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A: How can I use CSS to move 3 of 4 divs from one column into a new column?

billynoahI think this is what you want - as outlined in your question: 2 column layout .d2 is fixed width others take up remainder of available space It's certainly possible using a number of approaches but flexbox works as good as any. Just take .d2 out of the regular flow by giving it absolute posi...

@DhavalJardosh - thanks. frankly i'm still trying to grasp what you've done in your solution to make this work. just a bit more explanation in your answer would be great.
I'm still trying to figure out what I did wrong in my above css. My "right cols" are not stacking, only div 1 ends up on the right.
Ok it's the absolution positioning of div2. Problem is all of this is inside of another container (repeated many times) that needs it's height push open to the height of at least div2. Taking it out of positioning removes that. I'll have to look at @DhavalJardosh approach. Would have rather used yours as it's simpler.
@danjfoley - this question is like a moving target. you keep adding requirements and criteria that aren't mentioned at first. it's a bit difficult to provide a working solution and unfair to answerers when you do that.
agreed, I just thought it would be way to much code to post. Sorry about that.
it would be encouraging if you at least gave an upvote all the existing answers which work according to the criteria you provided. At any, here's another possibility. Hopefully this works for you.
Thought i would move this to a chat
the current answer doesn't collapse down to 1 col.. but i'm working on it..
try to fork my codepen and let me know what you're able to see
i have the grid solution somewhat working.. i can't get the 3 divs to all show in the second col of grid.. still looking at it.
can you fork my Codepen, update your html and css, Save and send us back
So we get what's going on at your side.
I will do so tomorrow. Getting late here. the grid solution doesn't work as it splits the col 2 divs into equal height. Need them just to stack up against the top. I'll fork something out tomorrow.
Well let me see if i can do something now. hold on.
something like that. where the height of #2 is variable. My attempt to assign number 2 different heights in the css have failed, something is holding them to the same thing, but you see what i'm trying to do here. I need to get to bed. I will check this out tomorrow Thanks.
Your .left{width:40%;} is blocking your right columns

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