Is it possible to have a C static library API, which uses C++ internally and hide this from users of the library?
I have writen a portable C++ library I wish to statically link to an iPhone application.
I have created an Xcode project using the Max OS X 'static library' template, and copied the...
there's an faq topic on the swype site about it that basically says "yeah, samsung messed up, and we can't fix it for them, so please don't complain to us"
sony have been even slower with updates than samsung in the past
In computing, the same origin policy is an important security concept for a number of browser-side programming languages, such as JavaScript. The policy permits scripts running on pages originating from the same site to access each other's methods and properties with no specific restrictions, but prevents access to most methods and properties across pages on different sites.
This mechanism bears a particular significance for modern web applications that extensively depend on HTTP cookies to maintain authenticated user sessions, as servers act based on the HTTP cookie information to revea...
@rlemon that's kinda a yes then. I'm still trying to reproduce the problem in jsfiddle I mentioned yesterday - and it requires using jQuery's .load() which I assume also use the same method you're doing if it's the standard behavior - anyway, I'll just keep trying
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@rlemon Yeah, and thanks btw your example helped me out (the fact that you have to write "" instead of the normal way)