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I'm afraid I'm getting converted to emacs.
@FlorianMargaine Really?
@FlorianMargaine Flagged
@rlemon They are?
Afaik, only and are
Added some neat sugar to the gh-pages; more specifically, typing when input unfocused auto-focuses and sht
@AmaanCheval yeah
@copy I knew it!
@FlorianMargaine Happened to me too. Went Emacs on-and-off for a while, then caught on.
@copy starting to learn lisp was my trigger
@Zirak I don't use arrow keys though
Who does use arrow-keys?
isearch and isearch-backward
That handles like 99% of my traveling needs
@FlorianMargaine Ahh well, that kind of makes sense. At learst you're not using windoze or something
@copy heh, my company's PC are delivered with ubuntu :-)
Nice. Can you install your own window manager ?
ofc. Got fluxbox already :)
Uhh. I cannot live without awesome anymore.
Trying to get used to 100% mouse-less work
fluxbox is mouseless for me too :)
but the tiling thing got annoying
Awesome looked awesome, but I hate tiling WMs. I got too spoiled with layers.
I use maximized mode most of the time, so essentially no tiling
fluxbox's good enough for that :)
Nice when you only have one window. I like em plenty, I like em stacked.
@FlorianMargaine Why are you so smiley?
Your smile-per-sentence ratio in the last 7m is 4/5
@Zirak hm, dunno, really
@Zirak: are bots actually mentioned in any way by SO's ToS ?
Haven't given it a thorough read. Air-fresheners are better bathroom material.
Have you seen it? I get bored just looking at the headers
reviewing some colleague's js
full of implicit global variables ~~
Yell at him
Preferably until he cries
and he came to me "look, this is what this code does"
"look, this is how to use a selector"
no... chain him into a little room only with a monitor.. and force him to watch Crockfords endless lessons of javascript
twice !
... twice?!
that's insane
fixed his code
ultimate torture yes.. but the only way to save him
also, he was calculating the pixel size of something out of the percentage to set the correct width in css
I replaced 5 lines with $(sel).css('width', percent + '%');
@FlorianMargaine Just nod and smile when he explains it to you, then when he's done, slap him in the face and say, "You eeeeeeeeediot!" *in the voice of Ren from Ren & Stimpy*
or just let him run this
after the explanation
unfortunately, he's supposed to be "the good guy" in js
Oh dear
@jAndy That was one of the funniest parts of that movie in my opinion
@jAndy LOL
this is awesome
I use it regulary to punish dumb comments in chats or forums
works great
actually bookmarking
@FlorianMargaine Have you seen Billy Madison? Helps to hear the answer Billy Madison gives first
I love that stunned impression when he says it
haha its so funny :p
@Zirak how to comment on emacs?
google gives no answer
answer to any emacs related question is: don't use emacs
@jAndy My 4th grade math teacher told me never to divide by zero
I showed her
@Zirak yeah, the keyboard shortcut to comment out a line
damn, looks like this is dependent on the mode
M-x comment-indent
Or M-x comment-region
protip: M-x comment<TAB>
M-x is a PITA to write, there's no shortcut?
Add one if you wish
hrms.. you know the situation when you're answering on some confused/wrong answer/comment and after 20 lines of typing or so, you just stop and say 'naahhh.. whats the use anyway...' and discard it
C-x C-/ seems appropriate for some reason
doing that too often to myself
@jAndy A lot of times
@jAndy quite often
its actually wrong and I feel bad, cause you should do something to let win reason and sanity
but.. dude, sometimes there is no hope
@Zirak M-; is what I was looking for :)
if you select a region, on a new line, etc, it works :)
damn, too many smileys
!!/google pants
who flagged that !!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 messages moved to recycle bin
there are minors there, come on
discrimination of the porn addicted ?
!!/google "Florian Margaine"
@SomeKittens The Google contains no such knowledge
!!/google "Abhishek Hingnikar"
Aww fuck!
i need SE Optimization for me
!!/google jAndreas
winner !
!!/Google rlemon
!!/google Esailija
!!/google somekittens
why doesn't jQuery do delete window.$; when using noConflict()?
!!/google "what sets anal sex apart from regular sex"
as it's currently doing, it breaks the original $
@Zirak: your bot doesn't use your account anymore? neat
while using delete doesn't break it (you can use the default chrome $ for example)
@FlorianMargaine: good point
@FlorianMargaine: Why? Restoring it is the proper thing to do.
hello mooning duck
@ThiefMaster exactly, and it doesn't restore it
@MooingDuck Command commands does not exist.
@Abhishek Available commands: help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, beautify, convert, get, google, hang, learn, rimshot, recursion, hi, nudge, ring, roll, spec, stat, todo, undo
I think it does.
@Zirak: have a room specifically for playing with the bot?
At least that's what the code says...
maybe because delete on window is not so cross browser...
@MooingDuck Sandbox
And delete would not restore it...
@ThiefMaster well, try using noConflict in some console
then use $, it's undefined
console is obviously different
while it should be some native code
@FlorianMargaine: maybe its because you can't decide whether or not you're assigning the return value from the call.. if you're going to use new "newly" created jQuery object and assign it somewhere, it should totally remove window.$
@SomeKittens thanks
ah yeah, got it
jQuery resets window.$ to whatever it was when jQuery was initially loaded
@Zirak Does the google API response contain all results, or a set limit?
and window.jQuery aswell, to have it fully encapsulated
like var myjQuery = jQuery.noConflict( true ); delete window.$; delete window.jQuery;
or at least null those references
@jAndy why so serious ?
btw i just saw ur rep .. dafuk!
@Abhishek: serious about what O_o ?
removing jQuery from global scope ?
@Abhishek: well, the whole problem only exists if you have to work in a somewhat unknown environment and there might be a shitload of scripts which need to load/load jQuery versions
so everybody should keep his very private reference
oh crap
!!/roll 3*(5+2)
The occasional "thanks" or "I'm sorry" would be nice...
@MooingDuck Invalid /roll argument; use `/help roll` for help
i need a computer chair :-/ i broke 2 wooden chairs in 30 days :'(
@Zirak: roll doesn't like parenthesis
@Abhishek: reputation is not worth that much.. I saw lots of guys who are 50k+ and the answers .. were not what I expected them to be quite honestly
and I saw guys with 800 rep who deserve that 50k more :p
if you'd said 8000, that could've been me :p
hey you are 800+ so u count in @Fl
and i honestly believe
your reputation should be
Over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy Shit, arrays in V8 are Hashmaps and not something optimized: code.google.com/p/v8/source/browse/trunk/src/array.js#453
@FlorianMargaine dont forget to post it on here :3
the awesome vegeta over 9000 clip!
actually the whole concept of.. getting positive rep by the community is pretty good, but the problem that envolves it.. people can only judge and things they can understand
@copy really? oO
the problem.. ultimate simple answer get a rep boost by 252 upvotes in no time
@copy you found that out!
and genius answers with very much addiction and knowledge.. maybe reach the 10
@jAndy yeah, saw that
although that's more a recent problem I think
> once I have one working example real code will follow
@copy compare with the monkey go!
i dunno why i keep on confusing b/w somekittens and copy , thief and octavien
@Zirak: Also, bot gets confused when given a URL that previously confused SO: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/6457543#6457543
actually.. Stackoverflow should introduce something like an "expert-council" for the most popular tags, which can also judge and vote for answers
that would possibly be a good method to balance that problem
The problem with democracy or "crowd sourcing" anything is that people are collectively idiots.
probably, I still think that such a concept can get improved a lot like so
!!/urban twss
The occasional "thanks" or "I'm sorry" would be nice...
@SomeKittens [twss](http://twss.urbanup.com/2852972) Short for [that's what she said]. Only to be used in situations where saying [that's what she said] would be deemed inappropriate. Usually said under breath and pronounced twiss.
!!/learn facepalm "You should have known that..."
The occasional "thanks" or "I'm sorry" would be nice...
@SomeKittens Command facepalm learned
The occasional "thanks" or "I'm sorry" would be nice...
@SomeKittens You should have known that...
@Zirak: I can find no indication of why the bot is asking for "I'm sorry" or what to do about it
@SomeKittens Command thank does not exist. Did you mean: hang
The occasional "thanks" or "I'm sorry" would be nice...
@SomeKittens Available commands: help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, beautify, convert, get, google, hang, learn, rimshot, recursion, hi, nudge, ring, roll, spec, stat, todo, undo, googlekittens, facepalm, google2
@Zirak: Also, it's nice that help on a user command tries to show the actual user command, but maybe it should be in backticks so SO doesn't format it? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/6457794#6457794
@Zirak: optional: make a way to add help for user commands. !!/help google2 set "This duplicates the functionality of the !!/google command"
@Zirak: Also optional: command can only be deleted (or help set by) by it's creator or bot admin
@everyoneelse: is this the best room for for bot requests?
Use GitHub issues
makes sense
Good call, I almost forgot that I wanted to launch an instance of the chat bot on my server.
WHA!? It's not only a service?
@Zirak y u no maed ze bot a service?
Oh ... never mind. I should probably just read why. Issue #1 says all.
Okay, I was wrong. But optimization only happens if you fill the array upto the value you get or set
Solid copy.
Okay, I was right in the first place, ignore what stand above
Yeah ?
No, that meant affirmative.
Time to do something serious with ArrayBuffers
i am going to sleep :D
15 Minutes until Race Injection has finished downloading.
code needs to refactor then commenting and assembla .. aww yes!!
@copy you're back into js?
@Abhishek you should comment while you're writing code, not after
You should comment your code before you write it.
McConnell says so
I've found it very useful
McConnell isn't always right
but yeah, sometimes it's useful
It's best when I know generally what a function/class/etc should do, but need to hash out the specifics
oh, the function comments?
yeah, that's different
8 pings. Do people really expect me to read?
@SomeKittens "All results" meaning the possibly several billions? No, it limits them. According to anus size or something.
@Zirak I feel like I'm being spammed by the dude who's filing so many issues
(on Github)
@MooingDuck Correct, because I haven't added them in
@Zirak ah. So there goes my idea for a googlefight command.
!!/roll 1d1p
The occasional "thanks" or "I'm sorry" would be nice...
@AmaanCheval Invalid /roll argument; use `/help roll` for help
@MooingDuck Girls don't have wiki pages, and you still manage to apologize
!!I'm sorry
@Zirak No worries
It already tells you what to do.
@FlorianMargaine I'm back into old projects that should be open-sourced
I'll make a throttler so it doesn't repeat it
@MooingDuck nah, community commands are communal
@MooingDuck I'll add it in
Holy fuck 10 issues
@Zirak I assume you'll close most as "will not fix".
Todo: Rewrite the bot in a language where arrays aren't hashmaps
But I'll also explain why
Times like these, I kind of regret watching the repo
wait javascript doesn't tell you what the error is when you have basic syntax errors like that? What a stupid language
@MooingDuck It's quite obvious, you know
At least if you've programmed before
You look for anything that isn't in the language by default
k, 3 issues left - node and the two help stuff.
@AmaanCheval "Times"? Singular, methinks
"at times like these"
I meant that it only happened once
maybe he isn't following your repo only
you know, you're not the center of the world or something.
> I kind of regret watching the repo
"The repo" means he refers to the one under discussion, i.e. mine
Time like this*
eh, meaningless
k, well, that's all I found. Glad to have come up with a good idea
and a bug
ugh, setting the help message...might add it in at the /learn arguments
If I learn enough javascript to write a roll evaluator would you consider using it?
Alright. Don't get your hopes up, I have more important things to do, but I might get around to it eventually.
No worries
Let's see if the first thing's fixed...
!!/learn foo $encode($0)
!!/help foo
@Zirak Command foo learned
@Zirak foo: User-taught command: $encode($0)
...idiot me
beer!/learn foo $encode($0)
beer!/help foo
@Zirak Command foo learned
@Zirak foo: User-taught command: `$encode($0)`
@MooingDuck Fixed ^. Would it be fine if the help description was in the /learn arguments, like /learn foo output inputRe desc?
there's a space after the first `
ah, no
Glad that's sorted out
beer!/foo STOP
@AmaanCheval 0
@AmaanCheval Whaa
@AmaanCheval STOP
beer!/learn echo $0 .* "plays the flute"
beer!/help echo
@Zirak Command echo learned
@Zirak echo: plays the flute
oh man. that's such a great trolling mechanism.
gah fak, messed up the issue closing thing.
k, pushed.
!!you alive?
Why does it get so slow with the responses sometimes?
Like once it responded 20 mins later
(According to rlemon)
No clue, it's not the bot's fault at least - when rlemon or I ran it ourselves, /refresh worked instantly
Even apart from refreshing
Things like code evaluation
Connection shit? Without access to the bot machine, I can't know
Hmm. The virtual machine thing rlemon plans on doing sounds good
I need to get a new cpu...once that happens, setting up this as a server should be cake
@copy 'course arrays are hashmaps. Everything's a hashmap.
Prototype attributes aren't stored in a hashmap. Why is there no real array ?
What do you mean, no real array?
also I <3 your wanna be the guy icon
If I use only numerical indices, access could me much faster than on objects (which are hashmaps)
I need something that points to my data structure, not numbers
@Zirak Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand you alive?
Welcome back

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