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[ CheckYerFlags ] v1.2.0 started in debug mode on Filnor/MesserDev.
1 hour later…
@Gemmy quota
@g00glen00b Remaining quota is: 8664
[ CheckYerFlags ] v1.2.0 started in debug mode on Filnor/MesserDev.
[ CheckYerFlags ] v1.2.0 started in debug mode on Filnor/MesserDev.
[ CheckYerFlags ] v1.2.0 started in debug mode on Filnor/MesserDev.
[ ChatCradle ] Keeping the room fresh...
5 hours later…
@PetterFriberg, gimme 30 mins, I'll be back from meeting.
2 hours later…
@BhargavRao Any change you could grant @Smelly access to this room?
Uh, I've been asked by other mods earlier to not add bots like that (as I'm the RO)... Can you test it here instead? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/54445/sebotics
Oh, sorry. Thought that this was the new bot testing room.
I'll just make a room here, I need one on chat.so to make sure my chat lib isn't misbehaving.
This is the testing room, but I can't add write permissions to an account without 20 rep... Have been told to not do that. :\
Aw. Smelly has 20+ on chat.se, but that doesn't count. I'll go make another room.
The issue is people on MSO find problems with everything ... even with unfreezing rooms.
Oh. Interesting.
Apparently it's not possible to grant users with less than 20 rep write access.
Except if you're a mod.
That's the part where the problem lies ... "modabuse"
Any reason why that's turned on over here? On Chat.SE I'm 90% sure that any RO can grant write access.
Nah, it's the same on Chat.SE as well.
Just that you're a mod there :p
Oh that's annoying and pretty stupid. Bleh
Well, I have the source code for Phoenix or whatever it's gonna be called
Ah, yeah, let's pin that
So... I should test it at some point :P
Hmm, if Felix was there, I could have shared some bot creds over the slack channel...
So that you can test here
I can spin up a http server that you can send a post request to with bot creds? HTTPS?
wait, I have your mail ID
Yeah but email isn't that secure...
Hmm, then perhaps check it in SEBotics for now?
Starting up!
@BhargavRao writes angry meta post
Starting up!
I hate the new chat captchas
@BhargavRao I feel like granting bots write access is mod abuse in the same way adding a post notice is. It's a mod only ability, to be used at the digression of the moderator (in accordance with site rules).
Starting up!
Starting up!
Check completed! No tags have risen from the dead!
Starting up!
Check completed! No tags have risen from the dead!
Starting up!
Check completed! No tags have risen from the dead!
Starting up!
Check completed! No tags have risen from the dead!
Starting up!
Check completed! No tags have risen from the dead!
Starting up!
Check completed! No tags have risen from the dead!
@BhargavRao You can ungrant my access if you like
@BhargavRao ^^
Wait why is the API lying
Some of these are right, but some aren't
Starting up!
Uh oh, I still see some tags! Specifically these tags:
Starting up!
Uh oh, I still see some tags! Specifically these tags:
@BhargavRao The API lies. For example, it reports SES as having 104 questions
Phew, manager came in for a quick meeting, so had to go off
@thesecretmaster had 104 questions
It now has 105
Ah I made a stupid
@Smelly most of these were burned by merging into a larger tag.
I think we need another column in the CSV file regarding this.
I'll add that this weekend
Maybe I'll go and suggest 10 edits with smelly to get some rep
(good suggestions, I promise)
Oh yeah, that's the best.
@Smelly Yup, magic needs to be gone again.
rolling as well, but it seems more on topic this time around
> They see me [rolling] and they hating
@BhargavRao I feel like you've mentioned this somewhere, but where do you work?
(I'm just curious. If you don't want to share, it's not important)
I'm interning at Teradata.
Analytics company?
Yep. But I'm more on the S/W side.
I'm looking for full time positions though. (Graduating in Dec 2018)
Graduating from what school?
From UC San Diego.
Doing my Masters in CS.
Oh, well that sounds interesting. What sub-field of CS do you want to go into after you graduate?
I've completed depths in both AI and in Systems. I like Systems side, but I'm open to AI as well.
Given that most of my work and undergrad was in Systems, I've chosen AI as my depth area (and kept Systems as electives).
AI seems super interesting. I wish I knew more about it.
Both are interesting. ;)
Well, AI is "sparklier"
Oh woah, I thought QC was the only sponsored beta
Check TL :p
Oh, it existed before but just got sponsored? Congrats to them!
Heh, I should be on SO more
> I don't want code examples, just a gentle puch in the direction I should be looking at.
A gentle push called [on hold]
I'm actually pretty terrible at writing SO questions, so maybe I shouldn't be more active :P
> How can I play silence when no speakers are attached to the computer?
Smelly is slowly getting up to 20 rep :P
Just waiting for some suggested edit approvals :)
The waiting period is the tiring one :p
I wasn't sure if it'd be super fast on SO or slow-ish because SO had a lot of reviewers but also a huge volume of suggested edits.
@BhargavRao How would you know :P
Similar situation, while creating bots :p

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