray[index] = $(this).find('.views-field-field-caption .fs-caption').text().length; (this guy works fine, gets all the elements)
hArray[index] = $(this).find('.views-field-field-caption .fs-caption').height(); /*text().length; this guy just gets the same height for all*/
Wanna tweet: "Hey @kanyewest, do you like Fishsticks?"
WHAT one should do when he is being ignored at WORK ?

work hard and stay socialise

work hard and dont talk to anyone but only when needed
@TimeToThine work hard play hard
@hanleyhansen true, but its sharepoint :L
@Mauricio Sorry, don't know.
@dievardump Have to ask?
Hi all, I migrated my blog, thought someone might be interested... yannbane.com
Anyone care about Amazon?
didn't even know they were having one
@rlemon help me find an image picker
I'm thinking about getting a Kindle... Reading on my clunky SGS1 can be a pain...
@hanleyhansen just wondering, why is every mainstream rap-song about money and girls?
@GNi33 cuz main stream sucks. no real artistic value to the rap songs.
i mean, this music had some interesting background
coming from pissed off people with passion about their lyrics and the meaning behind it
yeah beat is cool lyrics are subpar. listen to immortal technique. he's good
all you hear blasting out the radio nowadays is autotuned "i'll be hitting yo ass, ho, wavin ma money round like sh..."
Indeed, modern rap can be truly annoying.
in literally.... every freaking song
i don't listen to a lot of rap, but it's either that or some crappy dissing
when i listen to hip hop, it's something like that:
@hanleyhansen what do you mean?
@rlemon i'm looking for a plugin that lets a user select an image. i don't want them to upload one, i want them to select one from my collection
@Amaan dunno.
Wow, that's nice. Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wpD_S_iEE8.
I was asking if the image was a fake. Not about him and Kim
@hanleyhansen right click -» Copy Image URL/ Save Image as...
@dievardump huh?
That's the best plugin to select an image :)
@Bane not bad. i enjoy stuff like public enemy and alike. Even xzibit had some good songs, but i think this is pretty long ago.
but i'm listening to hip hop like... 2 or 3 days half a year ;)
@dievardump i don't need to select an image. it's for my users. it's for a web app i'm building.
@dievardump, there are some good artists in there... BIG especially.
@hanleyhansen select multiple images?
@rlemon no just one.
something like this: kcfinder.sunhater.com
how is it going, guys? :)
but that's too bloated. i just want them to select from a set of images.
hey guys. i need some help! :/
@hanleyhansen ok and what happens when they select it
then that's the image they selected and that's what'll be sent with the form. it's for an events scheduler. each event has an image but i don't want them to upload their own images, i want them to select from one of the preapproved images.
can someone assist me on a issue that i am having?
can anyone help me with a link of jQuery UI theme that can be applied to this webpage: http://jsfiddle.net/CcjPh/ I am looking for a quickfix!
wats the issue
@hanleyhansen ohh ok
@SujeetGhanvat i need some help queing animations
Q: How to properly Queue animations with jQuery

SirBI'm working on this project I want to queue my animations in the fader/slider. <script> $(function() { // Hover Switch function fnFadeHover(){$('#feature_fadeSlideshow').cycle($('#feature_fadeBtns li').index($(this).parent()));} function fnFadeOut(){} $('#feature_fadeSlideshow'...

@hanleyhansen and you need a plugin for that ? It takes 15 minutes to do.
how can i make a animation only animate once?
@FlorianMargaine o/
don't put it in a setInterval...
@GNi33 o/
not here for long
leaving already ^^
oh my...
a modal, with an image and 3 buttons: previous/next/select
oh my selectors
@Loktar I know!
@FlorianMargaine would you be interested in attending dotjs.eu ?
it's in Paris and i'm thinking about going
I closed the tab the second I opened it
seeing 10-15 lines of this scares the eff out of me...
$('#auto-automobile').animate({"top": "75px","left": "260px"}, "slow", function(){
@Amaan lol me too
I feel a bit bad but thats a lot to wade through
@dievardump i wanted something quick.
what am i doing wrong?
im new to jquery
15 minutes is not quick enough ?
@SirB not sure what the issue is because it would just take a while to figure out exactly whats going on in the code.
@dievardump it won't be 15 for me. i'm not a js developer. i'm a php developer

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