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@faya : Hi
@Rupeshit Hello mate
Are you working on scala?
I would say no. Solved some stuff with it on projecteuler and got interested in it.
And you guys?
Wanted to create one sample application using Lift Framework anyone have idea about it?
Hmm. What kind of appliation?
Simple application like login page or somthing
to see how powerful lift framework is
if you had previous web development experience its pretty easy. There is "taking off" section on lift page.
everything else is in documentation mate :)
Yeh I am a java developer and trying to run my first application of scala
but now want to create new small simple project
Any link of tutorial to do this will be appreciated
5 hours later…
Anybody here.....I am a java developer and trying to run my first application of scala
So, what problem are you having?
Hullo everyone
I have a question regarding my own answer at SO
A: Slice notation in scala ?

missingfaktorscala> import collection.IterableLike import collection.IterableLike scala> implicit def pythonicSlice[A, Repr](coll: IterableLike[A, Repr]) = new { | def apply(subrange: (Int, Int)): Repr = coll.slice(subrange._1, subrange._2) | } pythonicSlice: [A,Repr](coll: scala.collection...

How to generalize this pimp further so that it works with arrays, strings and such?
Why not look at how slice is implemented by StringOps?
Hi missingfaktor
Ultimately you may need a CanBuildFrom if you want to generalize over Arrays/Strings etc
You'll need a view bound to work with arrays and strings.
@Daniel - but a view bound won't let him return a String...
Not like that, but I think it will if he specifies a CC <% IterableLike.
@oxbow_lakes: I dont understand CanBuildFrom magic very well. yet :(
Let me get one of my own genericized code and check...
@Daniel: I tried it but ran into some weird compiler error.
Trouble is that the CanBuildFrom example will not be performant. The existing String.slice stuff is wonderful because you end up with everything being backed by the original String
StringOps extends SeqLike[Char, String]. That should be enough.
scala> implicit def it2sl[A, Repr <% IterableLike[A, Repr]](cc: Repr) = new {
| def sl(i : Int, j : Int) : Repr = cc.slice(i, j)
| }
it2sl: [A,Repr](cc: Repr)(implicit evidence$1: (Repr) => scala.collection.IterableLike[A,Repr])java.lang.Object{def sl(i: Int,j: Int): Repr}

scala> List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).sl(1, 3)
<console>:10: error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type (List[Int]) => scala.collection.IterableLike[A,List[Int]]
List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).sl(1, 3)
Is that what you meant?
implicit def pS[A, Repr <% IterableLike[A, Repr]](coll: Repr)
You appear to be correct Daniel:
scala> implicit def it2sl[Repr <% IterableLike[_, Repr]](cc: Repr) = new {
| def sl(i : Int, j : Int) : Repr = cc.slice(i, j)
| }
it2sl: [Repr](cc: Repr)(implicit evidence$1: (Repr) => scala.collection.IterableLike[_, Repr])java.lang.Object{def sl(i: Int,j: Int): Repr}

scala> List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).sl(1, 3)
res3: List[Int] = List(2, 3)

scala> "Hello WOrld".sl(2, 5)
res4: java.lang.String = llo
And: scala> Array('f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j').sl(1, 2)
res5: Array[Char] = Array(g)
That is awesome
Daniel - that doesn't work (if you declare the type parameter A), as per my example
Thanks a bunch Daniel. but now I have new problem.
error: type mismatch;
found : (Int, Int)
required: Int
println("Hello"(2 -> 4))
my method is named appply
That's because String has an apply already, so the implicit conversion is ignored.
when i rename it to something else it works
I think.
That doesn't make any sense, though.
but String has apply(Int)
how's scala pronounced ? scale-a and scaaala ?
@letronje: Skaa - laa
Scah-lah, afaik.
Well, that's how Martin Odersky pronounces it anyway!
i guess the reason for my problem is non-transitivity of the implicit conversions
String -> IterableLike -> my new type
Does it make sense?
any IDE recommendation for a Lift and SBT proj ?
(and no, emacs is out of the picture... don't ask ;) )
I'd try IntelliJ, but since I have never written any project in Lift, I can't vouch for it.
world best IDE for any language ;)
I tried vim and it was okay
I'm trying the three: Eclipse, IntelliJ, and
NetBeans :)
Then somebody recommended ensime+emacs, and I fell in love with it.
all heavyweight
Ensime looks really great, but I hate Emacs key bindings.
I can't break over the hump of learning emacs
I've really tried when I was learning Scheme, but no luck
They are heavy weight, there is that.
Have you tried light weight text editors? jEdit, textmate, etc?
I'll consider vim ... still I want "pretty picutres", highlighting and stuff... without spending hours configuring it
not yet
I should give them a try
@GClaramunt but you configure vim 1 time and then keep it for whole LIFE
jEdit does highlighting fine.
that's worth time spend configurngi
And, for that matter, Scala has conf file for vim colorize. I'm not happy with how it tabs, though.
I don't understand how people can live without code navigation/search available in IDEA/Eclipse etc
And textmate must be good for something. Isn't that what paulp uses?
vim + ctags
The same problems for Emacs — there is no good indentation scripts for Scala...
or someone would suggest me one?
@oxbow_lakes you can have that in VIM using plugins
For Emacs? Ensime.
Daniel: it has indenting, it just works with scala-mode, which is broken
it has -> it has no
Yeah, ensime has a good navigation thing
M-. :D
@AloisCochard I know, but that's an upfront investment :) besides not all my dev envs have vim (by default at least)
Daniel, Chris: Got any hint why apply thing doesn't work?
@GClaramunt yeah, but run on any OS/Architecture ... and when on front of an old Unix server you have good chance to find at least vi. This can save life ;-)
I suspect that the apply thing doesn't work because the StringOps' apply is getting "more points" from an ambiguity perspective. Either way, apply is defined on StringOps so yours would be ambiguous anyway
scala> "Hello"(2)
res1: Char = l
scala> implicit def it2sl[Repr <% scala.collection.IterableLike[_, Repr]](cc: Repr) = new {
| def apply(i : Int, j : Int) : Repr = cc.slice(i,j)
| }
it2sl: [Repr](cc: Repr)(implicit evidence$1: (Repr) => scala.collection.IterableLike[_, Repr])java.lang.Object{def apply(i: Int,j: Int): Repr}

scala> "Hello"(1,2)
<console>:7: error: too many arguments for method apply: (n: Int)Char in trait StringLike
For example....
You are right. It doesn't work with Vector either. Works only with collections that don't already have apply.
anyone knows of a binary serialization library equivalent to sbinary that also allows setting the endianness of the file?
ops, sorry, the endianness of the stream (not only files)
This chat doesn't auto-scroll. Disagreeable.
What Browser are you using? Mine seems to be OK :-)
1 hour later…
Slow Scala day.
maybe because is Friday? :)
Actually, I think there was a stat once that showed friday afternoons to be one of the most busy times at S.O.
Wonder what effect this will have on the Scala IRC room
Probably none.
In fact, I doubt the S.O. Scala chat will endure much.
Who knows? Probably useful for someone who wants to let questions come stream in
2 hours later…
Hi. It's Friday, but hopefully someone's here.

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