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Do you realize what caused the response you got in the room?
do you want to have a call to discuss? :)
Well, a chat
I don't think anyone was trying to exclude you - they were aggressive because they felt attacked.
I'd really rather discuss this on a call
They felt that you were accusing them of something without reading the context around it and Jhawins felt like he was accused of holding opinions from a Netflix show he didn't have.
I'm pretty surprised at this whole situation
It escalated very quickly and was very unfortunate
They're nice people, they're not bigoted - we have participants from all around the world, it's actually quite diverse and inclusive overall
I don't know if I can actually type my thoughts right now
Anyway, I just wanted to explain the situation since it must have been a bad experience on your part and I apologize for that
It was unfortunate circumstance
this is why I was asking for a call
I'm not near a microphone, I'm on a desktop computer - are you OK?
this is not "an unfortunate circumstance" this is very much the kind of thing that keeps people away from Stack Overflow
and I meant it when I said I was doing my bit to rehabilitate that image
If you want to help StackOverflow the best way to do so is to answer questions and improve the documentation of things
Which is why I answered every single frontend promises question for a year
I am dedicating a whole lot of effort into this and trying to rally my community into helping the cause
and after this experience I feel like I want to just give up on it
That's awesome
it's not awesome
Do you realize why I believe your accusation of jhawins had a part in the escalation of the situation?
I never accused anyone of anything
Awesome - I meant rallying a community for this effort - Ember has a really nice community
@real_ate ok, I'm sorry for claiming you have - I'm just saying it was perceived as such
the point of "it's not awesome" is that I am going to have to have a serious discussion with the people I'm working with on the Ember community leadership to maybe not help the effort on Stack Overflow
we are very protective of our community and I don't want to send them to the lions like this
If you take the tag and have 20 people monitor it and answer stuff in a friendly, helpful and constructive matter you can turn things around for your community.
but why bother? seriously?
When you own a tag you get to decide the standards of interaction which is great
we are debating if we point people towards Stack overflow
Tags in stackoverflow vary by this greatly
or if we upgrade our discussion forum to fill this role for our community
People will come to StackOverflow whether you point them there or not to be fair
and that's why I wanted to help
The only difference is that if you own it it can be a nice community and if you don't it'll be much less friendly
At Node we do this
The Node.js moderation team which I am a member of discusses the situation of the tag in StackOverflow
We create safe spaces for our community to ask questions at the nodejs/help repo but we also keep track of how people are treated in SO
We don't control all our communities - reddit for example, but overall the ones we do support like slack are very nice and friendly
like I said I would prefer to have a call about this sometime
We enforce our code of conduct very aggressively and ask people to self moderate whenever they use unwelcoming or exclusive language - when you ask people they're very accomodating
and to answer your question, I don't feel like I'm ok
I'm very sorry to hear that
I apologize for your negative experience, in the future I recommend lurking in a room for a while in order to get a full context of the conversation
you have nothing to apologize for (unless it was you who kicked me)
and this sort of conversation in private isn't helping anything
From the perspective of the other participants things looked differenty. They felt attacked by you
say that to me in the javascript channel and it will actually go some way to repair this
I didn't kick you and I objected to the second kick - but I can see both sides and understand there are strong emotions involved
@real_ate Say what in the JavaScript channel?
in JavaScript, 16 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Why did you kick him again @ssube?
"I apologize for your negative experience"
in JavaScript, 15 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
We can be kinder to people joining that disagree with us while still keeping our culture and norms intact
ah yes... I couldn't see any of this because I was banned :(
in JavaScript, 6 secs ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@real_ate I'm sorry you've had a negative experience with the room :(
thank you
Good luck with your ember thing :)
And if you ever want to get into Node, we have a very friendly (and new contributor friendly in particular) culture.
well I am a full stack JS dev ;)
trying to make "Javascript only" more of a norm when people start a new project
Yeah, we do that where I work, we're building a WebRTC based peer to peer distributed CDN
Our backend is Node and FE is in JS, our backend deals with 2M concurrent connections regularly :)
I feel like I heard someone talking about that on a podcast recently
you weren't on a podcast recently were you?
Chucky was - he's the developer sitting next to me
I mostly talk about Node.js core dev when speaking at conferences rather than Peer5, or other projects I'm core team of like MobX or Bluebird or sinon
nice one
I think I'm going to bow out of the SO chat experiment now
I probably won't be back any time soon but thank you for reaching out the way you did
Have a nice weekend
Sure, and if you're ever interested in Node hit me up
My email is in the main node repo home page (under benjamingr)
I'm not "ok" with what just went down but I'm not leaving entirely fuming as I was
what do you mean "interested in Node"?
I use it every day :')
I meant interested in Node.js core development
As in writing Node - not writing in Node
I'm probably a bit full up at the moment but it is something that I have been wanting to get into eventually
I'll send you an email now so that you have mine
Awesome, no pressure

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