A: BeanCreationException and NoClassDefFoundError : What am I missing in here?

Jigar JoshiIt is not there in classpath at runtime. Check your war file, See in WEB-INF/lib does it contain the required jar file ?

hmm...i do see it in the classpath right now, how can i make sure that at runtime also it is picked up correctly.
check WEB-INF/lib in your war file
yes it has all the required jar present in there correctly
can you check for the required class in the suitable jar.
FileUploadController is not packed in jar but its an individual controller and i do see that when i build it then it's .class file is generated in target folder.
i have updated question and pasted list of dependent jars present in .classpath file
can you post your this class's location in web-inf/classes ?
C:\Software\Development Code\MavenWeb\target\MavenWeb-0.0.1\WEB-INF\classes\net\viralpatel\contact\controller\FileUploadController.class
can you post full stacktrace ? I doubt some thing else
updated question with complete stacktrace
yes, i am using eclipse and you mean to say web.xml ?
can we take this discussion to chat ?
oh.. sorry ignore that . deleted that one
i didn't got your last comment
what was the last thing that you wanted to look into
nothing I thought you declared it as a bean in xml
FileUploadController is defined using Annotations
did you try . cleaning every thing and doing a new build
i did that but let me try again
in addition to previous error mentioned on SO, i got new one
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping#‌​0':
Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'fileUploadController' defined in file [C:\Software\Server\Tomcat v7\apache-tomcat-7.0.16\webapps\MavenWeb-0.0.1\WEB-INF\classes\net\viralpatel\contact\controller\FileUploadController.class]:
Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class net.viralpatel.contact.controller.FileUploadController
pretty wierd
it finds the class
and says
class not found
are there multiple occurance of this class in your class path ?
i tried to put <mvc:annotation-driven/>
in spring-servlet.xml
file which was not required as i already had <context:annotation-config />
No i do not have multiple occurances of this class in my class path
hi Bozho
here is the wierd issue
if you can see the problem
hi Bozho
I will in a few minutes
Hi Rachel .. moving out..will watch this one later
Ok. Not an issue
Thanks for looking into it.
so, you have the .class file in your target
but do you have it in your tomcat
note that the classpath in eclipse isn't directly related to the runtime classpath
C:\Software\Server\Tomcat v7\apache-tomcat-7.0.16\webapps\MavenWeb-0.0.1\WEB-INF\classes\net\viralpatel\contact\controller\FileUploadController.class
I just checked the path inside the server\webapps folder and FileUploadController.class is present in there.
I guess you tried restarting / redeploying ?
Multiple times
may be
Try the following. comment-out the spring dispatcher servlet, and make your own filter, where you instantiate the controller
you can remove Tomcat v7 and rename to tomcatv7
note without space
with new FileUploadController
one thing apart from this I wanted to ask is that if we have only one spring-servlet.xml file then why do we don't have to mention it in web.xml
pardon me but i am new to spring stuff and so how can i create new filter which would invoke FileUploadController?
because it has a default name - {serlvetName}-servlet.xml
yes exactly
the filter should not be spring-related
just a simple Web Filter
so if i have multiple spring-servlet.xml files then will have to use context-param and init param's in web.xml to set multiple spring-servlet.xml file up
not exactly. spring will pick the one that conforms to the default naming, and will ignore the rest
for example
here i have multiple *.xml defined using init param information
a, yes, that will work
did you try the thing with the filter?
or, actually, any servlet
just write some code that tries to instantiate your controller
it may even be a jsp
yes i am just working on that
on index page itself am getting this error message
still am getting the same
any other suggestion that you can thing off which can fix this usse
this certainly means that the classloader isn't getting your class
try to copy-paste it from your target directory and restart the ap