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Q: Practical (from the Industry) usage of Java 8 features

Rann LifshitzMy company has been using the Java 8 JDK for quite some time now, however almost all of our developers are continuing to use the older java 6/7 coding techniques. I am trying to motivate the R&D group to step out of their comfort zone and use the many goodies Java 8 provides, by creating a prese...

I think the most common and basic example is the "for loop with if" search, replaced in Java 8 with a filter.
Use IntelliJ and have it auto-rewrite a bunch of loops as streams. That's a reasonable starting point for showing how streams + lambdas are much more concise and IntelliJ can rewrite sufficiently complex things.
Date/time changes alone are worth the price of admission.
And what is the benefits of your example, except to have fewer lines of code?
All comments are greatly appreciated, but please try to provide a code example or a link to a code example. I am asking this since most example I've seen are relatively trivial....
I feel like taking sample code from the Oracle tutorial would be fine for practical examples. You convince them by saying Java 7 is EOL, and if there's no legacy code, they should upgrade
@jhamon : code readability, which is a big point IMHO.
The best sales pitch is for you to take some of the R&D team's code and refactor it using Java 8 niceties, then explain why the refactored code is more desirable. If you can't do that then there's no reason for them to change. The concrete sells better than the abstract.
One good feature is grouping like this Map<String, List<Student>> splittedByGroup =‌​GroupId));
well, fewer lines doesn't always mean better readability IMHO
@cricket_007 they are not using Java 7 per se, but rather they are not using new things from Java 8.
@Paul is right. Even a good real world example will still be foreign and abstract to them. Their own code rewritten with new features will be the best way to convince them.
@jhamon : Another nice point I think - ease of use of the anonymous inner class instantiation as a method parameter (this is a side effect of less lines of code).
a yet unmentioned java 8 feature is Optional. a Java convention is to return null to indicate "value not found" (see map.get()) however, many times developers forget to check for null values and you can get NPE
you consider moving to Java 8 not just for the API (Optional, Streams...) and other advancements, but also because Java 8 is the biggest step towards functional programming style and immutability and that means easier ways to do parallel and distributed programming and proper non blocking asynchronism with completablefutures.
I think the additions to the Map interface don’t get enough attention. merge() and computeIfAbsent() are particularly useful.
yet another useful feature: CompletableFuture
@SharonBenAsher : wish you could be a part of the lecture buddy.
good luck moving mountains...
@SharonBenAsher : they'll move. they have to in order to provide a quality product ;)
Java 8 is nice becase it enables Java code to be more declarative. Your co-workers won't use Java 8 things if they don't know how/why to use declarative programming. Start at the basic: Answer "Why should I write declarative code?" and only then you show them how to do it in Java 8.
@SharonBenAsher Optional is not a replacement for null and not meant to defend against developers who forget to check for null values. Forgetting to call Optional.isPresent() is no different than forgetting to check for null in your example, except you get NoSuchElementException instead of NullPointerException.
@Paul well, someone in Oracle seems to think that it is‌​...
@RannLifshitz tell your team members java 8 is favorite topic in job interviews
@SharonBenAsher That example makes sense because a system may or may not have a sound card. I was speaking to your example which was Map.get().
@RannLifshitz The new Effective Java book discusses some Java 8 features with examples. If you google e.g. Java Streams you will probably lots of articles showing benefits. Brian Goetz probably has a few good ones.
@Paul how about map.get().toString() ? also, check your comment - "Optional is not a replacement for null and not meant to defend against developers who forget to check for null values" is quite deterministic and general
My guess that if backward compatibility was not an issue, the signature of Map.get() would be modified in java 8 to return Optional
I still find it to broad, and if not, it's probably falls under "primarily opinion based"
@klutt : I'll relimit the questions cope then. As for opinion based - There are best practices out there that most professional SW engineers try to conform with. This is what I am aiming at.
Questions asking for "best practice" usually gets closed with that that particular reason. I don't necessarily agree with that, but that's the way it is.

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