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Q: How to animate complex svg path that draws every 15-30 milliseconds

HenryPI have a svg path with lots of points (all points are curves): <svg width="100%"> <path id="fullpath" d="m 4.5357141,18.809524 c 4.1530934,1.038274 7.3749009,3.036935..." fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="1" /> </svg> Path should animate, as if someone is drawing it by hand. I took ...

Apart from the fact you're selecting DOM elements using jQuery in each cycle, which is less than ideal, I'd highly suggest you do this using HTML5 Canvas. Every object in SVG is a full-blown DOM Element. Every time you update the path handles, the browser needs to do a lot of work to update it's properties. This stands in contrast to HTML5 canvas which just deals with pixels.
Also, you should ditch setTimeout in favor of requestAnimationFrame. And avoid updating stuff every 3ms. Almost all devices are capped at 60fps which leaves a minimum window of 16ms per frame. If you post a working fiddle of your current code I might be able to help you a bit.
Doing this in SMIL would be more performant.
@RobertLongson Isn't SMIL deprecated?
It is not deprecated, the Chome devs briefly deprecated it and then changed their mind.
@Nicholas Kyriakides I actually did the canvas version too, just didn't put it in this question. The same problem remained, which I thought was strange. Maybe 3 miliseconds is too short of a delay regardless. Although gif works great.
You're updating far too often and you're selecting items from the DOM in every cycle. Selecting DOM elements is kinda slow. Try to do this var path = $('#fullpath') outside of your cycle and then use path in your cycle.
If you want the path to animate as if somone is drawing it look for questions about stroke-dasharray e.g.…
3ms ~ 333Hz! As @NicholasKyriakides said, anything above 50-60Hz does not make much sense, 10-20Hz may even be sufficient.
@Nicholas Kyriakides Great catch for putting selection out of cycle. I did that and it looks like it's better. Although it stills lags every nth attempt. Also, I don't see that it changes for the better when I put 16 milliseconds instead of 3, there are still some/same/similar lags.
@JimmyB How come gif looks great with that rate? I tried longer delays but I couldn't get it to be that smooth, although I could try again
The reason that gif works smoother is because the browser load the image only once. In your code the browser keep on loading/updating the svg forever. This is why after nth attempts it become less smooth. @Nicholas Kyriakides gave you the way how to solve it. Good Luck!
@HenryP Not saying it won't look good, just that there's no visible difference between 300Hz and 50Hz :) As to your original problem: It seems there's something disrupting your time base, as you say the problem persists even at 'only' 60Hz. Maybe some resource (CPU, memory?) management of the browser.
@JimmyB - You and Nicholas Kyriakides are correct, I made a mistake because gifs are not every 3 miliseconds but every 3/100 of a seconds, that's 30 milliseconds
I put selection outside the cycle, removed jquery, and timed it to 30 milliseconds per cycle, and the problem is lesser now, but it still lags from time to time
@Robert Longson I am looking into the link you posted, it looks great but I have to understand it
Again, use requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout. Moving $(element) outside of the function is just one part of the story. The reason it lags is because you're enqueuing animations before the browser has the chance to render the new frame. If I not mistaken that will cause those animations to eventually stack up. This is exactly what requestAnimationFrame ameliorates.
The reason your GIF looks great is because it's a simple series of pixel frames. There are no high-level computations that need to take place to draw the next frame. Furthermore GIF frames are animated properly in contrast with your unoptimised attempt at animating. Again, use requestAnimationFrame. I'm almost willing to bet that's what's causing the choppiness.
@Nicholas Kyriakides I'm looking into requestAnimationFrame, but it's not supported in IE9-, in some Androids and some iOSs. I'm also looking at dasharray technique that Robert Longson linked.
Or you could just go ahead and use this little gem: You can argue that it's more fun/educating to give it a go yourself but hey.. This is using the dash-array technique that Robert mentioned.
As far as requestAnimationFrame is concerned you can fallback to setInterval if a device doesn't support it. Or you could just fallback to your GIF.
@Nicholas Kyriakides I agree with fallback to setInterval. Can you check my mockup code for canvas? I added it to my post above. This code also lags similarly, which is strange since canvas should do much better
Only if you add a working fiddle that lags. Your posted examples don't run as-is. Fix them so they at least run and I'll give it a go.
@Nicholas Kyriakides Here's jsfiddle: . It still lags sometimes, slows down for a moment, but this is using both requestAnimationFrame and dash-array technique. I still think gif does better, based on visual comparison
I've just run your fiddle on a 2013 iMac with a 6x slowdown factor and it doesn't lag at all. If you still think the GIF is better, go ahead and use it. There's not much left to optimise as far as I can see.
@Nicholas Kyriakides That's great, thanks for checking it out, maybe it's my computer

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