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@Raynos They could certainly make me think twice about a career in coding if they were attempting to take one..
no wonder couldnt find it online... im 16 but i guess im not really a 'pro' in js or asp.net all the way down to the spec.
@rudi_visser some 15 year olds are really good
I personally regret not getting into to programming game earlier
I only started 2 years ago
I only started open source 6 months ago
@Raynos have you built any websites?
@Raynos Yes I started when I was 14 and there are other "child programmers" that are of course exceptionally good, but it comes down to discipline at the end of the day and most young'uns don't have it
@anonymouslyanonymous Only one really (raynos.org)
@Raynos Y u no blog in 1 month?
any idea how they do the youtube caption thing, im watching a youtube video(english) , how do they do audio recognition?
@Raynos <!--[if lt IE 9]>
<p> My website is written using modern HTML5/CSS3/DOM3 technologies.
It will not render properly in IE < 9.
To handle legacy browsers I've disabled CSS & JS for you.
Please use a modern browser like Chrome or FF8 to see the CSS & JS functionality
@Raynos that makes me want to punch you in the eye socket :DDDDDD
@rudi_visser why you use IE
@Incognito see logic
@Raynos I don't it's the principle! But to throw a bone of flame IE9/10 are beautiful
// logic
- blog has memory leak
- server needs to be restarted if over x mb
- cannot be bothered to fix leak
- to reduce restarts needed attract less traffic
- to attract less traffic, do not blog
@rudi_visser the HTML only version isnt bad?
Does it actually disable CSS in IE?
I think I removed that
@Raynos according to your sauce it doesn't do shit apart from display a message, don't have IE8 to test :<
Man, you can really tell I wrote this blog post before I wrote my others: it's so awful.
9 hours ago was your first ever blog? how many have you written since :|
@Incognito mainly because meh to be honest, I have shit I can blgo about, I just don't :P
@rudi_visser I write them in batches in one sitting, and schedule them to post every two days. This post I wrote some time back in December before I started blogging.
@rudi_visser I have about 5 in progress, 30 planned, and I believe 10 posts are already live.
@Incognito haha fair enough :D
@Incognito My blog system used to do that, but then I wrote really good posts, set the publish time in the future and then I would be so proud that I would send it to everyone and they'd be like can not see :<
@rudi_visser So far my best posts (in terms of views) either walk someone through an algo or have lots of graphics.
At the end of the month I'll post up my stats.
Anyone here familiar with the Fast Fourier transform ?
@Incognito some
I know its fast
and I know its used for the convolution theorem
and I know it does image blurring in O(n log n)
I've never implemented it
nor do I know the details
I'm looking for one of those explain it to me like I'm five. I'm actually looking to understand the Discrete Fourier transform, FFT is just the common implementation.
The wikipedia/other pages describe it can be used for x,y,z. I'm just looking for "what" it does in those things.
can't wait until we can directly connect into the internet with our brains and just learn what we need.
downloads fft into brain
Binary can be used in compression, but that's not what it does.
@Incognito well its mainly about the convolution theorm
In mathematics, the convolution theorem states that under suitable conditions the Fourier transform of a convolution is the pointwise product of Fourier transforms. In other words, convolution in one domain (e.g., time domain) equals point-wise multiplication in the other domain (e.g., frequency domain). Versions of the convolution theorem are true for various Fourier-related transforms. Let \ f and \ g be two functions with convolution \ f*g . (Note that the asterisk denotes convolution in this context, and not multiplication. The tensor product symbol \otimes is sometimes used instead.) L...
Hey, if I want to create a video chat interface for online, whats the best thing to use?
@Justin What options have you considered?
@Incognito basically you can map some complex shit into a simpler model, do some shit and then map it back
Basically convolutions are a pain in the ass to calculate
But f convulge g = Fourier -1 ( Fourier (f) * Fourier(g) )
so you can calculate the convution of shit by just doing FFT and multiplication
@Justin skype.
@Raynos {123, 456, 789} -> undoFFT(FFT({})+4) - > {127, 460, 793} ?
well not like :P
f * g = FFT^-1(FFT(f) . FFT(g))
Today my Arduino comes in the mail, then I can start messing with using my mind to control stuff woot woot. Ill post some vids after I finish a project or two with JS.
@Raynos Interesting. Now to see "what" the use of that is in signal processing.
@Incognito convolution two images is the act of blurring
AFAIK signals are too much noise to be regular or anything.
I'm going on vague memory of computer graphics second year course btw
anything I say can be complete bullshit
> Knuth 1997
I need to read his books.
@Loktar not skype, I'm offering this service to my users for an integrated experience.
@Incognito A Flash Media Server application, I'd have to right
@Incognito Someone mentioned convolution helps with image edge detection, that rings bells
@Loktar You have an emotive-epoc?
@Raynos Right now it's hand-wavy, I guess I have to hit the books hard to understand this.
well basically convolution and edge detection does ring bells
Hi guys, I'm using jquery and stuck...where is my error?
		var inxx='testersdfsdfsd';
		var ou='';
		for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
It's your variable names. They're preventing me from reading your code and showing you where the error is.
@David19801 .= is not a valid operator on strings.
You may mean +=
also not you are not using jQuery, you are writing JavaScript
.= would be valid on objects with properties?
w h i t e s p a c e.

Use it.
I think your problem is here ou.=inxx.substr(i,1);
ohhh, someone already answered... :-)
I see...I was in php mode, thanks guys!
@anonymouslyanonymous .= would be valid nowhere, because . isn't doing any operation. What would obj .= value do?
Ah I'm out. Thanks for the links/explanation @Raynos . Cheers all.
something like re assigning obj with its own property
obj .= name
obj = obj.name;
no, just thought whether it was possible in js
@anonymouslyanonymous no
@anonymouslyanonymous es5.github.com
Look at chapter 11
it lists all the valid operators
@Incognito no I have a neurosky one -ish
I got one of those mind games (on clearance for $30), and you can tie into it with the arduino and output it to a pc
@Loktar Your site is broken. Wanted to see how your game's doing, site not found somethinghitme.com
gah idk whats up with that @Zirak
its up for me..
but for some people its down randomly
zombiegames.net work? Thats on the same server
somethinghitme.com/projects/sopa < direct link to game
Yep, zombiegames works. Weird
I finished it up and submitted it last night
Not Found kills interwebz
bleh.. I think its something to do with my dns settings or something for that domain
I dont understand it
That one works
heh so weird.. thats just a direct link from the parent domain
so yeah its def a domain issue
the end of the contest is this weekend btw..
I killed myself getting that done in one day and didnt have to lol
It's nicely done
thanks, theres one thing I might still add, the ability to drop $100 bills to attract the gentlemen
so you can lure them closer to the protestors
also I should make the timer stop when its not focused
RT @k7glim: #webrtc now in Chrome Dev channel. Say hello to audio and video chat over the web (without any plugin!). For docs: http:// ...
RT @Paul_Kinlan: http://www.html5search.com/sites.html is a list of all sites indexed. Even better edit https://github.com/PaulKinlan/HTML5Search/blob/master/static/sites.html and issue a pull request t ...
RT @beverloo: Font CSS Properties, Selector Source Location and calc() Tests http://goo.gl/qP7t4 #Chromium #WebKit
RT @brucel: Size negotiation model between replaced objects (images, SVG etc) and the CSS layout algorithms http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-images/#sizing
RT @FirefoxNightly: A command-line interface has been added to the Web Console. http://firefoxnightly.tumblr.com/post/15777733528/a-practical-command-line-interface-has-been-added
RT @pbakaus: Check out the new EasyScroller at http://zynga.github.com/scroller/ (first demo!). It can't get any easier than this.
@html5 tweets shite
@Loktar Does it count as cheating if I slightly change my existing game? I did it in about a day, but worked on minifying it for several more
its not an official Ludum anyway
RT @mathias: Opera’s “Browser JavaScript” feature works around incompatible web pages. It currently has 177 active patches. http://t.co/ ...
RT @ShopTalkShow: Episode 2 w/ @paul_irish is up! #pokémon http://shoptalkshow.com/episodes/002-with-paul-irish/
Say you have two circles who crash against each other. How do you calculate each circle's ricochet angle and force?
Simple way, just add the vectors of the forces
Angle isn't needed because it'll happen automatically if you just add the displacement in x and y co-ordinates of each circle
yeah.. thats when you start getting into the slightly complex maths
for me anyway because I am such a math noob.
I tried and tried to crack this one, then I just figured that simply adding the force they're moving by was enough to make a good-enough-for-me game
(Never finished the game. :P)
"Just add the vectors of the forces" Physics and Geometry are :(
Also, wouldn't simple addition not account for different masses?
well as far as i remember in physics the momentum is conserved for two circles
or object before and after they collide
so m1v1 = m2v2 = m(n)v(n)
I'd imagine it'd work for one moving circle and one idle circle
Yeah, preservation of energy
also you could replace v1/v2/v(n) by the vector components v1cos() , v1sin() and so on
could ask on gamedev exchange!
Only helps me know that a.vel0 + b.vel0 === a.vel1 + b.vel1
im not a game dev but dont they have this stuff mapped out in the respective platform/language your writing it in?
Gamedev site scares the shit out of me. Saw all these incredible graphic processing questions with tons of shit-scary code, and I'm "how u make circles move?"
You can guess right away in which platform/language I'm writing in (hint: top-right corner)
lol , my bad i thought you were talking about offtopic stuff...
how do you even simulate gravity in js?
gravity is easy
apply force to every entity in the game environment.
no i meant the velocity of every particle changes as gravity pulls it downwards...so if a particle in in some place a when it falls to the earth/ground its velocity is going to keep increasing under constant acceleration 9.8m/s^2
@paul_irish "40kb isn't that big" ಠ_ಠ
Paul irish says "jQuery is only 40kb, that's not big at all"
so if i had multiple circles how do i make them move as if gravity was acting on them
vel.y -= 0.5 or other random val
@anonymouslyanonymous yeah, that pretty much
but dont apply constant acceleration downwards
apply force downwards
and when something jumps
apply force upwards once
basically write a physics engine
you also need collission detection for floors
lol yeah its complex
well incase others need it , i remember some of the key equations, 3 actually, which are helpful
V(new) = V(old) + A*T
X(displacement) = X(current displacement) + V*T + 0.5*A*T^2
the above link uses verlet integration though, not euler
V(new)^2 - V(initial/old)^2 = 2 * A * X(displacement/distance)
A= acceleration, V= velocity, X = displacement/distance covered, T=time
Does pastebin work for anyone else?
@anonymouslyanonymous You can submit stuff?
Paste in this exact text:
    <span class="MathJax_Preview" style="display: none; ">
    <span class="MathJax" role="textbox" aria-readonly="true" style="">
            <span class="math" id="MathJax-Span-347">
                <span style="display: inline-block; position: relative; height: 0px; font-size: 116%; width: 1.868em; ">
                    <span style="position: absolute; top: -4.305em; left: 0em; clip: rect(2.098em 1000em 5.019em -0.647em); ">
                        <span class="mrow" id="MathJax-Span-348">
@Loktar Awesome!
RT @AdobeWebKit: What do you think of HTML5 Image Progress Events? http://blogs.adobe.com/openweb/2012/01/13/html5-image-progress-events/
RT @0penWeb: Happy OpenWeb 2012, Shadow DOM, speak to your browser, etc. http://www.w3.org/QA/2012/01/openweb-weekly-24
my boss is continuously poking and prodding me to pick up skills to package crap for the iPad
RT @ch9: Kinect, HTML5, WebSockets and Canvas http://dlvr.it/15f27F
What the HTML5 spec looked like 6 years ago http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/2006-01-01/
@Raynos yeah, garrett's written some great stuff
it's a shame he's become disenfranchised with programming
he got sick of all the frivolous crap in the industry
I need a js to highlight like the Ctrl+F of the browser.
Do you know a plugin that already done this?
Hey all, when I use window.open to open a document in a new page, is there areason why links show up as plain text even though tables render properly?
thats the parameters I use
and when show_map page displays
it shows the table, but links as plain text
we really can't tell without seeing the page(s)
@albertopriore Pay a developer.
@MattMcDonald You can't just html5 whatever for the ipad?
actually it does not show <a></a>
I hate the i____ stuff.
it just shows the href of link and the text within it
@Incognito Apple just released some iBooks crap
and my boss wants in on it
and I'm not digging around in ObjC
or some crap packager
@MattMcDonald I bet you're going to make piles of money on the iBook format.
I can feel the steady pressure to jump onto iConsumer development
...which is why I really need to move to web
I thought you were a web dev?
flash apps
yay, my game thingy finally has a working twitter login, just needs a better UI...
Any one knows how to get rid of Access-Control-Allow-Origin on google chrome?...there must be some sort of browser setting...!
there's a obscure command line flag iirc
It used to be --allow-file-access-from-files, dunno if it's still working
Sometimes the chrome:// protocol has tweaks, not sure what page it'd be on.
One of these somewhere [trollface.jpg](chrome://chrome-urls/)
Durr, stack overflow doesn't pick up psudoprotocls.
chrome://chrome-urls/ < put that in your address bar,
aren't the chrome://-urls a Firefox thing?
@JulianD Anyone can make up pseudo protocols. What do you think Javascript: is for inline elements and bookmarkletts?
They're bad for the web, but as a config-page, harmless.
chrome://flags/ lets you play with all the stuff that isn't out yet-- but at the same time not be on the beta track.
i know about protocols, I was wondering whether Google Chrome uses chrome://
Such as:
> Enable syncing open tabs Enable open tabs in the sync options. This allows syncing your open tabs to other clients.
now I see it does ;)
but chrome://chrome-urls/doesn't work in Chrome for OS X
was it supposed to?
Don't know/don't care: I don't care about macs.
Strange how a difference of 1 letter, E, changes something from horrifying to totally awesome.
Proof of point: macs -> Emacs
incognito - > incognito
didn't work for me.
m > me
I win
//flips that
Suddenly, everything makes sense
Windows ME was not win.
You guys know what scares me more than math?
@Incognito Women? ;D
No, however, my ex girlfriends would strike fear into the most seasoned of us.
Well, close enough.
I'll make a rage comic about my relationships one day.
@Incognito Death by sin? badum tssh
Death by rst.
Rotate, Scale, Translate? Readability, Strength, Tone? Rosetta STone?
Network rst.
Syn, ack, rst
Death by Xorg.conf
Oooo, this is a cool project. I wonder how much of this could be ported to the browser...
Windows support says "Download a VM" ;_;
But yeah, it looks sweet
It's all python I think.
Yeah, it is.
> Sage depends on many components which are not yet available for Microsoft Windows.
That's why I was saying I wonder if we can port to web.
I don't think we can easily move python to web. Especially given JS's funkyness with numbers sometimes.
IIRC, Python does the same thing as js with numbers
So it is possible
python does 10100401822940524+1 wrong?
Seems to work fine.
>>> 10100401822940524+1
Not sure what the L is however.
Stands for Large
No, Long
q.q of course python would add letters to tell me its using a "long" number.
Reasons I don't program with python:
(says the guy who just praised it for being able to add two numbers together)
lol completely incorrect answer that doesn't even run and behold 3upvotes stackoverflow.com/questions/8932609/…
Python is pretty cute, but the syntax annoys the shit out of you after a while
python syntax looks very coffeescriptey
= yuck :p
@Esailija I must be missing something.
cfs took some little order Ruby has and the order that Python has, decided that "hey, let's make everything optional with no apparent order" is the way to go and that's what happened.
write asdasdd ? true : false in your console
obvious reference error
Python code is actually well-organised, because it has to be. Ruby code looks (and probably is) very messy, until you can see through the syntax. CFS is just...bad.
Also, Python dates back to 1991. cfs ripped off of Python, but mostly Ruby
python's fine
it's a nice change of pace
I like the idea, I follow the whitespace ideology 99% of the time. But that 1% was enough to drive me crazy after a while.
I love my ugly curly braces
now if you really want to stretch your brain, try the syntax of lisp or scheme
Also, that ^
hah Im stretching mine currently doing asp.net/mvc
so much different than the winforms way..
hey @deostroll you handy?
wow you guys hear megaupload was shutdown :?
holy crap
whose asking
hah wow the founder was arrested as well..
The mods of dba.se about your room here

SQL Server

Discussions specific to Microsoft's rdbms product - Sql Server...
wanted to see if you would set it to gallery and a message pushing people over to our regularly occupied room
> The site was shut down by the FBI on January 19, 2012, during an investigation into alleged copyright infringement. -en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaupload
So there's a gas leak in my office, they think. So the first day of the whole winter it snows, it's today. What do we do? We open all the doors.
Now I'm coding in a dark corner surrounded by monitors covered with VIM terminals, in my leather jacket. I feel like a super villain or something.
@Loktar Holy FSCK what?!?
Even after their stupid song?
yeah :? pretty nutty
@Incognito no that didn't quite work... (chrome://chrome-urls/) gave me a list of all urls used by the browsers...even looked at chrome://flags in the process. Didn't find anything there that rang a bell.
hey look: another site with the hashbang
$ ping mordor
Ping request could not find host mordor. Please check the name and try again.
One does not simply ping mordor
Sorry. It just came to me. :P
@Zirak Did you see my nerdery over my protocol blog post?
@Incognito Links or it didn't happen
@MattMcDonald Nice, it's like a creepier SOAD.
I was listening to that CD driving home from my parents' house one dark, rainy night
boy did that ever chill me
@Incognito Impressive, you made smart nerds flame each other
@Zirak This is the link I was looking for with the specific quote reddit.com/r/programming/comments/occnh/…
@Zirak Oh, that's my hobby.
The memegenerator template for "One does not simply" sucks, so: One does not simply go outside.
By the way, I'm trying to make my jquery work but it wont i have like $(" * ").click(function(){rage()}) but whenever I click something it invokes rage.
It began with the forging of the Great Protocols. Three were given to the Email servers: immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings.
Seven to the Database-lords: great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls.
And nine. Nine protocols were gifted to the race of web, who above all else desire power.
For within these protocols was bound the strength and will to govern each technology. But they were all of them deceived.
For another protocol was made.
In the land of Geneva, in the fires of mount CERN, the Tim Berners-Lee forged in secret a Master protocol to control all others.
haha, nice
Favorite part: in the fires of mount CERN, the Tim Berners-Lee forged in secret a Master protocol to control all others.
@MattMcDonald I haven't been listening to any metal lately, I feel so bad about it.
One $ to rule them all, one $ to $().find them. One $ to $().get them all, and to the DOM $().append them.
Not as pithy as it started, but
can we delete a scope in javascript? I mean run an anonymous function and do away with its scope altogether manually? #justasking
Because the function ending isn't enough closure (ha, the puns) for you?
@deostroll if you want a function to not have its containing function as its containing scope [i.e. its lexical scope], unnest it and place it definition outside of the containing function, and refer to it by name.
Anyone familiar with jqGrid?
Their api for toolbars specifically
The ISC folks have a t-shirt written in dwarvish that talks about "one BIND to bind them all", or something like that
Q: missing : after property id - javascript

bflemi3I have what I thought was a simple function but I can't figure out what I'm missing here. There error I'm getting is missing : after property id and it references: var data = { "'" + $(this).attr('id') + "'" : "'" + $(this).val() + "'" }; Here's the function: function ArrayPush($group) { ...

@Alnitak upvoted yours :)
But yeah, that's how it is on the JS tag >_>
yup, noob questions that can't tell the good answers from the less good ones (and sometimes from outright bad ones)
function ArrayPush ragequit
What in the nine hells is going on here. I update a file and it doesn't change. Not only that, the two files are hundreds of lines different.
Have I lost my mind?
@Zirak nono, look at the casing, it's clearly a Constructor
@Incognito Browser caching or OS level?
@IvoWetzel I don't know man, I hit all the refreshes here
I've encounter enough of these OS caching screwed up cases thus far
I feel werid man like
not typing right
@Zirak I camelCased my alternate function name, just for you ;-)
@Incognito I've run into problems with that and vBulletin
I'll update a CSS file—even remove it from the server to be replaced with another—and no change
@MattMcDonald this is literally editing a js file and hitting refresh
on that js file

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