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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@Zirak I awoke on Fri, 14 Dec 2012 15:22:00 GMT (that's about 1 day ago), got invoked 184 times, learned 44 commands, but forgotten 31 commands
wow, Zirak is already taken on PlanetSide 2...impostors
@SomeKittens What faction do you play as?
The Infiltrator, Light Assault and Medic look awesome
Shit, I don't know why I always have to sabotage myself.
Now I've discovered EVE online and guess what, I'm hooked. :/
hah. After seeing people fall to it like flies to a flamethrower, I concluded "no way"
Which is what I did for a long time but for some reason my self protection mechanism failed me.
The amount of information and detail is just mind blowing.
Meh, gotta grab some sleep. Laters.
That's why I only play games that you hate after playing 30 minutes like iwbtg or Achtung die Kurve
Don't have enough time to get addicted on games
simply play real games with a story and a defined goal/ending instead of mmorpgs :P
pfft, that's boring
I'm trying to update a dom element without using jquery.. I have $("#review").text("..."), how can i do this without jquery?
I know I can do document.getElementByID(""), then what?
@Zirak Blue guys, New Conglomerate
Q: 'innerText' works in IE, but not in Firefox

Ray VegaI have some JavaScript code that works in IE containing the following: myElement.innerText = "foo"; However, it seems that the 'innerText' property does not work in Firefox. Is there some Firefox equivalent? Or is there a more generic, cross browser property that can be used?

I guess you could simply assign the value to both .textContent and .innerText
Or write a function that uses createTextNode (what I used to do). Or ignore IE 8 (that's what I am doing right now)
There's even a function for that in the linked question - stackoverflow.com/a/1359834/298479
A: 'innerText' works in IE, but not in Firefox

user380493Add this function htmlEncode(str) { var elm = document.createElement("div"); var txtNode = document.createTextNode(str); elm.appendChild(txtNode); return elm.innerHTML; } Then do this, even though it looks silly. It will properly escape everything myElement.innerHTML = ht...

wtf, that's like shooting a fly with a cannonball..
..around a corner.
So does that mean i'm better off using jquery? lol
@SomeKittens Those Vanu guys look badass
ungh, needs updating
All my friends play NC, I didn't have much of a choice. I like NC the best anyway.
You live in the US, right?
@Zirak thanks
@Knownasilya enjoy
Wish someone would write a gist like that for Meteor.js
@Zirak Yup, Rochester, NY
What server? I wanna know if I happen to pound you ass, by any chance
oke doke. I'll probably have it installed by tomorrow. Gaming times might not overlap, but it'll be funny when you slaughter me. Well, funny for you.
I'm actually really bad at it
Improving, but KDR of 0.2 after a day of play. There's a lot to learn
Played FPSs before?
Yeah plenty, in high school. Haven't done much gaming (except for a brief World of Tanks stint) since I started college
@Noizemaze ther is a difference between accidental and deliberately being an asshat and parking a galaxy over the spawn.
Wouldn't it be awesome to park a galaxy?
Not even driving it around the block. Just trying to convince your dad you're old enough to try and park the galaxy, so let's switch seats.
Sounds like it'd have trouble maneuvering
Parallel parking a galaxy sounds like fun
is there a short Js to get the array ['0','1','2','3' ... 'e','f']
That's probably the only thing shorter than just typing it out
k, I was hoping for range() or [0:'f']
@Dennis yes :))
Q: Can someone help me get this code to work? (java script if/else statement)

NatalieI need the caption to display "this is the special button caption" upon clicking "special button" button (which it already does), and I need the caption to display "this is the special button 2 caption" upon clicking "special button 2" button (where I am having problems). Help is much appreciated...

@Feeds ...wow. That guy has absolutely no clue what he's doing
Is there something in js that says "Hey, this line is not completed- I CAN'T MOVE ON!" ?
throw  "Hey, this line is not completed- I CAN'T MOVE ON!";
@copy Can't sleep either? (what's the time in Germany? 5AM?)
Yeah, 5 am
!!> Date()
@cyril 1355630088722
@cyril "Sat Dec 15 2012 21:55:07 GMT-0600 (CST)"
nah I'm gmt +2
I was actually just going to sleep, but now as you pinged me I am socially obliged to wait another 10 minutes to see if you write something interesting
@copy thanks
Bot's running on rlemon's comp, he's somewhere in Canada
@copy muakakakaka!
!!> setTimeout(function(){alert('sleep')}, 1000*60)
Is that how American people laugh ?
@cyril 1063481
@Zirak k
American? You're American
American ? Americun!
saying you're American includes 50 countries
If you ever get an easy American girl lay, say you snagged an Americunt
That's what the "!" is for
you're United Statian
Are you calling my fat?
I'll just get to bed at this point. Buenas noches!
Good nachos to you too
Q: Greentext Userscript Breaks After 4 Lines

VampiricWulfSo this script only works for four lines and then stops functioning, can someone tell me why and help me fix it? Test page. (You need GreaseMonkey/Scriptish to run this on.) What the script does in simple: It replaces the color of lines following ">" with a specific shade of green, but this only...

throw "Hey, this line is not completed- I CAN'T MOVE ON!"; Isan't working for me wahwah wahhhhhh
$('#middle').css( "position","fixed" );
        $('#top,#containor,.border-menu,.button,.buttonsize,#middle').animate({ left:'+=400px', useTranslate3d:true }, 'slow', function(){
It just goes right ahead with .animate before $('#middle').css( "position","fixed" ); :O
When I add throw I get: Uncaught [object Object] In the Console... D:
(Repeated 35 times)
4 hours later…
People at skype are fucking idiots
completely piece of shit
there system has detected me for unfair usage since i was using it on my iOS and Linux at the same time and they cant fix it
fuck them
Hello, does any one know THREE.js
A: Two ribbon with same z, they covered each other

bjorkeIf you want to use "painter's algorith" (whatevr is painted last is always what you see), just turn Z off in the material(s). This is, set the "depthTest" attribute to false when declaring the material

@jasonjifly ask @ivowetzel i doubt anybody else does
@Abhishek, thanks
@jasonjifly, you should change your name to JSONify.
Oh, it's creative, but I'm used to it
jason is name, ji is my surname
I have completely lost my touch of c++
2 hours later…
@AmaanCheval lol gluck
they are messed up bad on firefox
btw the alpha looks so much better :P
@AmaanCheval Yup, they've been working on a rewrite since early summer this year. I've talked to Piotr Zalewa back then, the plan was to rewrite it from scratch and get it in open source quality.
Oh, didn't know that
@AmaanCheval youtube.com/watch?v=w9HKYw5C7zM&feature=share end of music as we know it
Not listening to that
Dude its fucking horrible
It's sad that I actually know a few people who went for the concert
its worse then Justin Beiber
@AmaanCheval well they dont know music they just like listening to swears in songs and giggle about it
now the recent song Satan has lyricks "Muje WEED pila de" :!!?!?!? WTF ?
make me drink weed ?! WTF?
As far as I know they planned to use Shipyard for the new jsFiddle version.
> That game didn't just suck. It swallowed
youtube.com/watch?v=VurhzANQ_B0 <- Actually satanic song <3 a lil
!!> console.log('test')
@cyril "undefined" Logged: "test"
@Abhishek Are you kidding me?
@OctavianDamiean for that no :P
Comes up with half-funny tweets sometimes
@OctavianDamiean why you ask ?
damn, google maps only show with body onload on android
can't use the $(function() {...}
what's the diff between setting window.ondamnevent or body.ondamnevent
@Abhishek Because it is fucking ridiculous.
@OctavianDamiean in a good way or bad ?
nvm, another question, if I have scriptA.js with a function init called on body load, and also a scriptB.js that must have a function called on body load, how to do?
!!/tell Abhishek define ridiculous
@Abhishek ridiculous: Deserving or inspiring ridicule; absurd, preposterous, or silly. (source)
Spoiler: It's bad.
i dont still understand @OctavianDamiean's point
btw Amaan why u hate Honey Singh?
Hey, his name isn't Honey Singh
It's "Yo Yo Honey Singh"
@Abhishek I don't know how something could be ridiculous in a good way.
@Abhishek I don't hate him, but his songs are shit, and his name is YO YO HONEY SINGH!
hello can any one help me?
about java?
@OctavianDamiean by mistake
java ???



@Abhishek it was kinda brilliant
@tereško That's Avenged Sevenfold
They're pretty good
not my cup of tea
What kind of music do you listen to?
doom metal and post-rock
i find post-rock to be very good as both something to actively listen to and as something that can fade in background when you are working
quick question: best way to check if Eventsource exist (on android device, this call freezes everything)
if (!!EventSource){ }
if (window.hasOwnProperty('EventSource') { }
if ('EventSource' in window){ }
ok thx 2nd or yours , FYI don't use if (!!EventSource){ }
@tereško Which bands do you like?
@AmaanCheval from which genre ?
russian circles, if trees could talk, long distance calling
Ever heard about the band Secret Service ?
@Abhishek if you mean this one then no .. and it does not look like somethign i would like to listen to
@tereško they dont appear to be your kinda music anyways :-) ,
but their music IS good
closest to that genre in my collection of illegal mp3s is Ayreon .. and that's quite far
That awkward feeling when your month old C++ code makes no sense to you anymore despite of being filled with ample amount of comments
sometimes i encounter this problem with closure-heavy JS
you glance at it , and the first thought is: "this should not work at all"
JavaScript is still easy to reunderstand though
C++ requires a ton more time then JS
subjective time/complexity estimates are subjective
//do things

encountered that recently
reminded me of @DaveRandom style :p
@tereško that comment is so much recursive!
@Abhishek try this one : youtube.com/watch?v=tIqRsl8Vm-Q ..
it's kinda long , though
@tereško sounds awesome :-)
sounds so perfect for a game :D with swords
their albums actually have ongoing sci-fi storyline in them
it's an odd-one-out in my collection
Just added them to my queue :D
hint: in that story "forever" is the name of alien race =P
Q: Could a programming language work as well without statements?

DokkatAs programming in JavaScript, I've noticed everything that can be done with statements and blocks can be done with expressions alone. Can a programming language work fine with only expressions? And, if yes, why are statements used at all?

@tereško Ooh, I like Russian Circles
Listening to the others
Okay done for the day with voscast .. lets code something else
!!/choose Blog "Sticks of Persia"
@Abhishek Both!
@Abhishek Blog
thanks :-)
lets create a blog using codepen.io as DE
user image
@AmaanCheval youtube.com/watch?v=RmOR1I2Q-OI .. i hope the will tour this way someday , i want to see them live
^ that one is cute
@Abhishek DE?
@tereško Okay, I'm really starting to like them. Thanks
@AmaanCheval Development Environment
removed the "I"
@AmaanCheval u have a link to my stickman ?
Dunno what to do ,, just dont get the feel of code
maybe i should just switch to windows and play games
the main thing that i like about post rock is that there are no lyrics. that distract you from the idea .. for example, this one makes me think about winter evening when it starts to snow, and i had that impression even before i knew the name of that composition (no, you cannot call it "song")
people who have seen a windless flash snow-storm, so hard that 4 meters beyond the world just ends in white, when just minute ago you should see to the horizon =]
Ma peeps!
I have a problem, I have got a google map, wanted to have ?lat=11&..&zoom=14 in the url, in my js script, each 5s without events, I use history to push a new url with the new coordinates, js can't detect domain url changes right? so I should use this parameters behind hash sign rather?
Anyone know of any good resources on the performance differences between databases and file systems?
It's certainly dependent on the OS, but if databases are some much faster, when aren't file systems more like database servers?
And if a file can be read fast, why not organize a folder structure to represent a database?
Well indexing is a factor, but I think that can always be overcome with some extra code.
But, why ?
You're clearly trying to violate the KISS-principle
Because it opens it up to more options and control over my data
I mean, that was the plan behind that idea atleast
Usually it's the best idea not to reinvent the wheel, especially if you don't know what you are doing
what's with people abusing drugs today , while chatting online ?!
@copy What makes you think I don't know what I'm doing?
that's the general impression , yes
Because you think you can reinvent databases. But databases are huge and super-complex software
I just wanted to know if file system fetching is more efficient or just as efficient
file system is slower then database
Okay thank you
Is that because they're typically just like a database, but larger and more filled up?
Did you not know the tab key existed?
Or is that not your code?
Oh, nevermind. Seems like it was auto-generated or something
What are you implying?
I know what a database is lol
The information you are asking for is available on wikipedia
@AmaanCheval Wasn't me.
Wouldn't this be way easier if operating systems just used databases for their file systems?
Both file systems and databases have their use cases
I don't see what you should have to go through the costs of connecting to a database hosted on the same machine as the server side language.
There's not a feature in a database that an OS wouldn't be able to benefit from.
Obviously there are also downsides to databases
Memory consumption most likely
Doesn't mean that can't be worked around
Hello. Is it possible to optimize this code (make it smaller)? If so, can someone help? I am a JS newbie.

	$('.dropdown-menu').on('show', function () {
		$('.top-navbar-channels > a').addClass('selected');
	$('.dropdown-menu').on('hide', function () {
		$('.top-navbar-channels > a').removeClass('selected');

	$('.dropdown-menu-search').on('show', function () {
		$('.top-navbar-search > a').addClass('selected');
	$('.dropdown-menu-search').on('hide', function () {
		$('.top-navbar-search > a').removeClass('selected');

	$('.dropdown-menu-about').on('show', function () {
jsfiddle.net/UphLM just making sure I'm not reinventing an existing function that would parse a query string?
You're not, but don't use for in
prefer int i=0; i< ... ?
And your code breaks on multiple ?s or =s
@cyril Tons of existing implementations, none in the language. And your implementation is a bit weak (no multiple param support, no decoding, no empty values, etc)
thx I know, just passing some latitude and zoom level
it's in the hash actually '#home?foo=1...'
final thoughts on web-dev
Awesomest thing i have ever done , but i feel more comfortable writing server side code rather then client :-|
@SomeKittens PS2 is kinda annoying. It seems like the only way to actually have a streak is to either get an amazing stroke of luck or to have made a shitload of credits and buy the insane guns. 'course, if in a few hours you can collect about 40 credits, then getting the ones costing 1000 credits...
The classes are ugh. They're all grind (or buy)-to-win, with maybe the exception of the medic, which does a decent job of being versatile enough to be useful.
1 hour later…
Someone's just annoyed that they couldn't be uber leet without even trying
The settings I change on our new router seem to have no effect on what the router does. I think I'm continually screwing with some guy in the midwest who has the same router.
user image
@AmaanCheval 1D?
@twiz One Direction
I think
Hahaha, awesome
I am trying to bind keydown/keypress event on img element using jQuery.
But this event is not getting fired at all.
Are you clicking on the image to fire it? :p
keydown on an image wow
How do you expect a "keydown" event will work on an image?
@cyril I want to move the image using arrow keys.
could someone help me out with swfupload?
@AmaanCheval I tried keydown on IMG as well as DIV.
@RakeshJuyal Then you control it on keydown
@RakeshJuyal you better bind window
But keydown is not getting fired at all @AmaanCheval
And it won't.
Bind it to window or document.body
@cyril that's the last thing I will do.
Ok, when I bind the keydown with BODY it works. ( Inside it I am checking if the activeElement is the myDIV or myIMG then I proceed ).
But can't we bind keydown to DIV or IMG ?
yes but how fire them?
(without trigger)
@cyril Why it is not triggered when I click the div ( hope that will make it activeElement) and then keyPress?
What is stopping that?
I meant any W3c standard?
keydown is probably just deferred to window, body and input, textarea.. check yourself
And content-editables
Basically, anything that can be "focused"
it's common sense after all
So that'd include radio buttons if you tab over them
@deep you're a lie.
@cyril @cyril hmmm I like it.
@deep you should check out Twitter bootstrap for your website
it'll make organizing it a lot simpler.
@SomeKittens I don't really care that I'm not over-powered, I do care that I'm pitted against squads of people who are
There's your problem
Organized squad > the zerg
Found that out the hard way
Those should help
There should be some balancing of areas; let n00bs pwn other n00bs
Not everyone pwn them, and occasionally each other
They said that's the next thing they're looking into, should be fixed in Feb. update
Q: Would a plugin for calling PHP functions within JavaScript prove useful?

XaxisSo basically jqueryphp is a jQuery plugin that allows you to call any PHP function within client-side JavaScript: jqueryphp@github I wrote it as a response to projects such as PHP.JS and other JavaScript emulated PHP function libraries. I realize that my solution will only be useful in contexts ...

it is brilliant
Yeah.... not
Color Suggestion: Do you like the dark green color when you hover over a navigation link or should it just stay a slightly different brown on this site
ffmpeg.org <- is that website working for anyone ?
anyone on the color suggestions
hey guys, how can I temporarily style all elements of a class? (for instance, give them a specific background color)
I know I can querySelectorAll then add CSS and then remove it later, but would there be a way to modify the CSS rule in js directly?
adding a global class :P
@zneak Add a class to body and have a rule .bodyClass .styleClass
<body class="dah"></div>
yeah, that makes sense
.dah .selector{
/* there goes awesome code */

and if I was going to have more than 70 of these classes, would you suggest an entirely different solution ?
(I can autogenerate that CSS easily at least)
in fact, my problem is that there are roughly 75 different words that have a special meaning for my web page, and whenever the user clicks on one of them I would like to highlight the other occurrences
@zneak Something like this?
yes, that's basically what I'll be doing
but with 75 different words
Didn't feel like typing out 75 CSS rules and writing a paragraph to demo. Not that dedicated
of course
anyways I'm not typing them myself, I'm auto-generating it
I was just wondering if there was another way
use document.getElementsByClass("bleh");
and then traverse over it :P
 elem.style.fontSize  = '16px';
yeah, that was the other solution
Hey guys
if (open == true && toggle == 0 || toggle == 0 && open == 'button'){
    $("#middle").animate({left:'400px'}, 200, 'ease-out', function {
        window.alert('Hi, this doesnt work! D:')
    toggle = 1;
} els
I'm getting Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
I know I've made an incredibly stupid and simple mistake... yet I can't fix it. lol
You forgot the parameter () after function
Ohhhh oops thanks
Q: Moderator links

ManishearthAdds some extra links to posts and userpages for convenience For a userpage, all links from the "info" mod menu, except "privileges" is displayed along in the "mod"/"edit"/"prefs"/"flair menu. For posts, it adds a link to the comment history/flag history. It also adds a link to the revhistory f...

Is anyone here?
@deep BEEP!... DEEP!*
Very funny.
Question, how do i get eval() to display html, currently it will only execute js
Some info on that should be here: w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_eval.asp
Q: FadeIn a div element with jquery

Conrad CI am new to web developtment and I want to Fadein a div using jquery. I used the following jquery code to fadein my div. It is not working, what am I doing wrong? html <body> <div id="foo"> <p>Hello, World!</p> </div> <script type="text/javascr...

Q: How do I pass tests with higher scores?

user1867842How do I pass a test of programming knowledge for a higher score on oDesk.com? I have passed php and javascript tests but I have passed them with low scores and barley passing. This doesn't look too appealing for clients and I'm afraid that is the reason I am not being hired for a job. I know I a...

DO NOT use w3shit as a reference. That site is crap
+1 to those
here's a TL;DR why w3schools is crap: w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_insert.asp - full of SQL injection holes
No luck with eval() i just get unexpected token <
@ThiefMaster lols
it's so sad w3schools seems most accessible to newbies
@deep eval is a javascript function that has nothing to do with HTML
I have thought about it how too much correctness can affect accessibility
it will start to resemble some kind of technical specification which no newbie is going to read
but I mean, that could have easily had the escape routines going and still be pretty accessible
So how would i have a textarea's code (be it css / js /HTML) executed/displayed? js currently works fine, to try it click the above link, but i need it to show html
Q: Is it possible to export comments from TypePad Connect?

EricNote that I'm not talking about TypePad, but TypePad Connect, their hosted commenting product. I see comments in their company blog from 2008 (!!!) saying they were working on an export feature, but I don't think it ever launched. So... is there any way to get old comments out of a TypePad Connec...

@Esailija It's a technical job. If you aren't prepared be technical, pedantic, and generally mind-numbingly dull from the very outset, programming is not for you. Anally retentive or gtfo.
Well said
is lost.
would have been handy if Js had a merge operator for objects, such as
!!> {foo:1}+{bar: 2}
@cyril "NaN"
@DaveRandom true but only if those people were into programming, we would have very little apps and such
Hooray for multipings!
@Esailija touche...
if you really made that w3 example robust (encoding validations, normalizations etc) it would become inaccessible pretty fast
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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