I just want to know which is more faster in generating Html code using Jquery.
i have 2 sample code here. I'm still confuse which one is better.
Sample 1
var div = $("<div>");
var Elem = div.clone().addClass("message").html(item.Firstname);
I was wondering if there's a preferable framework out there for organizing page events. Something like "page-state x,y,z... When x is triggered, run this collection of functions...)
True, but proving that to an employer isn't so simple
I figure a good starting point is to at least know enough about front end and back end to actually be able to have a productive conversation with the parties involved in creating the product
Yeah, my thought process was along the lines of: I want to create a startup someday => I don't have the set of skills needed => Best way to get said set is to dive in and learn as I go.
I think the biggest problem with UX in a lot of industries atm is the fact that consumers have been habituated into expecting certain things from an interface.
Key example would be people switching from Windows to OSX. It's hard because thing's aren't where they expect them to be, so even if the interface is more 'naturally' intuitive, it's actually MORE foreign to those that have used computers than to those who are just starting to learn
lol, in my experience programmers are the worst when it comes to change. They've figured out the optimal way to work in their environment and don't (generally) want to give an alternate approach a chance
Had to explain to a potential client a few weeks back why tweaking his website would be more difficult than just rebuilding it from scratch. Whoever popularized what-you-see-is-what-you-get editors should be shot (inline styling EVERYWHERE).
if anyone is interested, looking for some advice on how to improve a function i have :D
I basically have a UI with a title that is editable. its a div with an input hidden behind
and an onclick listener that switches div / input and passes the value as needed.
how would you guys do it? right now i have independent functions for each element on my page that has the same behaviour, with some jquery passing the title value into the input and back, and checking if values are the same or diff then editing accordingly. Seems too much work
e.g.: function onMouseOverMapName(event) {
$("#mapTitleLbl").hide(); var value = $("#mapTitleLbl").text(); $("#mapTitleInput").val(value); $("#mapTitleInput").show(); $("#mapTitleInput").select();
(hope i'm not spamming)
and another function for the way back :D
jamesson, im a bit newb but id put a statement during loop at end of each iteration and one after loop
Recently I had the need to make some ajax calls but after a few iterations a number of needs arose. These included:
The serverside code would be responsible for creating any redirect urls and we wanted to stick with the inherited controller RedirectToAction() method where possible in our contr...
I want to pass JSONArray From Activity to HTML Script I am trying in the below way but i'm unable to get the data in the
public class DayViewJSActivity extends Activity {
WebView webviewobj;
String jsurl, eventobj;
JSONArray jArray = new JSONArray();
/** Call...
I am having a problem with seeing one of my variables on a webpage. Here is what I have so far.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(function() {
$("#CheckID").click(function() {
// submit ajax job and display the result
var id = '$("#ID").val()'
I have the feeling new "programmers" are more and more stupid
Also people asking "can I do xyz" which could be answered in a second by just trying it... but no, they rather IM someone (or worse, post it on SO) to ask if it works
You can use a std::string and operator+ or operator+= or a std::stringstream with operator <<.
std::string x("wow");
x = x + x;
x += x;
There's also std::string::append.
Firstly, the two following snippets are equivalent:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Is equivalent to:
$(function() {
So your code does the same as:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
Plain useless, right?
Secondly, this line is plain w...
justice is done
@ThiefMaster I don't think so, that's just the mass effect. Lot more "programmers" just because the entry level is easier
but this low entry level also allows future great programmers to get in
@Neil Nope, I'm not Johnny Depp, I like him as an actor though.
Oh ffs, I just realized that I didn't even have to improve on my beard to get Obi-Wan Kenobi's beard from Star Wars Episode 3 ... I already had it just like that and destroyed it while trying to make sure it is like that ...
How to replace a JS function's code at runtime? (the same functionality as C++ function pointers)
I have tried eval(), but when one of the parameters contains a byte value like 13 or 10 it throws an error.
I understand from this that eval is actually evaluating every lexical atom and replaces t...