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A: Android:Not able to select Custom listview

fasheikhTake a look at this and hopefully it should give you some pointers, unfortunately can't do much without seeing your whole java!: public class CRUDonDB extends ListActivity { private final String SAMPLE_DB_NAME = "myFriendsDb"; private final String SAMPLE_TABLE_NAME = "friends"; /** Called when...

:I'm using custom cursor adapter,override newview and bindview.
an example with a custom adapter, toggles a checkbox onClick
:You've not under stood my question.When i select a row from listview,m not able to see the selection.Normally when you click on a row from listview,you should see an orange color appearing which means that row is selected.
I have understood your question, and it's not necessarily orange that is the highlight colour:) it's very difficult to help you without your full java code. Therefore, I have supplied a code to a working sample, so that you can compare it to your code and hopefully spot your error.
:I do not have any check boxes,all i have are two textview,i'm talking values from databases putting each value in a textview.
You never mentioned anything about a database, your question is very brief so I am doing the best I can, this will allow you to do what you want, just change the adapter to your custom one.
:I've a db ,i'm pulling data fromn content provider,i'm able to display data too only problem is ,m not able to select a data from list view.Thanks for all efforts.
so that didn't help? why don't you give me a little more info so I can see if I can be more helpful
:Updated my code to my question.
change your displayData to parent, then change String selected =(String) (lview.getItemAtPosition(position)); to String selected =(String) parent.getItemAtPosition(position);
@fasheokh:Nothing changed still,i'm not able to select.
is there a reson you are reluctant to share your code?
because it may save a lot of time!
What code do you want me to share?
Can you guess why i'm not able to select a row from list view
well i'm kinda out of suggestions
could be something small
your activity please
Let me explain you
ok :)
I've an activity,inside activity i've an oncreate method,inside this class,i've an subclass called public class x extends CursorAdapter { },inside tis i've overide newvide and bindview method
are you sure that my xml is correct??
well i don't think the ScrollView is needed
but it's really difficult without seeing your java c;lass
If i remove that,i'm not able to move down.
right it seems that there is a more efficient way
So what is that ?
are you retrieving contacts from the phone?
is that the content provider?
Nope,I'm retrieving my own data from CP
I think so there is no problem with any of those things.There should be problem with my xml or setonitemclicklistener
what data are you retrieving?
string and id
What do you mean by retrieving ?
I'm retrieving data from CP
what data? the String and Id of?
It is my own database that i designed noting specific to contacts
tbh i can't reall do much more without seeing your java class
please accept my answer if it helped in any way
Thank you for all your efforts
no worries :)

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